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fa6df260 No.3744130[View All]

Previous thread: >>3742551
This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
484 posts and 313 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

395d7dad No.3745507

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10238603 No.3745509

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>I don't know how voting works in France and I want everyone to know it.
Hey, idiot, the NR party didn't win control of the government. That's not how it works.

The leftist vote was split between too many factions while the bigot vote only had the one option so the NR party got a large percentage comparatively but not enough to secure power.

A lot of the lefty/centrist candidates have dropped out so on July 7th a unified left wing government will win enough of the vote to take over.

Also, just FYI, the "Far right" over there is nothing like the far right in America. Their far right is more like the party of Regan in America.

Bernie Sanders would be considered a centrist over there. Their "Far left" is so far left from us that it's crazy.

10238603 No.3745511

Yeah, everyone remember those jobs you had while locked in your homes during the covid pandemic?

395d7dad No.3745516

Fake as hell

93418037 No.3745517

The president doesn't have that power bro. Now blame him for the national debt next and prove how retarded you really are.

395d7dad No.3745521

Don't worry, it's 3B.
He'll prove it.

395d7dad No.3745529

You were right!!

fc61d55c No.3745530

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395d7dad No.3745565

That's at some dinner party maybe 40 years ago.
How would you even know what they were saying?
You're just typing in words on the picture.
Who's that guy on the right, The Joker?

e15f5f08 No.3745574

A whole page on Wikipedia?!? Woe is me for your accusation is insurmountable!!!

b2bc32b4 No.3745580

And Trump badly fucked a 12 year old

fc61d55c No.3745581

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what, do you want him to practice until he can do a good job of it?

10238603 No.3745588

File: 1720234301900.jpg (3.89 MB, 3840x2160, 29d7674315a7fed59b617b3400….jpg)

Biden just said the only person who can convince him to leave the race under any circumstance would be God himself. "Unless the lord almighty came down and told me to drop out."

He is totally in denial. He really thinks he is the only one who can stop Trump.

8cb7026f No.3745589

That's a nice Krystal.

93418037 No.3745590

Challenging God like a good Catholic…

fc61d55c No.3745612

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So we killing a country over batteries?

82934ad1 No.3745619

You're Russian?

b20492a7 No.3745620

Mindless robot has been here again

4dd3294a No.3745630

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e4e7c92b No.3745631

Furry fandom isnt about segregating or racemixing specificaly. It is interspecies, not specifically pol-oriented though, because it doesn't need a hatespeech agenda. Thanks though.

4dd3294a No.3745637

And it's not on the MSM news anywhere,
It's just coming from you.
Isn't that strange.

4dd3294a No.3745638

Then it's not Furry Fandom,
It's something you've concocted in your brain.

3b53672e No.3745642

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>when a bunch of mentally ill neo-Nazi racist sexist MAGAmergate child molesters are mad at you because you won't endorse their traitor president, defend pedo as "normal", defend rapists, go to some religious cult meeting every week, hate women, own 40 guns, fly the flags of enemy nations, etc

Am I supposed to be upset that shitty people hate me for being a decent person? "Woke" is not an insult. Fuck you, /pol/, you are always wrong. Go honk a horn about it, pussies.

>off to play my new Mig Switch cart, which now brands me as a worse criminal than Kyle Rittenhouse under US law for not blindly giving money to the rich

3b53672e No.3745644

Because MAGA are actually not happy about him being just that…. sure they aren't…

Furries especially flocked to him over it because this is a chomo-friendly fandom. They can "deny deny deny" all they want but he was right about one thing- he could shoot someone in public & his base would still love him.

They only got mad when he told them to get a COVID vaccine. That was about all. The rest didn't sway them. They knew he was a Russian agent from day 1. They loved his pro-white shit. They don't even care that Russia installed him because they got their way regardless. His "loss" was a great excuse to become angry & commit more violence, which Russia knew would happen.

37 convictions & they still focus more on Hunter Biden.

4dd3294a No.3745648

File: 1720282303820.jpg (273.52 KB, 1908x1146, 3F40AE0300000578-0-image-a….jpg)

To the world's 🌎 population, "WOKE" is an INSULT far worse than something like "PEDO".
You're just too stupid to realize it.
Why aren't you dead yet?

4dd3294a No.3745649

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"hate me for being a decent person?"

4dd3294a No.3745655

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Just like I thought, you can't come up with a decent, rational opposing argument so you resort to name-calling.
Switch back to your other ID, 3B, at least it has the number and letter 3 and B actually in it

632401b0 No.3745657

They're with the pedo. The rapist. The traitor who stole and likely sold classified docs. The f*cktard who said Hitler did good things. The dumbass who pays people to attend rallies. The marketing slimebag that sells trump bucks, bibles, shoes and nfts to the stupid people.

e0f2e6f8 No.3745663

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All liberals are pedophiles.

03a2e4cb No.3745664

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There an argument I hear from time to time.

That its wrong for society to go hard on male pedos and not female ones. Because when society doesn't care about female pedos. They go rape little boys and the boys grow up to be the male pedos society hates so much, who go on to rape little girls.

So when you go easy of female pedos, you support the raping of little girls and women.

aace6de8 No.3745665

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aace6de8 No.3745666

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58f42d36 No.3745667

Well respected former PM Boris Johnson has endorsed Donald Trump to be the next president of the United States.

aace6de8 No.3745668

Well respected by wankers like you

58f42d36 No.3745670

Come back after you have been Prime Minister. Maybe then your opinion will have any value.

03a2e4cb No.3745673


What are you on about? The Uk elected a racist, pro-Israel, reduce immigration guy,

What about him isn't conservative?

03a2e4cb No.3745674

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I wouldn't put it past trump to kill the man, given he killed others and tried to do coups in some countries.

But pulling it off without the deep state trying to destroy him over it

Thats another matter entirely.

03a2e4cb No.3745675

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Course, if Epstein really was an Israel agent, to blackmail politicians with his island.

With how gay fuck me in the ass loyal to Israel trump is…

its an ehhh

58f42d36 No.3745676

File: 1720295818215.jpg (98.77 KB, 1119x673, 28062register_all_democrat….jpg)

Fake accusation by a fake woman. That is a man dishonestly trying to pass himself off as female.

03a2e4cb No.3745681

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>Giving time to consider information and think critically is not profitable. But they know what is. Increasing division.

Its not as much that as theres a never ending stream of things to consume, to know whats going on in the world every day.

Even if you watch the news the entire day, you won't finish. Since so much goes on in the world every day.

ce196435 No.3745682

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If you demanded for months that the Epstein files be released, and now upon release it showed your cult leader harmed a 13 year old and suddenly now you have nothing to say….you're a MAGA 💩HEAD

10238603 No.3745683

File: 1720300008703.jpg (594.39 KB, 700x760, Some_times_People_Have_Bad….jpg)

Oh, no, he's correct, the furry community has no room for bigots and Nazi simps. If you don't believe me, try it. Try spewing your hateful bullshit anywhere with actual moderation. You'll get slapped down and banned so fast your swastika will fall off.

We are a culture of freaks and perverts and even we won't put up with your hateful bullshit. You are truly the scum at the bottom of the gene pool.

189b8718 No.3745684

Shut the fuck up, 3B.

4dd3294a No.3745687

File: 1720300835454.jpg (217.99 KB, 1080x1459, 142cfe4c200a21681bfc3d1e27….jpg)

Just a daily reminder,
that John Lennon is still singing
those sweet sweet notes,
In Hell.

10238603 No.3745688


There is a technique in debate called "The Gish gallop" named after a creationist who would challenge scientists to debates then spew pure nonsense at them at breakneck speeds then claim victory because they didn't have time to debunk all of his nonsense claims.

It's a technique that makes idiotic ideas seem to be supported by evidence because you are just making shit up at such a high rate of fire that morons think it must be true. It's a technique which only works on the really stupid which is why Trump loves it. The Gish gallop is how he does all his rallies and debates.

It's why his followers believe such insane nonsense. They think it must be true or he wouldn't have said it even though he said a whole bunch of nonsense they didn't understand before and after the one thing they were able to hold onto.

03a2e4cb No.3745690

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And what made him so evil? Was he a trump supporter?

Did that Bastard not vote Hillary?

5702a8a6 No.3745691

File: 1720302051343.jpg (122.14 KB, 711x895, 1502980976.chucky_brisbysf….jpg)

> And what made him so evil?
He was a secret furry, that's what.

03a2e4cb No.3745692

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So is everyone running for president at this point a sexual predator?

Trump, Biden, RFK

Its just getting silly at this point.

89ef7958 No.3745696

File: 1720306226759.jpg (67.13 KB, 967x1200, bdaa7906d64995dedb77372e43….jpg)

What kind of retard actually believes they've had this the whole time when they just got done wasting their time going after him for his lawyer supposedly misclassifying NDA payments?

How braindead do you have to be?

03a2e4cb No.3745698

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"In her best seller"

Well now that money is involved, it might all be about her getting rich, by lying.

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