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You messed with me~

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File: 1724210697484.png (1.98 MB, 1280x1280, 0013-3855.png)

7266aff9 No.3750901

Is this the kind of Christian tradwife you are looking for?

9e8c8969 No.3750902

Only if she's barefoot.

7266aff9 No.3750903


f6a1bc2c No.3750905

File: 1724212212246.webm (204.58 KB, 1164x480, unfulfillable_longing.webm)

Dream the impossible dream…

946a0019 No.3750908

The one who takes care of you cooks your favorite meals while you clean your own room and do gardening that provides food, and NOT the lawn mowing shit I fucking hate maintanance gardening that does not provide food and you have to use pesticides luxery gardening is a waste of space.
I'm getting off topic. having a tradewite would make your life live healthier and longer.

9e8c8969 No.3750909

01b1a220 No.3750964

File: 1724257444759.jpg (78.23 KB, 850x1159, 01_7_4.jpg)

A Christian wife would make me sick.

Just the idea of it makes me want to vomit.

954fd739 No.3750967

File: 1724259041203.jpg (123.46 KB, 929x541, fetish.jpg)

0be5f7a3 No.3750969

You're a fag with mommy issues. The idea of women in general makes you want to vomit.

01b1a220 No.3750970

File: 1724261900273.png (5.05 MB, 3922x5381, Salvation.png)


I don't have mommy issues, because I never had a mommy. I was raised as if I was my mommy.

Also, I'm not gay.

01b1a220 No.3750974

File: 1724262751276.png (797.07 KB, 2103x1716, Satan_1.png)

Mommy gave me the great gift of multi personality. By dying before me.

Before I knew her, before I knew her voice, before I knew anything.

She taught me the meaning of being alone. And becoming my own company, so that I wasn't alone.

a51fe397 No.3754334

File: 1726932043299.jpg (6.77 KB, 198x255, images[2].jpg)

>not having a maid

6b27f13b No.3754357

File: 1726957764901.jpg (33.22 KB, 828x817, Tard Wife.jpg)

d61a9296 No.3754358


I disagree. I have seen pregnant women's bare bellies with the navel inverted. You are incorrect in your speculation.

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