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a8926d82 No.3710950[View All]

Scantily clad 'witches' caught munching on deer carcass in bizarre security cam footage.
A nurse and nature lover in Canada reportedly captured footage of what she said appeared to be "two witches holding a carcass-eating ritual" with a camera she set up near her home.
"I don’t know what the heck was up with that," Corinea Stanhope, 36, of Powell River, British Columbia, told Kennedy News. "It really freaked us out, it’s not something you see every day."
After coming across a deer carcass in a garden on her property, Stanhope said she set up the camera to surveil any animals that might take interest in the dead deer.
"Me and my grandpa put up a trail camera to see if we could see animals, and we got a bobcat [on camera], which was pretty cool," she said, adding that her 76-year-old grandfather, Bob, was horrified when he checked the footage and saw what appeared to be scantily clad women chomping down on the rotting, maggot-infested carcass at night.
"I came the next day, and grandpa said he'd got naked people on the camera, and I said, 'No, you didn't. Bullshit.' So, he showed me," she said.
Stanhope noted to the outlet that the apparent carcass-eaters emerged about 10 minutes after sunset, looking "disheveled" and like they were wearing wigs.
"You can't really tell from the photos, but the hoof was brought right up to their mouths as if they were smelling it," she said. "Well, I don't know if she was kissing it, smelling or eating it, but to touch a decaying carcass like that makes me feel sick – the amount of bacteria that must have been on there."
"Maybe they were paying their respects, but they were naked," she added.
Social media erupted after Stanhope posted the photos online, with some claiming it was a prank and others speculating there was a satanic or other paranormal element at work.
"That's basically a walking demon from hell," one user wrote. "If you hear screaming stay inside and get a gun you leave it alone."
Others theorized that the figures were "skinwalkers" or "wendigos," both of which are malevolent supernatural entities associated with Native American folklore.
80 posts and 58 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

2dac4f40 No.3737563

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I don't really even understand why people obsess over dicks and vaginas.

I mean, the only thing that matters is your anus. Its not like its possible to get off from anything else. Obsessing over foreplay is just stupid.

2dac4f40 No.3737565

Pussies pump out babies, dicks put out babies into pussies, and assholes are for pleasure.

My uncle told me that during my sex talk when I was 5. Its basic knowledge.

2dac4f40 No.3737567

thats why Satan gave both men and women anuses when she created us, its so everyone can experience sex the same way. Its like none of you ever even had the talk.

65965937 No.3738068

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a9b4bcf9 No.3738073

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"It turns out, the hairless visitor was actually a northern raccoon. The frightened little girl was suffering from a condition that caused her to lose her fur.

“[She] has a condition called alopecia — or, more simply, hair loss,” the rescue wrote in the post. “She's actually completely bald.”

According to Hope For Wildlife, though this condition is often caused by “parasites, mange or fungal infections,” the raccoon seems to have relatively healthy skin.

Luckily, this raccoon, now affectionately named Rufus, according to CBC News, has had no trouble making friends with other rescue raccoons.

2dac4f40 No.3738075

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That term "rescue" gets tossed around way too much. Its been the better part of a decade since I've met anyone who doesn't brag that their pet is a "rescue."

I bought my dog from a breeder, and everyone thinks I'm so cruel when there are dogs in the pound that can be adopted. Yet I'm one of the few people who have unlimited health insurance for their doggo. I'm such a cruel and unthoughtful pet owner.

Not going to lie though, this episode of rick and morty is why I got said insurance.

2dac4f40 No.3738076

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I mean seriously, where are all these pets being rescued from?

2dac4f40 No.3738078

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When my mom had to pay over 10k for a surgery on her dog, and was whining. I was just like…

But yeah, im the bad guy because I choose to invest in preventing problems, instead of waiting for them to arise and suddenly throw a hissy fit.

2dac4f40 No.3738080

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also weird pics, semi related to op. Just to be kewl.

06e877fe No.3738102

Source? "empty_eyes canine black_fur solo" wasn't finding it.

f2d99e16 No.3738103


AI generated. You won't find it on e621.

a9b4bcf9 No.3738104

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c7440c51 No.3740862

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I guess you could also call it Object in Sheath, Sheath Penetration, and a lot of other things, is this a fetish in itself? It's something only uncut guys can do, so if you've got it, abuse it, I guess.

c7440c51 No.3740863

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c7440c51 No.3740864

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c7440c51 No.3740865

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it doesn't have to be just cans, I prompted the A.I. for a nude anthro wolf holding a scepter but i didn't say what to hold it with. malicious compliance, i guess.

e7577cd5 No.3747354

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Bears do all kinds of weird and crazy shit, but how odd and bizarre would it be to come home and find one that had grown accustomed to people snoozing on your lawn, and not only having a sex dream (of fucking a human maybe?) but ejaculating with his foot held up in the air to give you a full view of EVERYTHING?
Well if you were a zoophile, you'd probably think either YOU were dreaming, or had maybe better go buy a lottery ticket since your luck was so good!
But that's exactly what happened to this guy in Pennsylvania, and he was able to capture it with his cellphone.
Supposedly there is a video of this, where you can hear the bear groaning, and see him thrusting his hips, then he ejaculates in about 12 or 14 pulses and you can see the muscles in his belly and thighs rippling and his TaiHole clenching repeatedly as you witness his cum actually squirting out of his penis!
If anyone has the video of this, please upload it!!

91e0a35a No.3747404


I guess that lawn was really comfy.

What would happen if he discovers the Lure of the couch in the house ? ?

08e85e2a No.3747417

fuck man…. im gunna nut… i'd of given him a hand and a mouth. set up a few cameras and stream that shit

"Your honor… I thought he was Russian!"

"…sure didn't taste Russian…"

jesus.. this gave me a boner… i can almost smell his musk from here…

I… I'm turning into a bearrrraaaaarrrrgggghhhh!!!!! -vigourously paws off, waiting for the next human to help grow our bear tribe… jerking off on human's lawns till they cum with us…

i wonder if bear cum tastes like honey

ahhhh… furverted fantasy. fucking furries, how do they work?


2bcc8939 No.3747461

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What The Heck????

91f4556d No.3747484

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The odd and bizarre Opossum Penis!
Opossums are known for passing out (playing dead) but sometimes they're just snoozing and having sexy dreams!
This isn't bestiality because all the guy is doing is lifting the Opossum's smelly feet up out of the way (humans have no monopoly on that either) so you can better see the Star Of The Show, his weird fully erect, engorged DICK!!
"Where's his balls?" you ask… well, he has them. But like a kangaroo, they are located ABOVE his cock.
Now the big question: Would you suck it??

2bcc8939 No.3747501

Hey, I found something REALLY bizarre and unusual, a couple of women in Thailand playing with Elephant's dicks!
I know there's users here that would love to see these gals having fun playing with these big grey whoppers, but I am reading that movies like that are no longer allowed to be posted here.

But what about LINKS?
Am I allowed simply to LINK to them??
That is my question, ok thank you

0112e4e5 No.3747530


You can post it here.

0112e4e5 No.3747531


And by this I mean you can either link it, or post it here directly.

7d70beeb No.3747616

>when there are dogs in the pound that can be adopted
stop neutering/spaying them and we'll talk about adopting. Before that - no and this choice will not change.

t. practicing zoophile huskyfucker

9352e98b No.3747617

Same resident huskyfucker from over 10 years ago? One would have thought you'd have grown out of that phase by now. Just saiyan.

f73085d2 No.3747646

Is the husky male or female?

685647a0 No.3748619

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Researchers have now refined mind control in animals to an amazing degree…. getting them to do many different SPECIFIC things, using a hand-held remote control, with no surgery or any invasive techniques required. Just get this little gadget on your favorite exotic specie's head (picture shown is not actual device) and you can make them do ANYTHING! They have no CHOICE but to do a little dance and clap their paws, for instance, if that's what you want them to do.

But how long before someone gets a hold of this technology and abuses it? To make the animal their WILLING sex slave, and the animal would be deliriously happy about it, because you can also stimulate their pleasure centers with it, from a little to a lot. So much so that when the device is taken off their head they BEG to have it put back on!

And what about MORE abuse? Further miniaturizing this thing and controlling PEOPLE with it!!!

The LEFT would do that.

685647a0 No.3748620

Here is the link to the full article about

f2d99e16 No.3748627

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e99919dd No.3749615

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Now that's a full-blown Orgasm Face if I ever saw one.
She wants you to know exactly how she's feeling.
Without shame, without restriction.
Video my face, she says. Close up!!
Fuck, it's like she wants the whole universe to know.
I think maybe she might be addicted to them!

2dac4f40 No.3749624

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gotta love stupid gasm faces.

e99919dd No.3749678

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a8926d82 No.3749689

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12527e2a No.3749814

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The Panda's Pleasure,

07256204 No.3749817

Yep. You've never seen one. Keep whacking off to your manga little man

2dac4f40 No.3749828

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leave the guy alone, I've fucked everything and in between, sex with humans is overrated.

2dac4f40 No.3749829

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also inb4 bestiality, I have never fucked an animal. I totally would if it was like obviously wanting it, but yeah, Ive never had that happen.

To animals, I'm a weird gross hairless monster that's missing two legs, and has the mysterious powers. Totally not sexy.

7a207ca4 No.3749843

That's not an O face you retard

7a207ca4 No.3749844

Bruh, you fuck your dog.

c61262a6 No.3749866

you could make your 3D print out your pet into a mold like candy.

c61262a6 No.3749867

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Think if it as 3D printing your dog's skeleton and adding the mold and cast for candy gelatin and you have a ballistic candy gelitin dog candy. your dog starts humping it.

c61262a6 No.3749868

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Could not find a dog skeleton with ballistic gel on google it sucks.

2dac4f40 No.3749903

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my dog is neutered, and a death machine. He barely tolerates me putting my leg on him in bed, let alone a sexual act. He'd probably murderlate me if I tried.

2dac4f40 No.3749904

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his main hobbies… terrorizing anything that dares approach his yard, stealing my spot, forcing me to pet him, and being a creeper.

9352e98b No.3749931

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In that case, I'll include him in my prayers for you tonight.

d6259411 No.3750042



…..or….wrong God?…….

29ad05f9 No.3750063

negro legoshi

9352e98b No.3750073

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Islam, hinduism and today's "jewdaism" are devil religions, my prayers are Christian - besides, only the true God loves dogs. :3

9352e98b No.3750317

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My prayers helping yet? You drinking and killing yourself less yet? I don't want you to suffer.

It would make me happy if you would listen to some of the sermons of 2 pastors, both with several PhDs and both were long time university lecturers, and both have a long history of strong principles and courage.

You seem to enjoy being challenged by brainy people, and I'd like your observations about what they're saying, based on your own understanding of the Bible which you said you know very well.

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