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10143849 No.3749860

Damn… what a blow against the furry community. Our rights must be defended against legal oppression like this!


Adam Britton, a leading zoologist who has worked on BBC and National Geographic productions, pleaded guilty to 56 charges relating to bestiality and animal cruelty.

The Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court heard the 53-year-old filmed himself torturing the animals until almost all died, and then shared the videos online under pseudonyms.

Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish, and so "grotesque" Chief Justice Michael Grant warned the courtroom they could cause "nervous shock".

As the facts of the case were read aloud, some members of the public rushed outside. Others watching from the gallery cried and mouthed insults at Britton. He at times hung his head and reached for tissues.

Calling the offending "devious", Justice Grant said the "unalloyed pleasure" Britton took in torturing the animals was "sickeningly evident".

"[Your] depravity falls entirely outside any ordinary human conception," he said.

Including time already served, Britton could be eligible for parole in September 2028. He is also banned from owning any mammals for the rest of his life.

Mr Britton's lawyer argued his offending was driven by a rare disorder causing intense, atypical sexual interests.

In court on Thursday, they read out a letter from Britton, who apologised for his "demeaning crimes".

Adding that his family was not aware or involved in any way, he wrote: "I will seek long term treatment and… I will find a path towards redemption."

cc823a09 No.3749862

Gonna need some videos, you know, asking for a fri

869abc7b No.3749869

>He tortured at least 42 dogs, killing 39 of them, according to court documents seen by the BBC. The files only detail his crimes over the 18 months before his arrest, but still fill more than 90 pages.
>He was only caught after uploading a clip in which he tortured at least eight dogs - all except one were puppies - which was passed on to NT police in an anonymous tip-off.
Only 10 years in prison for that? What a sick joke.

7617cdc4 No.3749884

Torture is bad. Bestiality is good.
Fucking dogs is not "atypical sexual interests", it's zoosexual sexual orientation. Wild west made it illegal - no one cares, in my country it's legal and I fuck my dogwife in real life. Journalists mixed the good things with the bad things to stigmatize good things.

c6c48893 No.3749891

Was he on Animal Dark Paradise?

65ce7082 No.3750101

as a real zoo, fuck zoosadists
fucking evil. Somebody kill this fucker

a4e791c1 No.3750103

those ratings must have been nice tho

afb506a0 No.3750179

>"I will seek long term treatment"

I hear a shotgun shell aimed up at the back of your mouth is guaranteed to cure this ailment

86b919cc No.3750187

So what exactly did he do? What kind of torture?

b874e632 No.3750200

Ethical zoophilia is like peaceful Islam. The lay practitioner enables and supports the extremist even if they don't want to, because they support the fundamental cause.

You're talking about beings that can't consent and even if they could, are not equal in social hierarchy or power, so the question of consent is moot in the first place. That makes it impossible to really differentiate between people who "love" animals and people who abuse animals - one can say the other until they get caught.

73e501e6 No.3750302

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Same goes for ANY religion around the world.

This whole 'make love' to animal reminds me that animal vet woman in defunct beastforum that keep doing it with multiple animals and end up dying from cancer. Who knows what type of animal based papiloma virus she got caught.

73e501e6 No.3750303

Tbh, I'm not surprised if some people working with handling animals are easily aroused considering they always exposed to dicks and pussies, especially when they're all pent up. A hole is a hole, a stick is a stick.

ee4e62a1 No.3750331

No ANY religion, just those with viral invasionist ideologies at their core.

d463f821 No.3750542

It's normal and natural to be aroused to animals. Murika makes it illegal for the mere reason that it's not profittable. They expect you to be wagecuck and spend your life paying for tinder top scores. If you use backdoor like zoosexuality, capitalists can't make you a moneycow.

4a9d0c30 No.3750562

It's strictly due to moralfagging from christkikes. If Jews could get away with it they would be running animal brothels like they've been doing in Europe for a long time

2a41d944 No.3750572

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arkamectin is a single treatment that helps to control worms, lice and mites in racing and show pigeons. For control of lice, mites & other insects & roundworms in racing pigeons, guinea pigs and pet rabbits.

7617cdc4 No.3750865

I know zoo "moralfags"/religious zoos, not the case. It's only capitalists who understand that fucking dogs is free, so their twitters/tinders/tiktoks stay idle and cannot be commercialized. Also wagecucks envy zoos, because being zoo means at least working from home, thus being IT-related dev.

2a41d944 No.3750893

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8368f4de No.3750912

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And all this time there was a rabies vaccine for humans. Veterinarians take it as a matter of routine. Stupid teenagers got what they deserved for not being vaccinated.

93b5f396 No.3750962


The full gist of this story is that the teenagers were in Iraq or Syria. Its HIGHLY unlikely the little primitives living there would have access to an anti-rabies vaccine when they are lucky to have access to aspirin or the true medical holy grail there, antibiotics. Likely most of them died, by the time the little fuckers showed symptoms, it was FAR too late. Donkey was likely also put down. Happy, happy, joy, joy, right?

17f42061 No.3750989

>Much of the detail of Britton's crimes are too graphic to publish
How to spot media bullshit.
There should be a rule, either give full picture, or stfu and don't stir up shit on rumors.

2a41d944 No.3751023

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I wish I had some oxpeckers that could groom pigeon feathers from mites.

8438922e No.3751666

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93b5f396 No.3767370


For a moment there, I thought it was a picture of Kamala Harris looking for funds to pay off her campaign debt.

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