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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1732868134628.jpg (553.53 KB, 800x1035, e62f011acaa95de8a5ad80f327….jpg)

76c457cd No.3760037

i am racist and not very bright

9c5a32cf No.3768061

File: 1739570713397.jpg (1.7 MB, 1500x6257, 5110619_e254e_color.jpg)

I believe you.

e8a93674 No.3768062

File: 1739572476274.jpg (1.34 MB, 2000x2000, bafkreiho3xmjspv2hz45nntks….jpg)

And here's to you, Mx. Robinson
Jesus loves you more than you will know

3a07ae4c No.3768063

>They only drew a pussy on the cat being executed
Really makes you think.

5cf481f1 No.3768124

It's a public execution so humiliation may be part of the punishment. The executioners have fur hiding their genitals and are wearing jackets. The condemned prisoner is nude. They probably trimmed the fur around her pussy and nipples for more humiliation.

I approve. :)

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