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File: 1721197645807.jpg (216.51 KB, 952x1421, gun_reform.jpg)

1a88153d No.3746978

First, the how-to:
The definitive guide for getting started with 3d printed guns is theguide.ctrlpew.com

Second, where to get your 3d print files:
Most creators upload them to "Odysee", but that site is in the process of dying due to some govt fuckery.
I recently discovered printyour2a.com/frames
The big one on the dark web is Bibliotheca Nex Alea:
nex.i2p &

Bonus: Here's a 3d printable minigun:
And an updated/fixed gear for it: https://odysee.com/@Nopel:6/crankWheel_fix:5

07caa32d No.3747023

If you willingly use a plastic 3D printed gun, you deserve to lose your fingers.

2fba249d No.3747032

Are there plans for plastic 3D printed gunpowder too?
I think NERF makes these kinds of weapons, saw it on TV. Might as well check for deals on Amazon.

How about sending people KJV (New Testament) Bibles instead? That would fix the root of the problem, rather than fuel the chaos that the devil and his children are trying to create.

687b9b27 No.3747051

File: 1721242509064.jpg (85.59 KB, 660x436, 0fc7aea2b56e4be5a53586bb4a….jpg)

pff 3D printing is useless try some hard elbow grease!

3c6ad4c7 No.3747092

A 3D printed gun thread? Definitely wasn't expecting something like this here!

If anybody here's looking to dev anything, make sure to use a parametric modeler. Inventor is one of the good ones - hate that everybody does shit in bullshit like TinkerCAD or - if you're Nopel - FUCKING MAYA.


53235e67 No.3747108

I'm almost positive that creating unregistered firearms is super illegal and that this thread is going to be nuked into oblivion once the mods are around.

489f79f4 No.3747119

Positively retarded, because it has always been legal to do so. Sorry!

5bd49869 No.3747137

File: 1721278591640.jpg (88.16 KB, 640x840, ygxabgcm53851.jpg)


3D printed weapons aren't new to lulz, every once in a while these threads will crop up.

0f3b23c3 No.3747141

File: 1721281220829.png (210.09 KB, 660x330, 9f2016aa-be3c-4dbb-a1cb-0d….png)

pretty sure that is a coyote. Or some lab mutt.

afadeb54 No.3747216

Metal + drill press > 3d printer for guns

2fba249d No.3747223

File: 1721322035976.jpg (129.26 KB, 798x475, devilpounces.jpg)

Are you new here? Allow me to warn you off; this place is an FBI/etc. honeypot, like most online places where people chat actually - only difference is they're popular and this one isn't, and the "management" are degenerate synagogue-of-satan/commies. Going outside and talking to people, is the new "surfing".

So… do share that public email, would you?

1 Peter 5:8
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:”

687b9b27 No.3747225

File: 1721322910729.jpg (93.71 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Last Ditch Axis Weapons

*points* you watch this.

687b9b27 No.3747227

File: 1721323747996.jpg (195.37 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Muskets to Machine Guns: Evolution of Weapons (1837-1901) | Animated History

31f43817 No.3747235

File: 1721330284269-0.jpg (9.99 KB, 315x175, Klingon_Disruptor_23rd_Cen….jpg)

File: 1721330284269-1.jpg (38.35 KB, 648x549, Klingon_disruptor_1.jpg)

I'll get interested when you can 3D print working Klingon disruptors.

8f83685a No.3747248


Why do 1960's sci-fi energy weapons have long barrels?

Why do 1990's phasers look like were stolen from Hoover?

b2aad7c6 No.3747284

Didnt Imperial Stormtroopers sometimes carry MG-34s, with their long barrels?

489f79f4 No.3747294

Anybody excited for the Urutau and FTN.4? Would be cool if somebody could add a flapper delay mech after it's released!

1a88153d No.3747328

File: 1721355953330.jpg (678.03 KB, 1440x1080, sy22.jpg)

Fully 3D printed semi auto .22 pistol, "The SY22"

373a3fee No.3747331


Passing air from an O-zone generator though a fishtank bubbler into water slowly deposits NITRIC ACID in the water.

Anyone can acquire nitric acid this way.

Nitric acid is the starting point for making modern gun powder at home. (And other really fun chemicals)


5eb6c01f No.3747352

It's shit. SHIIIITTTTT!!!!!!

Somebody please join the Y22HH beta and push for release. It's already fucking done at this point, HH is just a lazy fucktard that doesn't respond to devs or admins.

99e7b318 No.3747610

File: 1721544637301.jpg (70.9 KB, 1050x654, El_Ratto.jpg)

>Somebody please join the Y22HH beta and push for release. It's already fucking done at this point, HH is just a lazy fucktard that doesn't respond to devs or admins.


Are you talking about the "Yeet 22"? If so, it's on Nex Alea already: http://urzthcil4cjyfxqbs2jtjgebuyrr6du7oqsrvw2zgqepj5cqnndtkgad.onion/guns/standalone_yeet22_v3.7z

The only fully-printed .22 pistol from HH that I know of is the "El Ratto" https://odysee.com/@HulkHoganHH:f/el-ratto-open-beta-rev3:a

3e542849 No.3747618

File: 1721559752148.png (48.22 KB, 971x694, ho84num8u64c1.png)

> Are you talking about the "Yeet 22"?
Haha, no. That's SoW's old shit, released before the Y22 Hammer. The "Y22HH" is pic related. It's literally already done, I don't know what the fuck is going on. Too bad nobody's gotten pissed off enough to leak the files at this point. It's been MONTHS and even DD is asking questions (he didn't do shit)

> The only fully-printed .22 pistol from HH that I know of is the "El Ratto"

It's dogshit. It's finicky to print and HH even said there would be no further updates on it. Not only that, but it doesn't even FUCKING work and I have NEVER seen somebody actually shoot OR build one. You'd be better off with the Just-in-case or even the SY22.

99e7b318 No.3747649

File: 1721586801861.jpg (41.14 KB, 414x372, meme_do_not_laser_this_is_….jpg)

The whole "closed beta' thing is pure faggotry to begin with. Anyone who has access to the files should leak them.

I'm heavily involved in the 3D2A community, and I have never joined a single "closed beta." If I ever do, It will be only to get the files and leak them early.

3e542849 No.3747675

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I think that a certain point, closed betas NEED to go open. Otherwise it's just a big fat fucking waste of dev time.

For instance, it's been over a YEAR since there's been any info on the ZM9. GCI is fucking DEAD.

Some good news though: it looks like DD2 got a new admin who's more willing to release! He has been going through some of the stale betas and putting them out there. Hopefully we'll get a Y22HH sometime soon, but only time will tell.

Fuck closed beta faggots though.
> Oh haha we want eyes on this new design we don't have a lot of devs and could really use the help can you help us out NO NOT LIKE THAT YOU AREN'T GETTING FILES POST YOUR WORK FIRST OR SHOW US THAT YOU BOUGHT OR CAN MAKE THE COMPONENTS WE NEED THREE EXAMPLES NOWWWWWWWWWW
Seriously, fuck them.

4b8a501d No.3747680

Didn’t know you were stupid until you opened your mouth.
Second amendment bitch

You can make any gun you want, the only issue is if you want to sell as a manufacturer

f84cbd49 No.3747695

Oh please get a metal lathe and a mill and make a gun that is not more likely to kill you than the target. Oh wait that takes skill.

23f15d56 No.3747725

3c6ad4c7 No.3747738

Oh brother, it's another lathefag.

Printed firearms are fine. Maybe try designing one? Also takes skill. And if you die from a tested and released design, you deserve it for being a retard.

4ec2ac6a No.3747740

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The best 3d printed plastic guns are all still shit compared to a simple steel tube stock gun. If you're using factory built parts in your 3d printed frame/receiver it's still going to be worse than something hammered from an old shovel


3c6ad4c7 No.3747752

> The best 3d printed plastic guns are all still shit compared to a simple steel tube stock gun.
Yeah, this just isn't true. New printed designs are better than Lutys, and that faggot German shooter proved it. 3D printed firearms function fine. Urutau's coming out too, never seen a tube steel bullpup before.
INB4 more cope & seethe

3c6ad4c7 No.3747761

And INB4 Professor Parabellum shit too lmfao

4ec2ac6a No.3747766

File: 1721662729881.jpg (195.12 KB, 700x1048, Evstafiev-chechnya-tank-he….jpg)

Those 3d printed guns need how many factory built parts to function? That retard in Germany failed because he was a failure, not the gun. Chechens didn't have any problems using their homemade sub guns


Khyber Pass crafted guns are far better than anything 100% 3d printed

3c6ad4c7 No.3747769


Zero factory built parts are required for the Urutau, FGC, or Partisan firearms.

And you're coping with khyber pass specials now? Just GTFO this thread mate you have no idea what you're talking about lmfao

687b9b27 No.3747779

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8f83685a No.3747787

At first, I thought the dolls were Barbie doll knockoffs and the guns, GI JOE 1/12th scale replicas along with the money and other shit. No slam on the guy's gun collection, but two life-size sex dolls AND the guns gives me pause.

331c484f No.3747794

Not just sex dolls, but child sex dolls.

And what do they use for barrels and firing pins?

7636073c No.3747838

File: 1721712492051.jpg (125.26 KB, 680x671, furry_3d_gun_printers.jpg)

>'hild 'ex 'olls
Peak Ancap, lol.

>And what do they use for barrels and firing pins?

Any good quality pipe can be electrochemically rifled using a 3D printed electrochemical rifling jig. (see: http://urzthcil4cjyfxqbs2jtjgebuyrr6du7oqsrvw2zgqepj5cqnndtkgad.onion/guns/tool_electrochemical_barrel_rifling_tools.7z )
One of the standard automotive brake line sizes is EXACTLY the right size for a .22 barrel and chamber.

7636073c No.3747841

File: 1721714558278.jpg (80.99 KB, 748x959, ivan.jpg)

>The best 3d printed plastic guns are all still shit compared to a simple steel tube stock gun.

"The Orca" from Hoffman Tactical is a 3D printed AR upper and lower that's just as reliable as a factory polymer AR clone, and with the "supersafety" FRT mod it's the closest thing you can get to full-auto without the ATF having an autistic meltdown.

cf1608e8 No.3747846

>The orca
Uses factory build barrels, gas tubes, and entire BCG
>Smoothbore brake tubing for low pressure .22lr

At which point you're making something no better than a zip gun made from an old car antenna and toy gun

8ea1d3f8 No.3747849

The problem of 3d printed guns is that in countries without guns you cannot get ammo and in countries with guns you don't need a 3d printed gun. Of course there are blank cartriges for a nail guns available but i could not find anything about modifying it or how to make a gun that can be feeded with blank cartrige and bearing balls for example in the same time.

Gun powder to do what? Flint pistol? Arquebus? Without available caplocks all 3d printed stuff is not better than a pipe with welded one side.

29ca38b9 No.3747859

Idunno, what do the the khyber pass specials use for barrels and firing pins? Haha just kidding, RTFM.

TL;DR: pipe shaft collars and thin round rod

4842c9f5 No.3748162

File: 1721958648218.jpg (124.14 KB, 1920x860, fractal.jpg)

>"But what about ammo"
There's an entire fucking guide on this.
You can easily make nitric acid, and then nitrocelluose for gun powder.

>i could not find anything about modifying it or how to make a gun that can be feeded with blank cartrige and bearing balls

Someone literally uploaded one two days ago, "The Fractal":

687b9b27 No.3748165

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What are the advantages of having both a machine that cuts barrels and a 3D printer?

could you estemate the time, cost, and the ammount of materials on custom firearms?

687b9b27 No.3748166

File: 1721959239166-0.jpg (10.38 KB, 200x180, 3497519_airsoft-ak-12-conv….jpg)

You're barrel passes quality tests and you just slap on it's 3D parts like an AK-41.

687b9b27 No.3748366

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6f27826b No.3748379

> Gun powder to do what? Flint pistol? Arquebus?
What the fuck is wrong with you? A matchlock pistol is all a citizen needs or should be permitted to own.

687b9b27 No.3748421

File: 1722158610575.jpg (135.83 KB, 405x720, oar2.jpg)

post here
DON'T Touch This Paste… #shorts

13a992c3 No.3748464

If the features were superficial, then why would you have them?

Reality is, features like a pistol grip, folding stock, flash suppressor, rails, light plastic frame etc. make the weapon more suited for combat shooting in and around buildings rather than hunting in the woods. It is what makes the weapon an "assault rifle" - featured against human targets instead of game animals.

87cb18d4 No.3748465

No idea, but it's definitely cheaper than the machine that cuts barrels and stamping machine combo.

87cb18d4 No.3748466


The silly string mod is one of the best ones though, makes it really fun to shoot!

639a2457 No.3748529

Idiots have no Idea what an assault rifle is.
The MAJOR difference between an assault rifle and a normal semi-automatic is that an assault rifle can be selected to fire fully automatic.

No matter how scary it looks, if it can't fire full- auto it's NOT an assault rifle. PERIOD.

65af62ef No.3748537

Fine, just ban the ammo. 5.56/.223 is a shitty round for hunting, they should just ban it entirely and any guns that use it as it has no use beyond varmint hunting and other rounds do that just as well with more stopping power. Didn't even stop the Texas church shooter either, not accurate enough to take out Trump from 150 yards, exists entirely so manchildren washouts can LARP around in the woods and pretend they have the power to fight drones and guided missiles.

5ad5a3f4 No.3748542

pretty sure 5.56 is made for killing people with body armor and is a military round for ground troops

5ad5a3f4 No.3748543

Also if you are printing out assault rounds you are going to have them blow up in your face. Good thing i dont own a printer and only buy novelty figurines.

5ad5a3f4 No.3748544

any rifle is an assault rifle if you try hard enough

fb64f144 No.3748567

> rifle is an assault rifle if you try hard enough
Fucking lies. "Assault rifle" is a military term. It's precise definition varies, but typically it means a selective fire rifle (one where you can select semiautomatic or fully automatic fire) and also it has a smaller caliber than a military battle rifle. The point being troops can carry a greater amount of the lighter ammo.

Any misuse of the "assault rifle" term is strictly a political attempt to demonize some weapon or other the anti-second amendment extremists want to ban next.

7636073c No.3748587

Nitrogen Triiodide… Meh… It's a fun science experiment but it really doesn't have enough kick to be useful. Nitrogen Trichloride it just as insanely sensitive, and MUCH more powerful.

You sound retarded. Nylon cased 5.56mm ammo already exists. It was one of those gimicky things that never caught on.

Or don't ban anything, because we no longer care; we'll make it anyway. Being armed is a fundamental right.

All the antigunners dreams of a disarmed populace vanish into thin air when everyone and their grandmother knows how to make expl*sives from air, electricity, and boiled piss.

2109866c No.3748597

>Any misuse of the "assault rifle" term is strictly a political attempt to demonize some weapon or other
Agreed. We need a new, less political term. I propose "terror-rifle".

ca70e3dd No.3748606

Why are you here?

7636073c No.3748943

File: 1722700254848.jpg (82.77 KB, 800x518, DeAR22.jpg)

The De-AR22, an AR22 styled after the mp5k.

Comes with stick mags, curved mags, and a 119 ROUND DRUM MAG!


I noticed it was missing sights. Sights can be downloaded here: http://urzthcil4cjyfxqbs2jtjgebuyrr6du7oqsrvw2zgqepj5cqnndtkgad.onion/guns/part_diopter_sights.7z

f65f74af No.3749021

How good are the sights you posted? A lot of the ones I've printed have been thrown in the recycling bin.

2907a71c No.3749052

any good 22lr pistols?

cd2dfe18 No.3749121

Depends. Autoloading or single shot?

7636073c No.3749162

File: 1722869239991.jpg (207.97 KB, 1534x994, standalone_hardware_store_….jpg)

>any good 22lr pistols?

Single shot, 3d printed: "The Deliberator"
Single shot, hardware store: The Hardware Store Silenced .22
Revolver: Pilotgeek's "Maverick" (old design) and "Washbear" (new design), and the "Imura"
Semi-auto: "El Ratto", The "Yeet 22", The "SY22", The "Just In Case"
SMG: The "DeAR22" (Easily made faux-full-auto with the "SuperSafety" mod)

On an unrelated note, the Nex Alea site on Tor has been updated with 3d printable servo actuated apparatuses for dropping things from drones. For lack of a servo and an arduino; a battery, a motor, and a transistor or MOSFET directly connected to one of the drone's lights will also work. ←- all of these parts easily obtained and/or salvaged from old electronics.

7636073c No.3750378

Well, is Odysee dying, or is it being remade with 3D printed guns as it's focus?

7636073c No.3750663

File: 1724007134852.jpg (143.09 KB, 895x719, furry_aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….jpg)

Some guy on Odysee by the name of "@brzydkiburak" has designed, and is supposedly going to release the CAD files for an IMPACT FUSED hand grenade. But he keeps blueballing us with photos but no CAD files.

The photos of the internals look pretty good. Wish we had the schematics for the Russian UDZS Impact fuze to base a CAD design on.

7636073c No.3750668

File: 1724010099472.jpg (29.51 KB, 1009x725, nade.jpg)

I spoke too soon.

Stubbs just released a 3D printable RGN/RGO impace 'nade with full impact fuse internals loosely based on the Russian UDZS Impact fuze, but with no safety minimum-delay.


d1b318e9 No.3752181

File: 1725209340707.jpg (42.53 KB, 864x486, tumansky.jpg)

20f44854 No.3752185

File: 1725209577069.jpg (293.19 KB, 1920x1080, flashybangy.jpg)

BrzydkiBurak finally released his impact fused flashbang.


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