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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1689638021722-0.png (3.97 KB, 360x289, png-transparent-blender-hd….png)

File: 1689638021722-1.jpg (572.43 KB, 2731x4096, Ff73Dr2XoAAF7re_u18chan.jpg)

8906cd5c No.3709127[Last 50 Posts]

8906cd5c No.3709134

File: 1689640323281.png (6.85 MB, 7911x2900, TPose-NoFur-Plain_0001_u18….png)

04c7f510 No.3709154

File: 1689657562850.jpg (208.83 KB, 1728x1299, 1689510808259392.jpg)

you got anything free

8906cd5c No.3709178

File: 1689692967986-0.jpg (1.13 MB, 4995x4026, psycho-john_smilerface_mod….jpg)

File: 1689692967986-1.jpg (71.23 KB, 1280x720, image.jpg)

8a2e396d No.3709189

>>3709178 But nothing there for the smiler

8906cd5c No.3709684

File: 1689985490955.png (1.1 MB, 1920x1080, 1678633583288211_u18chan.png)

Grabbed from twitter a while ago. Not sure if it's the exact same one tho, here you go anon

8906cd5c No.3710326

File: 1690643508449-0.png (331.21 KB, 1280x686, 1598727270.fritzlesticks_g….png)

File: 1690643508449-1.png (681.09 KB, 1280x720, 1599425082.fritzlesticks_g….png)

File: 1690643508449-2.png (1.28 MB, 900x1280, 1600380570.fritzlesticks_s….png)

File: 1690643508449-3.png (1.12 MB, 1258x1280, 1602100841.fritzlesticks_s….png)

File: 1690643508449-4.png (1.18 MB, 900x1280, 1603127269.fritzlesticks_s….png)

4e909694 No.3710341



I don't have an FA or have viewed any furry sites outside of lulz here. I assume this stuff like most furry content is behind the shitty paywalls patreon brought?

Artist in other words?

d33a0bdf No.3710354

> Artist in other words?
The artist is in the filename. The number at the beginning is a Unix timestamp that shows when it was uploaded to the server. The dot in between the number and the name indicates the file came from FurAffinity. If there had been a _ instead of a dot then the file came from some image board instead.

Anyway, this is the artist:

You will probably need an account to view the artist's work.

6d171d1c No.3710367

Some additional info. Unix timestamps can be converted to readable format online:

>You will probably need an account to view the artist's work.

FurAffinity accounts are free to open.

Blender is software that artists use to create 3D artwork.

4e909694 No.3710490


Thank you very much. Was just expecting insults or no replies.

8906cd5c No.3710900

File: 1691176825518.jpg (417.41 KB, 1567x2351, mayosplash_femchipdale_u18….jpg)

128f7312 No.3710920

File: 1691191626679.jpg (119.34 KB, 1158x731, 16458b07aa9d.jpg)

I found a trick on how to rig hips on humanoid models without needing weight painting at all.

The best part is, after you build the skeleton the first time you can import it and slap it onto any humanoid model with only minimal tweaking.


37f210c1 No.3711676

File: 1691947556338.png (4.28 MB, 2160x1436, screenshot017.png)

37f210c1 No.3711699

File: 1691958332533.png (149.28 KB, 654x698, ZinPia_Zeedah Model.png)

37f210c1 No.3712116

File: 1692157477429.png (356.17 KB, 549x773, Hakya11_models leftover.png)

5bc514f7 No.3712126

File: 1692161176480.png (2.03 MB, 1080x1080, 456bd2ac-e192-4440-92c1-c6….png)

Anyone here got the wolf mask from Sarokichi?


37f210c1 No.3712224

File: 1692226499621.jpg (83.63 KB, 1400x1000, untitled_6_u18chan.jpg)


And just in case anyone wants the rest (model list on the image):

37f210c1 No.3712235

File: 1692229648380-0.jpg (171.73 KB, 1024x937, dolly_dalmatian_sfm_and_bl….jpg)

File: 1692229648380-1.png (2.16 MB, 1920x1080, 1691203773.arceusguy_bowwa….png)

File: 1692229648380-2.png (2.57 MB, 1500x1920, l2xt1v2agr9ps3ajopnujvv72h….png)

File: 1692229648380-3.jpg (109.04 KB, 891x1280, 1668344373.miakameron_unti….jpg)

37f210c1 No.3712407

File: 1692343182358.png (1.3 MB, 1920x1080, missy01.png)

37f210c1 No.3712408

File: 1692343561937-0.jpg (59.14 KB, 850x884, sample_988d78d7dac2bf079eb….jpg)

File: 1692343561937-1.gif (3.33 MB, 800x450, 0f3104833239810af8333c326e….gif)

File: 1692343561937-2.gif (3.61 MB, 800x450, cf720bc5980d47bc9e00796336….gif)

37f210c1 No.3712464

File: 1692390575915.png (2.17 MB, 3298x789, Valorlynz models.png)

37f210c1 No.3712474

File: 1692398168069.png (357.16 KB, 782x822, yeen-girl-model.png)

37f210c1 No.3712902

File: 1692681437761.png (553.83 KB, 1222x578, blue juicy dragon.png)

74ba45ec No.3712906

I love dragons

37f210c1 No.3712922

File: 1692687742036.png (306.65 KB, 377x836, Kobold_Lizard_Posed.png)

37f210c1 No.3712931

File: 1692691416062.png (603.6 KB, 951x794, Kala_1_u18chan.png)

37f210c1 No.3712932

File: 1692694743760.png (380.66 KB, 655x775, anthro insects.png)

37f210c1 No.3712933

File: 1692694975734.png (463.97 KB, 653x818, spaicychicrossSFMbyodcub20….png)

ae4abdf0 No.3712954

File: 1692715792317-0.jpg (339.55 KB, 808x1204, l1.jpg)

File: 1692715792317-1.jpg (408.5 KB, 828x1307, l2.jpg)

My first sculpt edit ever. Generated with Titancraft then lewded in Blender. Criticism welcome.

37f210c1 No.3712992

File: 1692738735641-0.jpg (116.26 KB, 1280x922, 1640225826.yogher_combined.jpg)

File: 1692738735641-1.jpg (93.29 KB, 889x1280, 1640232357.yogher_untitled….jpg)

File: 1692738735641-2.jpg (92.22 KB, 910x1280, 1662750842.yogher_form.jpg)

37f210c1 No.3712993

File: 1692739159642.png (3.28 MB, 2161x1705, 1685463668.picti_action_po….png)

37f210c1 No.3712994

File: 1692739285806.jpg (154.05 KB, 1850x1120, 1691330465.picti_legacy_-_….jpg)

37f210c1 No.3713012

File: 1692746711909.png (5.51 MB, 1920x2715, PREV.png)

ae4abdf0 No.3713074

File: 1692779397761-0.jpg (138.84 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20230823_102356.jpg)

File: 1692779397761-1.jpg (148.11 KB, 1280x960, IMG_20230823_102412.jpg)

…and it's printed.

ae4abdf0 No.3713096

File: 1692795794863-0.jpg (378.58 KB, 689x1435, cenwolf.jpg)

File: 1692795794863-1.jpg (455.88 KB, 775x1449, unicorn.jpg)

Daaamn, that site has potential.

37f210c1 No.3713119

File: 1692828064273.png (428.01 KB, 670x773, avatar-pc-kuku.png)

37f210c1 No.3713364

File: 1692921342949.png (423.59 KB, 1146x747, [PART 1] 3D Sculpting Slug….png)

37f210c1 No.3713622

File: 1693102901669.png (1.03 MB, 1404x1926, how do you reset the pose ….png)

Does anyone know how to reset her default pose to a functional one?

This is not the reset default pose that I am looking for.

37f210c1 No.3713623

37f210c1 No.3713628

37f210c1 No.3713638

File: 1693125709994-0.gif (1.16 MB, 521x490, 5b4d704a-1ab8-4890-9bdb-f4….gif)

File: 1693125709994-1.gif (551.46 KB, 521x490, ddaf4cbb-dbc7-4360-8808-3d….gif)

37f210c1 No.3714419

File: 1693654683363.png (4 MB, 2000x2000, b7eb5bade90ab312b0f68261d4….png)

8a2e396d No.3714430

Does anyone happen to have the ones from Torinyan?

37f210c1 No.3714436

8a2e396d No.3714441

>>3714436 Looking for the whole Runa set along with all the addon parts

37f210c1 No.3714444

I wish they sell the model directly though steam it would be much easier.

37f210c1 No.3714453

File: 1693696737163.png (120.17 KB, 517x568, runa_bot.png)

3fb94378 No.3714468

Thank you, now I just gotta figure out how to turn it into something I can mess around and modify

37f210c1 No.3714489

File: 1693766429699.png (889.33 KB, 1920x1017, bones pe.png)

Nobody here knows how to find or open properties to use mask?

37f210c1 No.3714511

File: 1693821909052.png (339.02 KB, 590x738, avatar-pc-Jinxed Fox.png)

37f210c1 No.3714512

File: 1693824096171.png (765.29 KB, 1911x1017, clothes off.png)


37f210c1 No.3714513

File: 1693824607908.png (749.91 KB, 1920x1017, very detailed anus.png)

My reaction: That is the most detailed anus I have ever seen…

37f210c1 No.3714531

File: 1693845040449-0.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1920, foxyray_and_zayats_1.png)

File: 1693845040449-1.png (2.09 MB, 1080x1920, foxyray_and_zayats_2.png)

2d8a9c04 No.3715988

Could someone get the Master Tigress/Shira models from Furromantic? I'd like both the Blender and SFM versions please. The Kemono.party page hasn't been updated with the post yet, and I can't request the model there. u18chan's servers were nuked as well, so I can't ask them for it either.

37f210c1 No.3717056

File: 1695607300232.png (498.9 KB, 574x757, OraSketchfab.png)

37f210c1 No.3717057

File: 1695607335788.png (421.79 KB, 630x778, 1695605018395.png)

d43e305f No.3717532

There are also sites like furarchiver.net and there is also http://g6jy5jkx466lrqojcngbnksugrcfxsl562bzuikrka5rv7srgguqbjid.onion/fa/fritzlesticks/ if you have TOR browser installed.

c08dabde No.3717751

File: 1696236278464.png (878.59 KB, 1662x821, analrigmissing.png)

c08dabde No.3717752

File: 1696236631977.png (742.93 KB, 1280x720, f14c7f27c1b21a01bf015ca8d8….png)

anyone have Dasha?

c08dabde No.3717762

File: 1696253901140.jpg (1.11 MB, 3840x3840, 201fa23e25a51da20ac2b3d094….jpg)

c08dabde No.3717846

File: 1696367418613-0.jpg (735.87 KB, 2520x3340, 4.jpg)

File: 1696367418613-1.jpg (874.48 KB, 3150x2350, 45.jpg)

c08dabde No.3718501

File: 1697046795468.png (368.51 KB, 522x811, Yukigatr.png)

c08dabde No.3718505

File: 1697048386809.webm (1.13 MB, 135x240, foxyray_and_zayats_1.webm)

c08dabde No.3718506

File: 1697048874292.webm (825.35 KB, 640x360, 1d5ed916e99dbeb36fa4224b9….webm)

c08dabde No.3718507

File: 1697050598512.png (797.73 KB, 703x900, 1539254958.vulpesco_titpos….png)

c08dabde No.3719223

File: 1697722591215.jpg (45.05 KB, 800x450, 87dac959c4b2803a3165b6d475….jpg)


I like how you animated the knot going inside her at 8:08, there's a weight and force to get that knot inside with a slight tug after knotting it in, and the way he tries to pull it out has a reasonable force to pull out the knot, those little bits of information is what makes this sexy and believable and also that last part at 12:18 where he slipped and unable to pull out with a grunting noise was phenomenal atleast he struggled and tried to pullout last second before Pumping her full and also i like how you make the balls twitched every time he ejaculated and again i can't tell you enough of the little bits of information you've put into making this because it's really good! <3, and finally the two knot pull IS PERFECT you just can't Detach that easily after mating because the knot has enlarged inside after ejaculation (nice touch IRL dog mating 101), and that Scream thoo was Hilarious >XD (there's probably too much reverb on that scream) , and the LAST pullout is REALLY HOT AND GOOD, and with enough force they are finally free, gushing out all those baby batter, in Conclusion it's a 12 out of 10 for me it just hit all the kinks i like in this animation, I hope you continue this Small Details you've into making 3D animations my dude, Have a good one :wave:

c08dabde No.3719225

Hi , unfortunately I have decided not to allow downloads because there are cases of content misappropriation , then demo versions are made publicly available on porn sites with links to the fake partonite sites. You can believe it or not, but people are so brazen that they can steal someone else's work erase or replace creator's water mark with their own and start patreon page and make a really solid income from it, having nothing to do with creating this content. I myself have not been a victim of such conduct (as far is i know but i'm not sure) but I know a few creators who have been treated in this way. You can always save links. I have nothing against honest users if there was a situation in which the links would be changed, you can always contact me, after verifying that you were my patrons at the time of publication of a given video, you will always get access to it but unfortunately we are starting to have a plague of pests on patronite.

685bfc62 No.3719250

steals a character concept for their somehow copyrighted model ok

d22d7937 No.3719254

File: 1697755885931.png (500.03 KB, 590x590, snow-white-face.png)


So… I don't follow anyone anymore. Thanks to patreon the biggest shitty idea to completely divide the entire community into. Pay whoring or people who have limitless incomes to splurge on furry stuff.

Is this artist someone who actually eventually shares their content freely ( minus 4k or whatever "special snow flake" nonsense )

I remember some artist simply wanted to make money but didn't backhand the entire fandom and fans who are either poor, merely want to see and don't share save. ( I didn't see many do this )

I doubt I'll see this animation. I'm not going to waste money ever on patreon.

Just curious. I switched from drawing, 3D modeling furries to hentai and anime stuff.

I make enough money for a hobby without using paysites, patreon or begging. And I don't get mad at people who will never pay anyway but follow my stuff.

I suppose it's too much to ask for furries. Seems to have stayed this way.

And I assume this is some wolf character from some youtube thing? I don't use youtube. I think I've seen this character but I'm not sure.

Thanks if any info. And if not, thanks anyway.

b257002f No.3719299

c08dabde No.3720683

File: 1698979597523.png (721.26 KB, 900x561, aliclothes000000_thumb.det….png)

c08dabde No.3721730

File: 1699945754441.png (1.33 MB, 3128x2564, b07327344783b831c7a0ddd119….png)

c08dabde No.3722067

c08dabde No.3722219

File: 1700477156913.png (1.29 MB, 1535x915, fkdapoc.png)

c08dabde No.3723453

c08dabde No.3723483

File: 1701376107113.jpg (938.85 KB, 4020x2650, 54.jpg)

c08dabde No.3723908

File: 1701632098245-0.jpg (874.48 KB, 3150x2350, 45.jpg)

File: 1701632098245-1.jpg (735.87 KB, 2520x3340, 4.jpg)

File: 1701632098245-2.jpg (70.78 KB, 720x405, flash_865704_card_fallback.jpg)

File: 1701632098245-3.png (721.26 KB, 900x561, aliclothes000000_thumb.det….png)

c08dabde No.3724810

File: 1702335698546.png (730.34 KB, 907x1117, Vulcane.PNG)

c08dabde No.3724820

File: 1702346971352.jpg (8.15 KB, 225x225, eee.jpg)

c08dabde No.3724924

c08dabde No.3724925

File: 1702473071212.png (416.52 KB, 1029x576, before its gone.png)

c08dabde No.3724928

File: 1702477090408.png (406.27 KB, 652x825, nakedloonamodel.png)

c08dabde No.3725038

File: 1702536014768.png (43.36 KB, 2000x2000, wutloona.png)

c08dabde No.3725223

File: 1702641806826-0.png (514.61 KB, 820x461, 27c06f3dc421c8dba491041530….png)

File: 1702641806826-1.png (377.94 KB, 820x401, 0c8bcef8f5b707abbb6c02c862….png)

File: 1702641806826-2.png (491.62 KB, 820x651, c734b6f285520a4a833c30c212….png)

File: 1702641806826-3.png (567.82 KB, 820x433, 354fef63650c5ac95e8c8ebd4e….png)

c08dabde No.3725224

File: 1702641968764-0.jpg (96.71 KB, 754x906, F-NiXLzWIAA-dn0.jpg)

File: 1702641968764-1.jpg (165.72 KB, 1205x807, F-NiXlLWQAAh1QA.jpg)

c08dabde No.3725225

File: 1702642029091-0.jpg (98.51 KB, 850x478, 5deef493a188652fdc2da763de….jpg)

8386b548 No.3725897

File: 1703013318804.png (132.28 KB, 703x688, bef8723f6e5f135b149d6c69c1….png)

8386b548 No.3725900

File: 1703014538435.jpg (37.06 KB, 667x800, 944ab8ed76a5078ad415991401….jpg)

8386b548 No.3726591

File: 1703397812742.jpg (183.37 KB, 1214x2160, ryan-valdes-jade_u18chan.jpg)

8386b548 No.3727995

File: 1704568939917-0.png (220.88 KB, 520x626, FGO5VB5UUAAJITZ.png)

File: 1704568939917-1.png (334.33 KB, 791x770, FGO5WIbVEAI-oUh.png)

We do not know who owns these but we will find them.

8386b548 No.3728007

File: 1704580920438-0.jpg (63.57 KB, 730x486, 3d-bjd-adult-fox-color.jpg)

File: 1704580920438-1.jpg (380.77 KB, 1400x1400, 26198329722_e0be851d07_h.jpg)

File: 1704580920438-2.jpg (304.85 KB, 2048x1365, 26290760975_d6f88d541f_k.jpg)

File: 1704580920438-3.jpg (66.86 KB, 730x486, adult-fox.jpg)

File: 1704580920438-4.jpg (43.51 KB, 730x486, adult-fox-2.jpg)

8386b548 No.3728008

File: 1704581024805-0.jpg (2.1 MB, 2394x2004, F1APYZDJOEVZCV7.jpg)

File: 1704581024805-1.jpg (1.58 MB, 2000x2000, F7AWECCJOEW15MD.jpg)

File: 1704581024805-2.jpg (1.76 MB, 2000x2000, FG14PSUJOEW15MC.jpg)

File: 1704581024805-3.jpg (1.58 MB, 2000x2000, FRAOF6JJOEW15ME.jpg)

8386b548 No.3728045

File: 1704599941786-0.png (1.1 MB, 1920x1017, still doing feet.png)

File: 1704599941786-1.png (554.24 KB, 1920x1017, blender experience bones.png)

8386b548 No.3728052

File: 1704600670259-0.jpg (331.88 KB, 2560x3640, backrooms smiler face blen….jpg)

File: 1704600670259-1.png (1.59 MB, 2560x1440, 1671125885.psycho-john_unt….png)

File: 1704600670259-2.png (2.56 MB, 1687x2183, 1681294768.psycho-john_34м….png)

File: 1704600670259-3.png (2.87 MB, 1919x1919, 1672497435.psycho-john_345….png)

8386b548 No.3728062

File: 1704601477634-0.jpg (1.72 MB, 1722x5086, p1tutfur.jpg)

File: 1704601477634-1.jpg (1.89 MB, 1738x5473, p2tutfur.jpg)

8386b548 No.3728086

File: 1704613325478-0.jpg (846.33 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (1).jpg)

File: 1704613325478-1.jpg (864.85 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (2).jpg)

File: 1704613325478-2.jpg (658.07 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (3).jpg)

File: 1704613325478-3.jpg (714.82 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (4).jpg)

File: 1704613325478-4.jpg (721.66 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (5).jpg)

8386b548 No.3728087

File: 1704613368860-0.jpg (723.21 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (6).jpg)

File: 1704613368860-1.jpg (661.58 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (7).jpg)

File: 1704613368860-2.jpg (704.64 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (8).jpg)

File: 1704613368860-3.jpg (895.54 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (9).jpg)

File: 1704613368860-4.jpg (719.65 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (10).jpg)

8386b548 No.3728088

File: 1704613438031-0.jpg (784.35 KB, 1920x1017, rattcrust (11).jpg)

File: 1704613438031-1.jpg (257.73 KB, 1027x847, rattcrust (12).jpg)

File: 1704613438031-2.jpg (286.09 KB, 1027x847, rattcrust (13).jpg)

8386b548 No.3728089

File: 1704614394714.jpg (45.83 KB, 500x500, 8bjfk8.jpg)

8180fc71 No.3728132

Anyone know if there's an easy way to convert a blender model to a VRC model? some guide or video would be appriciated if possible.

8386b548 No.3728157

File: 1704666396112-0.png (259.92 KB, 1655x918, already exporter her to fb….png)

File: 1704666396112-1.png (463.59 KB, 1488x889, better fbx.png)

File: 1704666396112-2.png (289.81 KB, 1361x885, better fbx2.png)

File: 1704666396112-3.png (19.78 KB, 1194x208, blender not responding.png)

as soon as I export fbx that has 100 MB (105,078,544 bytes) into blender it uses soo much memory it stops responding.

8386b548 No.3728176

File: 1704685578751-0.png (777.45 KB, 888x587, Goddard_and_Roxy.png)

File: 1704685578751-1.jpg (38.61 KB, 640x480, Roxy.jpg)

File: 1704685578751-2.gif (1.55 MB, 440x286, roxydog.gif)

File: 1704685578751-3.gif (313.59 KB, 164x184, roxydog2.gif)

File: 1704685578751-4.gif (1.5 MB, 433x318, roxydog3.gif)

8386b548 No.3728177

File: 1704685646513-0.gif (641.63 KB, 190x123, roxydog4.gif)

File: 1704685646513-1.gif (3.87 MB, 433x315, roxydog5.gif)

File: 1704685646513-2.gif (2.48 MB, 433x315, roxydog7.gif)

File: 1704685646513-3.gif (479.26 KB, 235x154, roxydog8.gif)

8386b548 No.3728178

File: 1704685716729-0.gif (4.7 MB, 433x201, roxydog9.gif)

8386b548 No.3728179

File: 1704685755030-0.gif (1.99 MB, 428x317, roxydog10.gif)

File: 1704685755030-1.gif (548.48 KB, 428x317, roxydog11.gif)

File: 1704685755030-2.gif (3.73 MB, 428x317, roxydog12.gif)

8386b548 No.3728180

File: 1704685810253-0.gif (3.31 MB, 433x315, roxydog18.gif.gif)

8386b548 No.3728181

File: 1704685846283-0.gif (4.97 MB, 433x315, roxydog19.gif.gif)

8386b548 No.3728182

File: 1704685889886-0.gif (3.94 MB, 433x315, roxydog20.gif.gif)

File: 1704685889886-1.gif (3.4 MB, 433x315, roxydog21.gif)

8386b548 No.3728183

File: 1704685937674-0.png (533.72 KB, 886x668, Screen_Shot_2016-09-03_at_….png)

File: 1704685937674-1.gif (620.45 KB, 250x187, tumblr_mdnzhkWbw51ro2eu3o1….gif)

7a021d1f No.3728222

File: 1704739433755.png (966.07 KB, 2560x1440, Screenshot_2016-06-15-22-3….png)

I'm brewin up my boner!!

5a119dd1 No.3728615

are any of these actually worth it? post a list or something

c9d71343 No.3731523

File: 1707308526516-0.jpg (93.75 KB, 1024x992, 48d6d0fe326410da7260e10ac1….jpg)

File: 1707308526516-1.gif (526.95 KB, 330x422, scarlet.gif)

1d569479 No.3732108

Anyone one have Xaz3D's model of the female Daffy Duck by chance?

1d4cf01e No.3733676

File: 1709325941427.jpg (38.46 KB, 781x800, 81a26ed53c937675e46147e478….jpg)

736b0ea1 No.3733884

hi someone, have bonnie bovine 3d model?

1d4cf01e No.3735079

File: 1710862538225.jpg (186.96 KB, 1440x2160, 96524961a4da476a16483fbc4a….jpg)

Source of this Loona version 3D model there's only an image

update here you go im not good with blender.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ka_KsfBGUGMpvhk3Scute puppiesTSqeKHlSlVpU/view?usp=sharing

1d4cf01e No.3735081

1d4cf01e No.3735082

1d4cf01e No.3735090

File: 1710878270914.png (303.13 KB, 1292x912, daleblend_preview_0_u18cha….png)

Hopefully this post goes through, it's pretty hard to post stuff nowadays.
Chip & Dale: https://pixeldrain.com/u/vqpiwdEw
Purah (Blender): https://pixeldrain.com/u/Nc84CbYE

1d4cf01e No.3735138

File: 1710923120160.jpg (65.65 KB, 551x551, 0d4df9_e002d62950744078a09….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3735225

File: 1711015025255-0.png (2.99 MB, 2160x2160, 484e2399d1f5793c5bc8774eba….png)

File: 1711015025255-1.jpg (1.04 MB, 1440x2560, 1685894606.hollovv_3.jpg)

no sources finding these.

1d4cf01e No.3735227

File: 1711016282883-0.jpg (1.06 MB, 1440x2560, 1685894497.hollovv_2.jpg)

File: 1711016282883-1.jpg (1.02 MB, 1440x2560, 1685894322.hollovv_1.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3735500

File: 1711232723310.webm (871.93 KB, 640x360, f32f8263168a3268575eb7266….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3738425

File: 1713934009143.png (17.29 KB, 128x128, avatar.png)


Here it is everybody!! An in-depth tutorial on how to download AND use the Sketchfab Ripper v1.18.0b2 along with the sfConfig Updater tool that makes it work properly!

Resources: piratescave.netlify.app
Support Server: discord.gg/2R4GBmpqyE
DONATE HERE: ko-fi.com/piratescave/tip OR patreon.com/piratescave

1d4cf01e No.3738426

1d4cf01e No.3738471

File: 1713993882007.png (2.91 MB, 1920x1920, 2_ofqcP8v.png)

1d4cf01e No.3739151

File: 1714712019833.png (165.65 KB, 1367x836, femalebear.png)

1d4cf01e No.3739678

File: 1715329434642.jpg (66.79 KB, 1500x500, 1500x500.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3739725

File: 1715359916220.png (456.73 KB, 707x832, sergal files.png)

c3a82c05 No.3739940

much appreciated <3

1d4cf01e No.3740225

File: 1716062608745.png (2.14 MB, 2160x2880, 0070_0_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740246

File: 1716087007772.jpg (75.19 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3740267

File: 1716151005080.png (420.95 KB, 710x779, Squirrel Girl Pack.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740299

File: 1716181121037.jpg (387.68 KB, 1294x2160, 8mgPaj4ijHk.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3740409

File: 1716339911975.png (273.1 KB, 1179x705, sketchfab models a1.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740410

File: 1716340081303.png (377.36 KB, 536x712, Roaring Tides.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740420

File: 1716349346520-0.png (3.36 MB, 2328x1669, Custom Props.png)

File: 1716349346520-1.png (4.06 MB, 3153x2055, Rig Tools.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740427

File: 1716353318901.png (411.77 KB, 551x865, Mal0_V.0.92.7f.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740429

File: 1716354645195.png (282.61 KB, 546x677, ZigZag.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740430

File: 1716356634353.png (136.78 KB, 415x696, PiglinBruteBlenderReleaseV….png)

1d4cf01e No.3740576

File: 1716483971866.jpg (89.27 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

How to model ornament in blender _ blender ornament modeling

1d4cf01e No.3740713

File: 1716601223687.jpg (160.81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3740746

File: 1716624875537.png (2.85 MB, 1920x1920, 1_czQop7Q_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3740778

File: 1716668154071.jpg (147.97 KB, 1280x720, 1537995169.kasdaq_stripper….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3740780

File: 1716673170500-0.jpg (213.89 KB, 1200x1600, 0tQ2Y67s5xjLJV3r9FFNYFcZJI….jpg)

File: 1716673170500-1.jpg (51.54 KB, 682x715, ZBrush-ScreenGrab02.jpg)

File: 1716673170500-2.jpg (58.45 KB, 668x713, ZBrush-ScreenGrab05.jpg)

File: 1716673170500-3.jpg (57.97 KB, 668x713, ZBrush-ScreenGrab04.jpg)

File: 1716673170500-4.jpg (63.47 KB, 682x715, ZBrush-ScreenGrab03.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3740786

File: 1716677171573.jpg (614.01 KB, 1288x1625, Old_archive_Pack1_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3740787

File: 1716681034891-0.webm (2.35 MB, 960x720, b898da69ae372c2b95862a04b….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3740788

File: 1716681062796-0.webm (3.01 MB, 1920x1080, dfio977-d8b29162-93df-459….webm)

File: 1716681062796-1.webm (3.11 MB, 1920x1080, dfio96w-5498e9af-a726-454….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3740789

1d4cf01e No.3740810

File: 1716736440713.png (2.49 MB, 2560x1440, 1695868304.petruz_showcase….png)

1d4cf01e No.3740812

File: 1716743288750.png (759.25 KB, 1280x675, mercdirty.png)

1d4cf01e No.3741302

File: 1717174313683.png (504.73 KB, 839x800, phenna.png)

1d4cf01e No.3741502

File: 1717319924521.png (1.65 MB, 1380x1080, 665889_koroscollective_lin….png)

Here's the Sorok17 Linda model

1d4cf01e No.3741503

File: 1717319959179.png (521.77 KB, 640x921, 17feaf902b21_Cream_Render_….png)

Only the Cream The Rabbit one is still up.

1d4cf01e No.3741504

File: 1717322366257.jpg (47.25 KB, 870x700, gator_thumb.detail.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3741505

File: 1717322867679.jpg (110.42 KB, 1344x756, maxresdefault1.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3741506

File: 1717322886396.png (3.56 MB, 1920x1080, untitled_q2Zlw5o.png)

1d4cf01e No.3741710

File: 1717483761574-0.jpeg (91.61 KB, 1920x1080, rubella-rat-with-bikini-t….jpeg)

File: 1717483761574-1.jpeg (404.89 KB, 1920x1080, soccer-beaver.jpeg)

File: 1717483761574-2.jpeg (122.48 KB, 1920x1080, vaporeon-pokemon-3d-print.jpeg)

1d4cf01e No.3741900

File: 1717633912478-0.jpg (927.12 KB, 2160x2700, IMG_5540_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1717633912478-1.png (389.5 KB, 1029x800, sam-foster-gothggarf_u18ch….png)

File: 1717633912478-2.jpg (257.38 KB, 1024x1024, 8c0fb0cf-87fe-41d4-9fb0-4e….jpg)

File: 1717633912478-3.png (2.3 MB, 1609x896, Capture_147_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3741901

File: 1717634006823-0.jpg (33.71 KB, 766x910, zero-suit-ridley-3d-model-….jpg)

File: 1717634006823-1.jpg (529.98 KB, 1287x966, 030927dd96a058cce46a9873c7….jpg)

File: 1717634006823-2.jpg (3.51 MB, 4164x2726, DIGITALDRAGON_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1717634006823-3.jpg (1.52 MB, 2304x1296, VRChat_2024-03-02_04-43-01….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3742035

File: 1717748318745.png (88.76 KB, 997x884, links in the image.png)

1d4cf01e No.3742040

File: 1717748837831.png (247.3 KB, 375x820, Yogher Nutriales model.png)

Yogher Nutriales model

1d4cf01e No.3742056

File: 1717765798984.png (468.39 KB, 942x810, Nutriales snusnu.png)

fb2fe82c No.3742083

File: 1717792025054.png (672.71 KB, 1585x728, image.png)


fb2fe82c No.3742101

File: 1717802345430.png (877.57 KB, 1740x796, image.png)

1d4cf01e No.3742109

File: 1717806527104.png (407.42 KB, 666x841, yugia.png)

Yugia for SFM available https://pixeldrain.com/u/LkJheW8G

1d4cf01e No.3742113

File: 1717807618256.jpg (436.66 KB, 2822x4096, GOAk3J3XUAAAphe_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3742579

File: 1718257550624.png (477.01 KB, 1285x818, toffymodel.png)

5a119dd1 No.3742633

shits gone

1d4cf01e No.3742671

File: 1718302433610.webm (3.82 MB, 1080x1440, a72be550f96043d418186a677….webm)

0fe591a4 No.3742724

I disagree, gotta love that much underappreciated mommy pouch going on there.

1d4cf01e No.3742921

File: 1718458264970.png (830.99 KB, 948x810, picii.png)

422a955a No.3742925


I imagine if she had a dick, you'd try to crawl through the screen to suck it.

226c6143 No.3742955

File: 1718469303586-0.webm (1.6 MB, 600x600, ezgif.com-optimize2.webm)

Man those avatars are horrid. It's like Dreamworks meets SCP or some shit.

Anyone got the Awtter model btw?

226c6143 No.3742956

File: 1718469343112-0.jpg (115.15 KB, 1005x565, 73dw1girumf4j8a6q6naaeltvf….jpg)

I just gotta have this cute guy

c7f7f4ed No.3743252

Where can I find good scenes for porn? Small-weight and that you use. E.g. i want nature background! And lights set up so I dont spend time on lighting and only do rigging.

1d4cf01e No.3743288

File: 1718652664810.webm (6.31 MB, 199x112, 654875a9962b28468e5198264….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3743368

File: 1718669921663.png (174.69 KB, 1158x955, background scenes.png)

1d4cf01e No.3743370

File: 1718670592549-0.jpg (328.26 KB, 1546x1920, GQAXnzvbEAASrqG_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1718670592549-1.png (175.61 KB, 749x437, dogzelaa_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3743453

File: 1718732496215.gif (5.31 MB, 600x600, ezgif-7-4c3e603089.gif)

Here is the NSFW Yuumi Blend file:


1d4cf01e No.3743455

File: 1718732876039.jpg (332.18 KB, 684x1215, 231b56289acaf417d778267159….jpg)

2d583abb No.3743469

1d4cf01e No.3743484

File: 1718746309759.png (426.36 KB, 742x788, Yuki.png)

1d4cf01e No.3743502

File: 1718753973912-0.webm (595.49 KB, 720x720, 701f751110aefdb3e32d06ce8….webm)

File: 1718753973912-1.webm (557.38 KB, 720x720, f8db6fd06dc969260efeb5a82….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3744199

File: 1719384837103.png (185.32 KB, 1585x921, making something.png)

1d4cf01e No.3744200

File: 1719388461199-0.png (230.5 KB, 1585x921, making something zoom1.png)

File: 1719388461200-1.png (305.31 KB, 1585x921, making something zoom2.png)

File: 1719388461200-2.png (190.41 KB, 1585x921, making something zoom3.png)

File: 1719388461200-3.png (637.79 KB, 1585x921, making something zoom4.png)

1d4cf01e No.3744201

File: 1719388839714-0.png (395.02 KB, 1920x922, making something this make….png)

How to round edges (Blender tutorial)

1d4cf01e No.3744206

File: 1719391611051.png (820.28 KB, 1920x922, terrible and rough.png)

1d4cf01e No.3744209

File: 1719394588738.png (282.32 KB, 1920x922, useless tool for blender.png)

1d4cf01e No.3746277

File: 1720731331057-0.jpg (109.38 KB, 1280x720, good opposum model.jpg)

File: 1720731331057-1.jpg (315.77 KB, 980x1102, beavers.jpg)

File: 1720731331057-2.jpg (213.76 KB, 1920x1080, ec058aab99db4e9db148813300….jpg)

File: 1720731331057-3.jpg (33.53 KB, 720x405, 5120591c41404670b1e1d3ac29….jpg)

list of 3D anthro furries that are difficult to find.

opossums, beavers, squirrels, skunks

1d4cf01e No.3746599

File: 1720994217337-0.gif (1013.92 KB, 728x90, 1d1f99fe0a46ad214244545de1….gif)

1d4cf01e No.3747057

File: 1721243672699.png (649.84 KB, 658x871, flamedram.png)

1d4cf01e No.3747058

File: 1721243757982.jpg (167.73 KB, 1920x1080, da-nilkaz-dus-ca0-ftaChame….jpg)

This one as well?

She fits perfectly well with the adventures of starfox and krystal models.

yeah, a shame the character is terribly written and the movie is garbage.
but hey that's what porn is for right?

She's from Kung Fu Panda 4. Movie is vehemently mid and it wasn't fun for most of its fanbase.

1d4cf01e No.3747349

File: 1721367282035.png (2 MB, 1440x2160, untitled_22_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3747720

File: 1721635149184.png (270.98 KB, 477x751, porcha.png)

1d4cf01e No.3747737

File: 1721652641975.jpg (610.82 KB, 1114x1980, vrmodels_store_vexus_pinup….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3747797

File: 1721688830327.jpg (204.67 KB, 1005x565, osc3bs2m3yvz13h83z6zfnuvnq….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3747799

File: 1721690087812-0.gif (7.84 MB, 800x1020, 66f9dadfbf45d791d2659febec….gif)

1d4cf01e No.3748060

File: 1721873220373.png (4.95 MB, 2586x1425, 1720898577.psycho-john_223….png)

Anyone got Psychojohn's Ender Dragon?

1d4cf01e No.3748281

File: 1722054639264.jpg (113.03 KB, 1100x618, minecraft-steve_u18chan.jpg)


$21 she's almost the price of the game itself.
Yeah could someone share her with us veteran players?

Got your beds ready bro, ready to throw it down and knock her health down fast?

Look up their patreon. You can get more model for less than 20$ from there i believe.
(Source: Their Kemono page)

1d4cf01e No.3748284

1d4cf01e No.3749151

Here you go:

Yea, can i get ah

AshleyBigCat (SFM/Blender if you can):

Lovander SFM only (I have the blend):

Foxy FNAF (Blender+SFM if you can):

VulgarVictor's https://bludpl.gumroad.com/ :
Fang, Khajiit, and Snake Girl

"IF" you can or if anyone can; please and thank you.

0ae81fa2 No.3749160

Looking for the Kroxigor models from VulgarVictor for blender and VRC, if anyone has them

1d4cf01e No.3749196

Here's some of them: https://gofile.io/d/QtW2JZ
Recently picked these up, this contains: Porsha (Blender), Mayosplash's Foxy (SFM/Blender) and Ashley (Blender Only).

1d4cf01e No.3749235

34e02998 No.3749477

File: 1723078751579.gif (926.08 KB, 500x284, 1412708829736.gif)

>tattoo on fur

39a6d6df No.3749497

I wonder if there's been drama over model piracy

4e86e94b No.3749500

yes, its a gay drama

1d4cf01e No.3749723

File: 1723228194141.png (96.69 KB, 1080x600, chatgptblender_u18chan.png)

Maybe someday in 2030 we have AI's Merged with blender updates that are capable to generate 3D models as T pose sort of like character > anatomy structure > clothes etc.

Well, I think this idea is closer than you think
see PIFuHD


Not only human figures can generate in 3D…
also make cartoon characters nicely.

I think in over time, a simpler version will be built into Blender, which will be possible to develop.
Just like ZBrush.

b14c5d96 No.3749818

28d4a0d3 No.3749902

there were 3 helluva boss models removed from smutba.se, did anyone happen to download before they were taken down?

1d4cf01e No.3749926

File: 1723387331026.png (300.7 KB, 409x692, u18sergalin3d_u18chan.png)

4e86e94b No.3749952

this looks like the havoc/fmod imposter models that are so low poly its like walking though a little box.

1d4cf01e No.3750043

File: 1723508164546.png (200.29 KB, 1024x699, you dissapoint me.png)

Turns out it wont let you upload the video to scan your models this is false advertising!

1d4cf01e No.3750045

File: 1723508411331.png (257.9 KB, 969x1326, you dissapoint me2.png)

13462666 No.3750050


Because it's garbage made to swindle idiots out of their money.

Anything you'll get out of this will just be an unuseable blobby noncoherent mess.

1d4cf01e No.3750056

File: 1723532730295.webm (1.37 MB, 360x328, Prompt Angry Nigger with ….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3750058

File: 1723533137358.jpg (45.26 KB, 980x551, 0d4df9_86ee5cc63bbe4de9a4d….jpg)

Shame there's not enough beaver models smutbase, sketfchfab and other 3D sites.


we just need the generater to scan this and poof you could trace it into blender.

1d4cf01e No.3750209

File: 1723665374126.png (1.05 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_05.png)

I found the source I could not get the model sadly

1d4cf01e No.3750210

File: 1723665857552-0.png (1.08 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_13.png)

File: 1723665857552-1.png (1.11 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_11.png)

File: 1723665857552-2.png (1.36 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_10.png)

File: 1723665857552-3.png (1.58 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_12.png)

1d4cf01e No.3750211

File: 1723665927470-0.png (975.33 KB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_08.png)

File: 1723665927470-1.png (1.31 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_06.png)

File: 1723665927470-2.png (1.03 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_07.png)

File: 1723665927470-3.png (1.05 MB, 3840x2160, YungYiff_Model_Render_05.png)

1d4cf01e No.3750323

File: 1723737323804.jpg (477.17 KB, 3200x3500, 50891177583256baaab5596809….jpg)

d9c323fe No.3750338

What other futa models do you know of?

1d4cf01e No.3750339

File: 1723749155947.jpg (96.24 KB, 850x1217, c5f3adde389d1bb45552c306be….jpg)


(I don’t use FA much just dump art and leave lol)

Fastest Baddie 🏁| 🆂🆁🆃🛥️|😂| 21 | Sabertooth | MixLatina 🇲🇽 | ENFP | 🌮Cali Bih~🌴 | 3D Artist🎨 | Streamer💻| Voice Actor🎙️| LEWD🔞| VR CLUB OWNER 🍾|

Who am I?
HAIII my name is Toofer!

Baddie with ADHD XD and Proud SLUT!🍑💦🫦 JK JK Names Toofer! 🇲🇽 🍕🤙🏼I’m a Latina Sabertooth from somewhere in the big state of California 🌁, fast cars and fun times that’s the motto! 💯 🛞

I’m into Exploring and experiencing this worlds people and cultures ya know dude? 🪂🏝️🌮🎭 I love Automotive’s, boating/jetskis, games on PC, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, swimming, photography Art, story writing VRChat. 🔥 Etc etc! (FULL DIGI FURSUIT ON ITS WAY :D)

I’m a single sona person for life! My sona is a sabertooth I completely based off myself from skin color to eye color and even hair! 😎

(Btw a lot of my art pieces may or may not be based off stuff I have done irl ;3)

I’m a big car girl nerd! 🤓🏎🛠
I drive a Plum Crazy SRT Challenger 🐅😈

And ehmm yeah a quick run down of da toof! And some links!

Twitter: MixedToofer
TikTok: MixedToofer
Discord: -Toofer-#1320

Be warned of my AD~ 💋🍑💦

1d4cf01e No.3750340

File: 1723749344783.jpg (137.93 KB, 850x992, b11b69cc0f7397dd4c5b3df4c9….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3750341

File: 1723749829126-0.png (105.64 KB, 473x807, she hates leakers.png)

File: 1723749829126-1.jpg (438.52 KB, 1290x2796, IMG_3191.jpg)

leaving this here.

1d4cf01e No.3750342

File: 1723749983137-0.jpg (117.3 KB, 850x932, 2739065dd98476e67c5d731647….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3750344

File: 1723751247523.png (2.64 MB, 3840x2160, sedc_2.png)

1d4cf01e No.3751315

File: 1724453203485.jpg (61.63 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

Fish Scales in Blender: How to Cover Any Object With Scales (Geometry Nodes)

1d4cf01e No.3751316

File: 1724453437493-0.png (487.33 KB, 813x790, beavertail image.png)

File: 1724453437493-1.jpg (839.1 KB, 546x1300, close-up-of-beaver-tail-ca….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3751955

File: 1725036047126.png (186.24 KB, 467x610, rig_nala v1.0.1.png)

b05e14e0 No.3751964

That's hilarious considering her "model" is just a shitty edit and retexture of Mayosplash's Nala model with some dinky vrc hairstyle tacked on

1d4cf01e No.3751985

1d4cf01e No.3751991

File: 1725062892312.png (257.55 KB, 916x662, what have.png)

1d4cf01e No.3752130

File: 1725169669536.jpg (39.15 KB, 774x1032, master_splinter_by_konvr_d….jpg)


Here's Reppy's Master Splinter model shared in my stash this month. Be sure to grab it before month's end if you want it! :3

1d4cf01e No.3752145

File: 1725189451949-0.jpg (244.37 KB, 1600x900, 23beb9c54214f7be-1600x900.jpg)

File: 1725189451949-1.jpg (35.57 KB, 640x360, seeing-a-lot-of-witch-doct….jpg)

File: 1725189451949-2.jpg (36.05 KB, 640x360, seeing-a-lot-of-witch-doct….jpg)

anyone got that witch doctor model? It been a while since no one bought that model.

1d4cf01e No.3752147

File: 1725191717447.png (1.41 MB, 1535x806, 68938.png)

1d4cf01e No.3752734

File: 1725569388767-0.jpg (131.86 KB, 1920x992, image_247_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1725569388767-1.png (97.71 KB, 300x283, Orasnekingpup_u18chan.png)

File: 1725569388767-2.png (3.55 MB, 2115x2594, Mymodels_u18chan.png)

Jesus christ! Where people finds such ugly monstrocity?
I`ll make 3 times better model if I`ll be a dead drunk despite a fact, that I`m not even a middle quality modeller lol.
Did any… eh… body actualy buyng this crap???

1d4cf01e No.3752818

File: 1725605396495.jpg (146.12 KB, 866x1080, dhn6qpb-4eb886e8-b3ac-4cd7….jpg)

There are a couple of ARA models available on Sketchfab. I'm not familiar with the technical aspects of how VRChat avatars work, so these may not be what you want/need, but maybe they'll still be useful.

Nude model. According to the creator, this one has VRChat "bones", but apparently requires some additional setup.

4K Blender model.

Model for use in Gmod.

Clothed model by a different creator. This one is designed for use in Left4Dead 2.

1d4cf01e No.3752860

File: 1725648235240.png (390.2 KB, 1212x873, import as max file.png)

For non commercial use only (3d printin, rendering for drawing practicing and such stuff). Not for resell.

Blender 4.2: Free Add-on for Importing 3ds Max Files

1d4cf01e No.3752884

File: 1725682162530.gif (6.5 MB, 1280x720, SettlingTheArgument_Patreo….gif)

1d4cf01e No.3754076

File: 1726690904799-0.png (420.76 KB, 636x700, 24_1_nx8YHVz_thumb.detail.png)

File: 1726690904799-1.png (403.49 KB, 636x700, 25_1_30grKjr_thumb.detail.png)

File: 1726690904799-2.png (407.21 KB, 636x700, 14_bY6Cols_thumb.detail.png)

1d4cf01e No.3754077

File: 1726690967726-0.jpg (180.27 KB, 840x700, splinter_lounging_thumb.de….jpg)

32dea092 No.3754381

Funny like I remember that thread even having ages. You have the wires mesh in images below and is not nothing from another world, is more cell shader for evade imperfections and very stylish figure ( look the legs ) I want to create her using the ref someday.

37c8628d No.3754906

Does anyone have Diane Foxington by Kaylafox? https://kaylafox.gumroad.com/l/Diane

1d4cf01e No.3754912

File: 1727706641756-0.png (2.1 MB, 1400x1170, Roxy_Presenting(1400x1170).png)


dose anyone have this roxanne wolf (furromantic) model?

>>kp has it, i just looked it up

no shit we wait for someone to post the model.

1d4cf01e No.3754913

File: 1727706980105-0.png (1.08 MB, 928x877, Orasnekingpup_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3754914

File: 1727707034552-0.png (1.32 MB, 920x1300, ReleasePoster.png)

1d4cf01e No.3754915

File: 1727707894519-0.jpg (1.3 MB, 2568x3749, Poster.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3754916

File: 1727707952170-0.png (1.63 MB, 1810x960, Spyra(960).png)

1d4cf01e No.3754917

File: 1727708383302-0.png (3.77 MB, 3840x1920, vlcsnap-2022-11-11-01h54m5….png)

1d4cf01e No.3754918

1d4cf01e No.3754919

Blender model: https://pixeldrain.com/l/mPPkXwsF
Blender animation: https://pixeldrain.com/u/B7sTpa1y
Animation alts: https://pixeldrain.com/u/Z6Wx1DSg

Would be really nice if someone can drop witch doctor model.

1d4cf01e No.3754920

File: 1727708774319-0.jpg (829.4 KB, 2160x3840, GXjMpOJX0AAXVvT_u18chan.jpg)

Mayo Cerberus
Anyone have the blender model of it ?

1d4cf01e No.3754921

File: 1727709394032-0.jpg (767.13 KB, 1440x1920, Mineru_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3754923

File: 1727710990506-0.png (314.22 KB, 904x682, separate mesh.png)

Does anyone have a quick guide on how to access her anus to retexture it?

1d4cf01e No.3754927

File: 1727719668113.png (326.71 KB, 1506x949, anus texture guide.png)

Craweled in the files for a bit and found it.

1d4cf01e No.3754928

File: 1727720318911.png (604.17 KB, 1506x949, anus texture guide anus li….png)

anus lips

1d4cf01e No.3754993

File: 1727807731561.jpg (54.33 KB, 1005x565, ivvss9woyp8vpx74hauk0np4uo….jpg)

Anyone kind enough to post this? Would appreciate it.


1d4cf01e No.3754994

File: 1727807818624.png (735.47 KB, 1919x1033, 6nROiQ_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3755172

File: 1727965543520.webm (1.89 MB, 1280x720, ab486212c6cec07d91d198330….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3755334

File: 1728102688970.jpg (14.77 KB, 600x600, 1d856dfdba2033ac9d4d394f7f….jpg)

070cc8d4 No.3755336

1d4cf01e No.3755346

File: 1728116406713.jpg (18.49 KB, 600x600, 61be3fb08e245705b23a9fd138….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3755387

File: 1728152155148.jpg (194.91 KB, 988x1716, patreongoomodel11_u18chan.jpg)

e3e0c2d6 No.3755418

can someone reupload the mayosplash nala model?

1d4cf01e No.3755420

File: 1728191954870.jpg (519.71 KB, 1952x1887, 1688058879.mayosplash_nala….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3755435

File: 1728221137337.png (3.69 MB, 2277x4095, KaylaFox-Untitled259_20240….png)

Anyone have this version Diane_Foxington to share?

1d4cf01e No.3755474

File: 1728244822452-0.jpg (73 KB, 1005x1787, b4pn1qvfned4szok2wr9uae9ua….jpg)

File: 1728244822452-1.jpg (13.99 KB, 412x458, g4dtq65g75clzom2o9s7vdquw4….jpg)

File: 1728244822452-2.jpg (21.39 KB, 628x601, 3xxscn1h9z2t46n9m0snj7idbg….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3756473

File: 1729012596097.png (566.93 KB, 880x1159, foxygrindnudeishHQ_u18chan.png)

Foxy Rig v1.0.3 Blender

1d4cf01e No.3756474

File: 1729012831702.jpg (40.04 KB, 422x726, images_37_u18chan.jpg)

coming right at yea, one link, for both:
p.s compressed texture for lovander since it is heavy.

1d4cf01e No.3756475

Found the chip and dale

5c6af2a2 No.3756663

5c6af2a2 No.3756664

5c6af2a2 No.3756665

0ae81fa2 No.3756671

>>3756474 Any luck to add in the VR models as well??

1d4cf01e No.3756673

File: 1729186926240.jpg (332.82 KB, 1920x2880, GLEaxNqWYAA_Idy_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3756674

Models were taken off the store. Looking for the following models:
Blue Cat (Nicole)
Male Wolf (SIM)
Female Wolf

ac02e914 No.3756823

File: 1729291058192.png (866.13 KB, 832x778, Screenshot from 2024-06-02….png)


Wasn't able to find out how to make fur fluffy. Probably game generates it, because model has no fur.

1d4cf01e No.3756922

File: 1729356179916.jpg (66.42 KB, 820x1458, 7d4f14275e018e4c803551e23b….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3756924

File: 1729356535971.jpg (257.9 KB, 820x1458, e55ebe1719e85c1c90078c1bc0….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3757243

File: 1729547979005-0.jpg (47.64 KB, 1280x935, photo_2024-10-21_14-23-25_….jpg)

File: 1729547979005-1.png (222.56 KB, 691x836, 1708716254.idsaybucketsofa….png)

pretty much that, has anybody come to hold the Dubmare model?
this is actually a repost from a previous version of the Thread


1d4cf01e No.3757244

File: 1729548182293-0.png (721.12 KB, 1080x1080, 1570046823.idsaybucketsofa….png)

File: 1729548182293-1.png (651.48 KB, 1080x1080, 1570046753.idsaybucketsofa….png)

File: 1729548182293-2.png (835.85 KB, 1080x1080, 1570046694.idsaybucketsofa….png)

1d4cf01e No.3757279

File: 1729579594245.jpg (13.37 KB, 360x529, BenWolf_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3757574

File: 1729880899677.jpg (25.79 KB, 850x359, 3a8423c148fe6110631497c901….jpg)

Loona Revamped by Samzan



IDK what happened to it but a reupload might do some good cause I can't find the revamped one anywhere only the older version shown in the thread preview

bc43056f No.3757578

File: 1729888119295.jpeg (186.3 KB, 646x1080, 54B4974B-5E5F-4FF8-80BA-6….jpeg)

Hey does anyone have Sashacakies updated August-September 2024 Judy Hopps and Lucy 3D models?

1d4cf01e No.3758037

File: 1730327826949.png (517.07 KB, 1005x1005, kjgfpprtl6fc25pn52omuvboz6….png)

1d4cf01e No.3758065

Hey Gremlins! :WisperPeeking:
If anyone is planning to dress up for halloween and is still looking for an outfit i've compiled a list of links for outfits for the avatars in this server.

https://kotyor.gumroad.com/l/davaliwitch (paid)
https://shepshep.gumroad.com/l/skmask (paid)

https://kioi.gumroad.com/l/BoneVali (paid)
https://kotyor.gumroad.com/l/kitawitch (paid)
https://cookiebean.gumroad.com/l/primalkitabones (paid)
https://shepshep.gumroad.com/l/skmask (paid)

https://kotyor.gumroad.com/l/jerrywitch (paid)
https://kotyor.gumroad.com/l/evasuit (paid)
https://tentairinku.gumroad.com/l/Jerry_Halloween_cloak (paid)
https://redkismettexturess.gumroad.com/l/Hallowvali (paid)
https://tentairinku.gumroad.com/l/tkaqp (paid)

(Jerry wing scarf - Can be fitted to other avatars with a bit of editting):
⁠No Access (free - needs chirp role)

https://yilixonproject.gumroad.com/l/yinglet_skeleton_pattern (free)

If you know of any other assets that fit the halloween theme for the avatars here whether it be something spooky or a cool costume let me know so I can add them to this list. :WisperGrem:

Somewhat related:
We be skipping the halloween contest this year.
I am in the middle of packing to move house and between that and health issues I haven't had as much time as i'd like to set up a contest this year.

There will be a contest over December though with the theme being Winter/Christmas.
I'll announce the details of that some time next month. :yaying:
I hope y'all have a fun Halloween. 💖

1d4cf01e No.3758069

File: 1730354168116.jpg (4.25 MB, 3000x3000, Vicar_Amelia_Render.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3758070

File: 1730354490606.jpg (1.48 MB, 6480x3840, WolfShowcase.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3758076

File: 1730365136115.png (316.72 KB, 780x439, c1beaf26-1e79-46d8-9c9c-a4….png)

https://ko-fi.com/s/c167f4a20e Does anyone had this model of Octavia saved somewhere? Thank you.

also please share.

1d4cf01e No.3758114

File: 1730392293901.png (1.62 MB, 1296x1296, WoaQwM_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3758117

File: 1730394444647.png (5.45 MB, 2000x2000, Cleric_Beast_Render.png)

1d4cf01e No.3758118

File: 1730394940698-0.png (289.64 KB, 374x802, caracal-ashley-big-cat-fre….png)

File: 1730394940698-1.png (402.99 KB, 461x886, cerberus-girl-fortnite-fre….png)



099c0528 No.3758206

File: 1730457246264.jpg (26.7 KB, 768x311, NightmarishAIFace-768x311.jpg)

Meet "LOAB.".
And no one can seem to get rid of her.


She's out there somewhere, lurking in a parallel universe of possibilities. All you have to do to summon her into being is type the right prompt into an AI image generator.

Like a digital incantation, the words will reveal the eerie face of a middle-aged woman with dead eyes, a vacant stare, and a disturbing grimace.

Her name is Loab (pronounced like 'lobe'), and she was "discovered" by a Swedish-based artist who goes by the name of Supercomposite on Twitter.

"Among the hundreds of Loab iterations director Supercomposite has summoned into being, many feature dismembered or screaming children in the background. Some AI-generated images were so grotesque that the artist decided not to share them publicly.

"I was ripping Loab apart and putting her back together. She is an emergent island in the latent space that we don't know how to locate with text queries," wrote the artist on Twitter.

"She finds everyone sooner or later. You just have to know where to look," Supercomposite added.

4e86e94b No.3758263

ai return to monk

1d4cf01e No.3758271

File: 1730514277118.jpg (296.88 KB, 3000x1680, sirthisisawendysmeme.jpg)

Sir or ma'am, this is a 3D blender for model's thread.

85a9b245 No.3758517

File: 1731312666038-0.jpg (196.67 KB, 1080x1920, 20241111_030912.jpg)

File: 1731312666038-1.jpg (85.53 KB, 1046x633, 20241111_030715.jpg)

File: 1731312666038-2.jpg (3.6 MB, 2160x3840, 20241111_030620.jpg)

anyone with these models in sfm?

1d4cf01e No.3758525

File: 1731327218615.jpg (109.14 KB, 1005x565, x41e8gmzmkaw9ctkugum6xpot4….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3758526

File: 1731327543438.jpg (69.47 KB, 1005x565, oq5yvs8pu330prv58c7czbxbq1….jpg)

Alt Punk Poss-e (Furry Possum Avatar for VRChat)

1d4cf01e No.3758574

File: 1731386076621.png (346.42 KB, 600x600, jzyo4vda81npuh598tsylw7cde….png)

1d4cf01e No.3758979

File: 1732022711499.jpg (177.31 KB, 982x719, Untitled_33_u18chan.jpg)


although the tools that I use prefers unalterable files with the extensions .vrca or "file" instead of a zip. it makes the process quicker.
that's a nice model, I miss the times that I could browse around ripper.store and find unique models without the hassle of playing the game and try my luck finding something decent.
I'm down doing this again, also don't mind if is lewd as long is not anything extreme like NSFL stuff.

1d4cf01e No.3759007

File: 1732040473999.jpg (374.66 KB, 2000x1796, 2BGum5V1.jpg)

Anyone have the Horsha 2B model by Mayosplash?


1d4cf01e No.3759075

File: 1732111631276-0.jpg (1.83 MB, 7680x6400, 386433469b87b34de0b038a841….jpg)

File: 1732111631276-1.jpg (2.54 MB, 7680x6400, 2ocwmx.jpg)

File: 1732111631276-2.jpg (41.33 KB, 850x478, sample_d8758c4651b080aebaf….jpg)

ffafef6b No.3759113

link to the RAR file for that wendigo

1d4cf01e No.3759153

File: 1732201844555.png (187.81 KB, 349x784, durrr.png)

1d4cf01e No.3759221

Here's Mayosplash's 2B & KaylaFox's Diane. Happy thanksgiving, make sure to grab it while it's hot!

d21d75de No.3759715

d21d75de No.3759716

1d4cf01e No.3759895

File: 1732789787356.jpg (205.87 KB, 1920x1080, GQh3VOxacAAGdjU_u18chan.jpg)

Speaking of models in VRChat, i wonder if someone meet that one.

1d4cf01e No.3760116

File: 1732939674661.png (2.5 MB, 1898x1068, A4s6Sound.png)

1d4cf01e No.3760278

File: 1733045563029.jpg (695.76 KB, 1522x1440, 1732902801.petruz_bears_pr….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3760281

File: 1733049055132.jpg (183.62 KB, 2048x1404, FnCgKBeXkAABqXA1_u18chan.jpg)

Do you mean this one?
Here are the files but I can't find a way to extract the model:


1d4cf01e No.3760282

File: 1733049088938.png (1.04 MB, 808x823, Pumpgirlandrept_u18chan.png)


We need a small gift, if there is someone willing to make it…

1d4cf01e No.3760283

File: 1733049119085.png (416.39 KB, 1062x500, 0000_1716864322.dogzeela_l….png)

Still pending just hold.

1d4cf01e No.3760406

File: 1733214354184.png (134.89 KB, 624x494, Untitled_299_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3762406

File: 1734892031287.jpg (432.5 KB, 1500x1566, 1734815179.petruz_dasha_na….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3762407

File: 1734892537661.png (2.16 MB, 1080x1920, VRChat_2024-12-18_20-58-47….png)

1d4cf01e No.3762408

File: 1734892589320.jpg (119.61 KB, 2667x1934, kiara-lion-king-3d-model-l….jpg)

>Does anybody have them and have used them?
I've seen some of the animations and they've tuned out quite decent.

Has a bunch of them (even non-Lion King Disney characters like Dolly from 101 Dalmatians.)
>Nala, Sarabi, Zira, Simba etc, all ready to be posed and/or animated.

>WARNING: Has non-anthropomorphic, young characters, and death done for parody


>(Please support the artist in whatever way you can, within reason.)

1d4cf01e No.3762411

File: 1734895261455.png (785.82 KB, 1430x2034, crop out private parts for….png)

Thanks a bunch! could someone give me a quick guide on how to properly crop the private parts and rig them on Dashya?
the source were I found the private parts.


1d4cf01e No.3762458

File: 1734919719544.png (352.46 KB, 1326x974, using anatomy ref for Dash….png)

1d4cf01e No.3762460

File: 1734920675877.png (830.79 KB, 1518x974, adjusting a few bones and ….png)

Adjusting a few areas…

1d4cf01e No.3762463

File: 1734923839633.webm (6.24 MB, 752x364, anatomy exp.webm)

c25e897d No.3763036

45a5df0a No.3763038

oh wow, that's really interesting. how do I find out more?

1d4cf01e No.3763549

File: 1735716476728.jpg (318.73 KB, 3960x2160, Angela.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3763616

File: 1735797861747.jpg (118.48 KB, 720x1080, Media_02_u9fDU4q.jpg)

a75e7324 No.3763620

the nala link is down

1d4cf01e No.3763623

1d4cf01e No.3763627

a75e7324 No.3763637


a75e7324 No.3763640

Aw they forgot the cub version

1d4cf01e No.3763654

File: 1735857247786.png (6.4 KB, 462x127, lionkingarchives.png)

1d4cf01e No.3763672

File: 1735870181845-0.webm (3.66 MB, 520x648, atlyss squirrel ref.webm)

File: 1735870181845-1.png (536.96 KB, 640x675, i-may-have-made-one-or-two….png)

54942787 No.3763834

54942787 No.3763835

File: 1736039065436-0.png (1.73 MB, 2000x800, 4A819CA1-CE8F-4AE1-BF64-B7….png)

File: 1736039065437-1.gif (2.24 MB, 265x350, D5D4619E-6540-4709-972E-50….gif)

Does anyone have access to this model?

Always loved after school summoners, so learning this guys got a model is cool


Ps. if you have any models aside from Cthugha from Jugger, I’d appreciate if you could upload those to, and maybe update his Kemono page too. It’s extremely lacking… (But I’m already asking for a lot haha)

45a5df0a No.3763836

you should save up. its worth it besides a few bs points like the ears, wings, balls and feet

1d4cf01e No.3764160

File: 1736281159285.png (496.35 KB, 514x700, GgZb2i_XkAAmtNv_thumb.deta….png)

1d4cf01e No.3764161

File: 1736281326187.png (5.6 MB, 2393x2000, 403d0a22b3afcc091c86aad8f7….png)

1d4cf01e No.3764361

File: 1736466557917.png (244.65 KB, 489x745, Shenzi IK yeen.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764368

File: 1736468473234.png (433.09 KB, 664x816, piczel 016f.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764370

File: 1736469653610.png (397.31 KB, 759x791, jenntherabbit.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764374

File: 1736471138841.png (584.6 KB, 899x843, Rayne plug.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764376

File: 1736473145040.png (257.38 KB, 408x837, Nutriales Patreon.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764385

File: 1736475114034-0.gif (3.13 MB, 600x600, 5fc6fdf1f120a1d2eba5fb459d….gif)

1d4cf01e No.3764386

File: 1736475216375-0.gif (6.01 MB, 400x867, 73c2cb5428547200ddbd66407f….gif)

1d4cf01e No.3764387

File: 1736475282730-0.png (934.95 KB, 929x1320, 5055vbstw15b1.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764388

File: 1736475330753-0.jpg (74.17 KB, 850x1015, 7197feac50ccc004de0757bed8….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3764389

File: 1736475380286-0.jpg (100.85 KB, 850x1235, ee5cda34e9311c5174031b97fc….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3764590

File: 1736656626128.png (382.56 KB, 1682x707, 0 blender files.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764591

File: 1736656969450.png (74.89 KB, 700x311, blank models.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764592

File: 1736657569491.png (179.84 KB, 712x681, canid models.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764594

File: 1736657770982.png (135.43 KB, 692x369, feral blender.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764596

File: 1736658437594.png (515.84 KB, 1674x592, Model related.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764598

File: 1736659270568.png (428.6 KB, 1662x653, petruz blenders.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764599

File: 1736659615336.png (338.75 KB, 1661x563, pokepals.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764601

File: 1736660619663.png (271.98 KB, 1647x426, reptile models.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764602

File: 1736660852186.png (295.73 KB, 1659x445, Tiny models.png)

5a119dd1 No.3764638


1d4cf01e No.3764667

delete this

1d4cf01e No.3764846

File: 1736871773701.png (357.86 KB, 1825x682, sketchfabblender_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764847

File: 1736871826130.png (483.32 KB, 1821x782, more sketchfab models.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764849

File: 1736872216618-0.png (211.55 KB, 543x804, dianefoxington-badguysRize….png)

File: 1736872216618-1.png (174.52 KB, 552x853, ZhenthefoxRizeCoreMk1.1_u1….png)

File: 1736872216618-2.png (177.75 KB, 578x578, SalazzleGeneralButa3Dprint….png)

File: 1736872216618-3.png (98.19 KB, 825x286, RESOURSESBunnyPack_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764857

File: 1736882192702-0.png (2.89 MB, 1920x1920, Nice Looking Alt M.png)

File: 1736882192702-1.png (2.88 MB, 1920x1920, Nice Looking M.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764882

File: 1736927023726.png (259.96 KB, 591x863, Braixen Rig v1.1.0.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764885

File: 1736928900980-0.png (546.75 KB, 883x830, dragon-girl-ruya.png)

File: 1736928900980-1.png (325.6 KB, 990x795, mechdragon-drone.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764927

File: 1736966969076.png (168.01 KB, 819x697, psychojohn.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764929

File: 1736968580884.png (292.88 KB, 431x831, TarykV2.png)

1d4cf01e No.3764933

File: 1736972808531.png (390.36 KB, 730x839, Absa Festive.png)

27f9102c No.3765053

Does anyone have the yukirex model for blender?

1d4cf01e No.3766038

File: 1737748373622.png (314.1 KB, 1486x867, opossum model exp.png)

1d4cf01e No.3766039

File: 1737748895687.png (267.41 KB, 1091x854, Anthropomorphic opossum bl….png)

1d4cf01e No.3766072

File: 1737787085827.jpg (726.05 KB, 1920x1920, midna_f_thumb.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3766098

File: 1737829027230.png (3.25 MB, 1537x6300, wip how to post image to 3….png)

1d4cf01e No.3766099

File: 1737829163656.png (182.78 KB, 732x778, opossim model2.png)

1d4cf01e No.3766102

File: 1737831990622.png (625.15 KB, 768x1024, raccon chibi model (1).png)

1d4cf01e No.3766169

File: 1737878027347.png (299.15 KB, 557x793, amaterasu.png)

1d4cf01e No.3766171

File: 1737878535480.png (386.43 KB, 612x829, blynx.png)

1d4cf01e No.3766172

File: 1737878999088.png (357.14 KB, 579x823, highwire_by_tristy.png)

1d4cf01e No.3766173

File: 1737880501374.png (381.87 KB, 619x828, ps2-vivian-from-atlyss.png)

1d4cf01e No.3766442

File: 1738110665700.png (650.27 KB, 988x1716, imagen_2025-01-28_01261694….png)

Valorlynz Stella, enjoy

1d4cf01e No.3766487

File: 1738160465037.png (1.1 MB, 1005x1340, 0632bc11062c78402c798ecdc1….png)

afcbd6d4 No.3766780

hello, i looking for anthro derpy hooves model , female, futa or both

1d4cf01e No.3766816

File: 1738373410623.png (2.21 MB, 1476x1416, carmelita_4_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3766817

File: 1738373545809.png (946.02 KB, 1146x691, Sashacakies.png)

I love you guys, but…

Can we please some how get the newest version of Judy from Sashacakies?


I'm fucking amazed there isn't a single detection on links uh, linking to that ultimate judy hopps model. Insanely good.

1d4cf01e No.3766844

File: 1738398960591.png (215.77 KB, 281x500, DBqz26.png)

It's a bit pricey, but hey, if anyone has got it, would be nice

Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mOgmICwuMZPW6WTwS9qrWC1dDB_P4MJ_/view

1d4cf01e No.3766870

File: 1738421644668.jpg (34.23 KB, 700x700, 10_ezjRyjW_thumb.detail.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3767066

File: 1738562579413.jpg (1.51 MB, 2752x1571, AASDSDS_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3767165

File: 1738622259823.png (96.1 KB, 1501x505, carbid models.png)

41c76574 No.3767209

File: 1738638659174.png (393.97 KB, 821x808, ec6a266a-b9d7-43cf-b9c5-d9….png)

So, I want to have the yukizard model by evov1 and keep it for preservation or animation anyone have that?

41c76574 No.3767210

oh and make it a pixeldrain link too.

85a9b245 No.3767211

Juno password please

41c76574 No.3767212

Or Mega idc.

1d4cf01e No.3767225

Pass for Juno: JuN0*3b015

d8d8dfd9 No.3767234

File: 1738686787424.jpg (4.86 KB, 187x269, images.jpg)

oh and also this one too

c79ef61c No.3767245

you have balls of tungsten for leaking that.

1d4cf01e No.3767260

File: 1738707318005-0.webm (3.11 MB, 1920x1080, Abigail the Lumberjack (1….webm)

File: 1738707318005-1.webm (3.01 MB, 1920x1080, Abigail the Lumberjack (2….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3767261

File: 1738707446563-0.jpg (104.52 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_c60d2283dc40488fb5f….jpg)

File: 1738707446563-1.jpg (105.7 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_c91d1818cc614f07aee….jpg)

File: 1738707446563-2.jpg (106.87 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_86ee5cc63bbe4de9a4d….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3767262

File: 1738707475803-0.jpg (103.17 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_e0bdfbf894c84d4c86d….jpg)

File: 1738707475803-1.jpg (102.33 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_ba1d441c424c470ab17….jpg)

File: 1738707475803-2.jpg (101.95 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_558b11116c044b5db0f….jpg)

89bf54e1 No.3767294


can you reupload the Mayosplash Nala blender model?

cdd2d25f No.3767315

oh and i want the blender Yugia model and the Yukiminus rex reupload.

1d4cf01e No.3767323

File: 1738787965077.png (474.3 KB, 840x856, Lunar ExVee v1.1.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767326

File: 1738788303082.png (158.42 KB, 472x866, image Nala Rig v1.0.1.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767335

Can you turn a video into a 3D model?
Videogrammetry is a measurement technology that gathers 3D information from video footage to create a 3D mesh. Like photogrammetry, 3D models from video may seem enticing, so we'll discuss two major differences between using still images verse video.

3bb54b84 No.3767338

File: 1738796799216.png (5.13 MB, 4000x4000, tiberius possum.png)

something that could be done with AI. just nothing available to us right now. if there is something its undoubtedly janky at best and completely unusable at worst

pic unrelated

1d4cf01e No.3767340

89bf54e1 No.3767388

thx YOU!!!

1d4cf01e No.3767397

File: 1738857324344.png (297.41 KB, 579x837, Jane22.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767400

File: 1738858862832.png (407.22 KB, 505x878, Gwen_Martin_V1.0_hzNbLZQ.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767402

File: 1738859820294.png (111.28 KB, 690x623, Raptor.png)

81852b3b No.3767418

File: 1738867239557.png (297.92 KB, 822x1122, YukiCardver2final.png)

Yeah any thoughts?

af1bbcc9 No.3767561

File: 1739014378787.png (39.68 KB, 310x191, 1736656626128~2.png)

Does anyone have these models at all?
Just the Xena one from this pack

af1bbcc9 No.3767562

File: 1739014576137.png (29.92 KB, 314x181, 1736656626128~3.png)

And the Ashley V4 Full Release. The original link is missing the files, expiry I think.
It would be greatly appreciated

b454f848 No.3767566

b454f848 No.3767567

b454f848 No.3767568

b454f848 No.3767569

61efc48a No.3767624

>I'm late for the party.
Shit. Could anyone reupload Shenzi? Also, who made the model? I've seen it on some porn renders but very few people write the modeller.

61efc48a No.3767625

I'm anchoring this post to suggest a new file hosting site.
Buzzheavier probably won't do takedowns on 3D models unlike pixeldrain and the files last much longer than on gofile. I read some post that claimed it can host them indefinitely though I read on the website that they will last for a month. To be honest, I think the files will last much more than that so it's a much better option than gofile.

1d4cf01e No.3767682

File: 1739122275358.png (938.82 KB, 1005x1005, 5h0y8jljcfr2up02e8seont79e….png)

This is a shoddy edit of a free model. Zoidberg656 made it a while time ago, blend files and everything are free, outdated and jank for vrc, but free regardless.


1d4cf01e No.3767797

File: 1739247485886.jpg (2.15 MB, 2169x3856, GhIJBSpXoAAyFC7_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3768069

File: 1739579110609-0.jpg (65.63 KB, 675x1200, Poppy (1).jpg)

File: 1739579110609-1.png (862.8 KB, 1280x720, sdfsdfs.png)

File: 1739579110609-2.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, Poppy (1).png)

File: 1739579110609-3.png (1.53 MB, 1280x720, Poppy (2).png)

1d4cf01e No.3768070

File: 1739579641204.png (1.47 MB, 1091x1080, rouge_and_were_the_witch_u….png)

Rouge The Witch by deimoseon
WereRouge Witch by Josugomezofficialnew

Does anyone have these models ?
deimosion is a non-working link
from Josugomez - not found

1d4cf01e No.3768071

File: 1739580526140.png (1.62 MB, 1920x1080, BnDYCo_u18chan.png)

Does anyone have the Sally Shopkeeper model? Surprised it hasn't been provided yet since Angela Flux was quickly leaked when she came out.

1d4cf01e No.3768072

File: 1739580562108.jpg (355.86 KB, 2873x4096, 1000019711_u18chan.jpg)

Share please models Jane Doe by Mayosplash

1d4cf01e No.3768074

File: 1739580722887.png (3.45 MB, 2048x1536, Ravian_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3768075

File: 1739581622073-0.png (1.25 MB, 720x1280, accc (1).png)

File: 1739581622073-1.png (1.43 MB, 720x1280, accc (2).png)

File: 1739581622073-2.png (1.58 MB, 1280x720, acccc.png)

58b91a6c No.3768123

File: 1739636952654.jpg (30.8 KB, 414x595, 85a3ca4443fc6c7a215deffab4….jpg)

Models for MA HUNKEL?

04783a3a No.3768354

Anybody able to reupload Mayosplash's Foxy model again?

1d4cf01e No.3768369

File: 1739915321487.png (339.26 KB, 1691x716, Ychan - ot - funny picture….png)

1d4cf01e No.3768382

File: 1739932108091-0.jpg (785.86 KB, 2268x4032, img-1126-65972726b90cd_001.jpg)

File: 1739932108091-1.jpg (603.22 KB, 4032x2268, img-1116-6597272936001_001.jpg)

File: 1739932108091-2.jpg (725.79 KB, 4032x2268, fullsizerender-6597272cc41….jpg)

File: 1739932108091-3.jpg (747.84 KB, 4032x2268, img-1113-65972730d3b06_001.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3768464

File: 1740094988998-0.png (1.75 MB, 878x1670, 234g435g.png)

1d4cf01e No.3768466

File: 1740096221858.webm (816.54 KB, 600x1034, 1735145007.zorryn_walkcyc….webm)


Failed to resize image! Details: gm convert: Corrupt image (/tmp/phpcaqdPp).

e2430f67 No.3768503

04783a3a No.3768509

You are so hot for this much appreciated.

54a844e2 No.3768604

54a844e2 No.3768605

1d4cf01e No.3768617

File: 1740409956288.jpg (426.16 KB, 3840x3840, Render_u18chan.jpg)

08d02f40 No.3768618

File: 1740411033492.png (2.72 MB, 1536x1536, ab1fed16336d213a04aa385804….png)

1d4cf01e No.3768619

Files are corrupt could someone repair this?

91fea19d No.3768621

Guys, who have a another kayla fox models?

91fea19d No.3768622

pls , upload Caracal Ashley Big Cat again

1d4cf01e No.3768623

4e86e94b No.3768624

this didnt happen and furry ai? why is the deer wearing clothes, checkm8

1d4cf01e No.3768625

1d4cf01e No.3768672

File: 1740517473827.png (107.04 KB, 1027x370, scparchies_u18chan.png)

d7885344 No.3768715

reupload this toucan girl pls

45a5df0a No.3768725

File: 1740539458931.png (145.19 KB, 689x901, Screen Shot 2025-02-25 at ….png)

I finke u freekie and I lyk u alot

1d4cf01e No.3768786

File: 1740655369859.png (134.19 KB, 1673x997, Shine.png)


Someone asked to see my iridescent shader for the shiny birb model. In this case it's just a quick faked effect, it doesn't calculate light paths or anything, it just gives you the colourful colours if you're looking directly at a surface and fades away to the proper body colours as you get more off-angle.

Take whatever is driving your main body colours and mix it together with a colourful colour ramp- play around with whatever colours you want and where they sit on the ramp until you like the effect. Mix the two together using a "Layer weight > facing" node, play around with the value until happy, and if you want you can use an additional colour ramp in between the layer weight and the mix node to control how strongly the colour is mixed in. You can take the black handle of the colour ramp and change it's colour to be whiter to get a more subtle mixing effect.

Then output that to your BSDF and bam, you're done!

4db0e4c3 No.3768801

File: 1740683346352.jpg (82.67 KB, 850x478, a7322c3ea927d8890d9e08a3bc….jpg)

Vela by Dogzeela. The author mentions making her public (type a or type b) but I can't seem to find her anywhere

1d4cf01e No.3768808

File: 1740691811314.jpg (589.17 KB, 800x5600, Chained-Loona-3D-Print-Mod….jpg)


Trying to get a sync.online premium key, if anyone can help. I've quite a bit to download from there. This came but using free premium links is limiting and slow.

1d4cf01e No.3768809

1d4cf01e No.3768836

File: 1740729264314.png (2.15 MB, 1662x2217, 6614cf9af1d968cfa50b63f337….png)

Does anyone has or had a Frankie (extremedash) 3d-model done by Valorlynz? Because i thought that model was leaked or something like that, if that's not true, thank you in advance.

9a0fc7e2 No.3768857

1d4cf01e No.3768995

File: 1740848968977-0.jpg (1.13 MB, 2216x1663, 1740272076.bambookat_diane….jpg)

File: 1740848968977-1.jpg (877.81 KB, 2217x1662, 1740415218.bambookat_diane….jpg)

c4ddc62a No.3769198

File: 1741288793282-0.png (1.38 MB, 1398x2295, shoot.png)

File: 1741288793282-1.png (2.49 MB, 1770x2751, shoot3 advert.png)

File: 1741288793282-2.png (1.48 MB, 1398x2295, strip.png)

Who have Evangelyne (Blender File) from Kayla Fox?

dfdee9b6 No.3769370

>>3740778 Does anyone have this model for blender?

1d4cf01e No.3769472

File: 1741744416694.png (3.79 MB, 2560x1440, shani_beachbody.png)

1d4cf01e No.3769544

File: 1741860886559.jpg (930.36 KB, 4096x4096, GlqhLoKbEAA9JX1_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3769670

f70d4800 No.3769811

File: 1742213899923.jpg (159.94 KB, 1042x775, showmethosemoves.jpg)

What are you guys actually doing with these files?

45a5df0a No.3769814

>>3769811 which comic is this?

25c1fb16 No.3770058

File: 1742533405716-0.webm (1.3 MB, 1280x720, 66aa4e47d7074c7386efcbb9f….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3770111

File: 1742634066402.jpg (593.2 KB, 1026x570, 1731103007.wind.fy_hyena_f….jpg)


Hello everyone! This is the first sneak peak of an upcoming animation, featuring 3 different endings:

Pussy insertion
Anal Vore

Base loop will be free for everyone! Endings will be patreon exclusive!

As always, 20$ Patreons early access! Thank you everyone for the support!

Hello everyone! I am a begginer 3D animator (Source Film Maker) and I want to share with you my art and let you know that you can commission me! Message me via twitter for more info! Twitter: windfyX

I am okay with most of the themes but you shall ask first to see if I'm okay with it! You can also find other specifications on my Commission page on Furaffinity! Feel free to leave a comment or a message here
or on Twitter! Thank you!


1d4cf01e No.3770112

1d4cf01e No.3770113

File: 1742634504612.png (2.33 MB, 1080x1920, MiaPoster.png)

1d4cf01e No.3770120

File: 1742641624765.png (67.79 KB, 1233x867, 5.4.7.pre-release.png)

e5d272d6 No.3770224


45a5df0a No.3770226

>>3770120 version 5.5 came out last week. complete overhaul.


2b6d6aa1 No.3770229

Who made this braixen? I din't get to download it so I want to check if I have it to reupload it.

2b6d6aa1 No.3770230

It's missing Juno from Beastars, the cat girl Jessica from Bremen Avenue Experience.

45a5df0a No.3770231

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