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File: 1689281176447.jpg (32.2 KB, 432x576, 1580103023358.jpg)

26cfffdf No.3708545[View All]

Post up them sexy wolfs, you know the hottest female wolfess
125 posts and 205 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

6dc8c011 No.3739944

File: 1715690156341-0.jpg (571.46 KB, 1576x2160, 1715548585.crazytwi_v--bti….jpg)

6dc8c011 No.3740417

File: 1716347024749.png (3.02 MB, 1783x2066, 1716223562.greasymojo_patr….png)

6dc8c011 No.3740511

File: 1716426222707.jpg (416.49 KB, 2810x1654, pcgf3w2aj4v71.jpg)

Full moon tonight.

43bedb90 No.3740926

File: 1716866922106.png (484.49 KB, 729x1200, 1699757_Seff_patreonsketch….png)

43bedb90 No.3741683

File: 1717465947308-0.png (2.68 MB, 908x1800, Juno_RS_u18chan.png)

File: 1717465947308-1.jpg (774.76 KB, 1258x890, bonesman_beastars_commissi….jpg)

File: 1717465947308-2.png (354.67 KB, 1238x1751, bonesman_legosi_facesits_h….png)

File: 1717465947308-3.png (432.29 KB, 1249x1864, bonesman_2171_u18chan.png)

File: 1717465947308-4.png (451.99 KB, 1435x1832, bonesman_2221_u18chan.png)

35b19f84 No.3743063

File: 1718525812449.jpg (182.06 KB, 786x1510, 0f08e17cd45cf40f3fa23ce7ff….jpg)

43bedb90 No.3745091

File: 1719969524482-0.jpg (1.24 MB, 1400x1800, 3389443_creepyspirale_it-w….jpg)

File: 1719969524482-1.jpg (527.33 KB, 4096x1837, 1691716055.spirale_f3nk4uk….jpg)

File: 1719969524482-2.jpg (943.64 KB, 1204x1800, 5830984_947642_creepyspira….jpg)

6dc8c011 No.3745092

File: 1719970455313-0.jpg (154.63 KB, 905x1280, 1545803003.kirkir_untitled….jpg)

File: 1719970455313-1.jpg (1.28 MB, 2400x1320, GQ8dpbDbwAMbh5t.jpg)

File: 1719970455313-2.jpg (244.31 KB, 1472x2200, 293a0d4db8edb6dba4acf18367….jpg)

File: 1719970455313-3.jpg (532.63 KB, 1919x1919, 1719542576.notdonebaking_g….jpg)

File: 1719970455313-4.png (4.82 MB, 4448x2741, a6d1782e99b1d4373ce27e6c7b….png)

6dc8c011 No.3745096

File: 1719972065579-0.png (1018.54 KB, 1500x916, 1718766341.pig_sketch_simp….png)

File: 1719972065579-1.webm (3.76 MB, 3849x2160, 691606ed35b189966e4053846….webm)

File: 1719972065579-2.png (1.47 MB, 1321x1600, 1717992014.twistedscarlett….png)

6dc8c011 No.3745097

File: 1719972091556-0.png (7.64 MB, 2105x3077, 27f215973bf9d4f00054a02bf2….png)

6dc8c011 No.3748046

File: 1721862440657-0.jpg (578.37 KB, 3737x2519, GSJomUHaUAIMu-Q.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-1.jpg (553.5 KB, 2600x3101, GSJomUEaUAIlfJE.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-2.jpg (318.32 KB, 2856x2480, GST-uInWEAAKddt.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-3.jpg (468.51 KB, 2976x2522, GST-uIpWwAA3M9h.jpg)

File: 1721862440657-4.jpg (539.3 KB, 2976x2522, GST-uInXcAALXXy.jpg)

26cfffdf No.3748050

File: 1721866095564.jpg (230.74 KB, 800x1000, 1720925623.red-dog_summerg….jpg)

6dc8c011 No.3748702

File: 1722468209307.png (3.84 MB, 1609x2290, 1721956938.rainewolf96_172….png)

6dc8c011 No.3748703

File: 1722468231001.png (5.39 MB, 2304x3072, 5b684917171c82549c6bf098b6….png)

6dc8c011 No.3748705

File: 1722468333170-0.png (3.04 MB, 1920x1920, 1721857642.fox-pop_dafne.png)

File: 1722468333170-1.jpg (277.84 KB, 1680x2098, GTl-ZO-bwAAtsME.jpg)

File: 1722468333170-2.png (3.4 MB, 2560x1440, 1721857690.fox-pop_loonare….png)

6dc8c011 No.3748706

File: 1722468363949-0.png (5.7 MB, 1739x2842, beb162c15bc4402ed1f9189b72….png)

6dc8c011 No.3748716

File: 1722477297261-0.png (3.26 MB, 1080x1512, dhq4mk5-f90fd00a-1097-4fa9….png)

File: 1722477297261-1.png (4.46 MB, 4000x3626, eb8339a0ef2143add1e014f039….png)

6dc8c011 No.3748717

File: 1722477388614-0.png (1.91 MB, 1473x1807, 1712435122.dkok_img_1336.png)

File: 1722477388614-1.jpg (327.92 KB, 2048x2732, GSdAwb7XwAAXG_X.jpg)

File: 1722477388614-2.png (1.13 MB, 1268x1736, 1720375531.jezzlen_wharb-w….png)

File: 1722477388614-3.png (1.82 MB, 5316x6204, 5130196_NOTFierceDeityLynx….png)

5fe99ed4 No.3750752

File: 1724107196092.jpg (471.47 KB, 1700x2200, bowman's_wolf.jpg)

> Post up them sexy wolfs
Are flat-chested robot wolves sexy?

26cfffdf No.3750753

Florence is relevant

6dc8c011 No.3750763

File: 1724114666248-0.jpg (592.93 KB, 2000x1563, 1724056672238983.jpg)

File: 1724114666248-1.png (2.33 MB, 1250x2000, 1723428312.kazrune_1540fa.png)

File: 1724114666248-2.png (1.61 MB, 900x1280, 1724001113.lizet_5-24r2bre….png)

File: 1724114666248-3.jpg (1006.47 KB, 990x1400, 1723246935.foxovh_240726_c….jpg)

File: 1724114666248-4.png (2.13 MB, 900x1280, 1723694084.whisperfoot_aud….png)

That time of the month, huh?

6dc8c011 No.3750765

File: 1724114939452-0.png (3.65 MB, 2800x3600, e89f759b48b44936a4b980dd24….png)

dc727c30 No.3750767

> 1723246935.foxovh_240726_com_river_web.jpg
Wet dog smell.

6dc8c011 No.3750768

File: 1724115120538-0.png (7.81 MB, 2547x3840, raine_beach_dancing_by_two….png)

6dc8c011 No.3750770

File: 1724115760897-0.webm (3.13 MB, 1044x1080, f7d7ba589c41eec59c10351af….webm)

6dc8c011 No.3750771

File: 1724116492458-0.png (791.68 KB, 1430x1280, getting_friendly_by_twokin….png)

File: 1724116492458-1.png (1.32 MB, 1627x1280, 5a44c76280e61e301014a9ed4e….png)

6dc8c011 No.3750773

File: 1724116630703-0.png (1.78 MB, 5316x6204, 5148000_NOTFierceDeityLynx….png)

File: 1724116630703-1.jpg (303.53 KB, 3508x2480, b0afbf2f639416eab351d8273d….jpg)

Recoloring of >>3748717 and Loona's black asshole.

6dc8c011 No.3750774

File: 1724116733694-0.png (2.46 MB, 2240x1280, lumberjack_cassidy_by_twok….png)

File: 1724116733694-1.png (4.05 MB, 1803x2400, 2495f3b7564d0067303c8953e1….png)

Whoops, wasn't paying attention and reposted the same image.

3be0a1cc No.3750793

File: 1724130247007-0.png (398.37 KB, 1819x1303, b33d0e2c25e725bbc331da062d….png)

File: 1724130247007-1.jpg (210.99 KB, 750x1100, f517e732ccf6b3bdee4ad6ec4c….jpg)

43bedb90 No.3750897

File: 1724208981227-0.jpg (1.07 MB, 1428x940, 1723339922.thebigmansini_3….jpg)

File: 1724208981227-1.jpg (901.03 KB, 1426x933, 1723339410.thebigmansini_3….jpg)

7e38f288 No.3751949

File: 1725026643007.jpg (518.96 KB, 1250x2000, 4adf64f65a7e611890805a4daf….jpg)

f0056968 No.3753702

File: 1726332204707.jpg (343.56 KB, 560x782, 7c64ddac6cb7ad6af04cee55ca….jpg)

6dc8c011 No.3754020

File: 1726607977563.jpg (634.9 KB, 1499x2457, 1726175608.greyrivers_grey….jpg)

8d188b13 No.3754027

File: 1726614077081.jpg (839.03 KB, 3328x4864, 5180506_WereFox_ib_dunehou….jpg)

What's wrong with her ear? Did someone lop it off and then superglue it back on?

6dc8c011 No.3754030

File: 1726616837856.png (5.3 MB, 1897x3000, 1668361132.theonlyskywoof_….png)

Looks like it was grazed by a bullet, or maybe an arrow.

21d7d85d No.3754033

File: 1726619581245.jpg (1.18 MB, 3328x4864, 5180502_WereFox_ib_dunehou….jpg)

> Looks like it was grazed by a bullet
So a typically incompetent democrat assassin, then.

6dc8c011 No.3754040

File: 1726627749310.jpg (445.27 KB, 2000x2000, 1665548809.nemesisprime92_….jpg)

Only thing your typical Democrat is capable of shooting at a wolf is baby batter. See, scientifically proven:

>The strongest predictors were that voters self-identifying as Democrats were more likely to hold positive attitudes toward wolves and management to conserve them than those identifying with other political parties (standardized latent variable coefficient = 0.585) and women were more likely than men to hold negative attitudes (−0.459).

21d7d85d No.3754042

File: 1726629546016.jpg (1.18 MB, 3328x4864, 5180498_WereFox_ib_dunehou….jpg)

> Conservation Science and Practice
LOL! That rag doesn't even claim to be a peer reviewed scientific journal. The closest it comes to legitimacy is it says it checks for plagiarism. At least there is that.

42af55f5 No.3761332

File: 1734025324442-0.jpg (1.1 MB, 3328x4864, 5180500_WereFox_ib_dunehou….jpg)

File: 1734025324442-1.jpg (847.33 KB, 2294x1606, wolf piss.jpg)

Apparently, this weekend's full moon is notable for several reasons. It's a "Cold Moon", it rises as far to the north as it ever does, and it's the beginning of the "Major Lunar Standstill."



b9780663 No.3761344

Oops, I didn't notice tribal wolf girl has six fingers in that picture. Oh well.

c2061605 No.3761634

File: 1734320392051.jpg (369.81 KB, 1220x1648, 5337563_AdelarElric_waterf….jpg)

f30a80fc No.3761871

File: 1734489724818-0.png (3.02 MB, 1087x1700, 1732732319.saterina_af_202….png)

File: 1734489724818-1.jpg (264.57 KB, 1500x2000, GeSD_12WUAAKhCT.jpg)

File: 1734489724818-2.png (1.7 MB, 943x1300, 1734010226.hioshiru_1_sm.png)

File: 1734489724818-3.png (1.67 MB, 1902x2330, 4cde1fcf2a4afb47df9f1021ea….png)

File: 1734489724818-4.jpg (585.1 KB, 1622x2271, 1690835720.guppic_23df.jpg)

43bedb90 No.3764279

File: 1736384194043-0.jpg (47.96 KB, 542x781, asszazoy150b1.jpg)

File: 1736384194043-1.webm (282.77 KB, 756x432, bFsXbhb.webm)

File: 1736384194043-2.webm (2.15 MB, 853x480, 3KLVuwj.webm)

7975f7c1 No.3764287

Sexy wolfess's

43bedb90 No.3764425

File: 1736499354501-0.jpg (583.36 KB, 2445x2799, 40d6a8a4c6ae5a80b9fffb6f2e….jpg)

File: 1736499354501-1.jpg (448.33 KB, 2105x3077, 1719972091556-0.jpg)

File: 1736499354501-2.jpg (855.56 KB, 3451x4477, Dominating_4K2_u18chan.jpg)

File: 1736499354501-3.jpg (187.38 KB, 1333x2048, image0.jpg)

File: 1736499354501-4.jpg (800.08 KB, 4100x4477, solo_07_01_4K_u18chan.jpg)

f30a80fc No.3764774

File: 1736819575919.png (7.11 MB, 1471x2000, 1734642294.lgnida_comm1-wo….png)

First full moon of the year.

f30a80fc No.3764777

File: 1736820124764-0.png (3.21 MB, 2103x1752, 1730394692.greasymojo_com_….png)

File: 1736820124764-1.jpg (413.24 KB, 1375x900, 1735413658.pinktaco._sm202….jpg)

f30a80fc No.3764961

File: 1736990105191-0.jpg (768.36 KB, 3072x4096, 11356de43bb58b8e95e1f1f2cc….jpg)

File: 1736990105191-1.jpg (151.07 KB, 1464x1500, c23ea5b71e8970390c80cb1a93….jpg)

File: 1736990105191-2.png (3.04 MB, 1896x1943, 0035a2c8bf7354c18f2bcc70f3….png)

43bedb90 No.3764973

File: 1737006644800-0.jpg (166.22 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_00015_.jpg)

File: 1737006644800-1.jpg (151.86 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_00025_.jpg)

File: 1737006644800-2.jpg (156.41 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_00029_.jpg)

File: 1737006644800-3.jpg (158.81 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_00009_.jpg)

File: 1737006644800-4.jpg (152.42 KB, 1080x1080, ComfyUI_00004_.jpg)

43bedb90 No.3764978

File: 1737014458396-0.jpg (76.36 KB, 768x1152, 819152977773346017.jpg)

File: 1737014458396-1.jpg (224.22 KB, 1536x2304, 819152028585557309.jpg)

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