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71ba92b4 No.3764940

Further Confusion appears to be implementing even stricter policies. In addition to the mask mandate (mentioned on the previous page of this thread), they’ve announced on their website that there will be security checkpoints and metal detectors. They’ve also canceled the fursuit parade entirely.

71ba92b4 No.3764941

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71ba92b4 No.3764942

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4a76da83 No.3764956

wtf. Is this a furry convention or a penal colony? No way people are actually doing this shit.

4fc2ea06 No.3764962

It is in commiefornia to start with. They love rules and regulations

699be85e No.3764981

File: 1737017241261.png (90.58 KB, 463x599, 463px-Opencarry.png)

I bet they ban CC,s and OC's too… its nazi not to be nazi

8d381576 No.3764984

no one important is going

71ba92b4 No.3765121

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56fe41f9 No.3765123

no thanks

de20fe2c No.3765132

Why would they want metal detectors? Everyone should have a gun. People who don't carry guns should pay taxes to people who do carry guns for the safety and protection they provide.

4a76da83 No.3765142

The freaks are going to have to take all the metal out of their genitals every time they go out for a smoke. Brutal

3bd35009 No.3765164

Piercings don't set off metal detectors.

3bd35009 No.3765165

Open carry isn't legal in California to begin with.

3bd35009 No.3765167

Exactly what we need in a packed convention active shooter scenario. Retarded furries with guns.

6ce64677 No.3765170


And good luck getting a concealed permit in California, you pretty much have to be a high-level security guard or bodyguard.

95f2d1fc No.3765184

> Piercings don't set off metal detectors.
But what about all the chastity cages and chastity belts?

de20fe2c No.3765201

The constitution overrides California.

3bd35009 No.3765208

lol. lmao, even

07ef9214 No.3765211

Nah. If someone is still paranoid about it, they can just get a plastic one.

71ba92b4 No.3765230

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71ba92b4 No.3765321

File: 1737277652116.jpeg (184.48 KB, 1197x1389, Screenshot_19-1-2025_3515….jpeg)

Further Confusion staff unfairly ban cosplayer "Bomb Voyage" from their con. https://x.com/SuperbPedro

71ba92b4 No.3765325

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Con Staff banned him for carrying an inflatable gun.

71ba92b4 No.3765410

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8d381576 No.3765416

no one important cares

71ba92b4 No.3765435

You cared enough to post a retarded reply.

71ba92b4 No.3765466

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de20fe2c No.3765512

I've never understood why painting the tip of your gun orange makes it safe. Like you could never paint the tip of an actual gun orange and then shoot someone with it. Where did this retarded idea come from?

8d381576 No.3765553

i care less than you think

71ba92b4 No.3765562

Again you felt compelled to post another reply, so it's obvious that you do.

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