37f500dc No.3767729
Like, even if it was proven(it’s not, and I’m not defending) it’s not funny
That’s got all the humor of replying “pedophile” and you clam like a seal for fish
One of the key things about humor is that it absolutely requires truth, and not even a lot of truth
For example: trump uses tang drink mix as makeup
Vs: trump LOOKS like he uses tang drink mix as makeup
The first in not funny because it’s a declaration with ZERO truth.
The second IS funny because it uses opinion which makes the sentence flexible enough to allow for truth to fit.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk on why OP is a faggot
ee89108f No.3767737
snoop dogs antisemitism commercial was overplayed
63935f5b No.3767795
What's the difference between Greenland and Trump? Greenland isn't for sale.