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File: 1724279393648.jpg (118.88 KB, 972x1000, MATT_UMBY.jpg)

3e087c91 No.3751007

Sorry to be a grouchy asshole, but nothing pisses me off more than when an artist who previously drew Cub Yiff tries to "re-brand" and distance themselves from their past artwork and talk shit about Cub and act like it's an actual fucking equivalent to actual CSEM of real people.

I hate that shit when Dragoneer did it (bro had art in the Softpaw Magazines), I hated that shit when Panda Paco did it (they had plenty plenty plenty of Cub Yiff on their old Ink Bunny page before the purge) – and if you are an artist who previously drew Cub Yiff but then decided to turn against it for "good optics" (virtue signaling purposes) – I have nothing but contempt and disdain for you. You are a sell out. You sold your soul to the Fiction Equals Reality Freaks.

ANYWAYS, if you have any MATT UMBY artwork that is blatantly "Cub" or looks "vaguely Cub" – POST IT HERE… fuck any kind of "DNP" this isn't Fchan and this isn't e621. THIS IS "LULZ" not those other websites that try to put on a Purity Act.


BTW, I don't have a fucking issue with Transgender People, I don't give a flying shit at all that Matt Umby decided to rebrand, change art style and do mostly FEMALE adult artwork, whatever….

But being ANTI CUB and equating fictional cartoon drawings to ACTUAL CSEM is super fucking cringe.

8f59244b No.3751008

File: 1724279510442.jpg (94.25 KB, 850x845, MATT_UMBY__002.jpg)

"I hate Cub Yiff, cub yiff is evil and bad!":

Then why did you draw it? LOL….

8f59244b No.3751009

File: 1724279570637.png (314.46 KB, 959x1280, MATT_UMBY_012.png)

Huh, that dalmatian character looks super familiar. Where have I seen them before….

8f59244b No.3751010

File: 1724279670373.jpg (101.6 KB, 850x959, MATT_UMBY_004.jpg)

People who put on a big Moral Veneer just to look good to the rest of the fandom are fucking pathetic…

Just draw what you wanna draw and if people try to crucify you for it, you tell them to FUCK OFF….

8f59244b No.3751011

File: 1724279794833.png (348.23 KB, 935x1000, MATT_UMBY_011.png)

How much more of this stuff is there? Matt Umby apparently blanked / deleted their entire Ink Bunny page and probably also purged their stuff off E621 as well….

I found these on The Big Image Board…. (which is also where I found the old Preyfar cub art too)….

8f59244b No.3751012

File: 1724279912243.png (178.13 KB, 728x1000, MATT_UMBY__005.png)

Their older art style was way cuter, their new style not soo much… I liked the old style, it was very reminiscent of Cobalt Synapse's style… very clean, very cute… sorta almost Wolfblade-ish…

8f59244b No.3751013

File: 1724280013096.jpg (72.66 KB, 850x837, MATT_UMBY_007.jpg)

It's always disappointing when an artist who USED TO DRAW CUB turns into a fucking "Anti" (anti fiction freak, anti ship / anti fic nutcase).

7a1b81be No.3751014

File: 1724280086065.jpg (129.07 KB, 850x1026, c82.jpg)

Your days of liking cub and toddlers is coming to an end.

And artists see the writing on the wall.

3e087c91 No.3751015

File: 1724280102058.png (307.66 KB, 1000x749, MATT_UMBY_009.png)

It's a cute art style… what a shame they felt the need to completely change and go with a more "fuzzy, jagged" kind of style as part of their re-brand…

8f59244b No.3751016

File: 1724280577087.jpg (132.29 KB, 803x895, TAILS_CSSEM_spot_the_diff.jpg)


Oh fuck off and go back to Twitter or Tumblr, dumb ass….


"Persons of ordinary intelligence can discern whether a depiction is virtually indistinguishable from a photograph of a Real Person engaged in explicit conduct."

"Congress intended for both prohibitions to reach a narrow category of material-depictions that are "virtually indistinguishable to the unsuspecting viewer from unretouched photographic images of Actual People engaging in explicit conduct."



18 U.S. Code § 2256 — Section 9 and Section 11


And for good measure, an article by Boozy Badger, the Furry Lawyer….


"""The take away here is drawings of fictional cartoon characters engaging in explicit activity is not legally CSEM, and cannot legally be considered CSEM, based on the holding of Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition."""

~Boozy Badger's article.


Fuck off, Hazbin Helluva Nerd.

You're probably too young to even be on Lulz (or watch those swear-filled ADULT cartoon shows) in the first place….

8f59244b No.3751019

File: 1724280778402.jpg (116.34 KB, 850x1046, MATT_UMBY_003.jpg)



8f59244b No.3751020

File: 1724280850171.png (252.19 KB, 889x1078, MATT_UMBY_006.png)

Paws are awesome….

8f59244b No.3751025

File: 1724281302100.png (136.74 KB, 1440x856, MATT_001.png)

STFU, hypocrite back-peddling pansy… you drew it too.

8f59244b No.3751026

File: 1724281508604.png (125.86 KB, 1440x657, MATT_002.png)




It's not like you killed someone….
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side….
Praise the one who left you broken down and paralyzed.

It's not like you killed someone…..
It's not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side….
Talk to Jesus Christ as if he knows the reasons why.


3e087c91 No.3751027

File: 1724282020498.jpg (316.22 KB, 2000x1389, DOWNGRADE.jpg)

I would actually call this a downgrade, lol… that first image was super smooth, very clean, very nice to look at… a style reminiscent of either Cobalt Synapse or Wolfblade or Wagner Mutt, very nice and soft and cute… the later stuff is very… jagged edged and fuzzy.

But I guess when you're a hypocrite back-peddling artist who needs a "re-brand" – changing your art style is just the thing to do… and nobody's art style really stays the same I guess… Inuki from the Softpaw Magazines had a very immature art style, then they upgraded. Shiuk from the Softpaw Magazines had a very immature art style, but then they upgraded.

This one tho…. seems like a De-Evolution. But maybe that's just what they were going for?

ffe02022 No.3751030

File: 1724282877087.png (345.31 KB, 1579x1706, McvgxvwL.png)

That's the difference between you guys and the rest of the world. See, people grow and change. Except for you guys. Stuck here. Stagnant. The world moves on and leaves you behind.

(inb4 you think I'm saying cub art is bad)

eb96ee1b No.3751032

Just learn to use A.I. to make your own cub porn and it won't matter.

8f59244b No.3751033

File: 1724284166107.jpg (361.65 KB, 599x598, all_samples.jpg)


"""Just use A.I. image generations to create your own Cub Yiffs."""

My boyfriend is already doing that.

But that's not really "art" is it….

But then again…. is "sampling" really making music????

I mean, I kinda think it is…

You still gotta put in the other elements of the song…. those drums and other instruments and the vocals ain't just gunna put THEMSELVES in there….

196c42c6 No.3751034

I'm too much of a poorfag to buy an AI workstation and I don't trust the hosted AI services enough to give them my darkest fantasies.

196c42c6 No.3751036

Self-righteous prick. I hope someone trains an AI model based on his character and uses it to flood the internets with cub art.

3e087c91 No.3751039

File: 1724286601202.jpg (155.02 KB, 850x784, cobalt_synapse.jpg)

Matt Umby's older style was way better, it was pretty close to Wolfblade or Cobalt Synapse's level of quality.

Umby's newer stuff looks like somebody who was high on LSD drew it….

8f59244b No.3751041

File: 1724286789551.jpg (114.31 KB, 850x810, cobalt_02.jpg)

Good lines, good proportions, it just looks nice and natural and smooth…

8f59244b No.3751042

File: 1724287086094.jpg (548.96 KB, 2000x2000, umby_ugly.jpg)

I don't have anything at all against Transgender folks… if that's who Umby is now, whatever… but the art style looks so… lazy and immature. That first pic up top looked really good… right up there with the GREATS like Wolf Blade… but this new stuff is meh… I'd even take a Roary Raccoon drawing over that new Umby stuff… at least Roary isn't a back-peddling hypocrite virtue signaler….

8f59244b No.3751044


My boyfriend makes A.I. Generated Cub Art and I guess it looks alright….

I'll ask him to drop by and share some stuff…

b035c6ab No.3751047

FUCK I miss Cobalt Synapse's stuff. OP pic is really cute, too.

8f59244b No.3751048

File: 1724290200340.jpg (142.53 KB, 850x495, bears.jpg)


Did Cobalt nuke their shit off E6 and Ink Bunny? What happened????

I hate it when that happens….

f1a37e03 No.3751052

File: 1724292373423.jpg (35.41 KB, 800x512, bd8afe975b6345373cd96a780d….jpg)

I thought that art style looked familiar.

This is all I got, though.

8f59244b No.3751054

File: 1724292997579.png (96.43 KB, 831x592, FOOL'S_GAMBIT.PNG)

Apparently there USED TO BE an "Ink Bunny Archive" – "I watch it for the plot" or something or other….

But I can't find it anymore… it's the one that I used to find all of the "Fool's Gambit" comic, after Kit Hawkings wiped their entire E621 and Ink Bunny galleries….

59e519e7 No.3751062

Don't forget he also goes by the name cogs90210. The Permanent Booru has 76 posts tagged creator:cogs90210. They also have 118 pics as creator: mattumby, and another 88 tagged simply mattumby.

Certainly there are many posts with a combination of those tags. So the total will be a lot lower.

1f79937a No.3751073


Thank you for your assistance, kind Anon.

49a378fa No.3751075

File: 1724310360463.jpg (37.58 KB, 640x920, fucking_crybaby.jpg)

What kind of autistic Twitter-ass sperg shit is this?
Types like a miserable old fart but links shitty alt-rock lyrics like a fucking kid.
>if you are an artist who previously drew Cub Yiff but then decided to turn against it for "good optics" (virtue signaling purposes) – I have nothing but contempt and disdain for you. You are a sell out. You sold your soul to the Fiction Equals Reality Freaks.
JFC, grow up.

3e087c91 No.3751076

File: 1724310965461.png (633.52 KB, 763x409, GO_HOME_BALL.png)


Nah, Twitter Brain Worm Sperg shit is thinking that a cartoon drawing of a fictional character is the exact same shit as genuine CSEM of a real human person….

Twitter Brain Worm Sperg shit is when someone bitches at an artist for drawing a fictional cartoon goat monster from a shitty indie game because they are "cub coded" despite the fact the artist deliberately drew them taller and older looking….

~YOU~ grow up, fucking Twitter Sperg.

Fictional characters are not real people.

1f79937a No.3751077

File: 1724311195433.png (356.39 KB, 720x746, RALSEI.png)



so fucking what? don't like the art? don't look at it.

Learn to use your Blacklist and Tags, newfag.

….(oh wait, crappy Twitter doesn't have one)….

1f79937a No.3751078

File: 1724312498832.png (990.32 KB, 696x523, ALF_UNDER_ROOS.PNG)

"""Types like a miserable old fart"""

That's right you little whiney whipper snapper.

I joined this here Furry Fandom before you were even a nutt stain in your daddy's ALF underoos.

1f79937a No.3751079

File: 1724312574658.png (998.78 KB, 1204x783, SEX2K.PNG)

And this Fandom has always been weird as fuck.


461ae81a No.3751081

File: 1724312950363.jpg (42.59 KB, 264x373, Bawwwww_bunny.jpg)

Go join the fucking Burned Furs or the Krazy Kiwi Kreeps, or that "Cleanser Community" bullshit or whatever the fuck… Puritanical Pansy…



461ae81a No.3751082

File: 1724313165658.jpg (372.76 KB, 519x750, NINE_INCH_TAILZ.jpg)

"""links shitty alt-rock lyrics"""


He sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to see
He tries to tell me what I put inside of me
He's got the answers to ease my curiosity
He dreamed a god up and called it Christianity

He flexed his muscles to keep his flock of sheep in line
He made a virus that would kill off all the swine
His perfect kingdom of killing, suffering, and pain
Demands devotion, atrocities done in his name

fffd763b No.3751093

KYS Moralfag

f6ce0d6c No.3751132

File: 1724343875462.jpg (197.03 KB, 850x1232, 7_12.jpg)


I didn't say shit about morals. Because this is about POWER. The payment processors have the POWER to make people that draw loli and todddlers and whatever else not get paid.

Or the Sites that host them.

4178ea0b No.3751138

File: 1724346563029.png (883.23 KB, 1154x575, gawd_hates_cub.PNG)


""Payment Processors are controlling what people can and cannot draw!""


Uh huh….. Either that, or it's Internal Drama Among The Mod Staff…..



Pinkuh – ""I don't draw it, I don't like it, and I tend to not view it unless I have to, however, I am ~NOT~ going to limit our users' Freedom of Artistic Expression. Because when it comes to censorship, nobody can draw the line.""

'Neer – ""I hate the crap immensely myself.""

'Neer – """"We have chaos because a lot of people hate something that IS NOT ILLEGAL… and a lot of people want us to block that. But, likewise, we have a lot of people who believe it should stay."""

'Neer – """Well, we have two choices, both suck. (1) We ban the art, make a lot of people happy, but also just as many people pissed off. We show weakness and that people in angry loud mobs can make us change and make rules (aka, the Y! effect). We ban something that is not even illegal, and let the prudes win…."""

'Neer – """(2) We allow the art to stay, in name of artistic freedom – as we choose not to be the judges of what people draw, nor quality. We tell people that it's not our job and for them to police themselves, and we will offer working filters (aka Blacklist / Tagging) to those who disagree with the content and make extended effort to get the filters working."""

Pinkuh – """Technically… Furry artwork as a whole is illegal. If someone really wanted to press it they could play the "Drawing animals, even ones with Human / Bipedal characteristics means they like real animals and want to fuck them."

'Neer – """We have enough proof via U.S. legal documentation to prove that it is (A) not p****philia and (B) not illegal… I am really torn on the issue. I hate cub shit, but I'd rather not ban something that is not illegal."""


Damaratus – """Proper working filters will solve the problem."""
'Neer – """And we have ~no~ filters right now."""

Myr – """The new system will have filters, but when will they be coded and when will it be done? Jeeze, it was supposed to be ready MONTHS ago. We're in November already."""

Marthaen – """Filters only work if the user puts the proper tags on it in the first place…. I'll enforce any policy laid down, whether I like it or not… But I'd prefer to ban cub if possible."""


4178ea0b No.3751141

File: 1724347310767.jpg (138.78 KB, 815x553, Cornholion_in_Holy_Cornhol….jpg)

Also, sorry "DK" – I do not ~MEAN~ to be a jerk to you… I just think what you said came across a little strange and threatening, lol….

4222be19 No.3751292

Glad that Fa66ot is dead.

764cc92e No.3751317


I'm more sad that he sold out his values and beliefs about "being against censorship."

And now e621 is going the same route.

84d8049d No.3751319

Almost no one gives a shit about free speech until it effects them personally. You're no different.

0375510e No.3751331

File: 1724469206274-0.jpg (608.34 KB, 1200x699, 1807094_CobaltSynapse_litt….jpg)

File: 1724469206274-1.jpg (759.65 KB, 1200x752, 1807098_CobaltSynapse_litt….jpg)

File: 1724469206274-2.jpg (771.07 KB, 1200x752, 1807088_CobaltSynapse_litt….jpg)

I absolutely love these sets of images the most. Perfect versions of these characters.

3e087c91 No.3751481


I one million percent agree with you, Anon.

7d9eec20 No.3751583

File: 1724705955693.png (215.33 KB, 977x1000, Laila's Little Paws[0].png)

>"I watch it for the plot" or something or other
it just changed domain
I have it bookmarked for the sole purpose of destroying artists who are too stupid to know that everything (at least furry related) is permanently archived and try to be too clever, same case like this.

Enjoy and remember, to ruin them out of their bullshit, always ALWAYS archive

005d940f No.3751620

File: 1724726118482.jpg (658.87 KB, 1500x1434, 4afb213ab1f16f8cb8131b6cbb….jpg)

> paws

3e087c91 No.3751714


Fantastic! Much appreciated!

bb433abc No.3751716

Seriously, thank you so much!


Does this also work for e621 as well?

bb433abc No.3751717

File: 1724789396774.png (252.19 KB, 693x909, wildcritters_wikifur.PNG)

YES! It does!

Holy shit, there's archives going back to 2011!


Now I wonder… do they have an archive for Wild Critters and Veebooru as well?

5df6b7df No.3751818

File: 1724904545788.jpg (126.87 KB, 611x822, 137448924778.jpg)

This is cool! They also sort of, half way, have an archive of paws.ru.

f3a69d41 No.3754182

I always unfollow and drop support for cub artists when they stop doing cub.
>I'm no longer doing cub
Then I'm no longer following you, goodbye.

49013804 No.3754515

The artist "Vilani" also used to draw Cub, but now they disavow and won't acknowledge that they ever drew it, lol….. I still remember their old old old cub drawings being on e621…. lol….

5e80fbe4 No.3754529

File: 1727151238491-0.jpg (199.35 KB, 761x1000, 87a02885259a5fd80dc8fadde1….jpg)

File: 1727151238491-1.png (163.89 KB, 887x1000, 1b9719ab229f4aa01996250354….png)

File: 1727151238491-2.jpg (167.93 KB, 863x900, 1de6327964720ba12698156179….jpg)

I remember Vilani's art. I wonder what his problem is.

83e8ab4d No.3754534

File: 1727156365795-0.jpg (455.74 KB, 750x1116, 1218713072.vilani_20.jpg)

File: 1727156365795-1.jpg (470.93 KB, 1053x819, 1218790777.vilani_22.jpg)

File: 1727156365795-2.jpg (534.52 KB, 828x1107, 1218791071.vilani_30.jpg)


Probably thinks denying it long enough will make people forget.

9552e85e No.3755695


Damn I wish I knew the artist name who drew Monkey Khan giving someone a footjob. I faved it on IB but the artist deleted it.

7abc7aa9 No.3758216


I appreciate the archive. I just wish I can find older artworks. Especially from artists who disappeared like Fel and Greenmonkey. Most of em are gone.

211dd98c No.3767777

File: 1739226927099.png (99.8 KB, 900x797, e3495f7893cee0a468f2f0f319….png)

> The artist "Vilani" also used to draw Cub
Have you checked at The Big Image Board? They have some of his cub art.

f1d83c44 No.3768587

File: 1740275308925.jpg (445.79 KB, 754x1000, fox cub by vilani.jpg)

> The artist "Vilani" also used to draw Cub

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