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File: 1739405054236.png (672.65 KB, 920x1227, 5291839_RoareyRaccoon_roar….png)

d71df992 No.3767895


"Farewell, Inkbunny
by RoareyRaccoon
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Private Message
Just got my account back from a suspension that happened back in November, so that's where I've been. Doesn't matter why, it's just the usual pointless pettiness. Given time to reflect, alongside my partner's account here being outright deleted, principle and common sense dictate I go. Whatever passes for mainstream in this fandom has not been a place where I am welcome or where I belong for several years, so what's in it for me?

I wanted to try and change things or at least let other furs like myself know they weren't alone in all the insanity that has overtaken western culture and our subculture too, but really, what a daft idea that was. My only joy is in seeing the feedback from my drawings, which I don't have to share here anyway. I'm honestly just tired of it all, I'm too ill to fight with people either way. I've had enough of other peoples' spite and hatred, I don't need nor want it in my life. I no longer want to be part of places in this fandom that are swamped in ideological nonsense.

I'll leave my gallery up here for people who care about that sort of thing, but I won't be posting here anymore, I'm done. Thanks for the memories, truly, but I can't do this anymore. The loss of all the years I've put in. Fuck it. I have a telegram group and a Discord server where I'll be posting future art and where people can interact with me, the links are below."

So, think he'll stay gone this time? My mopney is he'll be back in under a month with a whole speech about how people NEED his opinions or some shit. Like clockwork. Fallen Hero storyline.

43e46c57 No.3767902

Nothing of value was lost.

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