890dba2c No.3708594
This poster reminds me a lot of Aufy, the disgraced ex lulzian.
6dc8c011 No.3708639
Nude version of
0ccc53c2 No.3711025
>>3711002now do one with a cookie.
0ccc53c2 No.3711412
>>3711409I like the light version way better.
Although for some reason, fox pussies manifest way better from AI than wolf pussies.
cc233a63 No.3711435
>>3711412Needs fur on the vulva. It's a wolf, not a fucking pitbull.
18d2b1b7 No.3722133
>>3720001she looks like she is wearing a mario hat for some reason
c22db516 No.3735804
>>3735764https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XlO39kCQ-8I kinda like the wolf mom thing. I sorta had a dog mom, my dad was never awake and my mom was always too high to function. I did all the cooking and cleaning, and if I scraped my knee or something, instead of having a mom get me a bandage, I had dog mom lick it. Or if I had a bad dream, she'd hop up in bed with me.
It was pretty ok, until my dad executed her in front of me because he thought I had a weirdly strong bond with her. It wasn't sexual.
c22db516 No.3735806
>>3735804That kind of thing happened a lot, he'd destroy or kill anything that I got attached to that he didn't consider manly. He had this weird obsession with trying to turn me into james bond.
Problem was, he never actually facilitated it. Other than martial arts classes (which he would beat me for if I didn't impress him), and forcing me into the school football team (which he beat me for), he never really did much.
Seriously, I have no idea how to play football. I was a lineman, so it was basically just "hit them and keep them from moving" thats about all I know. We lost our first game, and my dad smashed my head into our van so hard it left a dent, then he got arrested, and then he beat me because he had to spend 3 days in jail.
And people wonder why I'm an alcoholic. Well all that and the military didn't help either.
c22db516 No.3735807
>>3735806plus my dad has one eye, so its not like he could teach me sports or practice with me.
Depth perception and all that.
c22db516 No.3735823
>>3735821my mental illness drags behind me like a half pinched off log.
Have some wolf girls though. Bestiality is called that because it is the best iality.
26cfffdf No.3750753
>>3750752Florence is relevant
dc727c30 No.3750767
>>3750763> 1723246935.foxovh_240726_com_river_web.jpgWet dog smell.
6dc8c011 No.3750773
Recoloring of
>>3748717 and Loona's black asshole.
21d7d85d No.3754033
>>3754030> Looks like it was grazed by a bulletSo a typically incompetent
democrat assassin, then.
42af55f5 No.3761332
Apparently, this weekend's full moon is notable for several reasons. It's a "Cold Moon", it rises as far to the north as it ever does, and it's the beginning of the "Major Lunar Standstill."
https://usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/12/10/december-2024-full-moon-cold/76861822007/ b9780663 No.3761344
>>3761332Oops, I didn't notice tribal wolf girl has six fingers in that picture. Oh well.