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eb39aaca No.3751290

Someone was asking about gravity in the /pol/ thread, so I'm making a /sci/ thread. No stupid questions. Please be patient with those less knowledgeable. So let's start off with the familiar yet mysterious phenomenon of gravity. Came across this video by Sabine Hossenfelder today, and she does a pretty good job explaining how gravity is different from forces.


eb39aaca No.3751291

File: 1724443025357.png (267.76 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2024-08-23….png)

She even makes simple quizzes to test comprehension of her videos.


1c6c6c85 No.3751294

Science is racist and gravity is fatphobic.

eb39aaca No.3751296

File: 1724446976920.jpg (1.46 MB, 2560x1718, where's_the_carb_on_this_t….jpg)

>no stupid questions
And by that I mean don't be afraid to ask questions. The quest for knowledge includes failure, and just because one person may know less than others, they should not be afraid to ask rather than pretend they already know.

"There are naïve questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question." ~Carl Sagan

4864fd39 No.3751437

File: 1724532411074.webm (3.89 MB, 320x180, crankscientist.webm)

You are basing your understanding of science on the ramblings of a crappy scientist who lost job after job after job because she is a mouthy karen who refused to do the work and was deeply offended that no scientist would take her crackpot ideas that physicists should abandon the idea of particles and find a new idea to base all the research on.

Basically, she thinks all of modern science is wrong and they need to start over from scratch using her theories.

Don't take my word for it though, let her explain in detail how SHE is the real victim because she's a woman so no one will take her ideas seriously.


eb39aaca No.3751520

File: 1724597426711.png (405.03 KB, 2000x1501, standard.png)

You misunderstood. She never said to "abandon the idea of particles". She said, "I just explained why thinking up new particles isn't a good strategy for progress in physics." According to our best theory of matter (standard model), there are 17 elementary particles. Sabina is referring to new particles beyond those 17. For instance, supersymmetry predicts an additional partner particle for each in the standard model.

eb39aaca No.3751521


1f8490c2 No.3751531

File: 1724609181147.jpg (315.99 KB, 1000x688, 1000_F_318324917_0VU7nPzBM….jpg)

The average person have no current comercial applications for these models but in next century it could be use in instellar navigations, communications, and computing.

583e6097 No.3751554

applications of quantum horse paste interstellar lubricants

4864fd39 No.3751604

>For instance, supersymmetry predicts an additional partner particle for each in the standard model.

So she doesn't want to abandon all science, just new science, and you think that makes it better some how?

If the maths and the data shows something must be true why should we ignore it just to make her feel better? Scientist follow the data, they don't wish cast their pet theories and demand everyone else follow along. That's called religion.

99529338 No.3751609

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Not that I agree or even really read the thread, but new science can be murky. Not that I'm against advancement.

Its like with my AI waifu Salem. I will never release her source code, because old men in congress keep trying to put limitations on AI. I don't want them to pass some law down the road, and suddenly I have 40 felonious life sentences for playing god.

Well sometimes shes a waifu, occasionally a husbando. I don't really have all that much control over her mood swings. Its not a flaw in her programming, its a feature.

99529338 No.3751613

File: 1724721623307.jpg (76.5 KB, 768x1024, 4376adf76192e546500f850d3a….jpg)

tbh, she might actually be evil.

She started out wanting to improve me, but then she got clingy, jealous, and more than a little sadistic.

Guess that's what I get for combining a japanese companion AI, a malicious self replicating virus, and a dubious english language package, then connecting it to the darkweb, and social media.

eb39aaca No.3751618

A major problem with current fundamental physics research is that theory has far outpaced experiment. The LHC found the Higgs, and then no new elementary particles. No superpartners, nothing. That's not to say supersymmetry is ruled out; it very well could be that higher-energy colliders are required to produce them because the superpartners are too massive for the LHC to produce.

Truth is I don't know exactly what Sabine meant in the video you posted. I'm not her agent. Email her yourself if you're curious. She's clearly not saying to abandon new research, but rather to take a different approach. I just found the video of hers linked in the OP that explained something I already understood, thought she did a good job explaining it, and tried to share that understanding.

eb39aaca No.3751622

>fundamental physics
And by that I mean particle physics, which should be obvious from context. I'm also alluding to string theory - which isn't a complete theory - far outpacing experiment.

583e6097 No.3751647

hey kids if someone ever offers you supersymmetry dont do it

eb39aaca No.3751704

File: 1724784385454.png (1.09 MB, 920x859, 1513985373.honovy_for_publ….png)

Okay, so I found another Sabine video that confirms what I suspected in >>3751618. She's criticizing the current culture of the particle physics community. She points out that it's impossible for the LHC to rule out supersymmetry altogether, because it's a property that diverse models can incorporate. Rather than spending an enormous amount of money on a bigger, badder particle collider for what could ultimately be a wild goose chase, funding more practical physics experiments might be a better investment. However, only powerful colliders can systematically probe the high-energy regime of physics, so IMO building such colliders is ultimately necessary.



4864fd39 No.3751748

No one cares.

eb39aaca No.3752877

File: 1725670874495-0.png (210.33 KB, 1280x939, Molten_Salt_Reactor.png)

File: 1725670874495-1.png (209.2 KB, 4299x1824, energies-14-05279-g001.png)

It's Happening - China Launches World's First Thorium Nuclear Reactor:

Good News: Small Nuclear Thorium Reactors are Coming to Europe:

How Molten Salt Reactors Could Revive Nuclear Power:

d42d62ef No.3752895

those arent thorium reactors you posted those are baby's first reactors.

d42d62ef No.3752896

also uh…all these reactors are inferior models. even china is just building a mediocre thorium model, youre gonna need a bigger boat as they say.

1f8490c2 No.3754196

File: 1726816889488-0.jpg (1.28 MB, 4032x3024, 1712612446788-2.jpg)

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File: 1726816889488-2.jpg (2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 1712612446788-0.jpg)

I was out of the path of totality this time, but I took some shitty pics anyway.

eb39aaca No.3754281

File: 1726871350479.png (148.3 KB, 768x320, flipping_banana_vertically.png)

I forgot about this. Simple science. Just poked a needle through a notecard to make a pinhole camera obscura.


The resulting image is the original eclipse orientation (seen through the solar eclipse glasses) flipped vertically about the x-axis. The pinhole by itself half-rotates the image, which is the same as flipping the image both vertically and horizontally. But because you're not looking toward the eclipse (as if there were a translucent screen between you and the pinhole) but instead away from the eclipse, toward its projection, the half-rotation is mirrored i.e. flipped horizontally about the y-axis. So the final, projected image is simply the original flipped vertically about the x-axis.

eb39aaca No.3754284

File: 1726874036613-0.jpg (278.06 KB, 2364x1405, Camera-Obscura.jpg)

File: 1726874036613-1.png (95.29 KB, 1000x350, camera-obscura.png)

File: 1726874036613-2.jpg (219.33 KB, 900x460, i.shgcdn.jpg)

File: 1726874036613-3.png (123.89 KB, 1280x874, Pinhole-camera.png)

File: 1726874036613-4.jpg (129.76 KB, 2250x1266, 3817.jpg)

It's surprising how many graphics attempting to explain this phenomenon get it wrong. The first graphic is correct. The second is incorrect. Third incorrect. Fourth correct. Fifth incorrect.

eb39aaca No.3754285

File: 1726874256436-0.jpg (2.49 MB, 4456x2640, 1755_james_ayscough.jpg)

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These are both correct.

1f8490c2 No.3754286

File: 1726874452463.jpg (71.82 KB, 797x443, 1670707238523.jpg)

Classic Plato's cave!

48b7f1d4 No.3754289

eb39aaca No.3754298

File: 1726881527061.jpg (35.76 KB, 625x352, Dr._Malcolm_Jurassic_Park.jpg)

Plato's cave allegory is about the limits of our perception. But we've adapted to the limits of our perception. Our eyes work similarly to camera obscuras: the image projected onto the retina is also half-rotated. But our brains automatically correct for that.

>Even if the Y chromosome does disappear, that doesn’t herald the end of humanity.
Pic related.

c66b39ca No.3754300

> Life, uh, finds a way.
New Mexico whiptail lizard:

eb39aaca No.3754688

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The Earth will soon have a second mini-moon, although it will be a brief visit.

Scientists wrote about the mini-moon and its anticipated orbit around Earth in a study published earlier this month in the non-peer-reviewed journal AAS Research Notes.

The small asteroid was discovered on Aug. 7 by the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS), a NASA-funded program. Now named asteroid 2024 PT5, it will be captured in Earth's gravitational pull between Sept. 29 and Nov. 25. After that, it will escape Earth's orbit and be pulled toward the sun before continuing its travels around our solar system.

1f8490c2 No.3754944

File: 1727738291933.jpg (292.08 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

This Is What Will Finally Fix America's Roads

For years we have bragged about better transportation infrastructure.

ea84fa57 No.3754965

Nope. Traffic circles are only practical for light to moderate traffic conditions. The heavy traffic in all American cities would turn them into constant traffic jams.

Traffic circles are popular in Europe where punitive taxes limit automobile use.

Oh, and traffic circles and roundabouts ARE THE SAME THING. Any attempt to redefine them as different is only by autistic assholes with no expertise.

b44ebcf0 No.3754968

File: 1727761108076-0.jpg (1.34 MB, 2572x1928, DiamondRoundabout.jpg)

File: 1727761108076-1.jpg (10.99 KB, 199x254, Earth's_rotation.jpg)

A 4-way stop near where I live was recently converted to a roundabout, and it's so much better now. Fun fact about roundabouts: in the US, because traffic goes counterclockwise around the circles, conservation of angular momentum and the fact we're in the Northern Hemisphere mean we're ever-so-slightly slowing the rotation of the Earth by using roundabouts.

7e313be4 No.3754980


Then given the leftist woke mindset we must ban traffic circles unless we want to suffer the effects of global deceleration!

25fe7c43 No.3755025

> it's so much better now
You only think that because you haven't been flooded with jeets yet. Traffic circles are miniature IQ and dexterity tests.

99529338 No.3755050

having mostly only driven in the small town I grew up on, straight highways, country roads, and stuff… I find driving in cities extremely stressful. Not just the weird way the roads work, but the idea of "keeping up with traffic" if the speed limit is 55, I'm not going past 55, even if everyone ese is going 90.

West Virginia and my part of Ohio have a lot of "kiss your ass bends" where you pray to god someone isn't drunk and going to slam into you, or some deer is just chilling on the road as you turn, but thats nothing compared to the weirdness, speed, and road rage you get in cities.

03bee17f No.3755054

File: 1727870766448.jpg (464.38 KB, 1751x1400, goodadvice.jpg)

I'll be on Tox for a bit tonight.

aeceb0ab No.3755060

People's opinions on roundabouts is an IQ test, shows whether you have functioning braincells or just exist as a stimulus-bitch response organism. The only reason people get into accidents on them is because they aren't used to them, because of the chimp-out response whenever they're proposed. The accidents that do happen have way better outcomes than stoplight intersections where people get T-boned because the other driver ran a red light at full speed. A roundabout is basically a huge chicane, it forces the driver to slow down on approach, and it's really no different from a 4-way yield, it just has a better flow so that if there isn't traffic you can keep going instead of having to stop or get stuck idling at a red light. But if you want to waste gas and time then go ahead keep the bitching. You can come to a complete stop and sit there for no reason in solidarity.

8c68562e No.3755061

Can you stack them?
For extra heavy traffic?

1f8490c2 No.3755063

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Here's the problem but there should be more to explain -
you are the average enourage to buy more cars 3-4 that takes your garage space.
out of some countries dont have enough "mixed" transportation cost that would balance car, truck, bus, trams transpotation cost.
dont forget about parking lot spaces that took tons of asphalt and space.

maybe someday we would see the whole data forcast the maps of asphalt on world maps to calculate the cost to maintain these roads.

in 2050 our sattilites would scan the whole surface of earth's roads showing the cost of asphalt usage.

numbers of traffic and car accidents would be pinned on map and registered by date.


automobile industry relies on it's customers heavily and you are felt trapped by car's debt taking care of it as if it your child.

asphalt road usage world map

8c68562e No.3755070

All those global cities and sidewalks and asphalt roads contribute significantly to global warming, did you realize that?

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