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You messed with me~

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48934be5 No.3768174

For days now Republicans and conservatives have been cheering the fact that Elon musk shut down usaid. Now they are starting to find that those juicy government contracts that kept their forms in business we're from the same agency. Turns out, the crops that the government were buying was being shipped overseas and thanks to musk cutting the programs there is no one to buy their crops. Now they are just rotting in the field with no one left to sell it to and no money to pay anyone to harvest it if they could find a buyer.
It turns out, MAGA farmers were the DEI hires all along!
Whomp whomp whaaa whaaaah!

57bf3fd6 No.3768182

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Why was USAID(s) doing the job that the USDA was supposed to be doing? Unless, of course, that food was being utilized by the glowies to manipulate desperate and starving populations in which case HOORAY!

67242970 No.3768183


a148230c No.3768185

Is this really the first time you've heard about farm subsidies?

Maybe sit down and listen to people who have been talking publicly about this huge issue for decades before throwing your six minute old opinion on the pile.

748368c7 No.3768186

Once millions of Americans are starving that will show the libs.

0fe57bed No.3768187

American Holodomor to own the libs.

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