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You messed with me~

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5674ae72 No.3748157

Are you feeling old what things makes you feel young and active?

94564887 No.3748201

Everything hurts and I'm always tired

d60e653a No.3748230

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I would really like to have a spleen and rippling muscles again. Getting rid of all the massive scars all over my body would just be a plus.

5674ae72 No.3748250

File: 1722035771289.jpg (104.18 KB, 1292x1253, c1c162eaabf263b370eef05513….jpg)

nothing changed except i'm running out of stemcells in myself.

cfcea73f No.3748299

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Still praying for you.

487b5590 No.3748640


Praying doesn't help. That´s why we had to invent penicillin.

But be my guest : Next time you have severe pneumonia, stay with praying.

c8691807 No.3748642

Penicillin wasn’t needed until unnatural foods became common

5ee3cc4a No.3748644

Someone prayed for something like penicillin to be invented, dummy. Because disease was so rampant

How did you think it happened?

7a73e7cf No.3748681

People started eating unnatural foods about 12000 years ago when hunter-gatherers invented agriculture and and settled to live on that instead.

Antibiotics have required a lot of work from multiple people.
Also penicillin was not the first one.

578cf863 No.3748833


Oh I had this weird idea that someone very smart and skilled studied for many years and then worked for even more years, met some other hardworking smart well-educated people who intellectually supported each other, had stuff published in scientific papers and peer-reviewed and THEN developed penicillin.

But you are telling me God put the idea of penicillin into someones head one night…Got it. I know which one sounds plausible and rational.

So lay of penicillin next time and God will put penicillin into you and thus cutting out the middleman, mkay ?

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