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File: 1726857666794.jpeg (51.73 KB, 853x853, Ez76wWjXEAM6OhE.jpeg)

ff72d855 No.3754249

You guys aren't even a timely source of current furry news anymore. So insulated from furries and the world you've become.

ae33764f No.3754254

nice newsbyte, very formed

6bb2c275 No.3754256

File: 1726858581501.gif (1.38 MB, 382x338, cda5bf3cd4bd3030bcb3f807e7….gif)

can you really blame anyone from wanting to hide from the shitstorm of violence and corruption the world has become?

Whats the point in talking about the news when its all the same super violent evil fake-news just stuck on repeat?

6bb2c275 No.3754259

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We had a local paper that reported on stuff like boy scouts doing community projects for their eagle scout (when boy scouts still existed), yard sales, charity events, food pantries giving special meals, new babies ect. It was wildly popular and usually sold out immediately.

The local newspaper bought it out and shut it down, they'd rather barely plagerize CNN, than actually do reporting on local stuff. Fear sells , hope threatens profits.

6bb2c275 No.3754260

im not even speculating on this. I worked with a guy who worked for the local paper, all the reporters did was sit around watching news networks, and writing what they heard in their own words, literally. It was basically the reporter equivalent of barely doing a research project in elementary school by slightly rewording encyclopedia entries just enough to not be plagerism.

562e93dd No.3754263

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The drama has become oversaturated. Nobody here cares enough to weaponize their autism. With the exception of Mix, who provides no sources or screenshots. Nobody is going to believe anything he says. The old ways are all but gone. Now its for dog dicks and Christianity or something like that

6bb2c275 No.3754265

File: 1726859792264.gif (1.05 MB, 540x403, tumblr_pn7fu7FrzY1sfbqxao1….gif)

the local newspaper still run articles on the lack of entry level workers on millennials. Millennials are in their mid 30's to early 40's now, seriously how long are we going to responsible for laziness, and entry level positions?

c2d4396f No.3754319

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>can you really blame anyone from wanting to hide from the shitstorm of violence and corruption the world has become?
>Whats the point in talking about the news when its all the same super violent evil fake-news just stuck on repeat?
There's no hiding though. You think you had it hard - I'm literally a dog (living in a crazy human world), but the evil crept in regardless.
The same psychos creating this evil are creating the distractions/escapism devices - including the antichrist.
The "trick" is to not live by their rules/advice.

I'll be on Tox for the next 3 hours or so BTW, but possibly also in around 25 hours. :3

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