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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1738804088161.jpeg (10.05 KB, 180x283, Mixnazi.jpeg)

a562ae4e No.3767356

IT's opposite wensday. Pol thread is a go.

abad260d No.3767360

Sold my car for some meth and I'm fucking tripping like a star, im inside but i can feel the stars telling me shit and stuff

abad260d No.3767361

I bought it on a lease for just 40k, doesn't matter, since the dealer took it, its their problem now, I got 10g of awesome and it didn't cost me a thing

abad260d No.3767362

I got paid chash MONEYYY too 75 fucking dollahs~ you are jelly

a54eda84 No.3767368

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File: 1738811158085-2.jpeg (463.6 KB, 1200x960, IMG_0599.jpeg)

Working seventy hours a week to pay for my action figure habit….

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