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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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2fae2bd9 No.3762986

>furries are effectively fully independent from the mainstream entertainment industry
>they have their own ecosystem of artists, writers, animators, game devs, and so on
>they can get everything they want from other furries and have it be specifically tailored to their exact fetishes
How true is this? Do you agree or not?

8d62d61b No.3762992

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Ship all the curries to an island and name it after The Island of Doctor Moreau.

97db8717 No.3763001

enjoy your cellphone raid.

8d62d61b No.3763006

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Son I am disappoint

c94a3d7e No.3763010

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>>$86k copyrighted murrsuits
>>It's all pathetic wymen cucking men into just porn.

8d62d61b No.3763011

c94a3d7e No.3763012

you must be new here. you realise several high profile murders have happened in the community in orer to start cons

8d62d61b No.3763016

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How long do you think it will be before we all read in the news about how Connor Goodwolf went crazy with a gun at a furcon?

8d62d61b No.3763018

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>enjoy your cellphone raid.

c94a3d7e No.3763025

Ohio has no furcons. Let alone telegram chats that dont belong to him.

8d62d61b No.3763027

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David Ross owns a car you know.

c94a3d7e No.3763029

-loses 10% of market share
-wonders why alcoholics are pissed off

Maybe because you made their beer feel bad.

c94a3d7e No.3763030

ooh ooh me too 773-669-6639

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