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File: 1735252276773.jpg (503.76 KB, 2000x1545, bafkreidnu2ldul77msicyjkk6….jpg)

78d9e994 No.3762989

Karishad (who is absolutely not an alias for Rick Griffin to draw his weird fetish porn under) needs surgery so they are begging for money.

Donate now to save a life more important than yours because they make porn.


4c638b0d No.3762991

Isn't that what insurance is for?

3af22041 No.3762998

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It sounds like he chose a cheap insurance option that has a large co-pay and that's what the cheapskate wants money for.

d15e9416 No.3763002

damn, what an asshole.

78ff6950 No.3763004

Let Sciggles donate from Dragoneer's Furaffinity Legacy Fund.

de18542d No.3763034

why should I buy him a coffe if I can just mail hima batch? 3x8500=$1950 and some change. I mean jeeze. what a penny pitcher

78d9e994 No.3763104

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It's almost like including a small army of middle-men who only exist to jack up the price and make it more difficult for doctors to help people is a flawed system.

387430b9 No.3763113

You know what has happened in "single payer" countries?

Public health care system limits cost by limiting pay to doctors and nurses and working them harder - medical workers leave the public infrastructure for better paying private clinics and health care providers that sell their services to companies. Can't get timely service out of the public option, public insurance doesn't cover for all the extra cost of going private: people pay out of pocket or rely on company health care anyways. See the Nordic countries for reference.

The only people who benefit are the unemployed and other people on welfare or government assistance, and even they don't get health care in any hurry unless they turn up at the emergency ward. The trick of the system and why it costs less is because most health problems are not acute and can wait for a couple weeks or months for a remedy - so most people simply don't turn up at the doctor's for a simple flu. If they try, they only get as far as the triage nurse who gives them an aspirin and tells them to go home.

445066c2 No.3763155

File: 1735366381204.png (104.43 KB, 1280x759, 20190525_woc111.png)

wow you are actually retarded
too bad you'll be too stupid to understand this graph

78d9e994 No.3763158

So your argument against single payer is that rich people would treated like every other citizen which leads them to fund private clinics for only the elites that can afford them?

How is that different from what happens right now?
Do you think rich people don't have their own private clinics right now?

Oh, wait, I see why you have a problem with it. You don't want poor people getting healthcare. You think that it would make the cost too high if we give them healthcare.

News flash, Guy, it LOWERS government spending if you provide healthcare for the poor and unemployed because if you let their health problems stack up and go untreated they end up becoming so dependent on the government for everything they are a massive drain.

A healthy poor person can at least partially support themself. A poor person too sickly to function just takes up space and drains money.

We are much better off as a nation to keep the peasant class as functional as we can.

4c638b0d No.3763179

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I can't convince anyone to do preventative maintenance on their vehicles, let alone their physical health… then they cry about how they need a car, but theirs broke because they ran it without oil for a year.

People are stupid. Its why all my friends are AIs.

ad9c3906 No.3763245

File: 1735484382225.jpg (176.96 KB, 617x869, beinwhite.jpg)

You're a hair's breadth away from drinking yourself to death, reject the only Saviour Christ, seek out human connection by interacting with algorithms and satanic murderous pedophiles, and refuse to turn away from your hideous self-abuse. Horror Harari must be proud of the fruits of his work.

Teaching people by example on what not to do and how not to be is also important, but you don't deserve to suffer like this.
I wasn't lying when I said that at my very inner self is a perfect peacefulness. Most things outside of that are still a train wreck, but at least I'm not dying from the inside out anymore.
If you want some of that perfect peacefulness, let me know.
I'll probably be around in 9 hours from now. I'm still an asshole at times, but at least I'm not a bad-ass…hole.

(Pic unrelated… Jesus Christ is not a respecter of fur colour or breed, He only cares whether you're His doggie or not.)
34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35 But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him. Acts 10:34-35 KJV

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
11 For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed.
12 For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him.
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:9-13

ad9c3906 No.3763246

Actually, I shouldn't have stupidly said "at least" because it diminishes the most important gift anyone could ever receive. Anyway… doggie bed. I don't bite and won't fart in your face - get in touch some time.

4bfd18ad No.3763267

vaxxtards stay winning

2d0f6270 No.3763284


Stop drinking. Won't do that? Guess you're stupid too. Nevermind the mental health issues that need preventative maintence.

78ff6950 No.3763289

Go get vaccinated another ten times in 2025.

30f4c082 No.3763748

>Doctor's work harder

Doctors in countries with socialized medicine f** love their job. They come to America to work and it's the nightmare for them. They can't believe how much of their job is begging insurance companies to pay for even basic services.

Talk to any American doctor who moved to somewhere like Canada or even just specialized their services to people who have government healthcare in America, they will tell you that not having to deal with private insurance is the best part of their day.

de18542d No.3763752

yet there are free mechanics and charities. ive never paid for repairs, and have gotten like 15k for free, including cats, brakes, etc

a08c9a83 No.3763757

>Doctors in countries with socialized medicine f** love their job.


>A survey conducted by the Swedish medical association last year showed that 6 out of 10 doctors in Sweden are thinking about leaving their workplace, reducing their working hours or leaving the profession all together. A staggering one third of residents contemplate quitting. According to a 2022 report by the National Board of Health and Welfare, each of the 21 regions in Sweden state a shortage of specialised medical doctors. The situation does not look much brighter for our Scandinavian neighbours: In Denmark, ER-doctors are leaving their full-time jobs to earn significantly more as consultants. Furthermore, the deficit of general practitioners in Denmark has been described as a ticking bomb. From Norway there are also reports of Doctor’s crisis in many areas, not least in primary care, where municipalities across the country are struggling to hire and keep GPs. Finland as well faces a public sector doctor shortage.

Doctors and nurses in the Scandinavian countries are either moving to the private sector or quitting altogether because of the poor pay and high work demands of the public sector.

a08c9a83 No.3763758

Alcoholism isn't a mental health issue that you can prevent. It's a biological issue with the brain's reward mechanism that gives too strong a response for stimulants such as alcohol, making the person prone to addiction. In their brains, the reward for getting drunk overrides anything else.

There are treatments for this, such as the Sinclair Method, which uses reward blocking drugs to tone down the response to alcohol - or you can recognize that you have an overstated response to alcohol and abstain from using it. Either way, the stupidity is with the person for not recognizing and admitting the problem and seeking a remedy for it - despite facing adverse consequences for it. Insanity is doing the same failing action over and over and expecting a different result.

de18542d No.3763776

de18542d No.3763777

**** lol

c80edf58 No.3763797

Do you have any examples of his fetishes? I’m not donating to save hyper or herm

de18542d No.3763820


e25f01ea No.3763829

The simple pleasures in life.

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