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3c77a521 No.3742551[View All]

Previous thread: >>3740721
This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.
600 posts and 376 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

bb1b2a16 No.3744008

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83fb012c No.3744012

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93936245 No.3744015

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>can show 347 examples
>shows 0

How about 109 countries?

216d0cb4 No.3744016

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4c693ee9 No.3744020

would you cut off your arms if your girlfriend boy had no legs

4c693ee9 No.3744028

how is the ohio for you

93936245 No.3744032

File: 1719273467572.png (802.73 KB, 1550x1342, 67a68a74997d05b075af3ce6a8….png)

Anything my bae wants.

7365840a No.3744037

Commie n⁣⁣⁣i⁣⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣e⁣⁣⁣r⁣⁣⁣⁣ mspaint fake.

7365840a No.3744041

lol! commie n⁣⁣⁣i⁣⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣g⁣⁣e⁣⁣⁣r⁣⁣⁣⁣ be so mad

aa93ac8b No.3744048

Why are you under the impression that nazis like Trump? Even Richard Spencer endorsed Joe last time around.

216d0cb4 No.3744049

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9d8b1954 No.3744052

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5363f074 No.3744054

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The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
The only good racist is a dead racist.
The only good homophobe is a dead homophobe.
The only good Trump voter is a dead Trump voter.
Zero tolerance.
No ground given.
We gave you fuckers mercy after the civil war and it's been nothing but problems from you ever since then.

5363f074 No.3744055

Trump is now saying he is going to lose the debate on purpose for some reason?

I still think Trump is going to just run from the debate at the last minute.

5363f074 No.3744056

In this particular case, the meme is true.
We need to not only defeat Trump we need to defeat him by such large numbers that he can't drag out the close election results in court cases for years.

If we don't STOMP Trump in the election he will find every single excuse to whine and cry for YEARS.

If you want Trump to finally go the fuck away, he needs to be CRUSHED not just defeated.

fb699e36 No.3744063

File: 1719306637615.jpg (39.38 KB, 640x360, typical nigger 098.jpg)

If you want Trump to finally go the fuck away, he needs to be acknowledged as the true victor in this election and he must be allowed to serve his full second presidential term that he was cheated out of by criminal democrats last time.

Niggers are ugly.

390b0544 No.3744068

True Fascism, it's always on the left.
Fascism was a word coined by mussolini from the Italian word 'fasces' which means 'collective or bundle'. Fascism literally translates to 'collective'-ism, the basic tenet of ALL leftist political ideologies. Fascism has ALWAYS been leftist, just like national socialism [nazism] and communism.


33a89864 No.3744071

>Why does everyone hate me?

33a89864 No.3744072

All politics is collectivist. You're a human, not a tree sloth. You're supposed to build and live in societies.

Individualism was made up ensure retards like you never build power and, ideally, end up dead in the woods somewhere far away from the tribe.

390b0544 No.3744078


Too bad in reality it didn't work out that way, or you wouldn't be fighting us so massively or savagely.
But lefties so do love their little fantasy worlds, too bad.
Too bad for you.

Too bad for you.

93936245 No.3744080

File: 1719326605762.png (1.22 MB, 1280x924, 91d282da183d6cebd34dac43f9….png)

That's a retarded view of individualism. You can form an individualist collective. It's that the collective prioritizes the good of the individual rather than the good of the group as a whole that makes it individualist.

a3d0cb28 No.3744082

It wasn't socialism that gassed the Jews and started WWII but rather ethnonationalism. Socialism was the part that built the autobahn (good thing). You numbskulls see "national socialism" but demonize the wrong half.

Collectivism is basically just working together for a common goal. Remember when Americans landed their men on the Moon and returned them safely? That was collectivism. Or when wolves work together to take down large prey.

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack."

But here's the thing about wolves: all pack members are entitled to howl. Wolves may fight over the choicest parts, but all are entitled to eat. Wolves have never created concentration camps, gulags, or any such Hell for other wolves. Only intelligence as sophisticated as man's can concoct such perversions.

Takeaway: there is nothing wrong with working together for a common goal or being strongly unified (solidarity). The real evil of fascism is its persecution of individuals for wrong skin color or wrongthink. Persecution for wrongthink is not unique to fascism but happened under Stalinism too - another totalitarian regime.

48befc87 No.3744085

It took the combined might of almost all the world's most modern nation's armies working together from many fronts to bring him down.
And it took a long time.
No one country was powerful enough to do it.
That's how strong he became.

Think about that for a minute.

48befc87 No.3744086

>>Or when wolves work together to take down large prey.

Or when NigNogs gang up together to attack white people.
No thanks.

48befc87 No.3744087

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48befc87 No.3744088

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ab2c22a0 No.3744089

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5363f074 No.3744090

Being in red states is literally killing babies. Infant mortality is down 2%-4% in blue states across America. It's up 10%-13% in red states.

Republican ideas are bad ideas. That's why they have to gerrymander and bend the rules to stay in power. They are the party of an angry, pathetic, ignorant minority who are so stupid they are killing off their own base.

5363f074 No.3744091

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>Thinks Hitler did WW2 by himself.

Hitler only had any success because Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, and Japanese Emperor Hirohito were willing to throw everything they had behind him because they knew their own time as dictator was about to run out.

Times were changing for all of them and they could see that the world wasn't going to put up with their shit any more.

Like Trump, the scared, weak, man-children didn't know how to stop the world from bringing them to justice so they just turned to violence. Like Trump, they would rather see their own countrymen die by the millions than face any personal consequences for their actions.

ab2c22a0 No.3744092

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The NAZI-JEW hybrids literally has full control of the US government, both in the DEM and GOP.


2e81f8bd No.3744093

Nice STAGED picture.

False statistics. Try reversing the statistics and you will have the truth. Since you don't count abortion as baby murder, even up to full term, and red states do, your infant mortality rate in reality is probably 200% -300% more than red states.

2e81f8bd No.3744094

The democrats have an unhealthy need for power and control.
They always have, but after Obama, the mask has been slipping as more and more people reject their disastrous policies. At this point, the only way for them to hold onto power is to steal elections and use thug-tactics to intimidate Americans into compliance. It will not work.

696c247d No.3744095

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>I'm a limp-wristed eunuch faggot who believes convenient lies, so I don't need to learn confronting truths and responsibilities

You don't ever get to talk to me about Christianity again until you learn more about who and what the enemy of Christians and Jesus Christ and in fact anything created by God is, and what tools/devices/people it uses, and how it corrupts people.
Eunuchs can indeed get saved, but becoming one won't prevent them from getting corrupted.
If you were actually a Christian, you'd have more courage to learn discernment. A Christian's more than allowed to be courageous, and still not be transgressing against Christ - just look at how courageous He was.
Be careful. It's your type that'll be lining up to suck off the antichrist and attack the actual Christians for being meanies.

The children of the wicked one certainly are getting something out of being here, despite knowing they'll condemn themselves even more, but what about you? You one of them too?

Anyway… definitely doggie bed nao. :3

ab2c22a0 No.3744096

ab2c22a0 No.3744097

4c693ee9 No.3744098

they should have their own country then

4c693ee9 No.3744099

its definitely a mistake to indulge that shit but also so is eating too much fast food and its america

2e81f8bd No.3744104

They do,
It's called EARTH.

2e81f8bd No.3744107

Try reading again what I wrote.
It was STAGED.
The guy was no more a Trump supporter than you are.
He went there with the intention of doing what he did, knowing it would make news.
And it was actual Trump supporters that kicked him out, they won't stand for that shit either.
What is it that is wrong with you, that you constantly equate Trump supporters with nazis?
What part of your brain is broken that you do that?

4c693ee9 No.3744108

i know alot of stuff

a3d0cb28 No.3744110

Oh no! Bully Dog has forbidden me from discussing Christianity! However shall I cope? From Jesus's perspective, he had no enemies. Those persecuting him and torturing him to death were still his children, albeit confused children in need of forgiveness.

Also, you have an unhealthy obsession with both my dangly bits and the things Steam shoves up his ass. Are you gay?

83fb012c No.3744112

Gay for being Jewish

5363f074 No.3744113

Sure, sure, it was staged. I'm sure the thousands of Nazis who cheer for Trump are all secretly antifa, FBI, lizard people, false flag operations!

Thousands of "fake Nazis" around the nation with social media accounts all proclaiming they are the most hated group in human history and they love Trump, ruining their own lives and the lives of their family all as part of a master plan by the deep state to make Trump look bad.

That seems TOTALLY plausible, right?

5363f074 No.3744114

>You don't ever get to talk to me about Christianity again until you learn more about…

Jesus preached anti-racism, loving strangers as family, giving your wealth to the poor, and forsaking false idols like Trump.

Conservatism is everything Jesus stood against, if anyone should take his name out of their mouth it should be you.

2e81f8bd No.3744115

Please post links to these "thousands and thousands" of nazi Trump supporters that are living in your brain.
Post links to hundreds?
Ok post links to a few dozen, then .
One or two?

2e81f8bd No.3744116

>>Jesus preached anti-racism, loving strangers as family, giving your wealth to the poor, and forsaking false idols like Trump.

Everything you, yourself, have not done.
Give us a few more "kill whiteys" there, 3B, 'kay?

ab2c22a0 No.3744124

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A well spent of the US taxpayer money…

by the foreign agent.

517b0364 No.3744127

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>Showing pic of Nazi & Jew coin collaborate together.
>>Yes Nazis don't like jews we know that

>Show pic of racist who hates black

>>You don't like black people

His retarded level is over nine thousands!!!

2e81f8bd No.3744129

And another /POL/ thread dies an early premature death because of 3B's flood of shit posts.

93936245 No.3744133

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That's how strong a country that has freed itself of semitism becomes.

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