keep seeing Furry twinks in Twitter post who look scrawnier than some poor, malnutritioned, dudes from Third World countries. Do Furry Twinks intentionally starve themselves to keep that thin? Wouldn't being so thin be just as unhealthy as being obese?
"What happens to twinks when they grow up? I found myself wondering this out loud to my boyfriend this past weekend after we ran into an old friend of his, Jason, at the bar. Jason was probably 30 or so, white, with bleached blonde hair that was receding, a collared shirt that was strewn open to reveal his shaved, orange chest, and lines on his face that betrayed his love of tanning beds. My boyfriend – a lover of hair and bears – couldn't help but express his frustration. "Why do you still shave? Chest hair is so sexy!" His friend's cheery smile turned into something of a frown. "You know, it just makes my dick limp," he lamented. With a swish and a smile, he sashayed away.
If Jason's anything like me, he spent years honing his look and affect. Handsome and funny as he is, I'm sure it worked for him at some point. But now, his tight-fitting clothes and orange and blonde aesthetic read anachronistic and decidedly unsexy."