4492cd95 No.3767067
I understand the message, and it's sure to spark outrage in the conservative community, but it should be noted, that trans, queer and all non-heteronormative people are certainly not "invisible" to their harassers.
I know it may seem like I'm arguing samanthics but I'm just trying to point out that these right wing bullies and tormentors see LGBTQ everywhere. Around every corner, looming and lurking, threatening their day to day lives, grooming their children, spreading their radical ideologies, jeopardizing their rights and freedoms, endangering their culture, their religion, their country…
And no, I don't mean to say that these things are actually happening, but conservatives have been scapegoating the LGBTQ community for years, vilifying them to no end and making them the center of their culture wars.
All of their echo chambers and even the major social media platforms they visit are plagued with fear mongering propaganda and misinformation that entertains their fantasies and fears, that appeals to their victimhood, their grievances and their phobias, to the point where it has become a monster of their own making.
And it's intentionally designed this way. For one, so that Republicans in power can distract their voters from the fact that they're picking their pockets by calling their attention to all of these "woke," "radical leftist," "DEI," gender bending boogeymen.
LBJ said it best:
I'll tell you what's at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.
This rings true today more than ever, just replace "colored man" with any of these modern targets.
9f95667b No.3767072
Oh wait, you're already there, living it.
Mental delusions, LOL
836e22b3 No.3767100
Then stop being freakshows demanding to be taken as mainstream. You will never be accepted by society as you are aberrant and instinctively rejected for what you are. Your ranks are also filled with deviants and perverts that use what you are as some sort of umbrella to shield them from being held accountable for their public acts. What you do in private with consenting adults is one thing, trying to force acceptance of what you are on the general public and particularly on children needs to be met with revulsion on the first and violence on the latter.
4492cd95 No.3767102
>>3767100Aww, bless your heart—you really put a lot of effort into stringing together those big words, huh? It’s almost adorable how confidently wrong you are, like a flat-earther explaining gravity with a crayon drawing. You talk about being "instinctively rejected," but the only thing being rejected here is your grasp of reality.
The world is moving forward, and you’re over here shaking your fist at the clouds, mad that people exist in ways you don’t understand. Newsflash: being trans isn’t some secret club for “deviants” (nice 1950s moral panic you got there), and no one is asking for your personal approval—because, let’s be real, your opinion has about as much impact as a soggy napkin in a hurricane.
Maybe instead of getting worked up over imaginary boogeymen, you could spend that energy on something more productive—like learning how to interact with society without sounding like a villain from an old-timey propaganda reel.
fcc4a538 No.3767222
the trans emoji flag looks like a lucky charms marshmallow. i want to eat it
d7e29298 No.3767237
because nazi stonetoss comics? lol
d7e29298 No.3767255
based facts here
38a9c00f No.3767271
>>3767067I was groomed by an LGB when I was an underage child. Don't marginalized my lived experience.
eededa2b No.3767278
>>3767274Naw, this was back in the late 1990s. Trannies hadn't been invented yet.
a3466d4b No.3767292
>>3767278The first trannys we’re in Germany in the 1930s
And then for no reason at all everyone voted for the nazis
daa12cb4 No.3767302
>>3767292Yes and then we killed lots of Nazis
cfc06537 No.3767308
>>3767302And the NAZIs killed almost all the sicko pervs.
51fb6860 No.3767674
>>3767308Including when Hitler killed himself in cowardly defiance of his failure to win