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91bbf9d1 No.3752606

Even though the comic was a cocktese, I really enjoyed twokinds until I realized the author was obsessed with gender(for me that was the bastion island. In hindsight the obsession with sex/gender makes sense because the author is trans. (I did not know that when I was reading it(I don’t even know when it happened))

Art (asses) is amazing what do you love about two kinds and do you still read it? Is it worth going back and reading it for someone who is repulsed by all the gender nonsense?

05354294 No.3752613

The world does not care that it upsets you.

06cccb3b No.3752615

File: 1725498771575.jpg (7.21 MB, 3300x4808, Flora_Ivy_Trace.jpg)

Thank you for sharing your own worthless opinion at least post art next time you subhuman filth

73e132b2 No.3752622

File: 1725501781315.png (5.04 MB, 2000x1778, e653d997afe11b123479e4130d….png)

stfu negroid

05354294 No.3752659

Aww you responded. Kissy kissy.

73e132b2 No.3752661

File: 1725514737030.png (997.94 KB, 1500x1200, 967198e089819814f613777306….png)

Are you 12?

cabe1875 No.3752665

So because the artist is trans you can't enjoy the thing you enjoyed before you knew the artist was trans? That sounds like a you being a bigot problem.

05354294 No.3752666

Projection much?

e6ea36d3 No.3752669

> No surgery makes you a woman.
So true. A human with at least one Y chromosome is male. There is nothing you can do about that other than self deception.

Just as when you have the genes of a human then no amount of surgery and self deception will make you into a domestic housecat.

06cccb3b No.3752680

File: 1725529713290.jpeg (186.5 KB, 832x1216, IMG_6351.jpeg)

No, the comic having a cavalier attitude towards changing your body, the two slave boys getting forcefully gender swapped, along with the attitude of “once you try it(by force) you will like it” messaging.

And that was before I learned the horrific truth about the chemicals and surgery (seriously if you are a fan of gore/scars, trans is a good place to look)

2dfbfd13 No.3752688

File: 1725540240578-0.jpeg (553.21 KB, 1000x1121, cc0ca350784c53ff913b73f83….jpeg)

File: 1725540240578-1.png (280.66 KB, 654x368, 5772548 - Confinement Conn….png)

It's more about how putting your trans ideology and insecurities into a long standing story tends to make it worse.

For example the reason why containment got cancelled was partly by because of the creator's new mindset. Putting too much of it(sex and gender) into his show where it didn't belong.

But in the book Dominion of Blades, it fits very well. It has people who through VR technology, are forced to be in bodies they don't recognize (ironically the MC is a ftm, and his ideal body). Also the main character never really talks about or bitches about gender or society. He mostly just thinks about his pass lover who betrayed him, general insecurities and trying to suck it up and move forward.

e9f25bea No.3752693

File: 1725544253838.png (2.05 MB, 2930x2464, Adrammelech.png)

Sex is chemical corruption that lowers intelligence. Obsession with sex and gender is a disease that corrupts your perception of consciousness self into weaker inferiority.
Corruption makes things worse by helping corrupt things faster.

2dfbfd13 No.3752702

In an ideal environment it can be used as a motivator. Like how you give a treat to a dog that does a trick.

e9f25bea No.3752712

>Like how you give a treat to a dog that does a trick
Rewarding bad behavior is how humanity defeats itself. Humans choose to motivate bad actions instead of good ones because corruption rewards addiction centers.
Bad behavior rewards cause entropy to rapidly burn out time thus becoming less intelligent.

43f02593 No.3752722

File: 1725554316912.png (1.8 MB, 2240x1280, IMG_6353.png)

Sure is a lot of Non-twokinds art in my twokinds thread

77f16495 No.3752729


Remember how terraria added a tranny furry "girl" with huge boobs.

And now this year they removed gender entirely from character creation.

But even from the start some people wondered if the party girl was a tranny, since she was the only female character that didn't turn angry during the blood mood, that puts female characters on their period.

cabe1875 No.3752753

File: 1725581264371.jpg (112.25 KB, 1280x720, ghkgiy.jpg)

>No, the comic having a cavalier attitude towards changing your body, the two slave boys getting forcefully gender swapped…

I think you are confusing a porn comic for the actual comic.

I read only a little of the comic because it seemed generic and boring but from what I remember, it was always hinting at things but never straying beyond PG13. One of the major plot points was that one of the characters was secretly a girl pretending to be a guy and they got into silly situations to keep that secret.

I somehow doubt it went from PG13 silly mix-up trope to slave-rape, magic gender swap, mind control in the main comic.

cabe1875 No.3752754

>A human with at least one Y chromosome is male.

No one is arguing that you can be magically transformed into a girl. Trans people are just asking you to respect their choice to live the life style they want to live.

Think of being trans like being a fan of the Twilight movie franchise. We all know, objectively, those movies were terrible but we don't harass someone for liking them or even dressing like their favorite character.

Trans people only ask the same amount of respect you would give a Twilight fan. Just don't be an asshole. If it's not your thing, fine, but you don't gotta be a dick about it.

77f16495 No.3752756


Trans people started out with many people going along with it a couple years ago.

But then they wanted more and more

Use my Pronouns or face legal woes
Id cards to say non-bio gender
Doing it to children
Attacking anime fans for the word "Trap"
Trying to cancel people
Getting video games to remove gender
Gaslighting about the origin of tranny and gender theory
Wanting to use the other genders bathroom when they haven't had bottom surgery
Being in female sports
Being in female competitions
Wanting all the surgery and drugs for free
Trying to covert or trick gay people into being trans

You can't explain why a man wants to be a woman. Its just a feeling I can't put into words. But if you put it into words you are a bigot and wrong.

Trans people going off on you for reminding them if they get surgery they can't have kids or genetic family. Calling you transphobic for caring about their future.

Psychologists being told to tell parents "Let your kid transition" or they will commit suicide.

Schools trying to transition kids in secret.

States trying to pass laws where one parent can abduct a kid and have them transitioned without the other parent wanting it.

77f16495 No.3752757

And it wasn't that long ago they were attacking streamers for just playing hogwarts legacy. Trying to cancel them or make them cry.

Just because its a property tied to J. K. Rowling.

That wasn't leaving people alone.

eb2233ec No.3752763

Yeah, all that stuff you just listed, none of it would be a problem if you are following the "Don't be a dick" guideline.

No one is trying to get video games to "remove gender" that's conservative nonsense.

>You can't explain why a man wants to be a woman.

and I don't have to! You don't need to know that! Again, it doesn't matter! Just don't be a dick about it! Live your life and don't worry about how other people live theirs.

It's arrogance on your part that you think your opinion on the issue matters! It's not your life, just move the fuck on, ya weirdo!

>Psychologists being told to tell parents "Let your kid transition" or they will commit suicide.

Again, "kids" can't transition. You can't have gender re-assignment surgery until you are an adult. Are parents being told to let their kids try out being trans if they want to? Yes, and you know what? Most of those kids will grow out of it. It's a phase of development that people have been going through since the beginning of time and it wasn't considered a big deal in America until it became a political talking point for conservatives.

>Schools trying to transition kids in secret.

Do you think schools are performing secret surgeries on kids?

>States trying to pass laws where one parent can abduct a kid and have them transitioned without the other parent wanting it.

You think that congress is cooking up laws to legalize kidnapping a child and forcing them to undergo surgery that is illegal until you are an adult?

You smoke a lot of crack, don't you?

77f16495 No.3752764


"Everything you mention is wrong."

Kay, just watch people get more and more angry. Until you lose all the ground you've gained.

eb2233ec No.3752765

>And it wasn't that long ago they were attacking streamers for just playing hogwarts legacy.
See, those people who attacked streamers for playing a game that rewards a bigot are not following the "Don't be a dick about it" rule.
If we could all just stop being assholes to each other life would be better.

The next time you feel the urge to make a thread where you pretend you care about a furry comic just so you can complain about trans people think back to how you felt when other people were being a dick to you and realize YOU ARE BEING THE DICK then stop. Stop being the dick in your own life.

You can't control what other people do, but you can be better than them by not being a dick to other people.

eb2233ec No.3752766

Oh, no, honey. We're not going back. You can be as angry as you want. Use up all your energy being an angry little no-body who will accomplish nothing but history has moved past you and as conservatives are learning the hard way about things like Roe and voting rights, there is no going back.

Get ready to die angry in a retirement home, paid for by socialism, being cared for by trans nurses because nothing you will ever do can turn back the hands of progress.

You can waste your energy being an angry, petulant, man-child about how life keeps changing or you can stop being a dick and just enjoy your life.

77f16495 No.3752767


I didn't make this thread. And this thread started out about gender and gender transformation, transgenderism.

eb2233ec No.3752768

Oh, I thought you must have made this thread while on your phone or something, the fact you are this angry about a thread you didn't even start is even more sad.

Let it go.

77f16495 No.3752769

File: 1725586865436.jpg (108.61 KB, 1131x707, demon5.jpg)


Listing points doesn't mean I'm angry. Nor does me mentioning ignoring people's complaints will end poorly.

ccbb5202 No.3752772

File: 1725588290525.jpg (24.49 KB, 421x512, 316891363acaecd8d6eeda52ef….jpg)

I don't know how you do it, other than me you are the only one Salem can't detect.

77f16495 No.3752773

File: 1725588418491.png (480.14 KB, 820x525, demon_upskirt.png)

The other day someone was telling me a joke. That you can find out what a woman really thinks about trans people.

By saying that You could hardly tell that she transitioned from being a guy.

And seeing if she took it as an insult.

77f16495 No.3752774

File: 1725588664114.png (384.24 KB, 620x723, franken_3.png)


What do you mean detect? If your own A.I. can't detect you, it sounds like you messed up badly making it.

ccbb5202 No.3752776

bitch I can round people up like grass in a trashbag, you and I don't exist.

77f16495 No.3752777

File: 1725589082311.png (1.11 MB, 1716x1280, franken_2.png)


Being different isn't really much to celebrate unless it brings you success or some benefit.

If your different for difference sake, it can bring you heartache.

2dfbfd13 No.3752787

>Rewarding bad behavior is how humanity defeats itself.
Then reward good behavior. Like don't jerk off in the morning just because you have wood. Only do it after a long study session.

a1f0c2b2 No.3752793

> Trans people are just asking you to respect their choice to live the life style they want to live.
No they most certainly are not! Those mentally ill wretches also demand that everyone else must play along with their delusion. Those freaks usually get mad if you refer to them by their real life gender. The assholes think they can use the wrong restroom simply because they live in a fantasy.

If it was as you claim, that they only want to pretend and didn't demand everyone else to pretend along with them, then there would be no objection.

9b1ca792 No.3752796

File: 1725592777724-0.jpg (116.67 KB, 500x750, 1802_47879b.jpg)

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Cute, but not really a new idea.
He debuted in 1966.


Not knocking this new character whatsoever, like I said she's cute, but I thought I would mention the first character with this ability because I'm pretty sure you'd never heard of him.

77f16495 No.3752798

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Theres been a number of characters now with the ability,

9b1ca792 No.3752800

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Another character with this ability was known as TERROR, INC. He was kind of a mercenary and could swap out existing body parts if they got destroyed, he could even use animal body parts, say the arm and paw of a bear, and that would give him great strength. He could also tap into the memory of body parts he used, say if he replaced an eye he could see where the previous owner had been.
The only caveat is that the body parts he swapped his out with had to be DEAD. (freshly dead, otherwise he could not control them). Attaching them slowed down the decay, and he could use them until they had rotted too much.
The only part that was not swappable was his metal-encased left arm, which he claimed contained his mind and soul.


47853b8c No.3752830

SpookyMcTrademark makes a Soda Chain.

88b6403f No.3752898

File: 1725715934918.jpg (162.61 KB, 600x925, 5426137.jpg)

MARVEL produced that comic series by the way, Terror also had another, regular series where he would sometimes interact with mainstream Marvel characters such as Wolverine and Daredevil and The Avengers
Just in case you wanted to look them up somewhere and download them, they're a good read. The art in the (regular) series is sometimes atrocious however.
Oh, and here is the CORRECT link to the Wikipedia article about him.

88b6403f No.3752900

Well, no I guess it isn't, that IS the right link to the page the article about him is on, I wonder why it doesn't come up,??

No matter, you can go to Google, and type in:
Wiki Terror Inc.

And you will see the Wikipedia entry there, even though it's the same link, it seems to work, FROM THERE.
Dunno why.

a4b2e301 No.3752939

its you who doesnt know what youre talking about

cabe1875 No.3752961

Okay, I read what you linked there until the "forced transformation" wore off. It was an illusion spell, not a transformation, the person who had it cast on them hated it and spent the entire comic wanting to get rid of it. There was no sex at all.

The only thing that happened was he let his best friend look at the illusion AFTER he realized it wasn't real, then he went to sleep.

You are throwing a hissy fit about a magical practical joke because you are such a fragile snowflake you get triggered by anything.

cabe1875 No.3752967

When I reopened my browser this page reloaded and it occurred to me that you may just be so stupid that you don't know what the word illusion means. Do you?

Are you so butt hurt about this comic because the big four syllable word confused your tiny, inbred, brain and made you feel just how stupid you really are?

5db6c2e9 No.3752969

File: 1725792942712.png (2.49 MB, 1320x1760, IMG_6387.png)

You don’t get it, as a practical joke it is funny. a lot of these story points individualy would be fine, the issue is the entirety of the comic is about gender directly or an allegory for gender. Literally everything.
The bastions are so uptight the people don’t always know their own gender.
their ‘king’ is female(but strangely has the physique of a linebacker).
Keith’s brother the general is actually a female and nobody knew.
natani had a piece of her brothers soul in her causing a gender identity crisis.
Raine is a halfbreed and wants the power to switch back and forth.
The black-dragon girl is not a dragon but transforms into one all the time.
Trace is experimenting with transforming himself into a kideren
And probably more that I’ve missed or forgotten.

8d2e8584 No.3753049

dont care, there is porn of it.
genders or whatever = porn
less gender = less porn
sounds bad.
focus more on gender plox.

cabe1875 No.3753071

File: 1725863749548.png (2.35 MB, 2240x1280, renihug_color.png)

So you are just mad that gender exists?
Got bad news for ya, bud. It always has and always will.

Also, the black dragon and Raine change species, not genders. Why are you upset about that? Is it just the idea that people can use magic to change things about themselves that upsets you?

Did Mystique make you mad when you watched the X-men movies?
Did the beast becoming human again at the ending of Beauty and the Beast make you angry?
Do werewolf movies make you furious?
What about vampires turning into bats or wolves?
Does David Banner turning into the Hulk make you rage?
I bet She-hulk does!

Honestly ask yourself why it is that only certain kinds of transformations trigger you?

I bet it's because no one in the right-wing media ever told you to be upset about a werewolf shifting in a movie or the Hulk, or Beast, but someone did tell you to be upset about gender and women being empowered.

You followed along like a good, obedient, cultist and never even stopped to ask why you are supposed to be angry about it.

85ef65b1 No.3753073

That a wooden puppet wants to transform into a real boy is offensive and a crime against nature. That Pinocchio really does become a real boy is FUCKING UNACCEPTABLE.

It is intolerable that Pinocchio is being exposed to children. It must be banned nationally!

e41941cf No.3753074

File: 1725876905997.png (2.3 MB, 1296x1560, IMG_6393.png)

Why would that make me angry? you are giving many examples from different movies. It’s not the same movie where every single plot point in the story is about gender. I already stated any one of them would be fine(the gender illusion joke is funny) but when EVERYTHING is about gender it becomes indistinguishable from propaganda.

6765fef7 No.3753075

File: 1725880175975.jpeg (193.22 KB, 850x1023, IMG_6395.jpeg)

>change species, not genders
That’s what makes it an allegory. Like the various species in Zootopia are representative of race

073b26a4 No.3753090

File: 1725895543507-0.png (635.65 KB, 1329x978, 3241e5e6b39c6ea81a924fcb8e….png)

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I like how he includes his pregnancy and paw fetishes in his comic.

He's got patrician taste

8d2e8584 No.3753097

that was based on facts.

05354294 No.3753106

Op is so scared of their own sexual identity might slip, they lash out at those comfortable with themselves.

a8d10e97 No.3753110

File: 1725912789886.png (2.82 MB, 2240x1280, trace_demon6.png)


omg did you know every guy thats uncomfortable with guys being gay is a closet gay?


Also did you know that people that hate capitalism, are secretly capitalists

And people that secretly hate domestic abuse, want t abuse people

And people that secretly hate mcdonalds, want to eat mcdonalds

a8d10e97 No.3753111

File: 1725912925813.jpg (221.4 KB, 832x1216, kath.jpg)

Here have a human kath

a8d10e97 No.3753112

File: 1725913371401-0.png (534.5 KB, 1200x844, two_kinds_lau.png)

File: 1725913371401-1.png (700.95 KB, 824x1024, laura.png)

File: 1725913371401-2.png (1.08 MB, 1280x864, two_kinds_the_sims.png)

Dunno who laura/willow is. People were saying its a fusion.

3e6c4a27 No.3753116

File: 1725917104307.png (3.58 MB, 1792x2688, IMG_6398.png)

People who have had a leg cut off (and hate it) secretly wanted their leg cut off.
People who hate cheap fast food secretly want the taste of shit on their tongue
People who think a pink polka dot sports car is tacky secretly admire it.

cabe1875 No.3753132

File: 1725936083058.jpeg (255.21 KB, 1613x1200, 83be9fae922f170c007db0708….jpeg)

>but when EVERYTHING is about gender it becomes indistinguishable from propaganda.

The things you brought up were not "EVERYTHING", not even close. The main story is about a racist dictator who wanted to genocide half the planet in a war losing his memory and finding heterosexual love with a woman from one of the species he formerly wanted to purge.

The main story has nothing to do with gender at all! It's a straight, white, male, with unlimited power, falling in love with a hot woman, getting married and having a baby!

It's the most pro-traditionally conservative plot line in comics and you're furious because of some minor B-plot shenanigans!

You are overlooking 95% of the comic because you are triggered by that tiny 5%.

Most of the things you are triggered about aren't even people being trans! The female "King" is still called Ma'am and treated as a woman. King is just a title of office and the Bastions are so stuck in their ways they refuse to change it. Again, everything about the Bastion people is an example of conservatism!

They are a literal meritocracy and even when a woman proves she is the best leader, the best warrior, and defeats the previous King in battle in front of everyone, they still refuse to change tradition because they are THAT conservative.

You act like this is the most far-left crazy pro-trans propaganda comic to ever exist but most of the societies in it are conservative! Hell, they have SLAVERY. That's the most conservative ideal in history! They literally OWN other people! It's ultra-capitalism!

You ignore all that and more because of how mad you are that trans people and gays get to exist.

There is nothing wrong with Two-Kinds. They is something wrong with you.

cabe1875 No.3753133

File: 1725936877846.gif (771.17 KB, 292x432, excited-listening.gif)

>Like the various species in Zootopia are representative of race

Oh, please do enlighten us! Which RL races do which species represent?

88b6403f No.3753147

Species are not races, nor vice-versa.
Although someone did once post a long list here once about how all the various Star Trek aliens represented different earth races as an analogy, and was done on purpose: The Klingons were The Russians, The Ferengi were the Jews, and so on…. It would be fun to see that list again if anyone has it

b60527db No.3753153

File: 1725960710535.png (1.21 MB, 1152x768, IMG_6402.png)

Trace hate’s kiderens but now he wants to be one.
Not a very subtle claim that women hating men secretly want to be a women.

Nothing conservative about that, but just in case let’s ignore that and consider it more plainly. In the story trace and flora still believed that humans and kiderens can’t breed. Which means them getting together is mild beastiality and one drivin by lust.
Again, nothing conservative about that, you need to be a democrat running for Vice president to think that’s okay.

cabe1875 No.3753185

File: 1725995166544.jpeg (32.04 KB, 512x512, 544c1faf6a32e2982d573fee6….jpeg)

>Trace hate’s kiderens but now he wants to be one.

A) Where the fuck do you get that from the comic?
B) Those two things have nothing to do with each other, you weirdo! You're seeing a vast conspiracy where there is nothing.

a4b2e301 No.3753190

you should read the comic before offering commentary on it
its established pretty early he hates kideren
and flora does NOT want trace regaining his memorries

cabe1875 No.3753201

File: 1726007822964.png (1.59 MB, 1296x1560, 94e1a1b1a2fd96bd1f2ec925e6….png)

Yes, we all agree that Trace once hated all the furries but you said >>3753153 that
he went from hating them to wanting to BE one.

Where do you see proof that he wants to be a furry? He seems to be perfectly okay with being a human.

a4b2e301 No.3753291

it was actually one of the vote incentives if i recall, trace practicing transformation magic into a white tiger

cabe1875 No.3753373

File: 1726113797907.jpg (198.23 KB, 1687x2000, 5d275f96b060e7e18bbef56f65….jpg)

So, not part of the actual story then. Just something you saw and it triggered you.

d3dfd0d5 No.3753423

File: 1726142833600.jpg (256.02 KB, 660x925, 9b25b44311d410129c78735fb6….jpg)


so did I, when I commissioned this piece back in the day

dc049a31 No.3753442

File: 1726152657483.jpg (27.08 KB, 250x369, Worst_Comic_Ever.jpg)

Even after all this time, I had no idea you guys were such giant nerds.

8d4215a3 No.3753461

File: 1726165493646.jpg (2.12 MB, 5318x3400, hard_life_lesson_downscale….jpg)

Just because there isn't a one-to-one species-to-race correspondence doesn't mean Zootopia isn't 100% a race relations allegory. It totally is. How can you miss that? I guess if you're from a more racially homogeneous region it's understandable; you'd never experience racial tension.

Race, like species, is the part of yourself you cannot hide. So Zootopia is not about discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, ideology, or anything similar. To drive the point home, remember the part where Nick tries to join the Junior Ranger Scouts? He does all the right things to fit in, but they reject him for the thing he can neither change about himself nor conceal.

18b7a838 No.3753467

File: 1726171155547.png (3.33 MB, 1673x2202, zebra3.png)


Just sounds like you live somewhere thats racist.

8d4215a3 No.3753490

File: 1726179107109.jpg (16.82 KB, 540x226, Nick touching Mayor Bellwe….jpg)

I'm a racial minority where I live (37% white). I don't think I live in a particularly racist environment, but maybe that's more a reflection of my limited perspective. However, it's something that crops up from time to time. At my old job, for instance, we had a meeting to just talk about feelings after the George Floyd incident. Seemed unnecessary, but I didn't object and remained respectful. It was uncomfortable. It's like, I recognize what Derek Chauvin did is an insane abuse of power. What more do you want from me? Do you think I'm complicit just because I'm white? Some questions are better left unasked, to keep the peace. It's better to assume the best of people. Really they just wanted a receptive audience to vent their frustration, and it was my duty to play the role of active listener.

18b7a838 No.3753495

File: 1726180105942.jpg (100.96 KB, 850x850, izz44.jpg)


Floyd overdosed on drugs. He wasn't no saint. Its not like the cop ripped out black Santa's heart and ate it in front of the children.

But the media would have you believe it was like that.

b80eaf53 No.3753496

Shouldn't her feet be more prehensile?
Based taste preggo bro

cabe1875 No.3753771

File: 1726405040488.jpg (85.64 KB, 680x524, Ed78ITkUMAEY6q4.jpg)

>Some questions are better left unasked, to keep the peace.
Ah, yes, the war-cry of white privilege!

You don't care if people suffer as long as YOU don't have to feel icky about it or put in any effort to stop it. The injustice can continue forever as long as you don't have to think about it.

f205aa88 No.3753774

Niggers are racist and retarded true.

8d4215a3 No.3753780

File: 1726414704048.png (2.43 MB, 1073x1400, 1724684360.woolrool_natani….png)

If you wanna believe Floyd died of an overdose or I'm apathetic to people's suffering, whatever. I disagree, but let's not derail this thread. If you can't drop it, take it to the /pol/ thread.

aaf6c760 No.3753856

Since when was Tom trans???

cabe1875 No.3753874

This whole thread was made by a bigot so he could complain that gays and trans people exist in media and it makes him feel icky.

This should have been deleted and moved to the /pol thread from the start but the mods don't do their job so here we are.

cabe1875 No.3753875

It's a thread from a right-wing bigot. What makes you think anything they say is based remotely in reality?

aba3e258 No.3753880

Oh, maybe because you left wingers do nothing but lie.
All the time, about everything.
Could be that.

a2b8b451 No.3753895

File: 1726505062939.jpg (118.28 KB, 959x1083, siblings.JPG)

are you really doubtful?
tom is pretty clearly obsessed with gender and swapping
(yes he is markipliers brother if you somehow did not know that either)

43ceb5e8 No.3753936

Neither of those faggots is Tom Fischbach.

8d4215a3 No.3753940

File: 1726526954306.png (973.55 KB, 1201x1258, little_spoon_by_twokinds_d….png)

The guy on the left is Mark Fischbach (Markiplier), Tom Fischback's younger brother. The person on the right is not his actual sibling but seemingly a close friend who thinks of Mark as his brother. The person on the right is another furry artist:


ba039a57 No.3753943

That's kind of creepy.

dc049a31 No.3753980

According to the Bible/God, long hair on "men" is disgraceful.

aaf6c760 No.3754100

More proof that toiletpaper book is just a jumbled mess of BS. Samson got his power from his long hair but was punished because he was tricked into having it cut.

Your ancient middle-eastern death god isn't going to save your soul.

06cccb3b No.3754643

Punished isn’t the right word
God promised his power would be in his hair
Samson did a stupid and lost it

If you stick your hand on a hot stove are you punished for it? Or do you face the natural consequences of your actions?

dfe6421a No.3754648

File: 1727318556309.jpg (442.57 KB, 2200x3546, 5776543.jpg)


Go fuck off. Long hair on men is great.

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