08c919d3 No.3711633
Searching for old redwall fanfiction stories and artwork I wonder if there is more. Enjoy.
If you could help us find the original artist and link them here that would be great.
They may have a deviant art gallery or could be defunct.
https://web.archive.org/web/20010723220807/http://www.angelfire.com/hi3/icefang/https://web.archive.org/web/20040618170951/http://www.angelfire.com/pa3/caitin/rwchar.html f56e3550 No.3713522
>>3712032MegaMan actually, I think.
And those were people that were turned into lion furries by a comet.
So of course MM shot them.
07cf704c No.3713558
>>3712406Dang, lulz with popup? What year and server was that again? I'm sure it was way earlier than 2014.
08c919d3 No.3715024
Lemon Demon - Soft Fuzzy Man (FAN ANIMATION)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsKV_jdd5PM e406cf20 No.3718148
ive been trying to find the "AHHH WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING" flash video for awhile. If anyone has it. It had some weird leopard dragon thing screaming that.
ba75e8af No.3759240
Welp we lost the archive thread in the old sticky.
6f5b4071 No.3768944
>>3768885These were the the best example of a rip-off.
They were 640 MB discs burned with multiple copies of only a handful of pictures at different resolutions. It was $40 for like 5-10 different pictures, which is about $75 in today's money accounting for inflation.
It's equivalent to paying $15-30 per month on Patreon to get two new pictures each month… oh, I guess people are still that stupid.
8d31ab08 No.3768965
>>3768944I remember when evilsibe, fredrik fox, and myself stole all the porn off vcl onto a dvd and passed them out at AC