55d8c0ae No.3767615
More than agreed.
d5a43c08 No.3767621
Kill yourself nazi scum
f684d6c8 No.3767622
'need' is such an aids heavy wording
55d8c0ae No.3767623
>>3767621Your non-stop hateful, racist, bigoted, lying rhetoric is the prime example why this rule should be implemented ASAP, and we hope it is.
c1b97dda No.3767630
>>3767623Killing Nazis is the most patriotic thing anyone can do no matter which nation you are from.
1a321e29 No.3767632
>>3767630look to your left, now look to your right. They're all nazis, kill everyone you see.
6139a9bd No.3767633
>>3767632He's a nigga. Nazis are the least of his worries. His own people would kill him over a beef patty and a bottle of Ting.
9a322329 No.3767635
Too many retards infesting this place. We actually need a captcha-like system where you have to answer a critical thinking question in order to even post.
6139a9bd No.3767636
>>3767635We sure won't miss you not being able to post. XD
9e615020 No.3767637
>>3767636Calling your bluff, faggot. There's nothing you can come up with to stump me.
6139a9bd No.3767643
>>3767637Really? Alright furfag try this one. If I were to tell you that the next thing I say will be true, but that the last thing I said was a lie, would you believe me?
dda4cf95 No.3767644
>>3767643What you said is self-contradictory. That's just the card paradox, which is a variant of the liar paradox. Told you you couldn't stump me, faggot.
Obviously, such questions wouldn't work for post screening.
88fc46a2 No.3767653
>>3767646Your response here
>>3767636 proves you understood the context of post screening, you lying brainlet. So your challenge question was a joke, just like you.
d5a43c08 No.3767665
>>3767653Checkmate *fedora*
6139a9bd No.3767667
>>3767653Understood wasn't the point. The point was to show you could be stumped and that an idiot like you shouldn't brag so much. Also the answer to the paradox question is both yes and no. With a paradox question both answers are correct, yet also incorrect.
f9b0a142 No.3767672
>>3767667But you didn't stump me. You failed.
This is you: "What's the last digit of pi? Stumped you, didn't I? Checkmate, atheists!"
So fucking stupid.
2cefabae No.3767680
>>3767677You claimed that a statement can be both true and false. Just give up, brainlet.
6139a9bd No.3767681
>>3767680See Schrodinger's cat theory you moron. You completely miss the point of the question posed. You bragged that you couldn't be stumped. Everyone can be stumped and to think otherwise is just egotistical. The type of question posed is irrelevant. Next time think before you brag. Now you are just repeating yourself within a losing argument with stupid insults like a crybaby.
9a3f2c94 No.3767684
>>3767681Except I'm laughing at you.
>You bragged that you couldn't be stumped. Everyone can be stumpedNow who's putting words in his opponent's mouth? I said
you couldn't stump me, which is admittedly boastful, but not as presumptuous as your earlier claim that I couldn't pass an intelligence based post screening
>See Schrodinger's cat theory you moronYou have no idea what you're talking about. lol
6139a9bd No.3767687
>I couldn't pass an intelligence based post screeningThat remains to be seen if someone actually implements such a feature on this board. However you also missed the "XD" emote signifying that I was joking and you took what I said too seriously, LOL.
Other than that you still completely missed the point of my question, so I'm laughing at you.
f05ad3e3 No.3767692
Go back to e621, faggot OP. We don't need bubble wrap armor and tard helmets.
Most of us don't, at least.
60409a3e No.3767694
>>3767687How about explaining the relevance of Schrodinger's cat? You just shoehorned that shit in to sound smart. lol
6139a9bd No.3767700
>>3767694Are you that butthurt from being bested? Why don't you look it up if you want an explanation? Here's an already simplified version explained for you.
https://www.sciencing.com/schrodingers-cat-simplified-what-is-it-why-is-important-13722577/ 24ba242e No.3767709
>>3767700You're a fool for claiming a statement can be both true and false. And you've misunderstood quantum mechanics in thinking it proves that a cat can be both alive and dead at the same time.
No, before the state of a quantum particle is measured, it occupies a superposition. Superposition doesn't mean both (or more) states at the same time; it means indeterminate. Similarly, the truth values of the statements in the card paradox are indeterminate. It's nonsense to assign truth values to those statements, just as it's nonsense to say an electron in a superposition is spin up before measurement. And when you do the measurement, you get spin up or spin down, but never both.
6139a9bd No.3767711
>>3767709Once again you misinterpreted what I had previously said. I said the answer to the possible future outcomes of the statement could be true or false. It is only when the moment happens from the choice being made that there is a definitive right and wrong choice answer. All you do is try to put words in other peoples' mouths and try to twist the argument in your favor.
I do not disagree with the explanation of quantum particles and the prediction of which possible state we can observe them in until a measurement is made. I used the Schodinger's cat theory to show, as with the true or false paradox question that one can be stumped. You bragged about not being able to be stumped was why I posed the question. I just wanted to prove that you are an egotistical idiot. You got so upset with this that you wanted me to explain the Schodinger's cat theory and how it can be used with interpreting quantum mechanics. I am not your teacher nor your student and have no interest in discussing these things with you.
Have you ever watched The Big Bang Theory television series? If so, I'd advise you to try harder to not act so similarly with your social habits as the Sheldon Cooper character does. It gets rather annoying. I wonder if anybody enjoys socializing with you either online or offline. XD
e2b2ce98 No.3767712
>>3767711>I said the answer to the possible future outcomes of the statement could be true or false. It is only when the moment happens from the choice being made that there is a definitive right and wrong choice answer.Utter nonsense! lol
>You got so upset with this that you wanted me to explain the Schodinger's cat theoryNo, I didn't even ask you to explain Schrodinger's
thought experiment (not a fucking theory lol). I just asked why you thought it was relevant, for a laugh.