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File: 1737827789009.jpg (92.36 KB, 850x1202, 3476bbb6e3e62f9fba02de1092….jpg)

624c378a No.3766096

I've been stretching my foreskin to see if I can make it longer. Good news, it's working. But that means I have to decide when to stop.

If I roll it forward while erect it just covers the head with no overhang and stays there until pushed back. That's sort of what I was hoping for. Before I started it would roll itself back and bunch up immobile behind the glands when I got hard (tight frenulum) which wasn't super comfortable or aesthetic.

Should I stop now though? I'm going to keep going at least a little longer, since I expect to lose some length when I stop stretching daily.

Are there downsides to having a really long foreskin?

25299608 No.3766097

Uncle Warren from Kiwifarms used to post photos of himself stretching his foreskin with a golf ball inserted into it.

622c01da No.3766103

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How do you stretch it? I'd like to lengthen mine as well.

2798fc6a No.3766106

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Mostly just manual stretching. It's shorter on the one side so I'll roll it back, dry everything off for a good grip, position my finger along the head on that side and roll it forward with my finger inside. Then I pinch the skin between my index finger and thumb/palm/hand. That lets me rotate my wrist to focus more of the stretch on the inner or outer skin. 10-15 minutes twice a day.

I play with a pump sometimes which makes the foreskin plump with fluid. Not sure if that has any effect but that's more just for fun.

I rigged a traction/weight type setup using a silicone nipple under the foreskin and taping to make sure the skin stays pulled forward. It worked fine but I didn't care for it and the manual stretching seems sufficient.

8b0224f7 No.3766107

What do you do if you don't have one, and it's no fault of your own?

2798fc6a No.3766113

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Oh and you could give hydrocortisone cream a try. It's a topical steroid that is sold OTC. I haven't been using it on my foreskin but it definitely helped stretching the frenulum.

Retake Jerusalem? I dunno bro.

622c01da No.3766122

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I've tried doing it manually, but it felt like it was wearing on my finger joints. I've found a small bottle to use by wrapping my foreskin around the neck, gripping around it and then pulling, It feels like I can get a reasonable tug this way, but I'm not seeing the gains I was hoping for with it. I probably just need to be more patient and consistent.

I may look into this. Thanks.

7ac93a71 No.3767558

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622c01da No.3767593

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That's not foreskin.

I looked into this a little. Redditors say that while it's good for treating phimosis by loosening the skin, it's not good for lengthening the foreskin, as it suppresses inflammation, and the inflammation response is the same response that causes more skin cells to grow.

622c01da No.3767594

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c5e4420c No.3767691

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I figured if it's good for stretching skin one way it ought to work to stretch it the other way. I think the idea is that it relaxes the skin so it doesn't 'snap back' as much and heals in a more relaxed state.

Probably not a deal breaker either way.

cfb67a15 No.3767697

File: 1739132697577.webm (7.95 MB, 552x310, 60491ad13d6921017d29ce19d….webm)

Famous fursuiter Phimosis Wolf shows you how he cums hands free! without touching his cock with his hands. He really does have phimosis and has never been able to pull his foreskin back, I bet he's got more cheese packed in there than the Kraft cheese factory.

Anyway, I really like this video because his cock looks like some big weird animal dick cumming and that really turns me on,!

122d3b74 No.3767845

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83c319fa No.3767896

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f5b484c7 No.3768416

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