169562ed No.3754224
I think both of those patents could be overturned easy. At least in the US. But since both companies are Japanese? Ball-throwing/capture mechanic might be a toss-up, but the glider one will probably be immediately stricken.
e9e4f827 No.3754258
way to demonize the franchise and ruin memories of children by making pokemon court edition.
057a135c No.3754293
Have Rick and Morty Save Palworld!
e9e4f827 No.3754310
>>3754290plumbus i choose you
4fd02c01 No.3756886
>>3756868Cute wiggly bunny toes!
8e7bfd21 No.3756933
they are sueing palword but not any other game that incorporates a pet system, and also…World of Warcraft has a battle pet system too. but Nintendo would cave if they sued them. Even though patent trolling is so blatant in the industry, its practically ignored to a rampant effect in Warcraft.