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File: 1724152455325.png (484.41 KB, 989x1296, 60dd9b7ff59f474eebe33208af….png)

38e89157 No.3750816

Its my birthday. Who else has never had a birthday party? I've never really ever experienced any of that holiday stuff.

38e89157 No.3750817

My birthday always fell on the day school started, and summer vacation ended. So not much room for parties, and if I got gifts, they were like back packs and school supplies, so uh, stuff you'd get anyways, but had the extra step of having to tear off paper.

a809282f No.3750822

File: 1724158249715.jpeg (10.71 KB, 233x216, images (1).jpeg)

f3c34ff1 No.3750831

File: 1724162265319.jpg (121.56 KB, 1080x1080, FGkbybvVQAQZG9y.jpg)

Happy birthday!
>Who else has never had a birthday party?
Jehovah's Witnesses.

201b34bb No.3750835

File: 1724164140329.jpg (676.29 KB, 1500x2000, HolyBDgift.jpg)

I know someone who could give you the gift of eternal life, with a new body and your own mansion, if only you'd accept. Dogs are welcome, too!
Ask me more.

5e999473 No.3750934

I had a birthday party when I was very young. I can barely remember it. I'm sure it was more for the neighborhood moms than it was for us kids.

38e89157 No.3750937

I vaguely remember having a party before kindergarten, but its an incomplete and kinda fuzzy memory. I just remember my younger cousin blowing out the candles before I could, then getting scolded, her throwing the cake on the floor, then her crying, and having all the moms faun over her, then me getting upset and locked in the time out shed for the rest of the day until she calmed down.

5f8cf396 No.3750942

The only birthday party I remember was for the son of my mom's coworker. All I remember is eating from a bowl of M&Ms and accidentally shattering a giant mirror.
I celebrated my own with my parents, aunt, and grandmother. We always had a cake from a bakery. Dad would fry fish and we would all eat together. Simpler times.

38e89157 No.3750951

sounds really cool

201b34bb No.3750957

File: 1724243874888.jpg (8.35 KB, 168x94, cantletyoudothatsteam.jpg)

The devil's gifts are all counterfeits of God's gifts. Decades ago now, every country has signed an agreement to only supply genetically modified-everything and reclassify organic produce as toxic - I don't remember the details, but can look them up if you're curious. People are being genetically modified and potentially also having circuitry/substances put into them so they can be monitored and controlled on a beyond-nightmarish level. There are whitepapers openly available directly from the sources that explain these things.
Since you're such a smartypants you probably know that already, but just can't bear the horror of it all, otherwise you wouldn't be constantly returning to your abuser. Now's a good a time as any to start moving away from those who hate you and want to modify you genetically and enslave and destroy you in every conceivable way.
We're pretty close to a new phase of satanic evil spreading across the planet - the Bible foretells it'll happen. What terrible evils have the crazies planned? Those who are not sealed by God's seal won't be spared most of the plagues, but then it'll be too late, one needs to give their faith and belief right now, before it's too late.

The good news? You can still choose to belong to the one who is the complete opposite of all that, and enjoy His protection.

201b34bb No.3750961

File: 1724249825105.jpg (204.58 KB, 1024x683, bojakandotis.jpg)

Well, good night. :3

58c810de No.3750976

Happy belated Birthday. You were always a big weirdo to me, mostly because of the whole lying shtick, but for some reason I still have a soft spot for you.

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