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File: 1722034290995.png (1.79 MB, 1889x1035, 1722031209231996[1].png)

d68ffdd2 No.3748246

5372d7d0 No.3748249

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004a2aac No.3748257

File: 1722046372922-0.png (1.75 MB, 1680x1050, Screen Shot 2024-07-26 at ….png)

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Coming soon to a furverted country like you.

PS. Somethingawful.com is ran by furry redditors

004a2aac No.3748258

you got the download?

84d074d1 No.3748265

pretty sure this is what the olympics really were
i sure hope people dont riot and die

d7e59b31 No.3748287

File: 1722059625685.png (560.44 KB, 801x451, Screenshot 2024-07-27 at 0….png)

Ho Ho Ho….

28772cf4 No.3748369


I consider myself very Liberal…very "Live and let live".

But that was the worst horror über-fag S**t-show I have ever witnessed. They must have done it purely to further piss off Russia who does not even participate under their own flag.

I dont care people are gay but can they atleast not retain a minimum of class? Because that was utterly classless, and not meant as a classless society if thats what they were aiming for. Thats something else entirely

b4048764 No.3748393

Literally a kike orchestrated humiliation ritual. The internationalists want you to be ashamed of your nation.

004a2aac No.3748412

the "peoples republic of china" instead of china was rich in propoganda

cbf9f8da No.3748419

People be so mad about how "gay" the Olympics have become as if they weren't gay from the start. The word Gym comes from the word for Naked. A gymnasium is a place where naked men got oiled up and wrestled each other to submission. They featured statues of Eros, the God of men fucking.

d7e59b31 No.3748424

File: 1722170616638.png (1.35 MB, 951x750, Screenshot 2024-07-28 at 0….png)

It's all Greek to me.

004a2aac No.3748431

File: 1722178065243.png (295.55 KB, 538x506, Screen Shot 2024-07-28 at ….png)

7c9e623f No.3748449


Maybe I am daft but exactly does that statement relate to the über-GAY shitshow from the Olympics ?

004a2aac No.3748452

no, its literally in the text of how they are presenting china in which country these fucks are from

004a2aac No.3748453

File: 1722197645362.png (462.33 KB, 1000x563, GB32.png)

SP called it

The Goobacks are coming…. go back gooback…

81b92df6 No.3748488

File: 1722224075739.jpeg (120.11 KB, 640x1386, GThH8m8bsAAdph- (1).jpeg)

What's everyone opinion? Is it this or is it that?

8341c9cf No.3748523

"The idea was to create a big pagan party in link with the God of Mount Olympus — and you will never find in me, or in my work, any desire of mocking anyone." ~Thomas Jolly

Jolly directed the performance. I take him at his word. It's important to not jump to conclusions. Even before his clarifying remark, granting the most charitable interpretation is the Christian thing to do.

a8493974 No.3748573

olympics are over, america didnt win

ec006113 No.3748579

File: 1722306976835.jpg (206.2 KB, 1440x1584, spiderman swings from the ….jpg)


I believe these guys are sincere in that this was based on the Feast of Dionysus because everyone involved are artsy fartsy types who even knew this stuff existed.

Main-streamers are obsessed with thinking everything HAS to be about Jeebuz so they instantly thought "Last Supper".

BTW anyone have a good picture of that guy who had his balls hanging out – or according to some people a 'sock' … All pictures I can find so far are censored.

8341c9cf No.3748584

I think it was just a tear in his stocking that just looked like balls because it was near his crotch. They showed another image from later where you could see the tear had grown.

8341c9cf No.3748688

File: 1722449804130.webm (5.88 MB, 1280x720, troll_olympics.webm)


ec006113 No.3748693

File: 1722462340884.jpg (50.99 KB, 500x500, diddle kid-t500x500.jpg)


Then diddle me this Batman. If it was just a tear in a stocking then why are all the pictures censored?

8341c9cf No.3748697

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Because the people who censored them jumped to conclusions? Or maybe they're pushing a narrative? Best I could find from google image search. Looks like a tear to me.

980fc08c No.3748710

File: 1722471212095.jpg (81.2 KB, 800x444, paris10.jpg)

There's a lot going on with this ceremony, and the Last Supper reference wasn't the worst of it. This is a better breakdown:


ec006113 No.3748731

File: 1722503205586-0.png (289.02 KB, 739x423, youve been diddled - diddl….png)

File: 1722503205586-1.png (380.2 KB, 731x422, the other olympic ball guy.png)


Interesting take on all this… also wasn't there some other guy with his balls out?

7e4c901d No.3748852

File: 1722635082121.jpg (54.2 KB, 810x539, 1_boxing-olympic-games-par….jpg)

According to the olympics, its now ok for a man to beat a woman.. infact, they'll even give you a medal for it.

478bce94 No.3748858

This is diversity made manifest. Stop trying to impose your values on other cultures.

c1eb37f0 No.3748879


Now we need a regular male beating the life out of a FtM "man" for everyone to open their eyes to how ridiculous this whole thing is.

e217d9d0 No.3748905

People "forget" to include the second part of the boxer's quote, the one who was defeated.

Immediately after saying that she never felt a punch like that and felt afraid for her health and life, she said that her opponent was incredibly talented and that she hopes she goes all the way to the gold medal.

The boxer wasn't trans, either, just intersex. Discussing whether trans athletes should be allowed is an intentional deflection.

Not intentional by the posters here, of course, they're way too stupid. It's intentional by the talking heads they regurgitate the opinions of.

So weird.

39db69f0 No.3748992

File: 1722721832403.jpg (567.61 KB, 1455x1620, 1722718181.amarihel_qfxrrj….jpg)

edf29aad No.3749024

File: 1722738364911.png (282.1 KB, 628x480, 2sjmvrxexl071.png)

The only Olympics worth watching

104c7432 No.3749054

File: 1722774322599.png (1.42 MB, 943x689, Screenshot 2024-08-04 at 0….png)

e2f5b025 No.3749133

>>3749054 Animalympics was made be the same guys who made Tron.

104c7432 No.3749135

File: 1722839073628.webm (998.64 KB, 320x360, ssstwitter.com_1722827873….webm)

8341c9cf No.3749200

File: 1722910582336.jpg (386.24 KB, 666x1000, 1722809409.miles-df_img_67….jpg)

Why is the cat barfing?

8341c9cf No.3749201

File: 1722911755756.jpg (281.67 KB, 1654x1165, GTlzzEvaUAA2bzD.jpg)

004a2aac No.3749213

back when furries weren't retarded

104c7432 No.3749215

File: 1722948254792.png (340.53 KB, 588x441, Screenshot 2024-08-06 at 0….png)

edf29aad No.3749231

It's what cats do also I'd be sick seeing that awesome shot

267e51a3 No.3749662

File: 1723168021026.jpg (254.13 KB, 2253x1635, Men's 110M Hurdles Medal C….jpg)

c4cc0400 No.3749694

File: 1723209915333.jpg (328.83 KB, 1200x675, 1_canadian-triathlete-tyle….jpg)

Don't swim in the brown water.

8341c9cf No.3749781

File: 1723252223733.png (159.64 KB, 1005x1075, Maid_Marian_is_best_in_my_….png)

Oh thanks, so a triathlete vomited. Many reports are saying he just swallowed too much water and overheated and it wasn't a water quality issue. But no doubt the Seine is contaminated.

a8493974 No.3749795

honorable mention to not post that shit or even ai that shit because metallica will get butthurt so bad

004a2aac No.3749833

anyone notice the olympics flag is literally just the Ukrainian flag over the African flag?

you can't get more obvious

bdafe068 No.3752807

File: 1725595875738.gif (159.27 KB, 582x768, OLYMPIAN.GIF)

Have a raccoon gymnast.

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