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File: 1739038839432.jpeg (276.64 KB, 1920x1080, Bovaer Social Graphic FIN….jpeg)

4b0ce238 No.3767596

Where does /lulz/ stand on the Bovaer controversy?

d282c350 No.3767599

Kill yourself nazi fucker

67bb801b No.3767601

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I don't know and don't care what Bovaer is, but if they can make gas-x for humans, they can make it for cows. Its such an obvious solution for that vegan eco bullshit, that I hate myself for never thinking of it.

7a051a6c No.3767613

File: 1739045640574.jpeg (105.67 KB, 821x1200, Organic-farming.jpeg)

Decades ago farmers noticed that cows who ate a certain kind of sea weed smelled better which lead to scientists figuring out a process to reduce cow methane emissions.

This weed was mixed in with regular food a long time and worked well but recently an even more efficient method was discovered (Bovaer) and is approved in US, EU, Australia, Canada, and Great Britain.

The "controversy" is that morons like RFK Jr. think that it must be dangerous in some way because if you use it you can't label you milk 100% organic.

There are non-organic components used in the creation of Bovaer so "100% organic" farmers aren't allowed to use it while still maintaining the organic branding.

a4ae29e3 No.3767614


4b0ce238 No.3767616

This is biology, not politics.

d02ca719 No.3767626

your "science" is just politics with a bow on top.

7a051a6c No.3767627

Everything is politics when you are too stupid to understand reality and think everything is an opinion.

b230f877 No.3767668

MAGATs in a nutshell

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