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File: 1688613435940.jpg (111.75 KB, 967x1230, Fx0Kb4dX0AEPoC7.jpg)

86959f6c No.3707391[View All]

A place for your favorite non-porn art, furry is optional
159 posts and 196 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

e4842319 No.3739274

File: 1714850597110.jpg (1.48 MB, 1200x1200, 118286109_p0_master1200 (1….jpg)

seriously, my house has more grounding than that place. I mean, its just poor planning. My fortress should not be able to outdo a church.

e4842319 No.3739275

Then again, my house is pretty ridiculous, there is a reason I call it a fortress. If there is a power outage or something, I'm the first place people go to.

I charge out the ass, but I have a rotational cellphone antenna and solar panels. When shit hits the fan, I'm the place to be.

e4842319 No.3739276

I sort of grabbed a bunch of stuff from a decommissioned factory to retrofit my place.

Its interesting if nothing else.

e4842319 No.3739277

My fuse boxes alone, and I do say that in plural are so over powered I'd have to try to blow them up. As far as I know, they are invincible.

e4842319 No.3739278

File: 1714851859532.png (149.56 KB, 386x259, Becky1 (1).png)

seriously, my house has wires the size of my wrist. 3 grounds, basically a ferindae cage, a rotational antennae, and a blast proof vault. Its like a residential fort knox.

14b82098 No.3739338

File: 1714931023288.jpg (210.58 KB, 2000x2500, 20240504_044344.jpg)

gooby goat

3dd8c5be No.3740069

File: 1715866050739.jpg (2.1 MB, 4032x3024, 20240511_103226.jpg)

This past weekend, I visited the most beautiful church I've ever seen. I drove to another state for my uncle's funeral. There was this giant, red wolf statue in the sanctuary - in a small section towards the back relegated to children. No idea what his story is. I was too busy and sleep-deprived to think to ask; only after did my curiosity start burning. The wolf was a calming presence. If they accepted the wolf, surely sanctuary is granted to the weasel too. At least I had the forethought to snap a pic.

1c9bdb6c No.3740112

707822f9 No.3740113

File: 1715917172529.jpeg (4.36 KB, 191x264, download.jpeg)

Are you a weasel?

14b82098 No.3740121

3dd8c5be No.3740135

File: 1715952813067-0.jpg (261.89 KB, 1000x750, 1444182974.sillybeastltd_4….jpg)

File: 1715952813067-1.jpg (117.65 KB, 420x644, tms.jpg)

Thanks for the wolf statue intel.

I didn't choose the stoat life; the stoat life chose me. But on here I'm a ferret - a sexy, anthro, female ferret health inspector with a feathered cap and wielding a special fountain pen equipped to detect poison. I can't explain it; I just accept it.

14b82098 No.3740372

File: 1716308175787.jpg (504.28 KB, 905x1207, GNBzY6lW8AAztE9_u18chan.jpg)

14b82098 No.3741301

File: 1717173291905.png (3.57 MB, 2986x2535, artjammay2024-2_u18chan.png)

3dd8c5be No.3741963

File: 1717689038665.png (1.77 MB, 2480x1455, 1716776092.wetchop_rla_sat….png)

3dd8c5be No.3742382

File: 1718077690508-0.jpg (94.93 KB, 1152x2048, GLZfnZAaEAA2QPk.jpg)

File: 1718077690508-1.jpg (652.9 KB, 3200x1800, GOsO1BDW0AE2Y51.jpg)

f0f9f1c9 No.3744065

File: 1719311446768.jpg (1.06 MB, 2133x1600, 5090375_leglegleg_abs_bupp….jpg)

06422f4c No.3744074

File: 1719321336270.jpeg (237.38 KB, 2048x1395, EmazIhHXcAEoYYl.jpeg)

3dd8c5be No.3744188

File: 1719368248519.jpg (460.96 KB, 855x1200, 3630408_p0.jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3744389

File: 1719525367660.jpg (318.81 KB, 2048x1250, F3WCR7WX0AAwFHU.jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3745650

File: 1720282791649-0.jpg (123.26 KB, 850x850, F0MFsZOacAcXqlN.jpg)

File: 1720282791649-1.jpg (121.05 KB, 850x850, Fwvb9WoaYAEBfCU.jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3745973

File: 1720474302514-0.gif (3.22 MB, 800x667, 1719854765.furrhea_fin.gif)

File: 1720474302514-1.png (2.82 MB, 1800x1264, 2fbaf8c049d3bb79.png)

fd43b276 No.3746893

File: 1721156525529.jpg (366.98 KB, 2000x2000, d86e9050e0103db525b3b1e7ad….jpg)

f42e0db5 No.3747219

File: 1721320995992.png (801.2 KB, 783x600, commish_pdog.png)

3dd8c5be No.3747258

File: 1721339287549.jpg (98.39 KB, 1200x1500, Americas-Goat-Man-bw-e1396….jpg)

America's Goat Man. An obscure character I'd heard tale of in childhood but later forgotten…

3dd8c5be No.3747300

File: 1721346799565.jpg (137.66 KB, 1024x768, goat-man-ches-mccartney-mu….jpg)

Charles "Ches" McCartney (1901–1998), also known as the Goat Man, was an American itinerant wanderer who traveled up and down the eastern United States from 1930 to 1987 in a ramshackle wagon pulled by a team of goats. He claimed to have covered more than 100,000 miles and visited all states except Hawaii: His goats couldn't swim that far, he said, and if they could, "they'd just end up eating the grass skirts off the hula dancers anyway". He was a familiar sight to many travelers and vacationers during those years, and one difficult to not notice or remember.

Born around the turn of the twentieth century (the exact year is unknown), McCartney ran away from his family's Iowa farm home at age 14.

In New York he met and married a Spanish knife thrower ten years his senior and became part of her act, serving as near-miss target. When she became pregnant they tried to make a living as farmers, but were wiped out at the start of the Great Depression. She left one day before dawn. McCartney married at least two more times.

At some point, while working for the WPA cutting timber, an injury from a falling tree left McCartney's left arm twisted. He was initially thought to have died in the accident, but he awakened on a mortician's table as the undertaker inserted an embalming needle in his arm.

McCartney had always been fond of goats since his days on the family farm, and he came up with the idea of using a goat cart to travel with his family and work as an itinerant preacher. His wife did not like the idea, and left. One account says that McCartney traded his wife to another farmer for an unspecified amount of goats.

More of his story:


93254e2d No.3747937

File: 1721781261634.png (179.96 KB, 1082x768, picnic2.png)

3dd8c5be No.3748430

File: 1722175923369.jpg (1.12 MB, 1877x1600, At_Syso_by_Alexander_Evgen….jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3750527

File: 1723907850759.jpg (1.49 MB, 1920x1920, 1711870569.martith.art_ros….jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3750528

File: 1723908042758-0.png (3.07 MB, 2206x1670, 1719222155.garbagegarage_k….png)

File: 1723908042758-1.png (1.06 MB, 1434x1071, 1723061663.garbagegarage_k….png)

3dd8c5be No.3750676

File: 1724016940586.jpg (516.36 KB, 2000x1741, bafkreifytke7cujp27t7peapc….jpg)

Don't tell wolves to avoid us…

3dd8c5be No.3750677

File: 1724017005936-0.jpg (248.59 KB, 1125x2000, bafkreigy3oyfwaejudkg6plw4….jpg)

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7238448a No.3750814

File: 1724149799878.jpg (77.93 KB, 604x431, ece349f75413355aa46e265a68….jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3750878

File: 1724202883372-0.jpg (127.85 KB, 1280x813, 1504833754.alibi-cami_clas….jpg)

File: 1724202883372-1.gif (836.79 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mkd7xgmwRI1qddaibo1….gif)

14b82098 No.3751168

File: 1724358548686-0.png (185.45 KB, 994x1080, 1690376251409.png)

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3dd8c5be No.3751668

File: 1724775237419.jpg (478.7 KB, 1280x2160, fde5024ed6dd349c2781008903….jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3752245

File: 1725230170702-0.png (1.71 MB, 976x1242, 1556656867.superboll_bb-co….png)

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File: 1725230170702-2.jpg (319.88 KB, 750x700, 20141013_tobacco_pipe_by_p….jpg)

File: 1725230170702-3.jpg (169.11 KB, 685x960, 87157366.jpg)

File: 1725230170702-4.jpg (181.9 KB, 800x801, bunny_school.jpg)

Clean Bunday art.

14b82098 No.3753304

File: 1726072472371.png (1.13 MB, 1453x1100, ee64e9e833c2e773764866d39b….png)

3dd8c5be No.3753330

File: 1726094713399-0.jpg (934.89 KB, 807x1185, n19.jpg)

File: 1726094713399-1.png (2.54 MB, 1320x1100, dce8d7af270752191c641b87fe….png)

File: 1726094713399-2.jpg (129.34 KB, 1000x1276, remus04x-big.jpg)

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File: 1726094713399-4.jpg (120.97 KB, 1000x1187, remus201-big.jpg)

Guess the Southern culture thread fell off the edge.


3dd8c5be No.3753723

File: 1726356538272.jpg (1.45 MB, 1518x2343, 1725658410.tangerinedragon….jpg)

3dd8c5be No.3754487

File: 1727109390819.jpg (1.7 MB, 1100x1486, ASA2135GF_5000x.jpg)

10f6d846 No.3754879

File: 1727651151811.jpg (703.24 KB, 900x675, dune_rabbits_by_culpeo_fox….jpg)

10f6d846 No.3760100

File: 1732926223226.png (2 MB, 2258x1419, 1731883413.garbagegarage_h….png)

14b82098 No.3763194

File: 1735419753865-0.jpg (208.05 KB, 1326x2048, wr7e3N2.jpg)

File: 1735419753865-1.jpg (248.01 KB, 1326x2048, ILOLu4Z.jpg)

10f6d846 No.3763735

File: 1735951940857-0.png (913.06 KB, 944x1440, 1735745351.wetchop_itm_paw….png)

File: 1735951940857-1.png (504.82 KB, 944x1440, 1735745625.wetchop_itm_paw….png)

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File: 1735951940857-3.png (547.13 KB, 944x1440, 1735746062.wetchop_itm_paw….png)

Furry fandom: Come (cum) for the fap fodder. Stay for the fantasy worldbuilding.

ea277902 No.3764923

File: 1736964991409.jpg (852.7 KB, 2000x1398, bafkreiaivlc42fc34qe5sfijh….jpg)

69c6fdc5 No.3765131

File: 1737153814583.jpg (317.67 KB, 969x1524, 6dc61ff69b58f92a17379f980b….jpg)

10f6d846 No.3765439

File: 1737322265024-0.png (3.45 MB, 2115x1742, 1729784256.shanikafaceless….png)

File: 1737322265024-1.jpg (437.48 KB, 1800x900, 1733269056.drawingsofa_бой….jpg)

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10f6d846 No.3766298

File: 1737995148369.jpg (1.39 MB, 2353x1600, Briton_Riviere_Fidelity.jpg)

I think I'm done here…

14b82098 No.3766635

File: 1738269782566-0.jpg (788.59 KB, 3165x4096, GT1NUbEXwAAvqxd_u18chan.jpg)

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File: 1738269782566-2.jpg (112.64 KB, 858x1064, bafkreihjm2ysngzymolgxdyr2….jpg)

File: 1738269782566-3.jpg (110.48 KB, 858x1064, bafkreihoascoxkq7tou24diex….jpg)

14b82098 No.3766636

File: 1738270293794-0.jpg (335.98 KB, 1969x1625, 1724013874767.jpg)

File: 1738270293794-1.jpg (140.78 KB, 1280x827, b8ff50c7cbe1059c992c2ef160….jpg)

File: 1738270293794-2.jpg (142.54 KB, 1200x900, GW0bXs2WcAAAsNI.jpg)

File: 1738270293794-3.jpg (740.12 KB, 3000x4000, ac5128d15da232ac63c5fad6d5….jpg)

File: 1738270293794-4.jpg (192.34 KB, 1806x2048, IMG_3760.jpg)

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