4c693ee9 No.3742552
riglier the niglier
c99954e5 No.3742564
New Thread,
Remember everything 3B posts
is a Lie.
c99954e5 No.3742587
Left-wing Deflection.
f4baf602 No.3742597
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74ZA-GdeQP4https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hir03BkDZOc"Declare AIPAC as a foreign agent."
"United States of Israel"
"Welcome to the United States of Israel…what was happening in Germany before WWII has been going on for awhile in the USA."
"That's why they always blame Russia, China and the boogeyman called Islam "
"What a shame, america freed itself from Britian, only to enslave itself to Britian's creation, Israel".
219afe31 No.3742598
Yeah, we already know that from your actions,
are you bragging about being that way or something?
f4baf602 No.3742602
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ig-88jMq0bkEVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME
I see this guy in congress talking about Truth, accountability, fixing the debt.
Because congress DOESN'T GIVE A FUCK about fixing real problems, fixing the debt, being responsible to average americans.
If these old grandfathers and grandmothers aren't getting bought out they DON'T GIVE A FUCK about even showing up.
Our Congress is an utter failure, and all guilty of treason.
93936245 No.3742607
Hey, you remember when they were saying global cooling was gonna kill us all?
50f1f182 No.3742616
>>3742612ugh, trump made all the dictators bow down to him. The efforts were mostly just social, but Biden undid all of that when he spread his asshole wide for all the dicks in the world to fuck.
Also fun starting wars just to back out and say you won a war and got the troops back. Pretty convenient having a cold war in literally the worst place to fight a war to distract from everything.
Also there is a new avian flu straight out of the chinese factories spreading, get forward to looking for covid 12.0.
Because idiots still can' see smoke screens. No matter how obvious they are.
f4baf602 No.3742620
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzLKdn0hqFYRemember, the tax pay payed in inflation. So the Ukraine people could DIE. The petro dollar died, so Ukraine people could DIE.
We are all in danger of dying to nukes.
So Blackrock might get to rebuild and rob the resources from Ukraine.
And Lindsay Gram lets the truth slip.
846fe790 No.3742623
Don't listen to polls, they're basically establishment brain worms. Especially since those polls do not actually show where the stats came from.
8270fadc No.3742624
Hell even when they do show the stats, is after 9000+ pages of random words and then "we found 3 people in a nursing home and asked them questions"
f4baf602 No.3742625
>>3742623Polls don't mean shit, because the electoral college decides who's president.
If Apaic wants Trump to win in 2024 over biden, odds are he'll win.
acdc14c2 No.3742637
Steam tells others they're idiots and then proceeds to take the bait on a blatantly fake poll. Just a typical day on lulz.
8270fadc No.3742638
>>3742636I disagree, there are flag laws. You can be legally arrest for flying an upside down flag. You have to really piss off the police, but they can and will get you if you're dick enough.
I've been arrested for having a flag t-shirt, you can't wear a flag legally as a clothing garment. Its entirely up to the police if they want to arrest you and throw in jail for a few weeks over it. They probably wont trie you for treason with death penalty over it, but they totally could.
acdc14c2 No.3742639
>>3742638You're a fail troll.
8270fadc No.3742640
>>3742637ok sure, I "Took the bait" on a poll I said was flagrant. Democrat logic, do not see, do not tell, and smoke to forget, if someone sees you see a thing, suck their dick and hope they don't report you.
acdc14c2 No.3742642
>>3742641look up my asshole lol
8270fadc No.3742643
>>3742642its so gaped that I don't even have to get off my chair to hear the wind blow through its massive expanse.
How many wind chimes did you lose up there?
f4baf602 No.3742648
The western women probably see all this mass immigration in the west from young, fighting age men, with big dicks from latin america and africa, and get so wet from the idea of fucking them
"Yes, Yes, pedro, show me your government welfare card, free housing, free tax payer funded healthcare, god yes I'm so wet for you and your monster brown cock."
Fuck these white soyboys pedro, I'm only wet for you. And how your above the law, you bad, bad, boy.
5363f074 No.3742654
>>3742651Well that's obviously not true and you are stupid for believing it. Why would poor people want to breed with other poor people? They would obviously go after people with more money so they would stop being poor.
You are probably thinking of trailer parks in the deep South. Those inbred poor people are different because their whole state is full of poor people. In places like Virginia or the Carolinas there are no rich people to try to hook up with. There's only the poor and the destitute thanks to republican policies.
5363f074 No.3742656
Did you ever wonder why Fox News never said that Biden was going to legalize pedophilia? With all of their crazy conspiracy theories and outright lies it's clear they have no moral compass, so why haven't they used that lie?
It's because they know Trump's base would love to be able to f*** their kids legally and more of them might vote for Biden if they thought they could get away with it.
83fb012c No.3742666
Nobody cares about brown child skeletons
c99954e5 No.3742668
>>3742666Things like this probably do.
They probably eat good, many times a day, and blacks and browns don't care if their children get turned into vulture shit, they just don't care, nor about each other, nor about the country they live in.
So tell me again how they are supposed to enrich the USA by coming here?
f4baf602 No.3742670
>>3742666You had a brown president with brown children just a couple years ago.
What you think, you getting into white heaven with Ronald Reagan if you keep talking like that?
Shit, no amount of bleach can ever burn away all the black from your soul. Your soul could be confused for any black tar baby.
If you was in song of the south, they'd have your ass picking cotton with the rest of em. Being white isn't only skin deep, it goes down to the soul, and you are black, so very black.
If the lights weren't on right now, I'd lose track of you.
9b9355d5 No.3742675
WHY do you think people commonly say, when blacks commit a crime, (which is most of the time), "One of Obama's sons".
f4baf602 No.3742678
>>3742676Being pro-Trump is the way to be if your black, Them dems invited all them immigrants in to our cities and give them our wellfare checks!
They eat better than we do, they live better than we do, they pushing us outta the ghetto!
f4baf602 No.3742680
Its a sad state of the world. We call Jewish americans protesting genocide anti-semites.
While we arm the Azov Brigade.
And if germany goes to ukraine, it may be fighting with and on the side of the Nazi Azov Brigade
Against Russia.
Its WW2 all over again.
Germany has learned nothing.
7204fe34 No.3742681
These posts almost seems like the admins are baiting the assholes here to post flames and trolling for their amusement. Its akin to putting a steak in front of a pack of mentally defective retarded dogs and wait to see which one of them tries to fuck it.
f4baf602 No.3742684
The Fucking zionists that own america are at it, AGAIN
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ytl2z2IQWocMaga and Trump ruined hillary's life, but she can forget all that for zionist cum
Gotta love living in the enslaved states of america, the second colony of Israel.
597bd1ae No.3742687
>>3742616>Also there is a new avian flu straight out of the chinese factories spreading, get forward to looking for covid 12.0.Yay, home office, here I come!
597bd1ae No.3742688
Wow, 87% for Trump!
f4baf602 No.3742690
I wouldn't be surprised if hillary voted Trump in 2024. If the zionists demand it.
Meanwhile Trump is being a boomer retard and pushing bitcoin.
https://thehill.com/policy/technology/4717755-trump-says-remaining-bitcoin-must-be-made-in-us/Can we get 60-80yo people out of congress already? Fuck sake.
8270fadc No.3742700
>>3742693Not worth it, unless you're rocking a stone.
Both my lappy and my desktop are going on 3-4 years now, and they can still rock any game on high to ultra settings. That semi-conductor nonsense really sucked a lot of time away from progress.
TBH, I don't even know how much further computers can progress where gaming is involved. I can play a VR game thats stupidly lifelike. The human mind can only process so many frame rates and so much resolution, and we are reaching the limit.
f4baf602 No.3742714
>>3742700I wanna fukken play the upcoming monster hunter and stuff with my boyfriend. And this old Ryzen G with no video card ain't cutting it for that.
And much as i'd like to get a pc right now, all the new ryzen stuff is coming out soon. So I gotta wait and see.
8270fadc No.3742717
>>3742714give me 800 to a grand and I'll build you something that can stand a test of time. I don't need to actually make it, if you think you have the skillz and I can just give you an item list.
My method is not to go bleeding edge, I go the best of the best of yesterday's stuff. Why spend an extra 5 grand if you're only going to see a 2% yield?
8270fadc No.3742719
>>3742717Also one of the main reasons I did not enjoy being around the "hackers" in college.
I judge specs by potential usage, not unlimited daddy money.
9b9355d5 No.3742733
>> ID: e2636124
Love your new ID, 3B.
Remember, everything 3B posts on here is always a lie.
He has a long history on here going back to 2008.
We know him very well.
8270fadc No.3742737
>>37427333B is dead dude, I said it before, the name was a reference to his level of cancer.
Dead, gone, find someone else to point your misguided rage at.
8270fadc No.3742739
>>3742737I find myself to be a very punch worthy character, or preferably, you can just hate on Swift.
I hear he likes the sound of little boys coming from his basement refrigerator. It keeps the screams fresh. Hes gross.
6d84d276 No.3742740
I live in Wisconsin, and here the Tavern League holds a lot of sway with our state government.
A guy here is on his fucking SEVENTH DUI now, and I've seen guys with even more, one guy here in Wisconsin is on his TENTH.
And every week, I see some drunk asshole has killed people with his car while driving drunk.
Obviously, Prohibition doesn't work, but there has to be better help for alcoholics and druggies.
f4baf602 No.3742741
Calling trump racist doesn't mean much when biden is racist too.
41071d8c No.3742748
>>3742737SteamThePathologicalLiar wrote:
> 3B is dead dudeIt must be true then.
f4baf602 No.3742764
>>3742761The two parties are like your left and right hands. They are nearly identical in every way that matters.
And both hands serve the same master.
They pretend to care about shit, they don't really care about to make people think they are different. Do you really think the barren, dried up 60+ year old care about abortion rights?
Do you think they care about the ability to carry a gun, when as people in government, they'd always be able to have a gun.
5363f074 No.3742765
>>3742764>They are nearly identical in every way that matters.the right-wing wants to ban all that trans porn you love posting, so that's one distinct difference.
https://azmirror.com/2024/02/01/republican-crusade-against-online-porn-raises-first-amendment-questions/ f4baf602 No.3742767
>>3742765I don't know if you know this, but the right has been threatening to ban things since before we were born.
The beetles, rock n roll, Elvis's demonic gyrating hips, mortal kombat blood and fatalities, porn, the list goes on.
Even the attempt to ban porn in states, has been a total failure because not all websites are hosted in said states.
a8d6f0ac No.3742776
The list of malfeasance by Trump and his administration is astounding. Like it’s too much to keep track of. Mind boggling even.
You can tell a lot about a presidents leadership by two key markers: Leaks, and turnover.
The Trump administration saw a near constant amount of leaks from his own people to the press during the entire presidency. His own people literally screaming from mountain tops about his failures of leadership.
The turnover was wild. It wasn’t just Trump firing people because they wouldn’t breach ethics or do what he wanted, though we saw a lot of that. The sheer amount of appointees that literally quit because they couldn’t in good conscience support his administration was staggering.
It was not a competent executive branch.
5363f074 No.3742777
>>3742770Both parties aren't trying to criminalize trans people for existing.
Both parties aren't trying to outlaw contraception.
Both parties aren't trying to legalize child marriage.
Both parties aren't trying to run a traitor who sent protestors to hang the VP when he disobeyed an order.
Both parties aren't harboring known pedophiles.
Both parties aren't trying to deregulate oil companies and let the planet burn because they don't believe in science.
Both parties aren't trying to turn America into a Christian theocracy instead of a Republic.
That's ONLY the Republicans.
They are not both the same.
9b9355d5 No.3742778
Just a daily reminder,
That everything 3B says
Is either misinformation or a lie.
Do the research yourselves.
9b9355d5 No.3742784
Just another reminder that everything 3B says on here is either misinformation or a lie.
Do your own research on whatever it is he claims,
He hates that.
9b9355d5 No.3742787
That wouldn't matter anyway, even if it were true. The people voting (popular vote) aren't what determines who gets elected president, it's the Electoral College, where the STATES vote, that determine who gets to be president. Do you know nothing?
It was set up that way early on in the founding of this country, so that cesspool concentrations of blue cities would not always win based on numbers alone, and ramrod your flawed will over the rest of the population who do not like your crazy unworkable policies and ideas.
d69f281b No.3742789
>>3742788This is why I just spend all my money instead of saving. Even if I found some stupid 50% APR CD, it would never keep up with inflation. The dollar I spend today is only going to be worth a nickel tomorrow.
d69f281b No.3742790
Really at this point, why even go to school or do something silly like get a master's in a STEM field. You're going to be making less than a quarter than a middle school drop out starting at Mcdonalds.
IMO schools are outdated now. There is just no point in graduating or putting any effort into anything. You can have a dozen doctorates, but it doesn't matter when the 12 year old delivering a newspaper (is that still a thing?) is making more than you.
Its pretty pathetic when you can work a formerly respectable job, like the military, postal worker, ect, and still not be making 10% as much as a girl who got pregnant in high school, has 0 job experience, and all the welfare.
d69f281b No.3742795
>>3742792You don't know how welfare works, or how to take advantage of a system apparently.
I was extremely impoverished in my late teens, and early 20's, and grew up in a relatively low class family. I know how to make a dollar stretch really far,
I only live in relative luxury now because I learned how to do all the things by necessity… and how to pull all the strings by watching my depraved extended family.
You don't get a raccoon fursona by not having to dumpster dive for a few years.
20cc04ca No.3742796
>>3742792> how little "welfare" pays.You have deliberately left out what other giveaways "a girl who got pregnant in high school" gets from tax payers, such as food stamps (or what ever fucked up name they call it this month). Also, some states require welfare queens to attempt to get a job, at least part time. Federal giveaways also include "Earned Income Credits".
d69f281b No.3742797
>>3742796I should reiterate, when I say welfare I'm referring to all the government systems you can get money from. Not just the "welfare" program itself.
Like I get 100% military disability, which I fucking earned, I'm literally missing organs. Thats about 3800 a month, and social security disability, because why not, thats an extra 980 and a program called PIP (percentage of income program) lets me get away with only paying 10 dollars for gas and electricity, still pay full price for water though.
That's actually really impressive for a single white man to pull off. It took years of maticulous planning, various levels of conniving, and a really detailed collection of medical history.
d69f281b No.3742800
Honestly, I never would have gotten half way if it wasn't for all the military men in my family constantly saying "KEEP ALL THE RECORDS, IF ITS NOT ON PAPER IT DID NOT HAPPEN"
Fun fact, if its on paper, it can be interpreted in fun and favorable ways. Exaggerations can be made when the medical information is vauge.
d70fc3db No.3742805
The important issue, is that both parties have failed america again. And Blinken is an absolute FAILURE as a diplomat.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUse31qo_JMThey lost america the petro dollar. Which is how we can do money printer go brr with little consequences.
68dd9e46 No.3742808
I lol at your nope
68dd9e46 No.3742809
>>3742802Abortion is not contraception.
5363f074 No.3742846
>>3742794>you have cashiers at mcdonalds making more than doctorsTake your meds. You are thinking crazy things again. You don't want to try and cut off your scars, again.
5363f074 No.3742852
>>3742802Yes, they had to protect a woman's right to use abortion because a REPUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE GROUP tried to sue the company and make them stop providing the medication based on their rights to religious freedom.
Face it DK, your party is the party of religious lunatics. You are the American ISIS and until you are willing to jettison those religious crazies you will never hold power again. It wouldn't matter if Trump sent everyone a personal gold bar, no one wants to be ruled by a party of insane people who believe in all powerful sky-spirits.
5363f074 No.3742854
>>3742832How many days do you think it will be before some Republican lunatic shoots up a school or a public event with one of these and they get banned again? I bet it won't be more than 3 months.
Buy yours now so you to can go on the watch list!
5363f074 No.3742856
>>3742832Conservatives: Think of the children! We have to protect the children!
Also conservatives: Biden passed a law to protect children from sexual abuse? Screw the children! Overturn the law! It's a threat to democracy if we can't rape kids!
5363f074 No.3742857
>>3742835Trump reminds me of that old TV show "All in the Family" where the lead character was a white, conservative, man named Archie Bunker.
For decades conservatives pointed to how popular that show was and claimed it was because everyone agreed with the far-right opinions of Archie but the crowd was always laughing at him, not with him.
It's funny looking back at that TV show. It was intended to be a parody of conservatism but they are still bitching about the same stuff they did back then today. Listen to the lyrics of the theme song.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GI46_zBGv1ATrump fans are the same way Archie fans were back then. People on his side think he is popular because people agree with him but people are tuning in to watch because he's a train wreck and people love watching the clown set himself on fire.
96f6c0ca No.3742872
Niggers are racist and incredibly stupid, true.
9b9355d5 No.3742873
9f06df5a No.3742880
>>3742879> Maybe the cop thought he was being attacked because the kid was doing backflips?Not necessary. Presumably, the cop was trying to detain or arrest the asshole. By refusing to comply with police orders
and behaving irrationally, the loser was doing the same thing as a naked nutcase who flees down the street away from police. Zap, zap, zap!
5363f074 No.3742885
It's funny to me that even though no one ever said anything about his political leanings all the Republicans are defending him. Even they assume he is one of them.
16daaf99 No.3742886
>…3B who died of cancer lololol
ROTFLMAO, Believing anything Steam-the-liar says.
9b9355d5 No.3742906
Didn't take 3B long to shit this thread up.
I swear the man has severe mental problems,
you can tell by what he posts.
9b9355d5 No.3742940
That's a liberal Democrat woman, I've seen her before.
If all of you on here want to prove 3B is a serial liar, simply do a reverse image search on that picture.
It will show you who she is, and also that
what she is wearing is blank, 3B or someone put those words on there using Photoshop or something, hell, if you just simply enlarge the picture you can easily see they are just typed on over her blouse.
b9b7ea62 No.3742942
Niggers are racist and imbecilic, true.
5632b7e7 No.3742951
>>3742947I'm here for the despair tourism.
>>3742949Thanks FBI. Very cool.
696c247d No.3742954
>>3742951Did they post their personal CP collection here again?
5632b7e7 No.3742960
>>3742953Haha this nigga really believes in TV ratings.
I bet you believe Steven Crowder gets a million views a day on Rumble too?
96dda879 No.3742962
>>3742960He believes the big lie.
e2fedf91 No.3742973
>>3742967Show us how long your nose is.
e2fedf91 No.3742990
Florida has ALWAYS had flooding problems, literally every year, lightning capital of the USA . Literally no change detected you fucking moron.
96dda879 No.3742991
>>3742990Oh we got a fucking climatologist
c0598cd3 No.3742993
>>3742991One does not have to be a climatologist to understand, if it happened last year and it’s happening this year, then nothing has changed.
c600161a No.3742994
>>3742990lol people are going to keep saying there's no change detected to their last breath as they sink into the ocean
131bfcd2 No.3742995
>>3742990What time of year? Hurricane season? It's not hurricane season yet.
June, too soon.
July, stand by.
August, come it must.
September, remember.
October, all over.
At least, that's how long hurricane season used to last. It's since been extended through October ever since hurricane Sandy.
c0598cd3 No.3742996
>>3742995https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_off-season_Atlantic_hurricanesHurricanes happen out of season all the fucking time. But this year it can only be climate change.
Flooding this year can only be climate change
Drought this year can only be climate change
Heat wave this year can only be climate change
Deep freeze this year can only be climate change
Anyone who still believes this nonsense is a moron of unparalleled magnitude
e8a26156 No.3742997
>>3742995I didn't know this planet had to conform to a human calendar.
5632b7e7 No.3742999
>>3742994They've been threatening me with rising sea levels my whole life. Yet I can still go down to the shore near where my great grandparents cabin used to be and swim out to the same rock sticking out of the ocean that my mom sat on for a black and white photo as a child 60+ years ago.
The rising sea level theory has been totally and completely debunked. It was never true. The scientists who predicted it were wrong. They were always wrong. The laws of physics didn't change. The 'science' didn't change. The Earth isn't expanding.
You sound like those heavens gate guys who were left behind to maintain the website still claiming the world actually ended in the 90s
5632b7e7 No.3743004
Are you educated enough to do hypotheticals? If you are I'd love to engage with you on this.
What would it take you change your mind on masks? What information would you need to hear, and who would you need to hear it from?
fad41917 No.3743005
>>3742780America burned itself down for a i am racist and not very bright that had been convicted of 700 felonies back in 2020. But THIS TIME I'm supposed to take moral offense to it?
c0598cd3 No.3743006
I would need to see laboratory testing that shows surgical masks you buy at Walmart can stop viruses
I need to see that the microplastics you breathe in from those plastic(yes the surgical masks are plastic) masks are less harmful than the bacterial pneumonia you will eventually get wearing those masks all the time. (More people died from bacterial infection than from Spanish flu)
Fauci admits masks don’t work
https://youtu.be/l5FY58I5RQ0 5632b7e7 No.3743021
Let me know you don't understand economics without telling me you don't understand economics.
Have you been missing where the labor department has been revising the jobs numbers down every month for months on end? Or when they were copy pasting the numbers month to month for a while claiming the EXACT same number of jobs were created per month down to the one?
Do you even bother to read any financial journals or papers? Do you listen to the FOMC meetings? How about reading the statements and reports they put out?
This information isn't hidden. It's not hard to find. The only excuse for not knowing is not wanting to know.(Or being below an OECD 3 reading level)>>3743011
5946a777 No.3743026
Are you stupid? Stock market is literally an indicator of the wealthiest 0.2%. Average middle class people suffer the most when the wall street fat cats get fatter. (Poor already have nothing)
Wall Street is THE REASON wages don’t grow naturally. Publicly traded companies are legally required by the SEC(securities and exchange commission) to “increase shareholder value” this means they are legally required to screw employees out of fair pay, pay increases, and benefits.
9b9355d5 No.3743035
>>3743026If this is true,
Then why don't you become a shareholder and quit bitching.
d69f281b No.3743037
>>3743035shh, stop existing.
04316a34 No.3743038
>>3743035I’m not the kind of person who wants to live well off the forced squalor of others.
Never have I been more convinced of the devil and his minions than when I look at Wall Street. And once you are convinced of the devil you will know God exsists, and his wrath will be great indeed.
5632b7e7 No.3743040
>>3743035I could explain it but it would take a very long time. Finance is really interesting and it really pays to read widely on the subject. You'll be shocked the places you end up.
Long story short the markets aren't designed for you to be able to extract value from them by putting money it. It's a speculative debt market. If you're on the capital side and not the debt side of that equation you're losing.
I think… Try watching some Ray Dalio videos. His stuff on debt cycles should start you on the right path to get a good understanding of this.
6d84d276 No.3743057
In the Bible itself, Jesus says to group of men, that some of those in that room with him will not be dead when he returns.
Guess what.
It's been 2,000 fucking years, everyone in that room is dead.
Jesus never came back, and he never will.
"God's wrath" is just an excuse to explain away natural disasters.
And we humans are very good at causing UNnatural disasters.
Like Donald Trump.
9b9355d5 No.3743059
>>3743057A Bible scholar you are not, dipshit.
Jesus was telling them they would have eternal life with him in Heaven. The physical body is nothing.
Guess what, not only are those men still alive, they will still be alive in 2,000 more years.
Unlike you.
6d84d276 No.3743068
>>3743059Yeah, "Take my word for it. They are there."
Never any actual evidence.
And your Bible keeps getting debunked by archaeologists.
I still never get any explanation for why there are two stories of the Creation, or two different stories for how Judas died.
Your Bible, your belief, your religion, your hell, you go to it.
6d84d276 No.3743069
And the verse in question:
Matthew 34:
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
9b9355d5 No.3743070
>>your hell, you go to it.
Oh no, that's for you..
Belief in (that) is not required.
Now, wasn't that easy?
ha ha ha ha
3610a203 No.3743071
>And your Bible keeps getting debunked by archaeologists.Show me once , just one
84a0445a No.3743076
Democrats are Terrorists who hate America. They have tried before to destroy the Country & they will try again. I can't figure out why Anti-America Terrorists in the Middle East are being hit with drone strikes eradicating the threat but Anti-America Democrat Terrorists aren't being eliminated. No foreign enemies have come close to Overthrowing the Government but the Terrorist Democrat Party tried in multiple ways to Overthrow the Government & none of these Terrorist Traitors have been destroyed. The leader of the Terrorist Democrats should get the Bin Laden treatment. Then there should be a de-communism style campaign where the most ardent adherents are destroyed & the redeemable individuals are worked back into society.
9b9355d5 No.3743086
Are you trying to be funny 3B.
You're the one person above all on here who knows proxies and VPN's inside out and how that doesn't even matter because of them.
1885ae2c No.3743101
I think its true, the elections are rigged. But they are rigged by the lobbies picking who gets to run. Because anyone not in the pocket of lobbies gets no coverage by the owned mainstream media.
And if your a dem, the DNC with destroy you, if the lobbies don't want you to win. Like bernie, like anyone this year that went against Biden.
Hell Apaics trying to destroy jamaal bowman right now, since he turned pro-peace.
And if your independent, they make it so much harder to get onto state ballots. Because no one thats not the uniparty Dem/Republican is ever supposed to win.
And if someone makes it all the way to the End, the Final Rigging tool is the electoral college, Which can say "Fuck the popular vote, I'm voting how lobbies tell me."
Ain't it kinda obvious its rigged when its between two 80yo boomers.
Ain't it kinda obvious its rigged when republican candidate debates we just had, were about who could suck Israel off the most?
a3d0cb28 No.3743106
>>3743103>>3743105Gays have a
much greater chance at the good life in Israeli society as opposed to Palestinian society (if there was a Palestinian society left). No contesting that. The gays supporting the human rights of Palestinians are acting out of mercy and compassion, not delusion. Murdering the children of your enemy never makes you the good guy, no matter how homophobic your enemy.
1885ae2c No.3743107
I strongly think trump lost in 2020 because he ruffled too many Apaic feathers.
https://www.axios.com/2021/12/10/trump-netanyahu-disloyalty-fuck-himIdk what he did, but he sure got bitter as fuck with benjamin netanyahu.
Maybe Apaic got all it thought it could out of trump. Maybe Trump said no to a couple things. Maybe trump's ego got him shitting on israel or ben. Who knows.
6d84d276 No.3743111
>>3743071After leaving Egypt, (under Moses,) the entire race of ancient Hebrews is siad to have wandered the Sinai desert for 40 years.
There isn't any evidence at all of them doing that, nothing.
Also, there is no evidence at all of a mass dying among Egyptians, like is said in the Bible.
And there is no record at all of them executing a guy named "Jesus." (Real ancient Hebrew name would have been Yeshua.)
The Bible is a bunch of stories strung together into one book dictated by the early Christians, to consolidate power after Rome fell.
Try this web site, it also shows the bullshit from the Koran and the book of Mormons.
https://skepticsannotatedbible.com/ a3d0cb28 No.3743112
>>3743106This is probably impossible for a Trump supporter to understand. Those types tend to view all social interactions as transactional, like a deal, because that's how Trump thinks. "What do I get out of it?" Gays get nothing out of it. Therein lies the Trumpist's confusion. "So why do it? Those people would kill you if given the chance!" It's called altruism. Give it a try sometime. Feels good man.
1885ae2c No.3743113
>>3743112none of those middle east people started killing us until as far as I know until we started supporting Israel. Bin Laden's letters was talking about it.
And they tried to remove them from the internet, because young people were sympathizing with bin Laden
I wouldn't be surprised if the war in the middle east under Bush senior wasn't them jacking up oil prices because israel.
6d84d276 No.3743114
>>3743113People in the ME hating each other goes back thousands of years.
In the Biblical book of Numbers, Moses had his goons slaughter the men, boys, and non-virgins of a rival tribe. The virgins were taken as sex slaves.
We call that nowadays "ethnic cleansing" or "final solution."
Several years ago, a Doonesbury comic had an Arab translator talking to a US soldier, saying someone he saw was from a family that killed someone in his family.
In the 14th century.
The US soldier says to the guy "What is wrong with you people!"
9bcea7e3 No.3743123
It's all orchestrated by Biden, who's a senile old man who doesn't know his own name most of the time, while also being the unbelievably cunning mastermind behind a vast conspiracy against good, conservative values
9bcea7e3 No.3743126
>>3743123I’ll tell you when it clicked for me seeing some guy talking about how scary it is that some of the trans women look like “real” women ( HIS QUOTE NOT MINE) and I realized it falls back to their latent homophobia they’re freaked out that they may find a trans woman attractive and what does that make them it makes me laugh that they’re so insecure on their masculinity
1885ae2c No.3743127
https://siliconangle.com/2024/06/13/former-nsa-director-paul-nakasone-joins-openai-board/Oh noes, what? The USA Government might be behind the huge AI Bubble?
Say its not sooooooo
Its not like everyone I've heard from on AI, says its not profitable.
Yet somehow mysteriously every big company wants to put it in, windows, amd, adobe photoshop, the list goes on.
And making sure China doesn't get the ability to have AI is ultra important.
But doesn't AI in china already spy on everyone like a dystopian nightmare? Don't tell me thats all a lie.. and thats why our government really wants to make for us. And it was all projecting your desires on china.
8fb019bd No.3743136
https://www.popsci.com/technology/ai-running-for-office/?utm_source=pocket-newtab-en-usAI candidates are running for office
"In the United Kingdom, a new upstart political candidate going by the name “Steve” is calling for a four day work week and economic incentives for commuters to switch to electric cars. But Steve isn’t quite like other candidates in the race. “He” isn’t even human. Steve is actually an AI-powered chatbot that Brighton Pavillion voters can speak with over an online voice chat. The human creators behind Steve, and several other AI candidates jostling for political office, are betting large language models like those powered by OpenAI and Google may be somehow better equipped to accurately and authentically represent the views of voters than their morally fallible flesh and bones competitors."
54c99462 No.3743138
Practically as equivalent living in GOP state as gheyy.
That "pride" support is just nothing more than a campaign ruse like any company during pride month. I'm sure for them it's pretty much "Better for gay to die as servicemen rather than dying on the street."
04316a34 No.3743140
>>3743111They were wandering forty years, are you expecting them to have build a pyramid every year while wandering?
Hmmm yeas they was clearly a tent post buried here in the sand 4000 years ago!
And yes there are records, Roman and Jewish, the Jews even brag about it in their own separate religious text,
https://crossexamined.org/tacitus-ancient-roman-historian-reports-on-jesus/ 9b9355d5 No.3743142
3B, why do you hate humanity and want as many as possible dead?
Are you that broken?
9b9355d5 No.3743147
If it weren't you,
You wouldn't even care.
Hi, 3B.
04316a34 No.3743153
These AI efforts need more work
6d84d276 No.3743162
>>3743140On both counts, you're full of shit.
No trace whatsoever of the ancient Hebrews wandering Sinai, and no credible evidence of "Jesus."
In fact there is no evidence the ancient Hebrews even were slaves, EVER.
This was just another one of those stories they used, like the 'You want a ride to school? When I was your age I walked to school ten miles, through ten feet of snow, uphill both ways!" In reality they lived 2 or 3 blocks from their school.
This is why "christian" fundamentalists hate archaeology so much.
They show evidence religious texts are bullshit.
But clergy are laughing at you all the way to the bank.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoYyiNRtMEE&t=46s&pp=ygUWZ2VvcmdlIGNhcmxpbiByZWxpZ2lvbg%3D%3D 6d84d276 No.3743168
>>3743165Gateway Pundit, (which is now bankrupt,) and wrote by the dumbest guy on the Internet.
https://americanloons.blogspot.com/2013/10/769-jim-hoft.html f2c37d63 No.3743170
>>3743168I dun went to High School. That's one of them Ad Hominins I heard 'bout.
a52c5927 No.3743171
>>3743162What you'll learn as you read more on the topic is that the 'historical' date of the Egyptian exile is almost entirely based on the Egyptian kings list having a name similar to one of the pharos in the bible.
While it's true there is no evidence of the people of the book living there at that time, there is evidence of them living there a few thousand years earlier. Basically, we hadn't dug deep enough yet when those theories were formed.
Remember that archeologists thought Troy was fictional, right up until they found it.
f54af9a4 No.3743172
>>3743069"As soon as its branches become tender and sprout leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you will know that He is near, right at the door. "
The generation that sees the signs will not pass away. People say it's the return of Israel after WW2.
That would mean things are gonna happen very soon or even started.
5363f074 No.3743173
>>3743162Oh, there was a historic person who the legend of Jesus was based on. He really was a religious leader back in the day and he really was murdered because he spoke out against the powerful. He didn't do miracles or any of that nonsense but Roman records are very clear that the man did exist.
Republicans would have HATED him. He wanted socialized medicine, to redistribute money from the wealthy to the poor, and every other far left policy you can think of including open boarders. He was more radical than Bernie Sanders and that's why they killed him.
4c693ee9 No.3743174
you are a cyborg mindslave without the perks of actual cybernetics. you cuck
9b9355d5 No.3743175
Most all Christian Republicans are very devoted to Jesus.
Where do you get this made-up bullshit, from what dark corner of your mind??
Perhaps a lobotomy would make you happy?
9b9355d5 No.3743178
>>3743168Ipt was originally published in THE DAILY MAIL, Gumby, GP is just reprinting the story.
Read page two above, it tells you that.
The Daily Mail is that left-wing British news pumper, does that make it all true and all better now?
That makes it true and ok for you now?
Oh, here's page six.
54c99462 No.3743179
>>3743175>>Republicans are very devoted to Jesus.Too bad most of their representatives in the house are more of pro-Zion Judas. Majority of them prefer to protect their master by banning the bible with that HR-6090 bill. Just look when they decided to ban the so called "lewd books" back then. The bible practically being one of them. Should have seen that as the BIG red flag. LOL
https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65794363Luckily that HR-6090 vote has a name list.
https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024172 38c98bb4 No.3743186
>>ID: e2636124
We love the way you're wasting your life here, 3B.
Keep it up.
93936245 No.3743196
>>3743179The bible thing sounds like jewish propaganda and not a direct action by the republicans, however. Yup, that's the huffpost. You think they're going to accurately report on any republican action? lol
44099b62 No.3743199
>>3743162Hebrews were slaves. The only thing in question is whether slaves were used to build the pyramid. (Probably not)
c2dab981 No.3743200
Niggers are racist and stupid, so true.
c2dab981 No.3743205
c2dab981 No.3743213
6d84d276 No.3743216
Donald Trump
Let's see, multiple business ventures, All failed.
Raped at least several women.
Cheated on THREE wives.
Ogled underage girls in their dressing rooms.
Bragged about sexually assaulting women.
Cheated a number of contractors, and perjured himself in bankruptcy courts.
Put his relatives into cushy government jobs.
Currently is giving incoherent speeches. (I mean, batteries and sharks?)
Late-night comedians send out a couple guys to his rallies, looking for kooks.
They have no trouple at all finding them.
Even die-hard flat-earthers.
c034026d No.3743225
Only a nigger is stupid enough to believe what some rando wrote in Wikipedia.
c034026d No.3743226
More libtard lies.
c034026d No.3743229
c034026d No.3743234
c034026d No.3743235
Yet more nigger lies.
6d84d276 No.3743236
>>3743235More bullshit from the white trash inbreds.
c034026d No.3743237
>>3743236Niggers are racist and stupid true.
6d84d276 No.3743240
>>3743237Thanks for proving what a piece of white trash you are.
c034026d No.3743242
c034026d No.3743245
>>3743243You can't stand the truth
c034026d No.3743246
Nope. It is real.
c034026d No.3743248
>>3743247When the ugly truth is unavoidable the libtard resorts to infantile insults
c034026d No.3743249
96% of convicted pedophiles were registered democrat.
6d84d276 No.3743250
>>3743248Speak for yourself, asshole.
c034026d No.3743253
>>3743240Niggers are racist and dumb, very true.
93936245 No.3743259
>>3743207I still only see kike controlled sources I don't care to click on, but let me guess. It's either a socialist school board trying to be smart asses or mormons being retarded, in response to a republican law trying to get rid of sexual material?
Also, what's up with faggots acting like the book is just state wide banned when it gets removed from a children's school library? This just reeks of subversive hyperbole.
9b9355d5 No.3743261
>>3743260NAMBLA? Is that a pro-gun organization like the NRA or something?
Like in NAM (Viet Nam)
And BLA (Short for BLAM BLAM BLAM??)
4c693ee9 No.3743266
what a mentally disabled country.
9b9355d5 No.3743268
Trump BANNED bump stocks when he was president tho.
Did you forget that?
13a10034 No.3743269
Why are jews so evil? Is it just in their genes?
93936245 No.3743271
>>3743269No. They are predisposed to schizophrenia, but it's not JUST that. They are taught that they are the only people in the world who matter, that non jews exist solely for their benefit, that the goyim deserve the same consideration you would give a farm animal.
We are chattel to them. Nothing more.
5543f929 No.3743273
>>3743269Every apple tree has bad apple sometimes. Some apple maybe look weird but still ok. Some good looking apple may have a rotten core. Just make sure you don't mix the bad ones with the same one or the entire batch is going to get rotten along with it.
Doesn't matter if it's LEFT or RIGHT, ethnicity or faith. If you being too extremist that you willing to take someone else out over a different opinion that doesn't threaten your life, then it's likely you're the one at fault here. Example, FAR LEFT EXTREME that were once called "open minded liberals" being too extreme to conserve their ideology that they end up shunning the open minded liberal criticism, even from their own kind.
My advise, be moderate. Not just in the food and such, but also in faith and ideology. Because the last thing you want is to end up worshipping some politicians like it is some kind of cult.
68f27147 No.3743274
Geez Rich billionaire politician sellout wants to remove income tax huh?
https://www.newsweek.com/warning-issued-over-donald-trump-income-tax-plans-1913683For fuck sake are we going to see the day when the rich pay no taxes at all on anything? While the average person struggles to afford food.
68f27147 No.3743275
>>3743274Cuz you can almost bet whats going to happen is the rich with lobby money are going to get exemptions on paying the higher Tariffs.
And the poor/middle class won't have said money, so they can compete even less with the mega rich companies.
And irs more doubling down by Orange man on "China man bad", "Iran man bad", "Russian man bad", "Venezuela man" bad, etc with this part
"while also suggesting using tariffs as leverage during negotiations with bad actors"
83fb012c No.3743276
Whites really are like "i am racist and not very bright"
695e4a61 No.3743277
MAGATs be like "i am racist and not very bright and I'm voting Trump"
68f27147 No.3743286
>>3743285How is making the rich pay no income tax not something to attack?
93936245 No.3743295
>>3743286Because you don't have to pay it either.
68f27147 No.3743298
>>3743295The poor pay no income tax, while the middle class/Rich do.
Removing income tax, while shifting the burden onto imports. WHICH the poor will buy, is shifting the tax burden more onto the poor.
c5df9a6b No.3743300
>>3743298>shifting the burden onto imports. WHICH the poor will buy, is shifting the tax burden more onto the poor.Imports themselves are a tax on the poor. Imports aren't cheap - they come at the cost of inflation, which eats up the purchasing power of the poor just as anyone else.
In the ideal world, imports would be balanced with exports, but when the imports are coming from China which is only interested in the money and causing western economies to go into trade deficit and debt, this isn't happening. The imports are funded by bleeding money out of the economy and they're directly removing jobs that would give money to the poor, so raising import costs is an important tool of PROTECTIONISM to make local work profitable against overseas sweat-shop labor.
68f27147 No.3743304
>>3743300Look at your government and tell me you don't think this is about making the 1% richer. When Trump is backed by Blackstone.
And the lobbies won't get the 1% trade tariff exemptions.
That our government really wants to be more competitive and self reliant after pushing Globalism since at least Bill Clinton.
That they've had a come to Jesus moment after seeing the jews attacked and went "We gotta stop fucking over america, us psychopaths, narcasists, amoral neocons, 60-90yo boomers have learned to change."
We've been causing the people to fight themselves since occupy Wallstreet to protect the 1%, but now its gotta change.
And I, Felon, Donald Trump, who sucks the dick of israel, and wants gaza genocided so my step son can build hotels all over the gaza strip, as I stand here with my ass cheeks open to any rich donors for my campaign, am ready to do the right thing.
c5df9a6b No.3743308
>>3743304>Look at your government and tell me you don't think this is about making the 1% richer. This is bigger than Trump or the 1%
China is effectively playing on the only weakness of capitalist economies: the natural drive towards lowest cost to increase profit. If someone is willing to do the job BELOW cost, they will naturally win the market even though it's ultimately unsustainable.
But, if you have a billion plus people as de-facto slave labor and 10 billion square kilometers of natural resources to exploit, you can simply serve your enemies all the goods they want until their economies crumble to pieces and become subservient.
As long as all the factories are in China, the US will do nothing if China attacks Vietnam or Taiwan, or India…
68f27147 No.3743312
>>3743308China is not our enemy, Russia is not our enemy, Iran is not our enemy.
Our own retarded elites are our enemy.
They are incompetent, authoritarian, fascist, disloyal, retards, lying, pieces of shit, grifters, that will support actual Nazi in ukraine, multilate american children, have islands to fuck kids, and bomb other countries children into dust.
They said green energy is important to save the planet. They wanted to tax us into poverty for carbon taxes (Canada is the current testing ground for that)
And china responded, with cheap solar panels, electric cars, and such to save the world.
But suddenly "We need to 100% tariff those!"
Save the world is what matters most to us, my ass.
c5df9a6b No.3743314
Back in the day, western countries funded coups and set up puppet governments in the so-called "banana republics" to have access to cheap resources and labor in other countries under corrupt regimes that were in western corporate pockets, fully under control.
But imagine a banana republic that you don't control, yet you rely on. It's like a drug dealer who gives you the first hit for free, then gives you good prices, and then gives you credit when you run out of money, and finally when you can't pay back…
Arguing against import tariffs on the point of keeping the poor and the working classes sedated with cheap imports is like admitting to a drug habit, because you've let the situation become so bad that you have to spend all your available cash on the dealer just to stay functional.
c5df9a6b No.3743320
>>3743312>And china responded, with cheap solar panels, electric cars, and such to save the world.China responded by stealing western tech that was subsidized by Germany and the US to develop their own markets. They sell previous generation copied tech to undercut the market in the west with lower quality but cheaper items. Chinese manufacturing is retarding development in the field by drawing funding away from R&D efforts, by pushing all the money into expansion and disregarding environmental issues like silicon tetrachloride dumping or releases of ozone-layer destroying solvents from the same factories that produce these solar panels. They're selling you fake environmentalism.
68f27147 No.3743322
>>3743314America still funds coups. They recently got caught in the congo, Some believe Argentina is the country being sold out to the west, Ukraine is about stealing its resources (Plus proxy war), georgia is about fucking them to be another proxy, philippines is another proxy, argentina might be a proxy for war with Brics member Brazil one day. Trump allegedly tried to coup Venezuela.
We might try to coup mexico if it keeps trying to buddy up to china. Because china loves mexico. And if we ban china imports, well china can ship stuff to mexico, maxico assembles it and slaps on a made in mexico sticker, then sells it to america
Hell during the republican debates, some were floating going into mexico to go to war with the "cartels", totally not, to replace the government with a puppet.
Trying to keep track of who the west is trying to coup/color revolution could be a full time job.
c5df9a6b No.3743324
>>3743320Plus, the reason why solar panels are so cheap in China is because coal power is cheap in China.
Guess how you refine silicon dioxide into silicon in the cheapest way? By reducing it with coke - a pure form of carbon that comes from baking coal at high temperatures.
Guess how you turn pure silicon into solar panels? You take natural gas and convert it into silane gas by removing the carbon atom, which is emitted out as CO2. Then you put it in an oven that is hot enough to break down the silane gas and deposit the silicon as metal - and this oven is yet again powered by… guess what? Natural gas.
The entire process of making solar panels, as well as batteries and magnets and whatever else you want, in China, is entirely powered by extremely cheap fossil fuels because they have NO CARBON TAXES OR QUOTAS OR ANYTHING regarding limiting emissions. They simply don't give a shit, and none of the western countries give a shit because it's cheap.
c5df9a6b No.3743325
>>3743322>America still funds coups.That's besides the point.
You're hooked on China, and they've got your ass. Too bad you don't have any lube for the reaming you're about to get if you don't do anything about it.
68f27147 No.3743326
>>3743324Its not china's problem if the west is stupid. They went to war with russia, one of the cheapest sources of energy from oil. As well as a cheap supplyer of fertilizer and wheat.
And shocker, the west became uncompeditive due to higher energy costs (And america made it worse by blowing up the pipeline to germany)
And also shocker, the eu has bad farmer protests because they made it so much harder to make ends meet as a farmer.
China also didn't tell the west to not use coal, or nuclear.
93936245 No.3743327
>>3743300You're going to have to explain to me what imports have to do with inflation. If anything, it should make money more scarce as it leaves the country, and goods cheaper as they enter the country. That's the opposite effect as inflation.
I'm sure it drives down lower class wages as manufacturing jobs are shipped overseas, which is definitely a problem, especially when we're importing hoards of low skill workers by the hundred thousand, but that's not inflation.
>>3743304We really need a zero state solution for the palestine-isreal conflict.
I've never understood it when Christians hold reverence for the people who killed their savior. How could a Christian possibly think the killer of their savior was in any way god's chosen. It has to just be a meme or jewish media trick, right? Christians like that don't actually exist?
68f27147 No.3743329
>>3743325I'd rather buy china's shit anyway. Its computers only spy on me for china. Who can't do anything to me.
Their cars only record what I say for china, not for american insurance companies to raise my rates.
China isn't the one censoring my porn, passing carbon taxes on me, selling my country out to Israel, putting 80 year olds who shit thier pants during D-day in control of the nukes.
China also isn't poking russia hoping it doesn't nuke the world and end humanity.
China is a fucking saint, next to what current day america is.
68f27147 No.3743332
America, AMERICA
We support and arm NAZIs
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/us-lifts-ban-azov-brigade-ukraine-american-weapons-russia-rcna156487We support Genocide
America, America
We put the whole world in danger of nuclear death
93936245 No.3743333
>>3743329China's already a communist country that does these things and worse to its own people. They have total control over all of the possessions of their citizens already.
America is a hellhole because if its slide towards becoming like China.
c5df9a6b No.3743334
>>3743326>Its not china's problem if the west is stupid.Precisely. Now, are you gonna be stupid or what? Are you got argue for or against import tariffs?
>>3743327>You're going to have to explain to me what imports have to do with inflation.Because the social cost of the workers who used to produce the goods and the consumable value haven't gone anywhere - in fact they've only increased with the growing population - so you're paying for both: the imports and the people who are doing anything but creating value. That means each dollar in trade within the economy accounts for less and less added value: prices and taxes have to go up to pay for the overhead - and that is inflation.
Meanwhile, the government has to keep creating new debt to pay for the trade deficit and avoid causing a deflation spiral in the local market. They will essentially print money to the value of the imports to keep the system stable, which de-values the money internationally and eventually all imports become more expensive. However, China keeps collecting huge reserves of dollars to keep them off the market, which keeps the value of the dollar up artificially and permits continued money printing.
The amount of dollar reserves and dollar valued debt China has collected can be released on the market at will and cause a crash in the value of the dollar, which is like an economic nuclear bomb in a trade war - and you're just giving it to them.
c5df9a6b No.3743335
>>3743329>China also isn't poking russia hoping it doesn't nuke the world and end humanity.China doesn't mind that the west is attacking Russia and poking the nuclear bear. On the contrary. Because Russia is so desperate for cash and technology that they aren't getting from the west, they're selling gas and oil to China at very low prices to have access to the eastern market.
The longer the conflict lasts, and the worse it gets, the more China stands to profit off of Russia.
68f27147 No.3743336
>>3743333China cares about its citizens. The west sees its citizens as a wallet.
Go watching videos of people living in china, or vacationing in it. There tons of them.
Though avoid the propaganda youtubes that the west probably funds. But they are easiy enough to see through, they talk about china, like Steven Colbert talks about trump.
If you watch the propaganda channels they'll have you think china drinks sewer water, has trains held together with duck tape, god wants the ccp thrown from power , everyone eats cats, everyone sues each other, the social credit system is real, and whatever bs they do these days.
c5df9a6b No.3743339
>>3743336>China cares about its citizens.Please.
c5df9a6b No.3743340
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_the_wellIf you discredit every contrary opinion by default, then you're nothing but a delusional crank. Why should anyone listen to you?
68f27147 No.3743342
>>3743340Because you can go on youtube and actually watch people from america living in or vacation in china? Or from western countries going to china.
Rather than believe you incredibly honest government and its owned media that told you Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. And that Israel is our greatest ally. That russia blew up its own pipeline, etc.
c5df9a6b No.3743343
China loves its people so much that it poisons them with formaldehyde smog:
https://seas.harvard.edu/news/2018/10/clearer-path-clean-air-chinaWhy? Because in efforts of reducing cost of imported petroleum, China turned to converting coal into methanol using the good old Fischer-Tropps method from Nazi Germany. Blending methanol into fuel then produces formaldehyde emissions, which reacts chemically in the atmosphere to create deadly smog.
Hooray rational communist planning.
c5df9a6b No.3743345
>>3743342>Because you can go on youtube and actually watch people from america living in or vacation in china? Have you ever heard of a concept called a Potemkin Village?
You can go to North Korea and have a beautiful vacation. That says nothing about the condition of the state.
c5df9a6b No.3743347
>>3743346>Go on youtube and put in "walking around Beijing" and search for this year.It's not smoggy all the time.
>Rather than believe you incredibly honest government and its owned media that told you Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.Literally not my government. I'm really fortunate that it isn't.
93936245 No.3743348
>>3743336They don't let the dissatisfied people out of the slums or use public transit.
68f27147 No.3743349
>>3743345There countless videos at this point. Theres also places that can have livestreams such as
https://www.twitch.tv/search?term=chinaYou going to tell me every video is only showing the best parts?
c5df9a6b No.3743353
>>3743351>I don't really care, anymore. though. Believe whatever you wanna believe.It's pretty much documented reality that Beijing has terrible air quality and even the Chinese government doesn't disagree with the fact. It's only you that tries to play more Muslim that Muhammad here.
c5df9a6b No.3743354
But that's okay. Every new convert to a cause or an ideology goes through a phase where they're more extreme than what the dogma demands.
That's part of the "rush" of it, DK. You get to roleplay an awakened hero, kinda like 3B who does it every day.
ef18762e No.3743360
>>3743285The wealthy don't pay income tax because they don't have normal incomes, If they work at all the majority they pay themselves is in stock which is taxed entirely differently. (Almost nothing)
You pay more for every dollar you earn through hard work than they do for every dollar they earn by doing nothing.
The trick to what Trump is proposing is that your income tax pays for the programs you enjoy like having roads and bridges that don't collapse. If there isn't enough funding for them they can privatize it and only the rich will be able to afford nice things.
ef18762e No.3743361
>>3743332DK is super-mad that Ukraine is kicking Putin's diaper wearing ass.
68f27147 No.3743365
I'm surprised George Clooney isn't long dead. This is the first time I've heard his name in so many years, despite him being a 1960s baby boomer.
9b9355d5 No.3743382
Is there anything you actually DO understand?
8d0df1be No.3743396
>>3743395well no your choice is between a senile old man and a senile old convicted felon.
62cab992 No.3743398
>>3743391The president IS a dictator. That's the whole purpose of the office. Otherwise why even have a president in the first place? It's a permanent dictator position so that in times of need the senate doesn't have to go trough the trouble of appointing a dictator. That's caused other problems since, but the intention was certainly cleary at the time.
You're failing to understand the idea behind the three coequal governments of the united states and why it wasn't founded as a totalitarian state instead. The things you complain about are the intentional designs of the founding fathers.
You have a poor read of history if you think that liberal democracy is the solution to every problem. You guys love Lincoln, the fascist dictator, this shouldn't be that hard to understand.
You're stuck in 9th grade civics. As an adult you were supposed to have read more broadly on the subject at this point in your life. The founding fathers would be terribly disappointed that you hadn't even bothered to learn Latin yet.
p.s. Infanticide bans are wildly popular and always have been. You live in a bubble.
ae1236ca No.3743402
Pushing false information (lies)
It has already been ruled by the courts. States cannot impose restrictions on federal elections
92d29b39 No.3743405
>>3743398"Lincoln was a fascist dictator!" said the traitor who sold out his black brother to slavery and fought the government for refusing to cave to injustice. Everything else you said was bullshit too. Stay mad.
92d29b39 No.3743407
>>3743405The sheer absurdity in thinking the dude fighting AGAINST prison camps (plantations) was the fascist! LOL! Peak delusion.
1e667857 No.3743408
>>3743402In reference to:
>>ID: e2636124Exactly.
Three guesses as to who is posting this horseshit, tho I'm sure you only need one.
62cab992 No.3743426
>>3743407Oh yeah… Lincoln definitely wasn't a fascist… Ya fucking mong.
Have you ever even seen his memorial? Did they build this as an insult to him? To mock him? To show future generations that he was a bad evil man?
225a83c4 No.3743429
>>3743423What part of, "Slavery is unconstitutional," do
you not understand, numbnuts?
>>3743426There's nothing wrong with that monument. You talking about the bundle of sticks his hands are resting on? Oh, you didn't realize fasces symbolism predates fascism the political ideology? Try cracking a history book, moron.
62cab992 No.3743435
>>3743429Fascism existed long before people started calling it that. Darwin didn't invent evolution, it was already there. He simply described what he found. Same idea.
Before the enlightenment fascism would have just been called Monarchy. Fascism is secular monarchy, which is why it's doomed to fail.
>Slavery is unconstitutionalSlavery is explicitly allowed by the constitution, numbnuts. Why don't you know this?
Section 1.
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
ab18179f No.3743440
https://twitter.com/myhiddenvalue/status/1802902704911733154Roe v wade was a lie
Baby killing ‘progressives’ will defend this evil.
83fb012c No.3743441
>>3743440Yeah! Let's vote Rapist 2024
8d7cce22 No.3743444
>>3743442slavery = tyranny
confederates = traitors
union = liberators
83fb012c No.3743448
>>3743447And we'll fuckin do it again
83fb012c No.3743449
>>3743447Tyranny is having human slaves nazi incel white
83fb012c No.3743452
>>3743450Keep posting the gay porn before it's banned by your peoples
83fb012c No.3743456
>>3743454You're an insane person who was anally sexually abused by 3B,but I am not the one who anally victimized you.
I hope you are having a good day and kill yourself when Biden wins again in November
e2fedf91 No.3743457
>>3743441But, I don’t want to vote Biden
I would rather vote felon
83fb012c No.3743458
>>3743457Voting rapist this year?
3610a203 No.3743467
That was a predictable outcome. It was a means of raising funds or donations because of his lawsuit.
The same thing happens with Facebook(the first time) an overpriced IPO basically swindles investors out of their money as the stock drops to a value the market determines(the IPO price is set by experts)
4c693ee9 No.3743477
oppressed by elites
2fc9be76 No.3743482
>>3743440 there's 8 billon humans already. How many more do you honestly think the planet can take?
04316a34 No.3743483
>>3743482With vertical farming and nuclear power…. As many as we want/no limit.
466d306b No.3743485
>>3743482without Sci-fi make-believe about 5 billion less than now
a3d0cb28 No.3743486
>>3743482Inb4 the Earth is a wriggling ball of only humans.
5363f074 No.3743488
>>3743460When Stormy Daniels said that she had no relationship with Trump it was because Trump lawyers had claimed they were in a relationship and the sex they had was because of that relationship. She was denying they had any kind of relationship because she had only met him a few times and one of those times he blackmailed her into sex
9b9355d5 No.3743495
Several Eastern European countries are now offering genetic editing using a much more advanced version of CRISPR, the extraordinary gene editing and genetic cut-and-replace tool, to remove negro genes from your DNA if any are there.
Great great grandpa was a little frisky a few hundred years ago, and you didn't even know about it until you had your DNA tested? No problem, they can now get them out.
The laboratories have said so far the response has been "extraordinary" with people wanting black genes removed from their DNA. Some have said they feel their uncontrolled anger issues are due to these genes being there, while others said they just felt "dirtied" by them and wanted them gone. One woman who had a DNA test even started throwing up when she found out they were there, but expressed extreme relief when she found out they could now be removed, and no longer passed on to her children and beyond.
Remember folks, it's not racist… it's SCIENCE.
So much for 3B's statement, "Once the black genes are in there, they are there forever."
Forever wasn't so long now, was it 3B.
9b9355d5 No.3743500
My God you're fucking stupid.
9b9355d5 No.3743507
>> civnat or lolbert.
Is that like Big Bird, or Bert and Ernie?
Trying to communicate on your level
9b9355d5 No.3743508
Too bad there are no Gay or Trans genes, or they could cut those out too.
Unfortunately, that's just learned behavior.
4c693ee9 No.3743511
lets dig a hole 2024
4c693ee9 No.3743512
>>3743488no one should fuk that woman
7a3257ea No.3743514
Those are times that are 100% alive.
Water and steaks are literally served in his hotels. They are his own brand so he isn’t wasting money on needless third party food. He saves money AND ensures highest quality. That’s why he’s worth 4 billion.
4c693ee9 No.3743517
>>3743514aruging for this as a staple means to survive is a sign of oppression
7a3257ea No.3743521
>>3743515Trump did. The withdrawal was planed during Trump. Biden however pushed the withdrawal forward 6 months making it the catastrophic embarrassment it was.
https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/14/politics/biden-overrules-advisers-afghanistan-withdrawal/index.html 212280a0 No.3743526
"Well, Fox Host, you see, I don't actually have any values, nor do I have a spine, or even any dignity." - JD Vance
9b9355d5 No.3743530
>>3743527So in other words,.
You're just another brainless, worthless troll.
Got it.
cbfa348c No.3743532
>>3743513Trump wanted to arm Ukraine before Biden was president
Trump attacked Syria
Trump is angry Biden doesn't do even more for Israel, meaning unlike biden he might have gone to war with Iran after it struck Israel.
Trump has said that if russia attacked Ukraine if it was a Trump presidency, he would have bombed russia
Trump's Saudi/Israel normalization deal set up a need for Oct 7th to happen.
Trump killed a Top Iran person WHILE on a peace mission.
Trump was flaming hostilities with china,
In my opinion, Trump set up a number of conflicts in motion in his first term, that only went off under biden. But, they would have gone off under trump, had he had a second term.
6f1f38b5 No.3743539
Black fragility.
4c693ee9 No.3743541
>>3743534living piece of shit amateur fearmonger
d8284ac5 No.3743545
Sticks and stones, nigger. Sticks and stones. Had you learned that lesson in grade school like the rest of us, you wouldn't have fucked up the rest of your life over nigger pride. Now the skinhead in the adjacent cell will ask you every morning, "Why you walkin funny, nigger? Another rough night? Hahaha!" knowing your bigger nigger cellmate raped you again.
d522013f No.3743550
The opinions of the people calling themselves Democrats or Republicans in the past do not matter. The parties more-or-less flipped, and only morons think the racist opinions of past Democrats are in any way relevant to the current party. Please shut the fuck up.
d69f281b No.3743556
>>3743554really, nothing is quite as refreshing as chilling out on a dark fresh waterway, in the cool water, the air just warm and humid enough to make you just enjoy the freshness. Moon out, crickets chirping, fireflies doing what they do, and just enjoying the embrace of lonesomeness.
Darkness is very underappreciated.
d69f281b No.3743557
the firefly thing especially shows the beauty of the night. During the day, they are just gross bugs, but at night they are natural beauty.
696c247d No.3743567
>>3743566DK, are you sure that your "jewish"/pharisee occult masters have
allowed you to talk to me again?
Don't forget what happened last time, you almost got into real trouble and had to delete all those revealing posts of yours.
I actually feel sorry for you, you're just a meatbag slave, stuck here on this board of bots and traumatised dead men and murderers.
By the way, you can't "shed" your Christianity, you can only shed your facade.
really missing out, though. You must have been traumatised so badly to believe there's only satan, and that
he's the true god. Now, for that show of faith to your false god, you get to post globalist bullshit on a dead viper's nest board and get smacked across the knuckles if you get out of line, and you call that "freedom". You don't know freedom, but I wish for you that you did.
satan is the picture of selfishness and lies, and the moment he meets his followers, he'll stomp them down into the fire because he actually hates and is disgusted by anyone but himself. What a disturbed personality to look up to. You're like the dog who returns to his master who's beating him, because he doesn't know any better or any different.
I hope you manage to snap out of it, before it's too late for you.
9c209166 No.3743571
>>3743567Of course theres not only Satan, Hell is full of yummy demons and devils.
But Satan is The King. And you gotta respect big Dicked Royalty.
696c247d No.3743574
>>3743571Raise your standards, dude. And maybe try
not returning to your abusers all the time.
Demons and devils are smarter than individual people because they're much older and more experienced, plus they have their own demon-Internet to share knowledge and experience, so they'll find ways of sucking you dry until you're just an empty husk.
Witchcraft is very real, but it's also very evil and destroys anyone who partakes in it.
9c209166 No.3743575
You say the silliest things.
4c693ee9 No.3743576
off to another great day with this cringe ass hipster polshit
9b9355d5 No.3743577
>>3743571God created dicks.
How would you not know that?
9b9355d5 No.3743579
Then you're stupid.
No God, no Satan.
God created Satan.
But it's like if I were to create a shit hole
and throw you down into it because you pissed me off.
And I probably would.
Because I could.
fb699e36 No.3743580
>>3743579Which passage in the Bible states that Satan was created by god?
fb699e36 No.3743582
Niggers are racist and retarded, that's true.
4c693ee9 No.3743583
>>3743577post more of this
9b9355d5 No.3743585
And that's what happened,
Lucifer pissed God off,
and God cast him out of Paradise forever.
Why would you want to serve a LOSER LACKEY?
Not only "A" loser lackey, but the biggest one of all time.
You MUST be immensely stupid.
9b9355d5 No.3743586
>>3743583I can't,
DK doesn't want me to
Because God created dicks.
c443d933 No.3743589
>>3743587LOL! That's fanfiction, you goddamn moron! Won't find any of that in the Bible.
5363f074 No.3743592
>>3743540When a black man calls another black man a nígger, they are saying he's acting like a conservative white man.
31e3fb52 No.3743593
>>3743592Niggers call other niggers "nigga", because they must bastardize all of the English language, including the slurs.
4c693ee9 No.3743595
>>3743594damn lol, im so upset about this pathetic attempt to empower eco-terrorists that attack historically replicatable monuments instead of actual corporation heists and making a difference
83fb012c No.3743602
Lol racists
83fb012c No.3743603
>>3743593Whites have fucked up this county
9b9355d5 No.3743604
>>3743603By bringing blacks in.
Yes, that's the worst thing whites have ever done,
It fucked up the USA permanently.
Blacks were pretty much trapped on their continent,
Almost none of them were able to leave it by themselves.
There are dozens of countries that are almost 100% black,
Name ONE that is prosperous and not a shit hole.
If you say "Wakanda" I will be ROTFL all night long…
83fb012c No.3743605
Whites are the majority and take no responsibility for fucking the county up? No no, racist Nazis, whites are the fucking problem
9b9355d5 No.3743606
>>3743602You're crazy, Trans is not a RACE.
Clowns are not a RACE.
Because ANYONE can be one.
That makes about as much sense as saying fursuiters are a RACE…
5363f074 No.3743607
>>3743594Isn't it funny how when your side tries to take over the government or destroys property that belongs to the nation it's just fine. If the other side does something similar it's suddenly an issue?
Protests are supposed to make you uncomfortable. Being polite to power is the same as surrendering to power.
9b9355d5 No.3743609
>>3743605No, whites are the solution.
To the Black Plague infecting the country today.
You'll see.
Anyway, regardless of what you think, it's better to BE a piece of shit, than to look like one.
9c209166 No.3743610
https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/chat-control-politicians-industry-raise-alarm-over-eus-unprecedented-messenger-surveillance-plans/So the EU, wants to end online freedom/privacy is the name of "Protect the Chilreeeeeennnnnsss"
THINK OF THE CHILDREN! (That we probably fucked on epstein island)
83fb012c No.3743611
The majority is the problem
Not a minority
Whites are fucking up America and won't take responsibility
3b090a98 No.3743618
>>3743616Nazi keep posting gateway pundit rofl rofl rofl
3b090a98 No.3743619
Whites are the majority
The majority of the problems
9b9355d5 No.3743622
>>3743618WTF are you trying to say, this woman does not exist? That she doesn't have that many followers? That she didn't say that?
All you have to do is go to her TikTok account as listed in the article to see that she DOES exist, that she DOES have that many followers, and that she DID say that!!!
As long as something is TRUE, WTF does it matter to you WHO reports it?
Why does that matter to
9b9355d5 No.3743628
WTF? A life is a life… you like, think it is the BABY'S fault his mom got raped, and want the baby to die because of it…. that baby is INNOCENT, regardless of how it came to be…. what kind of inhuman MONSTER are you???
Oh..the DRAFT was re-instated during Biden's regime because too many snowflakes wanted to do artsy stuff instead of defending their country … better run to CANADA (again), LOL…
9b9355d5 No.3743633
All that saying that proves is that you are not a human being.
But we knew that already.
ef18762e No.3743634
>>3743619It's not fair to label all whites as the problem. Most whites are good people who just don't understand how broken the system is but once they see injustice they will support fixing it.
The real shit bags like MAGA are a tiny minority of whites.
ef18762e No.3743635
Juneteenth is a great day to hit a racist in the face! People should do it every year!
ef18762e No.3743636
>>3743633>Anyone who disagrees with me is a sub-human. - Hitler
4c693ee9 No.3743637
>>3743635you're going to last a long time as long as ai doesnt release your bullshit or something
9b9355d5 No.3743642
>>3743636Oh, another thing Hitler never said. It's so easy to put quotes in the mouths of dead people, isn't it. And even ones that are still alive, like Trump.
If you don't want to be considered a sub-human, then don't behave like one. Don't want to be one.
But that's beyond your capabilities, isn't it, 3B.
9b9355d5 No.3743643
>>3743583Maybe I will post more of it, after all, just to piss DK off. Because Satan did not create a single dick. God created dicks in all their wonderful variety of shapes and sizes.
Oh wait, did you want only Sergals enjoying dicks? Or just big, wonderful engorged smelly dicks that only God created?
Remember DK, next time you are enjoying a dick:
696c247d No.3743653
>>3743643I have to admit, I never thought of it that way. :3
What's more, it seems to be getting underneath DorK's skin as well. :P
93936245 No.3743661
>>3743604By letting jews bring blacks in, you mean. It is, and always has been jews bringing none whites into white countries, from the nigs as their slaves and pets to opening gates for literal muslim war parties.
Without the jew, literally all of our problems would not exist.
2374c32c No.3743663
What a good day to hide my ip's so I can pretend to be facist hitler, encourage sieg heiling on the playgrounds, and flagellate hatred like actual scum on site that has nothing to do with pol. Who doesn't love being an insignificant nazi incel? If only my dick were bigger.
93936245 No.3743665
Imagine thinking all people were equal in all things, that genetics weren't real. Or imagine thinking that all cultures were equally valid, that all human behavior was equally valid.
How dare you discriminate against my Nazi culture, bigot.
But really, I am under no delusion that you hold any values. You do and say what you think will help you 'win'. Power is your only value, and you will switch sides in an instant when the pendulum of power swings the other way like the faggot you are.
a3d0cb28 No.3743668
>>3743667>Animals to Be Tested for Human DNA After Authorities Discover Who the Driver IsDoctor Moreau, I presume.
f61c6513 No.3743683
>>ID: e2636124
Serial garbage poster again,
Post marked as propaganda
then disregarded and discarded.
5363f074 No.3743696
A) Your "Lingering questions" are made up nonsense with no basis in reality.
B) Trump had plenty of time to find proof there was voter fraud. Over 60 court cases, billions of tax dollars wasted, his own private investigation team, it all found nothing! Not one shred of any evidence anywhere in the country.
Trump's time was up. The peaceful transition of power is not optional. If he wanted to hand over power then continue his tantrum he could have done that but he wanted to hold on to power because he knew being president was the only thing keeping him out of prison for his many, many, crimes.
74437b95 No.3743698
Trump isn't a terrorist. You're being a hysterical faggot.
5363f074 No.3743700
>>3743698True, Trump is a terrorist
leader but he hasn't done the terrorism himself. He's not that brave.
74437b95 No.3743703
>>3743700Man, if you're this panty twisted over a few chuds getting lost in a building for a few hours you're not going to mentally survive what's coming.
9af5a850 No.3743708
If a senile dementia patient can become the president of united states of clownia, why not a felon?
a3eafded No.3743709
>>3743706All of congress is felons, traitors, foreign agents, narcissists, and psychopaths.
Makes no difference to me if a judge decides to name one out of the swarm of them.
4c693ee9 No.3743716
>>3743708when a blogger is just that
4c693ee9 No.3743717
>>3743665youre not any more a nazi than a self appointed hipster is a climate-protector
5363f074 No.3743718
>>3743707Once again proving that conservatives hate America and everything it stands for.
f61c6513 No.3743719
>>3743718Once again proving, by your comment, that leftists hate America and everything it stands for.
5632b7e7 No.3743720
>>3743717It's funny just how different actual National Socialism is from the swazi tattoo AWD wigger shit. We refer to those kinds of people as the Hobowaffen, and it's not a term of endearment.
They watch jewish propaganda designed to make Nazis look as fucked up and retarded as possible and say to themselves "I wanna be that"
1c3241eb No.3743745
1c3241eb No.3743746
> Trump is broke
So donate to Trump legal defense. You know you want to.
f61c6513 No.3743747
So let's test this statement of yours, shall we? It will prove how retarded you are.
Almost all laws, anywhere in the world, any country, have a religious basis. It's because they are meant to be RULES (yeah, we know, you don't like rules, neither do homeless), rules to live by, to keep you from harming others and/or destroying yourself.
So let's start with something simple…. let's see, "Thou Shalt Not Kill." So, apparently you are being prohibited from doing this by some kind of religious law, so do it. Go out and murder someone. Then argue with the cops (anywhere in the world) that they can't hold you because it was wrong that they prohibited you from doing that. Good luck with that.
If you think you can just do anything you want, religion or not, without consequences, you have a long row to hoe.
f61c6513 No.3743749
7aff66d2 No.3743756
>Mitt R. Money
Some people seem to enjoy always being on the losing side.
e15f86b0 No.3743759
LOL niggers
e15f86b0 No.3743762
Nigger lies by lying nigger.
e15f86b0 No.3743763
f61c6513 No.3743765
What are you, some kind of pervert?
f61c6513 No.3743766
>>3743757To fuck with you.
Made you reply, didn't it.
a150a2f0 No.3743767
>>3743765Now you are trying to reply to a non-existent post. What are you, dyslexic or something?
5363f074 No.3743769
>>3743723>Billionaires are lining up to max out donations to Trump because he promises to end programs to help Americans and give the wealthy tax cuts instead… Quite the hero of the people you are worshiping there, huh?
69b3076c No.3743772
>>3743770If he got millions in donations, why would he need a job?
f61c6513 No.3743774
>> ID: e2636124
Just a shitty poster, you mean.
That's you
The curse of Lulz
f61c6513 No.3743782
Looks more like you, 3B.
Somebody please re-post 3B's stupid picture,
You can see there's quite the resemblance.
2e73beac No.3743787
Donald Trump lives in your head rent free 24 hours a day.
2e73beac No.3743788
Will you kill yourself when Trump wins in November?
f61c6513 No.3743795
Everything 3B posts is either misleading or a lie.
5363f074 No.3743799
>>37437963B has been dead for years. He lives on in your head. Still trolling conservatives from beyond the grave.
f61c6513 No.3743800
>>3743799Hi, 3B.
Too bad NOBODY on here believes you.
We know you very well.
48befc87 No.3743805
>>3743801Why do you want to fuck children, 3B?
Everyone knows you have a bigger kiddie Porn collection than the FBI.
ef18762e No.3743815
Isn't Jeremy Bernal dead? I would have asked in the thread about him but it was locked.
e8a26156 No.3743816
>>3743775At least for once this one put some effort into its appearance.
69eee7d1 No.3743817
>>3743815> Isn't Jeremy Bernal dead?I haven't heard anything like that. At least Bernal wasn't dead in January. He made a post at SexyFur on Jan. 5, 2024.
Have you seen something more recent?
f61c6513 No.3743829
Please keep in mind that anything 3B says on here is misleading or a lie.
He is an invading pedophile troll who evades bans to keep posting his nonsense here and is not endorsed or approved by Lulz.
The best thing to do is NOT respond to anything he posts, a response, preferably an angry one, is what he is after.
c4c9b4a4 No.3743832
>>3743831I must say I'm kinda jealous of 3B/Kupok getting to enjoy Eevee's sweet 16yo twink bussy without getting canceled today. (don't worry. It would be legal in my cunt-ry)
ef18762e No.3743834
>>3743830Biden doesn't owe a half a billion dollars in legal fines. You don't think Trump is going to pay that using
his money do you? No, he's going to use your money. That's why he panders to you suckers in the first place. You'll sell your organs to keep him in gold toilets and hookers!
c7a9d58d No.3743837
>>3743835You have brain worms
c7a9d58d No.3743838
24320ff4 No.3743842
>>3743839Only Bernie Sanders would have had the guts to tax the rich.
Biden is a FAKE who sucks Israeli cock like all American Presidents.
ef18762e No.3743849
If you want to know what Trump's second term would look like and what you Trump supporters would be voting for, this comedian breaks it down for you in a way that even you morons could understand it.
Protip: One of the top priorities of his administration would be banning porn and everything furry.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s f61c6513 No.3743850
And you have ACTUAL evidence of this, of course?
7204fe34 No.3743853
White rich people will ALWAYS be BETTER than you. :)
93936245 No.3743855
>>3743835I'd rate Ron Paul and Clarence Thomas higher. Rand Paul too probably, though he's not as good as Ron.
>>3743842It's not the rich that need taxed, it's the Kikes and Zionists that need removed. Every (((communist))) revolution has been jews expunging the rich and intelligent, and it's led to disaster every time. Meanwhile, any time the kikes have been expelled, it's led to golden ages and untold prosperity.
35ed0ff0 No.3743856
Never mind Trump was a NYC real estate billionaire long before running for president
Left-tards are so eager to see what they want.
8fb019bd No.3743867
>>3743832How aged and worn out does Eevee look now?
4c693ee9 No.3743871
its really stupid you the way you try to derail something that already is technically derailed
895ff527 No.3743873
>>3743849>One of the top priorities of his administration would be banning porn and everything furry. If only. Trump is nowhere near as cool as leftists try to make him sound.
69eee7d1 No.3743879
>>3743867What does his blown out anus look like?
7537b4c4 No.3743889
Well he is just a nigger. What else could you expect?
7537b4c4 No.3743890
Niggers are racist and stupid, true.
6ae3f794 No.3743899
Ultra racist blacks keep complaining forever lol
You will be first to the gas chambers
6ae3f794 No.3743906
Why did you delete that picture and re-post it? It wasn't to edit because there is no text separate from it
Doing that to keep it on the viewing part of the page is a bannable offense
6ae3f794 No.3743911
Talking about your lies and stupidity, mostly.
Hey what is that new hairstyle nignogs have,
it looks like a big dog shit a pile of turds on top of their head.
6ae3f794 No.3743912
Easy to see that's edited and taken out of context.
Try again.
Maybe hire better video editors.
9bcea7e3 No.3743921
Lol don't belive video
9bcea7e3 No.3743922
a2ea0287 No.3743937
>>3743928Nazis are gas chamber brained
a2ea0287 No.3743938
>>3743924Trump loves vaccination
93936245 No.3743939
>>3743924Trump made the vaccine available. Ne never coerced anyone into taking it.
Pick a fucking side you commie retards.
>>3743928You give biden too much credit. His mind was blank the whole time and he's been reading off a teleprompter and cue cards.
a2ea0287 No.3743940
>>3743939Lol butthurt Nazi alert
a2ea0287 No.3743941
Joe Biden's the one who can't put a coherent sentence together though, right? It's always projection with these fucking worms, every single time.
Can't wait till late August or so, when this tapioca-brained rapist starts spewing N-bombs at his hate rallies while his toothless hick cult members brainlessly cheer and Fox News tries their hardest to spin why Trump using slurs is a horrible thing for Biden this election.
5363f074 No.3743945
>>3743856Trump was never a real estate billionaire. He lost all the money, almost a billion dollars, that his father gave him on failed business schemes.
He managed to open a casino and drive it to bankruptcy. A casino is like having your own personal printing press for money and he somehow fucked it up.
Trump is in debt up to his eyeballs. And not just to American Banks, to Russian Banks, to Scottish Banks, and to English banks. His plan appears to be gathering as much debt as he can and then dying. He'll let his kids deal with it.
He is so broke that no one would even lend him the money to pay for a bail bond so that he could appeal his New York Court case. He couldn't even go to court because he is so poor and all of his money is tied up in land that he can't sell.
5363f074 No.3743948
>>3743912 Trump saying that there were good Nazis at Charlottesville is literally infamous. There are countless videos from countless news stories about it. As much as you don't want it to be true, it's true. He loves him some Nazis. He is a white nationalist cheerleader that never passes up the opportunity to show his support.
e48d4968 No.3743952
>>3743948> Trump saying that there were good Nazis at Charlottesville is literally infamousSo you are so moronic that you think every single person protesting there was a "nazi."
That is
nigger levels of stupidity.
6545c5d0 No.3743959
It absolutely wasn't a nazi rally. There were a couple there for sure. It's not illegal to be a nazi. They're allowed to protest. I'm sure many of them where very fine people too.
All the nazis I've ever met have been very fine people.
The only people freaking out about nazis are the ones who have never met any.
f3de7587 No.3743967
More nigger lies.
d69f281b No.3743977
thats some very 1970's red logic, surprise, we republicans have become less bible thumping as of late.
Its unfortunately why you can't be a centrist anymore. The Blue and Red have overlapped so much, that a neutral party might as well be purple.
216d0cb4 No.3743987
Made-up photoshopped screen caps are ugly as fuck.
83fb012c No.3743992
Take the Vax hillbilly
7204fe34 No.3743995
>>3743993Did you know that most silhouette targets at the range are black? If they were to actually try that shit, they'd learn quickly why.
ceb98937 No.3743997
>>3743992Why don't you simply copy and paste the fucking post number? Or better yet, enable JavaScript for this domain. That way the board software will do it for you and you won't look like a mental defective.
216d0cb4 No.3743998
>>Ai art is ugly af
Unless it's AI-generated child porn, then you're all over it like a rat on a meat wagon.
Isn't that right 3B.
83fb012c No.3744002
>>3743998You're voting for a rapist that visited Epstein island seven times. It's always projection with Nazis. I can see you're still three times as butthurt
216d0cb4 No.3744003
Never happened
83fb012c No.3744005
Always happened
4c693ee9 No.3744020
>>3744015would you cut off your arms if your girlfriend boy had no legs
4c693ee9 No.3744028
how is the ohio for you
7365840a No.3744037
Commie nigger mspaint fake.
7365840a No.3744041
lol! commie nigger be so mad
aa93ac8b No.3744048
Why are you under the impression that nazis like Trump? Even Richard Spencer endorsed Joe last time around.
5363f074 No.3744054
>>3743959The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
The only good racist is a dead racist.
The only good homophobe is a dead homophobe.
The only good Trump voter is a dead Trump voter.
Zero tolerance.
No ground given.
We gave you fuckers mercy after the civil war and it's been nothing but problems from you ever since then.
5363f074 No.3744055
Trump is now saying he is going to lose the debate on purpose for some reason?
I still think Trump is going to just run from the debate at the last minute.
5363f074 No.3744056
>>3744016In this particular case, the meme is true.
We need to not only defeat Trump we need to defeat him by such large numbers that he can't drag out the close election results in court cases for years.
If we don't STOMP Trump in the election he will find every single excuse to whine and cry for YEARS.
If you want Trump to finally go the fuck away, he needs to be CRUSHED not just defeated.
fb699e36 No.3744063
>>3744056If you want Trump to finally go the fuck away, he needs to be acknowledged as the true victor in this election and he must be allowed to serve his full second presidential term that he was cheated out of by criminal democrats last time.
Niggers are ugly.
390b0544 No.3744068
True Fascism, it's always on the left.
Fascism was a word coined by mussolini from the Italian word 'fasces' which means 'collective or bundle'. Fascism literally translates to 'collective'-ism, the basic tenet of ALL leftist political ideologies. Fascism has ALWAYS been leftist, just like national socialism [nazism] and communism.
33a89864 No.3744072
>>3744068All politics is collectivist. You're a human, not a tree sloth. You're supposed to build and live in societies.
Individualism was made up ensure retards like you never build power and, ideally, end up dead in the woods somewhere far away from the tribe.
390b0544 No.3744078
>>3744072Too bad in reality it didn't work out that way, or you wouldn't be fighting us so massively or savagely.
But lefties so do love their little fantasy worlds, too bad.
Too bad for you.
Too bad for you.
a3d0cb28 No.3744082
It wasn't socialism that gassed the Jews and started WWII but rather ethnonationalism. Socialism was the part that built the autobahn (good thing). You numbskulls see "national socialism" but demonize the wrong half.
Collectivism is basically just working together for a common goal. Remember when Americans landed their men on the Moon and returned them safely? That was collectivism. Or when wolves work together to take down large prey.
"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."
But here's the thing about wolves: all pack members are entitled to howl. Wolves may fight over the choicest parts, but all are entitled to eat. Wolves have never created concentration camps, gulags, or any such Hell for other wolves. Only intelligence as sophisticated as man's can concoct such perversions.
Takeaway: there is nothing wrong with working together for a common goal or being strongly unified (solidarity). The real evil of fascism is its persecution of individuals for wrong skin color or wrongthink. Persecution for wrongthink is not unique to fascism but happened under Stalinism too - another totalitarian regime.
48befc87 No.3744085
It took the combined might of almost all the world's most modern nation's armies working together from many fronts to bring him down.
And it took a long time.
No one country was powerful enough to do it.
That's how strong he became.
Think about that for a minute.
48befc87 No.3744086
>>Or when wolves work together to take down large prey.
Or when NigNogs gang up together to attack white people.
No thanks.
5363f074 No.3744090
Being in red states is literally killing babies. Infant mortality is down 2%-4% in blue states across America. It's up 10%-13% in red states.
Republican ideas are bad ideas. That's why they have to gerrymander and bend the rules to stay in power. They are the party of an angry, pathetic, ignorant minority who are so stupid they are killing off their own base.
5363f074 No.3744091
>>3744085>Thinks Hitler did WW2 by himself. Hitler only had any success because Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, and Japanese Emperor Hirohito were willing to throw everything they had behind him because they knew their own time as dictator was about to run out.
Times were changing for all of them and they could see that the world wasn't going to put up with their shit any more.
Like Trump, the scared, weak, man-children didn't know how to stop the world from bringing them to justice so they just turned to violence. Like Trump, they would rather see their own countrymen die by the millions than face any personal consequences for their actions.
2e81f8bd No.3744093
>>https://lulz.net/furi/src/1719330458802-4.jpgNice STAGED picture.
>>3744090False statistics. Try reversing the statistics and you will have the truth. Since you don't count abortion as baby murder, even up to full term, and red states do, your infant mortality rate in reality is probably 200% -300% more than red states.
2e81f8bd No.3744094
The democrats have an unhealthy need for power and control.
They always have, but after Obama, the mask has been slipping as more and more people reject their disastrous policies. At this point, the only way for them to hold onto power is to steal elections and use thug-tactics to intimidate Americans into compliance. It will not work.
696c247d No.3744095
>>3744082>I'm a limp-wristed eunuch faggot who believes convenient lies, so I don't need to learn confronting truths and responsibilitiesYou don't ever get to talk to me about Christianity again until you learn more about who and what the enemy of Christians and Jesus Christ and in fact anything created by God is, and what tools/devices/people it uses, and how it corrupts people.
Eunuchs can indeed get saved, but becoming one won't prevent them from getting corrupted.
If you were
actually a Christian, you'd have more courage to learn discernment. A Christian's more than allowed to be courageous, and still not be transgressing against Christ - just look at how courageous
He was.
Be careful. It's
your type that'll be lining up to suck off the antichrist and attack the actual Christians for being meanies.
The children of the wicked one certainly are getting something out of being here, despite knowing they'll condemn themselves even more, but what about you? You one of them too?
definitely doggie bed nao. :3
4c693ee9 No.3744098
>>3744092they should have their own country then
4c693ee9 No.3744099
its definitely a mistake to indulge that shit but also so is eating too much fast food and its america
2e81f8bd No.3744104
>>3744098They do,
It's called EARTH.
2e81f8bd No.3744107
>>3744097>>3744098Try reading again what I wrote.
It was STAGED.
The guy was no more a Trump supporter than you are.
He went there with the intention of doing what he did, knowing it would make news.
And it was actual Trump supporters that kicked him out, they won't stand for that shit either.
What is it that is wrong with you, that you constantly equate Trump supporters with nazis?
What part of your brain is broken that you do that?
4c693ee9 No.3744108
>>3744107i know alot of stuff
a3d0cb28 No.3744110
>>3744095Oh no! Bully Dog has forbidden me from discussing Christianity! However shall I cope? From Jesus's perspective, he had no enemies. Those persecuting him and torturing him to death were still his children, albeit confused children in need of forgiveness.
Also, you have an unhealthy obsession with both my dangly bits and the things Steam shoves up his ass. Are you gay?
83fb012c No.3744112
>>3744110Gay for being Jewish
5363f074 No.3744113
>>3744107Sure, sure, it was staged. I'm sure the thousands of Nazis who cheer for Trump are all secretly antifa, FBI, lizard people, false flag operations!
Thousands of "fake Nazis" around the nation with social media accounts all proclaiming they are the most hated group in human history and they love Trump, ruining their own lives and the lives of their family all as part of a master plan by the deep state to make Trump look bad.
That seems TOTALLY plausible, right?
5363f074 No.3744114
>>3744095>You don't ever get to talk to me about Christianity again until you learn more about…Jesus preached anti-racism, loving strangers as family, giving your wealth to the poor, and forsaking false idols like Trump.
Conservatism is everything Jesus stood against, if anyone should take his name out of their mouth it should be you.
2e81f8bd No.3744115
>>3744113Please post links to these "thousands and thousands" of nazi Trump supporters that are living in your brain.
Post links to hundreds?
Ok post links to a few dozen, then .
One or two?
2e81f8bd No.3744116
>>3744114>>Jesus preached anti-racism, loving strangers as family, giving your wealth to the poor, and forsaking false idols like Trump. Everything you, yourself, have not done.
Give us a few more "kill whiteys" there, 3B, 'kay?
2e81f8bd No.3744129
And another /POL/ thread dies an early premature death because of 3B's flood of shit posts.