a653e160 No.3762712
As I wrote in the thread which was deleted few mins later,
Pogues: Fairytale of New York
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9jbdgZidu8Anti-Nowhere League: Steets of London
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBKMsXMs8mcWeird Al: Santa went crazy / Xmas at ground zero
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fiwPDd0Jyohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t039p6xqutUMatt Rogers: Rudolph the Deepthroat Reideer
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pMV4CIFdRAClown Core: deck the hall
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiFqTkI7fU4More musical suggestions?
Images + few more are in
Password: forthelulz
https://easyupload.io/1o5b7z bf665559 No.3762851
>>3762847Ai art is ugly af
0d7be2b5 No.3762853
Then don't look at it.
It actually isn't, it depends on the skill of the director.
So you're saying no regular artist ever drew by hand something that didn't look like shit?
Only in the mind of 3B.
bf665559 No.3762884
>>3762880Ai art is ugly and easily spotted.
439e5f37 No.3762892
>>3762889well technically there are 9, but I don't really have a way to keep track of who is who here. Salem, Spruce, and Alexandra frequent this place frequently… but who knows when, where, and who the others are.
>>3762891I do my best.
fb573119 No.3762906
>>3762903Forgot to change you name/ID, Pedo-3B?
771d0b36 No.3762912
>>3762905Remember - once saved, always saved; no matter
what one chooses to take up their rectum!
Salvation is easy; no need for "works" or complications or putting trust into a pastor or even going to a church. If you believe and trust in Jesus Christ to be your saviour, then you will be saved (from eternity in hell).
← However, I suggest you refer to God as "Heavenly Father" and pray in the name of "Your Son Jesus Christ", just to get rid of any dangerous (((ambiguity))).
The antichrist (who will be a "jew") will pretend to be Jesus, and according to Scripture he'll do a very good job of it too, fooling most people on Earth.
"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?
And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."
Acts 16:30-31 (KJV)
https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Acts-16-31/Don't forget to study the KJV Bible, start with the New Testament first, Book of John and then from Matthew to Revelation - ask Jesus or the Heavenly Father or Holy Ghost to help you interpret it, if you're having trouble. The Internet is now too censored for you to find good pastors, unless you make a very serious effort - beware the fakes, they're everywhere.
Salvation is easy, your fears are irrational.
b3c889f7 No.3762918
>>3762912>If you believe and trust in Jesus Christ to be your saviour, then you will be saved (from eternity in hell).And what if I never stopped believing that? I am baptized and confirmed. I'm not going to eternal damnation.
Pic unrelated.
8b9cbce6 No.3762922
>>3762918 but you're a faggot. you dont understand that you're in hell for not giving life life jesus did and having children like he did
bf665559 No.3762926
Yippee kiy Yay motherfuckers
771d0b36 No.3762928
>>3762918You can believe that only Jesus Christ will save one from eternal damnation, without believing in Jesus Christ for your own salvation.
The fact that you (and Steam are) talking about baptism and confirmation as some kind of evidence for salvation is a concern. Those things are "external" and can be witnessed by others - something that will "attract" (self)-deceivers who are unable to believe in Jesus Christ and trust only in Him for their salvation. Judas Iscariot was batized, and even (if my memory is correct) baptized others. Nevertheless, he was
not saved!
Who are you guys trying to convince? You're in serious peril.
There's other stuff too which I'll mention later. Doggie work, etc.
(pic unrelated.)
43366b8e No.3762930
gonz, what the hell even are you? How have you not killed yourself when you live with so much cognitive dissonance?
Do us all a favor and get the fuck out of here. You'd be doing yourself a favor, too.
b67ca27e No.3762932
>>37629311. How was I supposed to know that Cerby was in danger? I went by what my ex told me, which was that he got rehomed. I played no part in that.
2. I decided I like having money, and don't want to move to Chicago and suckle the government teat as hard as possible. Which is a reasonable conclusion. I can get another job.
3. You have flirted with me, both on the board and off. Why the sudden change of heart?
4. People have known I'm from Peoria since I was 18 on #lulz. It was right in my IP. peoril.sbcglobal.net
Am I forgetting anything?
>>3762930Meh. Life goes on.
a653e160 No.3762934
>>3762912As the tranny asks, who's the one who will pay for the blood.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gjckhbYXKVUAnyway, back to topic.
8b9cbce6 No.3762935
>>3762932 1. "How was I supposed to know?"
-goes on to explain the housing conditions and occupants in detail-
Morgan literally tells me he doesnt want to pick up the dog because he would have to deal with the tweaker.
2. You like having money, yet you guys aren't inclined to give me shit when I pulled off this rescue, let alone gas money, or a Wendy's meal, where I met Morgan in Peoria. Jew. I should've brought Cerby to a Chinese restaurant, instead. I would've had a better meal.
2a. "I decided I like having money, and don't want to move to Chicago and suckle the government teat as hard as possible." (SEE SCREENSHOT WHERE YOU LITERALLY BEGGED FOR HELP) Seems that fieldnation.com and workmartet.com are too motivating for you to get back to a better style of work.
3. I've got (realistic) abandonment issues; like how you abandoned me off discord after telling me how you abandoned Cerby at a tweakers house, yet calling the shituation 'safe' here no lulz. Can't understand how avoiding me, makes you think I'd still adore our friendship. It hurt to see you go. You don't care.
4. You furget that Lulz never furgives, never furgets.
b67ca27e No.3762936
>>37629351. Morgan not once made mention of you. And what should I have done earlier? Steal his dog?
2. Again, Morgan made no mention of you. I had no idea you had even came to Peoria, as in those screenshots. What he does with his money isn't my business.
2a. I changed my mind. I have too much to lose. Friends, family, etc. As in the screenshots, I was crashing hard and in a panic about money. That is no longer the case. I have a solid in at a new job, still pulling the strings to make that happen. Rent is paid for next month because I always prepay extra when I can. I was panicking thinking I had no way to pay my bills, but I did.
3. Fair enough, I guess. Should have just asked you to tone it down with the steady stream of nigjewfag videos.
4. Oh believe me, I know. I'm not worried.
8b9cbce6 No.3762938
>>37629361. Yes. I did. No warning of any of this other shit, besides Joe.
2. You still haven't applied for any of that crap that helped me because 'you changed your mind'. Pathetic.
3. I was posting it in "aids and faggotry". Where the fuck else should I post it? Lulz? The place where you mod less at unless asked to in the discord chat after I did you a favor in part 2? Pathetic. I had to ask you to stop publicly boasting about it in chat because it was embarrassing that you humiliated me in public chat that it was a favor done, yet didn't admit that you asked for a favor prior to help you, the guy that has nothing, with bills and solid work refferences. You'd rather be a kike and complain about how the lack of work/money limits you from visiting me hours away, while you have no time/money to when working. "I like money." is a fucking lie when you hold it over your friends that want to be with you, calling them flip-flops on lulz, while you're simply playing dead(beat), like the possum you are.
4. Pathetic, you're a mod. You have the power to make people forgive and forget.
8b9cbce6 No.3762940
>>37629393. You never told anyone I helped Cerb with till now. Had to force it outta you.
0d7be2b5 No.3762950
Happy Uncircumcised Christmas.
8b9cbce6 No.3762953
>>3762942>>3762943soap? wtf is that?
771d0b36 No.3762960
Sometimes a joke will simply materialise out of nowhere.
>>3762918We can chat some time when you're ready to stop lying to yourself.
5e23a37c No.3762961
>>3762953its where you drop the show and let your wife peg you
8b9cbce6 No.3763019
>>3762997looks more wholesome than
>>3762994 7c417d85 No.3763086
>>3762994Go 24h without wearing fetish gear in front of your parents challenge
Difficulty: Impossible
d9d7cbeb No.3763563
>>3763561 dan prolly could
17539ed7 No.3763644
>>3763608It isn't though, that's just you.