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File: 1689638021722-0.png (3.97 KB, 360x289, png-transparent-blender-hd….png)

File: 1689638021722-1.jpg (572.43 KB, 2731x4096, Ff73Dr2XoAAF7re_u18chan.jpg)

8906cd5c No.3709127[View All]

385 posts and 423 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

1d4cf01e No.3766844

File: 1738398960591.png (215.77 KB, 281x500, DBqz26.png)

It's a bit pricey, but hey, if anyone has got it, would be nice

Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mOgmICwuMZPW6WTwS9qrWC1dDB_P4MJ_/view

1d4cf01e No.3766870

File: 1738421644668.jpg (34.23 KB, 700x700, 10_ezjRyjW_thumb.detail.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3767066

File: 1738562579413.jpg (1.51 MB, 2752x1571, AASDSDS_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3767165

File: 1738622259823.png (96.1 KB, 1501x505, carbid models.png)

41c76574 No.3767209

File: 1738638659174.png (393.97 KB, 821x808, ec6a266a-b9d7-43cf-b9c5-d9….png)

So, I want to have the yukizard model by evov1 and keep it for preservation or animation anyone have that?

41c76574 No.3767210

oh and make it a pixeldrain link too.

85a9b245 No.3767211

Juno password please

41c76574 No.3767212

Or Mega idc.

1d4cf01e No.3767225

Pass for Juno: JuN0*3b015

d8d8dfd9 No.3767234

File: 1738686787424.jpg (4.86 KB, 187x269, images.jpg)

oh and also this one too

c79ef61c No.3767245

you have balls of tungsten for leaking that.

1d4cf01e No.3767260

File: 1738707318005-0.webm (3.11 MB, 1920x1080, Abigail the Lumberjack (1….webm)

File: 1738707318005-1.webm (3.01 MB, 1920x1080, Abigail the Lumberjack (2….webm)

1d4cf01e No.3767261

File: 1738707446563-0.jpg (104.52 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_c60d2283dc40488fb5f….jpg)

File: 1738707446563-1.jpg (105.7 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_c91d1818cc614f07aee….jpg)

File: 1738707446563-2.jpg (106.87 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_86ee5cc63bbe4de9a4d….jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3767262

File: 1738707475803-0.jpg (103.17 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_e0bdfbf894c84d4c86d….jpg)

File: 1738707475803-1.jpg (102.33 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_ba1d441c424c470ab17….jpg)

File: 1738707475803-2.jpg (101.95 KB, 1382x778, 0d4df9_558b11116c044b5db0f….jpg)

89bf54e1 No.3767294


can you reupload the Mayosplash Nala blender model?

cdd2d25f No.3767315

oh and i want the blender Yugia model and the Yukiminus rex reupload.

1d4cf01e No.3767323

File: 1738787965077.png (474.3 KB, 840x856, Lunar ExVee v1.1.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767326

File: 1738788303082.png (158.42 KB, 472x866, image Nala Rig v1.0.1.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767335

Can you turn a video into a 3D model?
Videogrammetry is a measurement technology that gathers 3D information from video footage to create a 3D mesh. Like photogrammetry, 3D models from video may seem enticing, so we'll discuss two major differences between using still images verse video.

3bb54b84 No.3767338

File: 1738796799216.png (5.13 MB, 4000x4000, tiberius possum.png)

something that could be done with AI. just nothing available to us right now. if there is something its undoubtedly janky at best and completely unusable at worst

pic unrelated

1d4cf01e No.3767340

89bf54e1 No.3767388

thx YOU!!!

1d4cf01e No.3767397

File: 1738857324344.png (297.41 KB, 579x837, Jane22.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767400

File: 1738858862832.png (407.22 KB, 505x878, Gwen_Martin_V1.0_hzNbLZQ.png)

1d4cf01e No.3767402

File: 1738859820294.png (111.28 KB, 690x623, Raptor.png)

81852b3b No.3767418

File: 1738867239557.png (297.92 KB, 822x1122, YukiCardver2final.png)

Yeah any thoughts?

af1bbcc9 No.3767561

File: 1739014378787.png (39.68 KB, 310x191, 1736656626128~2.png)

Does anyone have these models at all?
Just the Xena one from this pack

af1bbcc9 No.3767562

File: 1739014576137.png (29.92 KB, 314x181, 1736656626128~3.png)

And the Ashley V4 Full Release. The original link is missing the files, expiry I think.
It would be greatly appreciated

b454f848 No.3767566

b454f848 No.3767567

b454f848 No.3767568

b454f848 No.3767569

61efc48a No.3767624

>I'm late for the party.
Shit. Could anyone reupload Shenzi? Also, who made the model? I've seen it on some porn renders but very few people write the modeller.

61efc48a No.3767625

I'm anchoring this post to suggest a new file hosting site.
Buzzheavier probably won't do takedowns on 3D models unlike pixeldrain and the files last much longer than on gofile. I read some post that claimed it can host them indefinitely though I read on the website that they will last for a month. To be honest, I think the files will last much more than that so it's a much better option than gofile.

1d4cf01e No.3767682

File: 1739122275358.png (938.82 KB, 1005x1005, 5h0y8jljcfr2up02e8seont79e….png)

This is a shoddy edit of a free model. Zoidberg656 made it a while time ago, blend files and everything are free, outdated and jank for vrc, but free regardless.


1d4cf01e No.3767797

File: 1739247485886.jpg (2.15 MB, 2169x3856, GhIJBSpXoAAyFC7_u18chan.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3768069

File: 1739579110609-0.jpg (65.63 KB, 675x1200, Poppy (1).jpg)

File: 1739579110609-1.png (862.8 KB, 1280x720, sdfsdfs.png)

File: 1739579110609-2.png (1.12 MB, 1280x720, Poppy (1).png)

File: 1739579110609-3.png (1.53 MB, 1280x720, Poppy (2).png)

1d4cf01e No.3768070

File: 1739579641204.png (1.47 MB, 1091x1080, rouge_and_were_the_witch_u….png)

Rouge The Witch by deimoseon
WereRouge Witch by Josugomezofficialnew

Does anyone have these models ?
deimosion is a non-working link
from Josugomez - not found

1d4cf01e No.3768071

File: 1739580526140.png (1.62 MB, 1920x1080, BnDYCo_u18chan.png)

Does anyone have the Sally Shopkeeper model? Surprised it hasn't been provided yet since Angela Flux was quickly leaked when she came out.

1d4cf01e No.3768072

File: 1739580562108.jpg (355.86 KB, 2873x4096, 1000019711_u18chan.jpg)

Share please models Jane Doe by Mayosplash

1d4cf01e No.3768074

File: 1739580722887.png (3.45 MB, 2048x1536, Ravian_u18chan.png)

1d4cf01e No.3768075

File: 1739581622073-0.png (1.25 MB, 720x1280, accc (1).png)

File: 1739581622073-1.png (1.43 MB, 720x1280, accc (2).png)

File: 1739581622073-2.png (1.58 MB, 1280x720, acccc.png)

58b91a6c No.3768123

File: 1739636952654.jpg (30.8 KB, 414x595, 85a3ca4443fc6c7a215deffab4….jpg)

Models for MA HUNKEL?

04783a3a No.3768354

Anybody able to reupload Mayosplash's Foxy model again?

1d4cf01e No.3768369

File: 1739915321487.png (339.26 KB, 1691x716, Ychan - ot - funny picture….png)

1d4cf01e No.3768382

File: 1739932108091-0.jpg (785.86 KB, 2268x4032, img-1126-65972726b90cd_001.jpg)

File: 1739932108091-1.jpg (603.22 KB, 4032x2268, img-1116-6597272936001_001.jpg)

File: 1739932108091-2.jpg (725.79 KB, 4032x2268, fullsizerender-6597272cc41….jpg)

File: 1739932108091-3.jpg (747.84 KB, 4032x2268, img-1113-65972730d3b06_001.jpg)

1d4cf01e No.3768464

File: 1740094988998-0.png (1.75 MB, 878x1670, 234g435g.png)

1d4cf01e No.3768466

File: 1740096221858.webm (816.54 KB, 600x1034, 1735145007.zorryn_walkcyc….webm)


Failed to resize image! Details: gm convert: Corrupt image (/tmp/phpcaqdPp).

e2430f67 No.3768503

04783a3a No.3768509

You are so hot for this much appreciated.

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