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edfe0b9d No.3745700[Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread: >>3744130

This is the only politics thread. Any others created will be deleted. Political discussion is allowed in existing threads, just don't be a spammy bitch about it.

5a81058d No.3745703

Just a reminder that everything 3B posts here using his proxies is either misinformation or an outright lie.

25ad7aba No.3745705

Someone has been confusing that spamming racist nigger with 3B. They are different assholes and their posting styles are very different.

b0c39cb9 No.3745712

File: 1720313248866.jpeg (113.18 KB, 526x526, IMG_5611.jpeg)

be1427b0 No.3745713


Churchill also said, after the end of WW2, "The next wave of fascists will call themselves, anti-fascists." Man was wiser and had greater vision than any politician alive today.

d775d02f No.3745714

File: 1720319462591-0.png (1.19 MB, 1333x2000, pokermans12.png)

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You know who says they are the anti-fascists a lot these days?

People who self identify themselves as communists. Because Russia/USSR defeated nazi germany. And lost the most people trying to kill off the Nazi.

192a7291 No.3745715

File: 1720319844194.jpg (141.3 KB, 1280x906, 0fd5f0fdc5602c5abe3cd58563….jpg)

German antifa predates the Nazi party, and necessitated it. They were kike-led terrorists and communists, just like they are today.

Churchill was a jewish pawn who doomed his country to what it is today where it is ruled by internationalist parasites.

d775d02f No.3745723

File: 1720324536949-0.png (360.18 KB, 1312x330, 90543.png)

95110611 No.3745726

peepoe poepee poope pope

797293ca No.3745738

File: 1720333863534.jpg (65.65 KB, 500x254, Churchill-quotes.jpg)

Churchill never said that. It's made up.

d775d02f No.3745739

File: 1720341344388-0.png (316.24 KB, 1287x302, Biden_busters.png)

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5609d9e5 No.3745740

Hi, 3B,
Love your new ID: de8c5d4f
Why are you still alive?

c4bdc4f3 No.3745757

File: 1720348590730.jpeg (317.12 KB, 1287x1334, IMG_5621.jpeg)

Grope attacks are real, anyone who doesn’t believe tabloids is a psychopath

95110611 No.3745758

your entire life is a grope attack

5609d9e5 No.3745761

Why are you still alive,?

5609d9e5 No.3745762

Why has somebody not killed you by now for being such a horrible piece of human garbage?

5609d9e5 No.3745764

Seriously, why are you still alive?
Why has nobody curb-stomped your head by now?

7d845578 No.3745768

File: 1720351989756.png (297.03 KB, 884x377, Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 0….png)

befe88aa No.3745787

File: 1720363949423.jpeg (236.07 KB, 941x941, IMG_5461.jpeg)

797293ca No.3745806

Because people like you talk big but never do anything. At your core, you're a great big coward.

797293ca No.3745807

The great thing about that law is that they can't specify which Bible. That would be unconstitutional. Teachers can bring in any kind of Bible they want to satisfy the requirements. The engineers Bible, the typing Bible, the satanic Bible, the pasta making Bible, they all meet the qualifications.

797293ca No.3745809

You know it's funny, how conservatives think that gay men are pedophiles and part of a giant conspiracy to rape kids, yet they also believe that little girls are being taken from their homes by illegals to be sold into sex slavery. Why would gay men want a little girls as sex slaves?

befe88aa No.3745818

File: 1720376755199.jpeg (1.16 MB, 862x2010, IMG_5625.jpeg)

Leftoids will boldfaced lie about Christians.
When their lies are proven to be lies they will be unrepentant and whisper among themselves
“It’s fine” , “ it COULD have been true”, “they still deserved it about something else”

In short they believe guilty untill proven innocent
Or guilty because I don’t like you.

befe88aa No.3745819

Who says that illegals are stealing girls to sell to gays?!?

Illegals/coyotes are raping kids who are crossing the boarder, 1 out of 3 kids do NOT belong to the person they are traveling with(kids are rented out so border patrol immediately lets them go because ‘kids in cages’)

a0771ef1 No.3745828

But the Left always claims we're "violent terrorists."
Make up your mind.

192a7291 No.3745835

File: 1720386925988.png (100.87 KB, 609x602, a37d8aadf8ccba811dba57fc11….png)

It's unfortunate that the faggots in the media seem intent on framing all gay men as the stereotypical pride parade attendees and the trannies who read books to kids.

The LGBT activists are setting back actual gay rights by decades, but of course they enjoy that. They are career activists who would be out of a job if they actually achieved their proclaimed goals.

As a raging homo myself, FFFFUUUCK the gay rights activists.

192a7291 No.3745838

File: 1720387251798-0.jpg (61.16 KB, 681x900, 8bf525de8b4e50a916a8bef8e7….jpg)

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192a7291 No.3745839

They burned down something like 80 churches as a result of these lies.

a0771ef1 No.3745862

Donald Trump, by LAW, is not a convicted felon until when and if he is SENTENCED by a judge.
Based on the Supreme Court ruling, he WILL NOT be sentenced on 7-11 as originally planned (you don't get that free orange slushie you were looking forward to), and possibly NEVER.

a0771ef1 No.3745864

Why has someone not driven a wooden stake through your evil black heart and filled your mouth with garlic?

a0771ef1 No.3745866

Don’t waste your time with ID: de8c5d4f (3B). The troll behind the ID is a glib, arrogant miscreant that “gigs” their way through life and is convinced all wealthy people stole it.. in any argument they will try to throw their post secondary educational “credentials” at you as some “drop the mic” moment in the argument. The truth is they are a two dimensional thinker so angry and so self hating they want to share the pain that is their very existence. Don’t play..

95110611 No.3745875

according to dems only governments can be overthrown by fencejumpers

befe88aa No.3745880

File: 1720398145694.png (1.64 MB, 1280x885, IMG_4229.png)

It is the admitted goal of the left to spew as many lies and misinformation as possible. They hope you can’t recognize the truth anymore. But please, explain how Trump is a communist

842490f5 No.3745883

File: 1720398718022.png (3.59 MB, 1500x1420, 96543433.png)


Really Trump is going to start talking Marx like the lefty schools teach? He's going to talk about how bad nationalism is. And how the rich are the enemy of the people?

befe88aa No.3745888

File: 1720402692642.jpeg (222.21 KB, 908x1280, IMG_5626.jpeg)

Another flawless argument, I am as defeated as your sex life

befe88aa No.3745892

File: 1720404729820.gif (1.01 MB, 640x640, IMG_5627.gif)

CNN… pro Trump
ANY of them pro Trump XDDDD

The dems have realized the cat is out of the bag and Biden can’t beat Trump (while maintaining the illusion of fair elections) so now they are trying to oust him last minute (the DNC/swamp wants a last minute switch after debating is done)

befe88aa No.3745896

File: 1720407819730.png (1.14 MB, 651x2000, a 06.png)

Another flawless insight, how do you keep such potent venom from killing yourself?!?

a5c7e391 No.3745905


This "Trump can do no wrong" phanboi will gladly join in another Capitol Hill riot, where we saw the "law and order" assholes vandalizing anything they wanted to.

Bunch of inbred white trash.

fcd9163a No.3745908

Biden will not even be on the ballot,
The Dems are working feverishly to get rid of him.
Do you not read the news or something?

37de90e3 No.3745911

File: 1720420199894.png (857.53 KB, 2000x2000, 4972694_DrJavi_kondansfw_p….png)

I do not live in USA and mostly just roll my eyes and tldr US politics so my knowledge is superficial, but I have impression Democrats in few previous elections rather have a zombie as candidate and risk losing elections rather than have someone who is not firmly in estabilishment. Except now Democrats are facing an opposing popular candidate who if winning will be effectively an elected king above law and intends to dismantle any government protection systems hindering his policies. And his party is recruiting and training people in advance to help in that goal. Exiting, isn't it.

Am I missing anything?

(I don't live in US and can't vote there. Life goes on elsewhere no matter who wins so I do not have strong opinion about that.)

fcd9163a No.3745912

>>Am I missing anything?
Yes. The Democrats and their policies and agendas and actions FUELED Trump's rise to power and CAUSED him to be re-elected.
Something to think about, isn't it. But absolutely true.
Thank you for your input.

95110611 No.3745913

the king shit is always the president

1eb5234f No.3745914

File: 1720430897843.png (454.63 KB, 904x652, IMG_3889.png)

Agent provocateurs were in the capital or do you actually think the gun owning conservatives actually tried to overthrow the government without a single gun amongst them?

1eb5234f No.3745915

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7fe4d9f1 No.3745916

File: 1720434442569.webm (1.22 MB, 240x240, 1aMrOLX5joPrlq7T.webm)

192a7291 No.3745918

File: 1720438376742.png (1.8 MB, 1500x1046, 4694298780ed8135f486b01ada….png)

>We rigged an election and suddenly the law and order guys are all rowdy and unruly. Hypocrites much?

Also this lol. The FBI refuses to say how many agents it had at the rally. People in FBI issue boots who the FBI can't identify all standing near a fake pipe bomb, etc.

95110611 No.3745921

Edgelords get the Society they deserve.

f4dbf440 No.3745925

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True. Regardless what type of "protest" it is. There will be undercover enforcer prepared.

Speaking of which. If Trump win, is he going to jail Pence or is he going to hang him?

468be846 No.3745927

Note to everyone, keep in mind that all this shit is coming from 3B and no place else, you know if there was the slightest chance it were true, the leftist media, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, CBS, etc. would be broadcasting it 24/7. But you can't even find a peep about anything like this on them. Funny that.The leftist media has turned against Biden, so they must be protecting Trump! Yeah, that's it, right 3B.

468be846 No.3745930

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Yeah, ONE nutcase went over the cliff.
And it was the right that had her arrested because the left wouldn't.
Nobody does dat dere violence like minorities and NigNogs.
Funny how you can always tell it's a NigNog just from the shadow
or silhouette.
They're not human.


468be846 No.3745931

The Constitution does not ALLOW for any president to become a dictator, regardless of the circumstances.
Are you really so stupid that you didn't know that?
Yes, I believe you are.

468be846 No.3745934

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468be846 No.3745935

Why isn't the leftist MSM reporting it then?
That's the one question you can't answer, isn't it.

6078d5a4 No.3745942

File: 1720451101487.jpeg (753.82 KB, 1170x1682, IMG_5629.jpeg)

Nope, but I do remember when Boston children’s hospital was caught performing hysterectomys on children


28428284 No.3745943


the claim is false.

More right wing lies to justify their white hatred for anyone different than their toothless trailer trash

28428284 No.3745944

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6078d5a4 No.3745945

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0d4c8f24 No.3745946

File: 1720452139387.png (924.19 KB, 1291x783, Joe.png)


Almost no one cares this election who's the racist, who's the sex predator, who's the felon, etc

But everyone keeps acting like its a big thing that'll cancel the other guy.

6078d5a4 No.3745947

File: 1720452168515.jpeg (404.87 KB, 1170x921, IMG_5630.jpeg)

Your own article admits the truth!!!!

0d4c8f24 No.3745948

File: 1720452512396.jpg (257.88 KB, 1280x905, Dust_mixing.jpg)

Yesterday was countless lefties going on and on about How France voted to kick its conservatives out. And they were "Sticking it to the fascists"

and yada, yada, yada.

4276dee1 No.3745949

Damn Straight.

0d4c8f24 No.3745950

File: 1720453947389.png (115.01 KB, 1116x962, Antifa.png)

Antifa is still around and kicking, in europe.

0d4c8f24 No.3745951

File: 1720454167085.png (157.2 KB, 652x231, 90876543.png)

It feels like so long ago, that Antifa was in the news here in the states.

They all but vanished from the news after Trump lost the election.

a4ca97d6 No.3745952

Because the left/progressives/socialist/communists are all bad faith. When they are flying the plane they intentionally fly it into the mountain, when conservatives are in control the left is sabotaging the planes systems.

You may have noticed when the british left the EU, all the politicians and bureaucrats signed deals and agreements that basically subjugated the UK to the EU even WORSE than when they were a regular member.

And most recently when the left was voted out of French elections the antifa mobs spontaneously appeared alongside Muslims.

Muslims are pro left because they KNOW once the Christian conservatives are powerless, they can seize power from the left and create “another” Islamic paradise

a5c7e391 No.3745961


Obviously, because there was no "threat" from ANTIFA.
ANTIFA was an idea, a movement that few exploited to line their own pockets, while right-wing rabble rousers tried to panic everyone with horror stories.

We still see these same people, like convicted con man Trump, he wants so badly to get back into the White House, so he can continue to hand out pardons to his cronies and goons.

And enrich himself, his inbred family and his buddies, at the expense of others.

Meanwhile, the pundits, especially on TV, they are pushing so hard to get Biden to bow out. They want Trump back in, for one reason, one word.


a5c7e391 No.3745962


BTW, the "milkshakes had cement in them" story was false.


60442cbc No.3745963

> snopes.com
Trying to use an extremist left-wing propaganda site to prove a point. Pathetic libtardism

fb2c01b4 No.3745966

Lol fact checking is left wing only when you are a nazi liar

fb2c01b4 No.3745967

Republicans have been assaulting and defunding public education for a few generations now.

They've been building a society of people uneducated enough to vote Republican.

If you're in the right school or district, and you apply yourself, and you get the right opportunities, a red state education will still get you by in the world. But for most student, they won't even learn basic media literacy or any of the critical thinking skills that you would expect an educated populace to have.

Combine that with the fact that a lot of people are born Republican, the same way they're born Christian or born white. They don't believe that you can change your religion or your race. So why would they even vote for anybody but a Republican? That would be like converting to Catholicism.

I live in Kentucky. I have met "Bernie Republicans". They believe in universal healthcare. They believe in a living wage. They believe in climate change and the need to act. And, because they were born Republican, they choose to affect this change in the world by voting for the most progressive Republican in the Primary and then voting for whoever wins the Republican Primary in the General.

4276dee1 No.3745974

File: 1720477209090.jpeg (31.08 KB, 768x768, Smiley-Face-Circle-Magnet….jpeg)

After Nov. 5,
America will be
Barack Obama's words.
Except now it's OUR turn.
And your side CAUSED it, God's truth.
Have a nice day.
And don't forget to tell us again how smart you are.

c3797693 No.3745978

I don’t think you understand how evil works.
If satan says something. The opposite is more likely true

c3797693 No.3745982

File: 1720481346419.jpeg (275.65 KB, 978x1280, IMG_3553.jpeg)

… says the one telling people to pay attention

4276dee1 No.3745987

When 3B posts anything,
Nobody pays attention.

0d4c8f24 No.3745996

File: 1720489829470.png (1.25 MB, 1280x1782, 809765.png)


Him Satan? Haha

I would know my master, when I saw him.

4276dee1 No.3745998

File: 1720490470138.jpg (33.88 KB, 550x545, cool-story-bro-6.jpg)

0d4c8f24 No.3745999

File: 1720490898686.jpg (2.71 MB, 2365x3984, Demonic_Awakening.jpg)

For Satan, thy devil is the most beautiful and awe inspiring. And his corruption is warm and inspiring.

For the white light is the enemy, and the land and the sea, all shall be under the kingdom of the Devil.

And his light shall be red, like the blood of the slain god.

4276dee1 No.3746005

File: 1720493003750.jpg (44.43 KB, 500x500, artworks-000123065968-qr5s….jpg)

797293ca No.3746009

>No mass graves were found! It was all lies!

Except for, you know, the ones that were found…


0d4c8f24 No.3746010

File: 1720494061769.jpg (145.87 KB, 700x900, gay786544.jpg)


The hell has that person done to their body.

How many Daddy issues has this one got?

797293ca No.3746011

Oh, you'll get there. Don't tell me you're not ready to give your pathetic excuse for a life when Trump loses in 2024. You'll die like a chump trying to kill cops because the orange buffoon isn't king of America.

6fe10440 No.3746012

File: 1720494572466.jpg (73.8 KB, 454x605, f7f39d82-6642-4156-95fa-5f….jpg)

6fe10440 No.3746013

File: 1720494594529.jpg (318.3 KB, 1600x1200, donald-trump.jpg)

797293ca No.3746016

>I don't live in the U.S.A
Then I'll explain what happened for you.
Over the last 6 years the people on the left have been saying "Joe Biden is way too old and senile to be president!" and the Democrats have been working hand in hand with the media to convince Americans that it is not true.

The first presidential debate happened and the Americans who don't really pay attention to politics got to really see Joe Biden and Trump for the first time.

The majority of Americans went, "What the fuck? How is this who we have to choose between?" because for the first time they saw first hand how bad both candidates are.

Now, the Democrats (Who you have to remember are the center-right party in America) are now in a position where they need to find a new candidate but they can't force Biden out without losing his cult of followers.

He needs to leave on his own and he is refusing. The Republicans (Pretty much the Christian American version of ISIS) saw how unpopular Trump was and said, "Yes! That's perfect! Let's make him even more unpopular by demanding he federally ban all porn and sex for any purpose other than reproduction by married couples!" to which Trump said, "Come on guys! I'm trying to win the election! We can do all that stuff AFTER we win. You can't just tell everyone the plan now, they won't vote for us!"

And that is where we are in America today.

Oh, and Joe Biden has the power to assassinate Trump at any moment but he's refusing to use it.

797293ca No.3746017

Actually, it does now. After the SCOTUS ruling Biden could literally just cancel the election, order Trump and all his family murdered, take all his assets and put them directly into his personal accounts and the law could not in any way touch him. The president pretty much has unlimited power at this point because of that SCOTUS ruling.

797293ca No.3746018

That's what conservatives don't understand. They think the SCOTUS ruling was a great thing for Trump but it guarantees he will lose. No one, not the poor, not the middle class, not the donor class, not even the ultra-wealthy wants a vindictive man-child like Trump in charge with unlimited power.

Even you MAGAts are going to figure it out real fast. Trump is only out for Trump and with unlimited power, he's going to rob you fools blind.

Do you think he won't take your social security funds and "Pay himself back" for all his legal expenses? Do you think he won't just steal everything that isn't nailed down? Do you think he won't ban everything you enjoy because it makes his White-ISIS fans happy?

No more furries. No more rock music, no more country music, you can only have church music from now on and beer? Kiss your beer good bye! Alcohol is sinful don't you know! But hey, at least you'll be able to fuck your daughters legally. That's a plus for you conservatives.

0d4c8f24 No.3746019

File: 1720498745994.jpg (227.28 KB, 1280x1435, 75hhg.jpg)

All America has been since Obama is





EVERY, FUCKING, ELECTION, someone is the ultimate evil that will end all life on the planet. Because Americans are so god damn stupid.

0d4c8f24 No.3746020

File: 1720499384174.png (1.23 MB, 1324x1540, gay75443.png)


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! -America

Birth certificate -Trump

797293ca No.3746023

Trump wanted to nuke a hurricane.
Trump wanted to nuke the middle east.
He literally said "What's the point of having them if we ain't going to use it?"

0d4c8f24 No.3746025

File: 1720501943223.png (683.97 KB, 1000x1000, 90653332.png)


Well if he nukes the middle east it solves the Israel, Apaic, Palestine problem doesn't it?

And with saudi letting the dollar oil deal go, who is america still protecting there, Iran?

95110611 No.3746026

According to the bible the end of the world is because of the nuking of palestine. So. Figure out what to make of that.

0d4c8f24 No.3746028

File: 1720507187811.jpg (752.3 KB, 2300x2600, 9045432.jpg)


I'm a Satanist, why would I give a damn what a book I've ripped up and burned says.

And yeah you have to rip it up, a closed book believe it or not, doesn't burn very well.

The best use I have for a bible is mopping up piss.

0d4c8f24 No.3746029

File: 1720507933605.jpg (346.48 KB, 2199x3313, Happy_boi.jpg)

Hell, if you wrote the book, wouldn't you write that no one's allowed to destroy your homeland too?

f44c5ae5 No.3746032

i dont know why you care about posting at all tbh

f44c5ae5 No.3746034

0d4c8f24 No.3746035

File: 1720512486590.jpg (59.73 KB, 850x692, 897533.jpg)


I don't know why some of you care about posting tons of lie memes about trump, that no one but the person posting them buys.

How many years of it now has it been? With no one buying it?

Personally I was happy not following politics until covid happened. Now I have to follow politics, because the government has shown its fine with fucking me over if I'm not paying attention.

f44c5ae5 No.3746036

edge lording just like everyone else

0d4c8f24 No.3746037

File: 1720517348391.jpg (1.02 MB, 2520x3360, Yellow2.jpg)

Studying government…

Helps understand morality. And if morality is even good.

Lawrence Kohlberg believed that men and women are different. That there are 6 steps of moral development. And that most women never go past stage 3.

Which is why, no matter how much a country is collapsing, women will keep voting Left. Because what is good for oneself is a lower moral stage than whats good for one's country.

So men move to the right, nationalism, protectionism, anti-migration, austarity, etc in a time of social collapse.

0d4c8f24 No.3746038

File: 1720522446270.jpg (229.1 KB, 850x1189, 8978665.jpg)


Ya'll just care about politics because orange man.

And after orange man they'll tell you someone new is Hitler.

f44c5ae5 No.3746043

i realy definitely care

be1427b0 No.3746044


Because Trump is popular.

Biden doesn't sell anything because he's UNPOPULAR and his supporters don't have any money to start with.

70f6eaed No.3746046

File: 1720529683756.png (4.49 MB, 2048x2048, 80207d2a1946904a34d805b71c….png)

The Spam Bot is back.

b1311a91 No.3746051

Why would you post a picture of Uncle Sam fighting DEMOCRATS?

b1311a91 No.3746056

File: 1720530555923.jpeg (793.21 KB, 3000x2000, 3000.jpeg)


9d8054ea No.3746057

File: 1720532363907-0.png (179.53 KB, 1387x972, sco.png)

File: 1720532363907-1.png (580.72 KB, 1423x511, Taliban.png)

While America fights over shithead and shitmouth. The SCO Summit is going on


All these countries coming together to create trade deals. Great for avoiding us sanctions.

And Even america's old friend, the Taliban. 20 years of fighting for nothing.

be1427b0 No.3746060


For the past 75 years, Europe's defense posture was to lean on the United States for its conventional and nuclear deterrents. Europe hasn't fought a war because there was never an intrinsic need to arm yourselves for war and without the means, the ambition never coalesced. Like idiots, the United States deferred to this because it meant Europe didn't have the means to make trouble. The flip side is if a weak president was in the White House, like now, then the deterrents would fade in the face of Russian aggression, as it has. We're Europe as militarily capable as the US, Ukraine wouldn't have happened. Weakness invites aggression.

797293ca No.3746063

We know you don't believe in reality, DK, that's why we post the memes. Every time we do, you throw a tantrum and we laugh at you. You're childish tantrums are amusing to us.

You're our sad little bitch clown.

797293ca No.3746064

File: 1720538550058.jpg (3.74 MB, 2480x3508, 8d986303c3f8ae053013d98096….jpg)

>For the past 75 years, Europe's defense posture was to lean on the United States for its conventional and nuclear deterrents.

You do understand that not all of our nukes are in America, right? We have plenty of nuke silos in Europe. Also France and the UK have their own nukes.
We provide those nukes as a deterrent for our allies to use if they need them. They pay us very, very, well for it.

797293ca No.3746065

You can thank Trump for fucking that up. Once he announced America wanted to leave the legitimate government lost all leverage and the Taliban took over.

It's like if Joe Biden said America was cutting off Florida and making it no longer part of the U.S., who do you think would take over? The crack heads with the most guns!

be1427b0 No.3746066


Europe wouldn't commit to use of nuclear weapons if their capitals were reduced to smoldering radioactive craters by the Russians. The complete lack of spine to engage in any world events is exactly what the Russians relied on in its invasion of Ukraine. And Trump is 100% correct to not commit to defending Europe if Europe can't live up to its standing force obligations.

9d8054ea No.3746067

File: 1720540063767.jpg (70.68 KB, 850x657, gay654332.jpg)


Course they took over because hardcore muslims don't want feminism and gay sex agendas from their puppet government.

And even to this day, the west is still pissed they don't allow feminism there

797293ca No.3746068

File: 1720540133293.png (1.01 MB, 1011x1222, zg36tbntnyad1.png)

We care about politics because conservatives are insane assholes who are trying to use the law to enforce their Christian nationalism, including making being a furry illegal, banning all porn, and making sex for fun illegal.

I know that last one isn't a deal breaker for you because no one will fuck your crazy ass, but the rest of us are a little put out by it.

797293ca No.3746070

File: 1720540342004-0.png (241.91 KB, 598x524, When-furries-attack.png)

File: 1720540342004-1.jpg (115.73 KB, 750x1000, bafkreihkcgneornuckr5nn67w….jpg)

In fact some of us are so put out by the conservative Anti-Furry agenda that they are taking action against you angsty little whiny bitches.

You dumb ass mother fuckers better realize, it isn't Biden you need to worry about taking down your platforms, it's the furries.

227422e3 No.3746072

>> ID: 797293ca

fb2c01b4 No.3746073

Lol sperg harder nazi trash

6bdbbe74 No.3746078

File: 1720547264339.png (3.56 MB, 1692x1920, d3c67256121b907a742d64e0bc….png)

192a7291 No.3746080

File: 1720548227944.jpg (2.79 MB, 4000x2250, f933871f22f98f76c331a6490f….jpg)

What legitimate governmnet? Don't they vote for the taliban? The government lost legitimacy when Biden decided "Nah fuck it lets break the agreement and stay a bit longer." Then the Taliban, in a show of strength, took it back from the Americans thanks to the Biden regime being weak and wishy washy. The Taliban is the legitimate government now.

25bd7fc4 No.3746082

25bd7fc4 No.3746083

fb2c01b4 No.3746084

Butthurt bump

fb2c01b4 No.3746085

File: 1720552221214.jpeg (55.63 KB, 729x767, i9f4yep1xhbd1.jpeg)

b539a85d No.3746086

Racist nigger bump

b539a85d No.3746087

File: 1720552403650.jpg (31.4 KB, 400x290, Nigger Make-Up Set.jpg)

This makeup is better.

25bd7fc4 No.3746088

358c3b92 No.3746089

File: 1720556691113.png (3.25 MB, 1536x2304, 01280-1871375155-naked_1.3….png)

The AI bot script is broken XDDD

6bdbbe74 No.3746095

File: 1720561930086.jpg (105.65 KB, 512x768, 8a76b251f322296a629b8740c4….jpg)

Pedo Spam Pol BOT

358c3b92 No.3746096

File: 1720563496667.png (908.3 KB, 672x960, 00008-4127717903-furry_ant….png)

I think Rep. Hank Johnson, a Democrat from Georgia worried about the island tipping over is even better


bd9222f2 No.3746099

That's democracy working as intended. It's supposed to be retarded and useless.

6bdbbe74 No.3746101

File: 1720570377946.png (1.24 MB, 1024x1024, 9a87d68519f16843ea9c06d4ea….png)

Pedo Pol Spam BOT.

fcd1217b No.3746104

File: 1720572124718.jpeg (243.74 KB, 1080x914, IMG_5635.jpeg)

Try harder

6bdbbe74 No.3746105

File: 1720572254400.png (5.53 MB, 1840x1840, e697310532e45ef97097ba8e87….png)

Pedo Pol Spam Bot
Asking someone to be banned gets YOU banned.
That's the rule.

6d7467fe No.3746106


Source on the image??

6bdbbe74 No.3746109

File: 1720574781908.jpeg (12.77 KB, 300x168, images (35).jpeg)

Is an AI robot posting Pedo and Pol garbage

6bdbbe74 No.3746114

Point out where I specifically asked you to be banned,

6bdbbe74 No.3746115

Is that like a DemocRAT?
This is the problem with people with degrees in Liberal Arts, they have way too much to e on their hands because they can't get or hold jobs.

6bdbbe74 No.3746119

File: 1720576907238.jpg (70.85 KB, 839x1000, 51DulJ0tYKL._AC_UF894,1000….jpg)

6bdbbe74 No.3746122

File: 1720577487971.png (4.04 MB, 1536x1536, dcb0fab294a974f63686731ea8….png)

Art is by Monkeyelf (previously known as Rahalahx).

6d7467fe No.3746124

Thanks mate

6bdbbe74 No.3746126

File: 1720580651713.jpg (48.28 KB, 504x630, 890b45mz9x07t984xe3jpxt3h7….jpg)

f19a205f No.3746129

File: 1720582448544.jpeg (69.16 KB, 586x595, photo_2024-07-09 01.23.25.jpeg)

6bdbbe74 No.3746131

File: 1720582682727.jpg (111.07 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,101010_….jpg)

6c27927d No.3746132

File: 1720583675529.png (30.83 KB, 1360x1360, femboy7643.png)


I wonder how many Indians in Canada would be untouchables class, if it still existed.

Probably a lot of them.

6c27927d No.3746135

File: 1720584153078.jpg (180.18 KB, 1280x1414, 78323.jpg)

But no matter how stupid you think immigrants from africa, india, latin america, etc are.

They aren't the one that made policies to create shitty birth rates. Aka, progressivism.

So who's the real stupid one? The people dying out and disappearing or the ones taking over other countries slowly.

89d8f118 No.3746138

File: 1720585324335.jpeg (60.75 KB, 600x600, download (7).jpeg)


6c27927d No.3746139

File: 1720585550320.jpg (45.96 KB, 800x529, bimbo.jpg)


What you don't like hispanic brands?

What are you a reeeeecist?

6c27927d No.3746140

File: 1720585684293.jpg (496.15 KB, 1911x2546, 9088767554.jpg)

These are pretty good btw

282a142e No.3746141

File: 1720586609972.jpeg (815.25 KB, 2307x877, IMG_5636.jpeg)

Unsupervised bot posting detected…
Executing LOL protocols…

6c27927d No.3746143

File: 1720587700527-0.png (726.9 KB, 1612x938, ha7.png)

File: 1720587700527-1.png (30.04 KB, 821x310, 765334.png)

File: 1720587700527-2.png (15.08 KB, 760x172, 96454.png)

File: 1720587700527-3.png (33.42 KB, 800x386, 97.png)


This long, long ass thing recently came out. Where they interview Hamas on why they did oct 7th.

6c27927d No.3746152

File: 1720593623176.png (9.83 KB, 764x125, what_if.png)

How crazy would that have been in the news?

7ec009bd No.3746166

More fantasy than libtards imagining Jan 6 was an "insurrection."

85d3e763 No.3746167

The real insurrection was when Trump offered to suck Brad Raffensperger's dick for more votes.

f44c5ae5 No.3746169

mmhmm mmhmm…now kiss

6c27927d No.3746176

File: 1720638692844.jpg (141.94 KB, 801x801, Biden_repellent.jpg)

Why can't we vote for a young, hot stripper thats half naked instead of two 80 year olds.

And she can be black, So Joe Biden has to quit the race, since he'll refuse to talk to her or debate her on account of her being black.

2e830322 No.3746189

File: 1720651357048.jpeg (188.95 KB, 941x1277, IMG_5638.jpeg)

Just a reminder,

a3b741dc No.3746190

ea0f1585 No.3746200

File: 1720663803164.png (888.13 KB, 1365x946, Starmer.png)


If what this guy says is true about the history of Uk Prime minister Starmer. Starmer is not only one of the worst politicians I have ever seen, he is a thread to both american and uk democracy. Not just currently, but in the past too.

And can be blamed for what happened to assange, why our current system is so fucked, why bush and tony blair got to have war in the middle east.

And I wouldn't be surprised if he is a Psychopath who is put in for whatever great war the elites want us to fight in the future.

ea0f1585 No.3746201

File: 1720664129888-0.png (66.35 KB, 799x646, le_pen.png)

File: 1720664129888-1.png (26.19 KB, 789x208, anti_ukraine_war.png)

Meanwhile in France, just like here with Trump. The globalist made sure Le Pen lost and now they are trying to persecute her.

She was not onboard with going all in on Ukraine.

So it seems like things are being set up for war.

797293ca No.3746206

File: 1720670013615.jpg (463.75 KB, 686x915, Southern_Heritage_.jpg)

797293ca No.3746207

File: 1720670186326.jpg (417.65 KB, 887x503, Consistant-Values.jpg)

>and now they are trying to persecute her.

Only an entitled, man-baby, conservative would think making someone pay for breaking the law is persecution.

ea0f1585 No.3746208

File: 1720670654276.jpeg (129.18 KB, 832x1216, A_I_generated_gay.jpeg)


I don't give a single fuck if she's conservative, liberal, or a purple dinosaur named barney.

I care she's not pro-world war 3

797293ca No.3746210

File: 1720674103669.jpg (143.44 KB, 591x563, 270aecf4aab6.jpg)

Unclutch your pearls, Karen.
Putin isn't going to start world war 3 over territory in Ukraine. He knows his own people would hang his ass if they thought that was even a remote possibility not to mention the fact we can kill his ass from the other side of the planet with minimal collateral damage.

598d17ec No.3746233

File: 1720704505358.png (121.83 KB, 1022x938, 976533.png)


So He tried starting peace talks with putin and now, they're talking stuff like this.

f19a205f No.3746234


6bdbbe74 No.3746236

File: 1720708818293.jpg (244.9 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg)

It's you that have lost everything.
You just don't realize it yet.
But you will.

6bdbbe74 No.3746237

File: 1720708901678.jpg (80.24 KB, 570x646, il_570xN.5638497112_khc3.jpg)

Be afraid.
Be very afraid.

6bdbbe74 No.3746239

The /POL/ A.I. robot spam Bot with TDS is back.

6bdbbe74 No.3746244

So are you going to donate too?

6bdbbe74 No.3746245

File: 1720709665136.jpeg (6.21 KB, 168x300, images (36).jpeg)

Biden don't have to go to 'em,
He has endless sycophants willing to donate their kids.

60c8ef86 No.3746247

Biden's brain is mashed potatoes. Democrats need to quit playing around and replace him already. Or else.

598d17ec No.3746249

File: 1720712187000-0.png (36.65 KB, 1225x351, 76433.png)

File: 1720712187000-1.png (105.62 KB, 711x697, 45465.png)

File: 1720712187000-2.png (681 KB, 1366x926, strikes.png)

Now nato is blaming china


It seems like more and more war escalation

6bdbbe74 No.3746250

He didn't though, you're just lying because if he had the leftist media would be crucifying Trump 24/7 along with criminal charges being filed.
The fact that they aren't and in fact don't even mention or talk about such a thing even possibly have happened, proves you're just a lying spammer.
Saying something over and over and over that never happened doesn't make it true, snowflake.
It just makes you more and more and more of a liar.

a21571ea No.3746251

Yeah, or you could vote for someone better than both those clowns and have others vote with you.

192a7291 No.3746252

File: 1720712562094.png (1.57 MB, 2000x2456, d36bb951c37b68de738546dbc6….png)

Man, I wish the left was right sometime. The picture they paint of Trump of the powerful crusader is so much better than the zionist he really is.

df905650 No.3746258

File: 1720715831623.png (5.08 MB, 1428x2043, F_-_pinup_-_dog_-_01.png)


The epstine list get released with a few redactions, there is really only one person who would redact anything, and that would have been the sitting president (Biden)

6bdbbe74 No.3746260

File: 1720716817145.jpg (16.12 KB, 245x344, biden-shush.jpg)


6bdbbe74 No.3746264

How? Because some idiot on a lefty blog said so?
Provide actual proof or shut the fuck up, retard.

c10cd991 No.3746265

File: 1720722113767.jpeg (208.37 KB, 941x941, IMG_5641.jpeg)

I know who I’m voting for now!

78837519 No.3746281

Biden's brain is broken. Major donors have already pulled out. Time to stop gaslighting and replace him. Or else Project 2025.

95110611 No.3746282

economy tanked after inflation what a surprise

598d17ec No.3746283

File: 1720735046476.jpg (126.32 KB, 850x773, gay85753324.jpg)


We ain't even in the real inflation yet.

598d17ec No.3746290

File: 1720739886192.jpg (50.5 KB, 623x974, rio66343.jpg)


There is no genocide in china.

598d17ec No.3746295

File: 1720740685064.png (1.47 MB, 1336x947, 8965655.png)


Its Uyghur, and theres plenty of them.


598d17ec No.3746296

File: 1720741020614.png (869.62 KB, 1396x647, 887644.png)

If it was a genocide why are so many videos this year of Uyghur people, enjoying themselves?

598d17ec No.3746297

File: 1720741417186.png (1.26 MB, 1861x1951, 9988744.png)

The rumors I've heard is america tried to radicalize the muslims in an area.

Like it tries to start coups and proxy wars everywhere. And china stepped in to stop it.

But I don't care enough to go through the propaganda. Cuz american/Eu propaganda on china is as bad as on Russia.

616d6d70 No.3746299

File: 1720742526101.jpg (51.03 KB, 1048x340, IMG_20240711_170157_417.jpg)

192a7291 No.3746301

File: 1720744813908-0.jpg (441.79 KB, 1500x1500, 79f0bc8eee59130a3a363f76a7….jpg)

File: 1720744813908-1.jpg (2.21 MB, 2068x4096, e3394a38c9bba853a99202f4a0….jpg)

Look at this silly person believing propaganda of a country with a social credit system.

3141447f No.3746302

1. America is only funding the Gaza genocide, you disingenuous concern troll.
2. "pay taxes" Okay, replace Joe with Bernie then. Didn't expect me to call your bluff?

87db0940 No.3746303

We had Free Tibet long before TikTok. You really think the CIA is gonna let someone else psyop their cattle?

598d17ec No.3746305

File: 1720747266991.png (1.47 MB, 1024x1024, 3355697.png)


China's social credit system mostly applies to businesses. Its like our credit score.

598d17ec No.3746307

File: 1720749461173.png (221.5 KB, 525x352, bidenism_1.png)

598d17ec No.3746308

File: 1720749697079.png (947.55 KB, 1313x924, 986644.png)


Biden is really struggling here.

b27b2a6f No.3746320

There IS a stipulation for that in voter ID allowing it though.
You're just posting bullshit again.
Is this the only cartoon this guy ever drew, and you just change the words every day to suit yourself, or what?

70f6eaed No.3746322

File: 1720777544041.jpg (78.66 KB, 680x561, GGDTCDiWEAAa0o2.jpg)

What's the matter 3B, didn't get your 7-11 Trump orange slushie yesterday that you had been crowing about?
Because Trump's sentencing has been delayed, perhaps indefinetly, because of the recent SCOTUS ruling?
Awww…what a shame….
It's ok, we'll always remember you asked for one tho…

f4dbf440 No.3746323

File: 1720777950917-0.jpeg (24.27 KB, 474x474, th.jpeg)

File: 1720777950917-1.jpeg (21.77 KB, 474x318, th (18).jpeg)

Fascist credit score and Socialism credit score are two different thing.

There's a reason why US lobbyists exist, and why China prosecute millionaires like AliBaba founder.

797293ca No.3746324

>What's the matter, liberals?! You mad a criminal and pedophile is escaping justice because of a corrupt deep state trying to overthrow democracy and install a dictator?!

Says the "Party of law and order"

be1427b0 No.3746329


You're defending a country that drives armored personnel carriers over the bodies of unarmed protestors that only wanted a say in how they're governed. Also engaging in genocide against the Uighur minority with literal concentration camps and mass murder as well as invading Tibet and violently suppressing its people. This is the stuff we know, can you imagine the tiny atrocities committed every day in commie China to the average person that gets fed up with them?

17be8566 No.3746330

Oh no, the other side figured out they can cheat too! This is a threat to our democracy!

That's the kind of shit every country does. You only notice China doing it because there are powerful people who benefit from you disliking China.

It's like the retards who dog on Russia for having political prisoners just because the idiot box doesn't tell them about the ones in America and other western democracies.

7f73b654 No.3746336

File: 1720793257241.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x2328, IMG_5642.jpeg)


It would be a shame if the early conservatives voted a former slave to office decades before democrats, and the KKK was founded by democrats completely destroying your web of lies


192a7291 No.3746337

File: 1720793631153.jpg (248.86 KB, 951x1280, a9414ed9c469666941f6d3d438….jpg)

It applies to anyone with the ability to influence public opinion. If you release video showing the world how shit china is, there goes your ability to have a bank account and use public transit and ever leave the country.

The fact that you've seen the video means he's big enough to be influenced by it.

264e9c29 No.3746340

Those Republicans are long dead. Stop living in the past, moron.

a1bc9abe No.3746341

Would be nice if DemoKKKrats didn't want usa to be Russia or China

1ed78000 No.3746342

They have to bring it up but then won't talk about when the parties switched.

In their next post they will have medical photos of black ppl with how "All Ns are ugly"

Lol they are a joke and everyone sees it

a1bc9abe No.3746343

No, we will bring up how nothing switched, that's just a myth, and you're just lying.

be1427b0 No.3746344


Really? Please note any time in US history military armored vehicles were used to slaughter unarmed protestors or anyone in the US. Name one time in the US a death camp was established for the sole purpose of killing those interred with no chance of survival. The only time the US has occupied a country was post-war and only long enough to establish a democratic republic style government. Current US territories have held multiple referendums on independence and every time they vote to remain a US territory. You're so full of shit you are goddamn public health hazard.

c3319e39 No.3746346

File: 1720798863746.jpg (24.58 KB, 344x360, 98875555.jpg)


Good thing theres plenty of videos on visiting or walking around in china by tourists who can upload the videos after they aren't in china anymore.

fb2c01b4 No.3746347

Lol lies and gaslight is only for retards and MAGATs

9a0d2c40 No.3746348

Are you so uneducated you can't even spell MAGA correctly?

9a0d2c40 No.3746355

You even lie about us lying.
That makes you a double liar.

7f73b654 No.3746356

File: 1720807112684.jpeg (160.26 KB, 1280x926, IMG_5643.jpeg)

Says the guy bringing up the kkk


9a0d2c40 No.3746357

File: 1720807922954.webm (2.41 MB, 960x960, acf1acca27a29e5e06f2386b5….webm)


797293ca No.3746358

No one cheated.
Trump just lost.
Get over it.

9a0d2c40 No.3746361

>>Trump just lost.
Lost because of the lefts massive cheating, yes
Not this time, were onto you

>>gotta lie and lie

Yes, yes you do. And WHY do you lie, and even lie about lying?

>>trump who fucked a 12 year old with Epstein

Why do you never provide PROOF of this, even when asked multiple times? Why is the MSM not covering it? Are you claiming they are protecting Trump now?

b10a658e No.3746362

File: 1720813984522.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2250x3000, IMG_3052.jpeg)

These idiots already claimed the media is running cover for trump(as if we don’t remember the last 8years of Trump detainment syndrome)

3b97b9cb No.3746364

>Why do you never provide PROOF
He is desperately grasping at straws. Everything they throw at Trump bounces off and comes back at double force.
This is just the next pile of lies he believes will finally finish Trump.

c3319e39 No.3746366

File: 1720816568007.png (76.48 KB, 866x532, 9866.png)

But the question is, how much does he still get without them.

f4dbf440 No.3746368

I never said that I'm defending the hypocrite socialist country. What makes you think that?

Is it because I talk shit about some fascist even tho I also make fun of the ching chong land?

17be8566 No.3746375

Yeah. I know nobody cheated. You don't have to explain it to me. It's retard Republicans who think there are rules in politics. That's why they always lose.

But you're doing the coy "oooh, why won't republicans play by the rules!" pearl clutching thing because you know they're weak pussies you can shame into losing on purpose to try impressing you.

I was satirically engaging with the role play. Sorry for trying to have a little fun ya tightwad.

ab36fb2c No.3746378

File: 1720831767245.jpeg (315.12 KB, 1170x1793, IMG_5647.jpeg)

I hope they do a better job this year

78990e90 No.3746379

Are you ready to kill yourself when Biden wins again in November?

78990e90 No.3746380

How many kids do you think Trump fucked?

ab36fb2c No.3746381

File: 1720833567661.jpeg (376.09 KB, 747x2039, IMG_5650.jpeg)

I’ve never been more convinced of the NPC meme then when reading your posts. Not a single neuron firing behind them. Just baseless repetition in the hope that it sticks.

0eb1d2a9 No.3746382

File: 1720833818855.jpg (289.39 KB, 1664x2432, 91190edce1bea59851fb5c50f1….jpg)

>> ID: 78990e90
You will serve WHITE KINGS.
Oh, wait, you already do, Haw Haw Haw

0eb1d2a9 No.3746383

File: 1720833894022.jpg (394.09 KB, 1024x760, 2deceffe04d815cdc532b2d4ed….jpg)

>> ID: 78990e90
You will serve
or you will not exist.
Take it or leave it.

0eb1d2a9 No.3746384

File: 1720835158796.png (596.35 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240712-214203.png)

Even Soros cannot come close to what Musk can do.
And Musk has already made it clear you will NOT be allowed to spread leftist election lies on X-Twitter this time around.
Better start calling Trump '47'.

797293ca No.3746398

Hey, found a theme song for you. It's the Project 2025 anthem. I think you'll be singing it to yourself in your car. It's very catchy!


f98a1e36 No.3746413

File: 1720885130674.png (674.79 KB, 680x680, 37d.png)

What? They are talking about blacks?

f98a1e36 No.3746415

File: 1720885417819-0.jpg (116.59 KB, 800x1169, 133ea03c329515817302d96c50….jpg)

File: 1720885417819-1.jpg (124.35 KB, 800x1169, 3c40b7c55c7313e555245b8238….jpg)

File: 1720885417819-2.jpg (116.01 KB, 800x1169, 98c7265059a2e438e30f4ec285….jpg)

Looks like the Democrat party sold out again.

f98a1e36 No.3746418

Stop deleting and reposting the same picture DUMB SHIT

f98a1e36 No.3746419

File: 1720887624237.jpg (134.2 KB, 960x729, 7c9.jpg)

You're right they are not like us

c421848d No.3746423

File: 1720892238172.jpeg (211.34 KB, 941x1059, IMG_5639.jpeg)

He is reposting for a reason, don’t be fooled, he doesn’t have evidence or a sound logical argument, all he has is physiological tricks
Look here >>3746381

b52ac149 No.3746425

Shh, shut the fuck up. You're gonna increase demand and jack up the price! I need red meat for my anemia, and I pay enough already!

Wait, I mean, eat plenty of whole grains and soy! Do it for your health, you fucking cattle!


7717dcb5 No.3746426

File: 1720897197756-0.jpg (169.98 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (40).jpg)

File: 1720897197756-1.gif (989.72 KB, 498x253, but-he.gif)


797293ca No.3746427

File: 1720903846766.jpg (169.14 KB, 1125x1288, Blacks4Trump.jpg)

It's probably the same type of thing as "Blacks for Trump" and "Muslims for Trump"

b52ac149 No.3746431

Yes, who I vote for is 100% predicated on labels and identity politics. If someone wears a shirt with a label I identify with, I'll vote for whoever they tell me. /sarcasm

bde40cf6 No.3746435

File: 1720909549471.png (765.98 KB, 1380x962, 999877.png)

dc3b91fe No.3746436

Sorry, I was eating some Mexican jumping beans beforhand

dbfdf485 No.3746441

Hopefully this lights a fire under his ass and he manages to find his balls.

bde40cf6 No.3746443

File: 1720912510701-0.png (595.56 KB, 1488x948, 8877554.png)

File: 1720912510701-1.png (616.94 KB, 975x932, 898766.png)

d1b5ee22 No.3746445

Will he dial back the vindictive future dictator talk from here on? I'm sure he inspired this attack from someone who thought they were trying to pre-empt the next Hitler by doing this.

d1b5ee22 No.3746447

Where's the local advocate for 3D printing guns, and what's he got to say about this? Is this the plan unfolding as intended?

eea45742 No.3746451

File: 1720916507501.jpg (66.42 KB, 1125x750, IMG_3342-3265679.jpg)

b52ac149 No.3746452

Is that a woman shielding him?

ab36fb2c No.3746454

File: 1720917830273.jpeg (136.69 KB, 941x770, IMG_5549.jpeg)

What are you trying to be sexist?
You must be at least this wide to be a human shield, misogynistic pig.

238d1480 No.3746455

File: 1720918530741.jpg (187.65 KB, 853x1161, skeletor.jpg)

>Where's the local advocate for 3D printing guns, and what's he got to say about this? Is this the plan unfolding as intended?

First thing I found when I hopped on the internet after the news broke was some unhinged faggot having a rant blaming 3D printed guns for the attack, despite no one even knowing what type of gun the attacker used…

My official position is that everyone should own all manner of weapons without any restrictions; so it literally doesn't even matter whether the attacker's gun was commercially manufactured or homemade.

Punish those who commit unprovoked acts of aggression/theft/assault/etc. against others. Not their choice of tools.

No gun is illegal.

b52ac149 No.3746457

Not trying to be sexist, just curious. But I guess the bodyguard's sex is irrelevant, so point taken.

No murdering Trump, please. Should go without saying, but crazies gonna crazy.

eea45742 No.3746459

File: 1720920554398.jpg (215.43 KB, 1179x629, 1720919067143010.jpg)

The whole 3d printed gun thing was just retarded bullshit by antigun retards just like the retards claiming he was scratched by secret service or hit by teleprompter glass

238d1480 No.3746460

File: 1720920974308.jpg (41.48 KB, 267x338, birkeland_eyde.jpg)

The gun control supporters dream of a disarmed populace.

But all those dreams go down the FUCKING TOILET when someone like me goes around teaching everyone who will listen that:

Nitric Acid can be made from water, air, and electricity.
Expl*sives can be made from Nitric Acid and PISS.


Fuck the antigunners.
Fuck the left.
Fuck the democrat party.
Fuck the "assault weapon" ban.
Fuck the 1934 "national firearms act"

ab36fb2c No.3746461

File: 1720921795537.jpeg (102.88 KB, 941x573, IMG_5660.jpeg)

I was jesting, lol you must be a t least this thiccc to stop a bullet

ab36fb2c No.3746462

File: 1720921941842.png (4.86 MB, 2048x3072, 00039.png)

You must be at least this thiccc to bodyguard

ab36fb2c No.3746463

File: 1720921977317.png (1.22 MB, 1006x1248, image.png)

ab36fb2c No.3746464

File: 1720922061007.png (5.89 MB, 1728x2304, 00236.png)

Thiccc body guard

f98a1e36 No.3746465

File: 1720922407639.png (387.16 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240713-215608.png)

ab36fb2c No.3746466

File: 1720923044713.jpeg (628.68 KB, 1170x1451, IMG_5661.jpeg)

No matter how much you hate the media, you do not hate them enough.

78990e90 No.3746467


78990e90 No.3746468


ab36fb2c No.3746469

File: 1720923291108.jpeg (107.72 KB, 1392x788, IMG_5659.jpeg)

e4b48021 No.3746470

File: 1720923346945.jpg (334.21 KB, 1210x908, retarded_failure_and_proba….jpg)

LOL! Look at this dumb fucking piece of shit, failure at life.











be1427b0 No.3746471


Here's hoping he was a big Biden campaign contributor or a DNC volunteer. That would be priceless. This asshole just made sure Trump is the next President.

797293ca No.3746472

Someone almost killed Trump?
What a shame!

f98a1e36 No.3746473

File: 1720925140017.jpg (38.71 KB, 667x1000, 61iGKcdcQlL._AC_UF1000,100….jpg)

You just lost everything because of this, and don't even realize it.

797293ca No.3746474

File: 1720925565611.jpeg (66.9 KB, 621x680, GSaEvIsXoAA_WuB.jpeg)

Oh, I agree it will defiantly radicalize Trump's already nutball base into being even more violent, but let's be honest, there not being enough bacon on their baconator is enough to make your average Trump supporter go on a shooting spree.

What's going to be fun for me to watch is how you chuds try and justify supporting gun rights and the troops once word gets out that this guy was a white, conservative, gun-loving, U.S. citizen and a soldier.

a263a2ae No.3746475

File: 1720927838343.jpg (126 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Does anyone have a third though about Hakim?

a263a2ae No.3746476


I saw the satellite imagery. The rooftop is very close to the stage. Way too close!
And it was outside the secret service perimeter.
Then law enforcement just sits there and ignores everybody screaming about a DUDE WITH A RIFLE.
This is crazy.

73702ddf No.3746477

File: 1720928959728.png (457.26 KB, 448x626, GSaZFizXwAAz736.png)


This dude was so ugly even a bullet wound was an improvement

a263a2ae No.3746478

File: 1720929496372.jpg (5.93 KB, 259x194, download.jpg)

Man says he saw suspect 'bear crawling' on roof with rifle just before shots rang out at Trump rally

a263a2ae No.3746479

File: 1720929605238-0.png (67.15 KB, 240x283, shirt.png)

File: 1720929605238-1.jpg (58.57 KB, 720x960, 1679996678701.jpg)

f98a1e36 No.3746480

So you're saying a Trump Supporter shot Trump, 3B?
Ha ha ha
You'll say anything to make the peaceful Trump supporters seem like the violent terrorist left, won't you.
Deflection, deflection, deflection.

a263a2ae No.3746481

File: 1720930163348-0.png (1.21 MB, 961x885, 1720929232918629.png)

File: 1720930163348-1.png (415.6 KB, 877x689, 1720929249405532.png)

File: 1720930163348-2.png (286.98 KB, 389x558, 1720929096793478.png)

f98a1e36 No.3746484

And no one in the media is talking about this.
For the thirteenth time, provide PROOF.
Why won't you?

797293ca No.3746490

File: 1720934213360.jpeg (86.81 KB, 1139x704, GSajE6xX0AAfW6P.jpeg)

I'm saying that a conservative who thinks Trump is a sack of shit shot at Trump. Not all conservatives are retarded MAGA cultists. A lot of them want their party back and killing the head of the cult may be the only way to break the spell of stupidity that is destroying the Republican party.

I mean, for fucks sake, he lost 2020 to JOE BIDEN and Biden is likely to win again in 24.
Even Nicky Haley polls better than Trump against Biden.
Everyone else would stomp Biden's senile old balls but your party is stuck with Trump because of the moron cult.

The shooter could have been trying to save the Republicans from 4 more years of Biden.
It won't be long before we find out. Postmortem pictures of his face have already been leaked.
He'll be identified soon enough.
We already know he's a fan boy for a right-wing gun nut youtube channel

797293ca No.3746491

According to witnesses the slope of the roof was such that the shooter only became visible to the secret service at the last moment. You can see that is true in your image.

People were pointing at the building and the cops told the service that there was a possible shooter but they couldn't see anything till he peeked over the edge and took his shot.

797293ca No.3746492

File: 1720935796210-0.jpeg (88.07 KB, 749x749, GSa77fbXcAA6LpF.jpeg)

File: 1720935796210-1.jpeg (98.38 KB, 1080x1459, GSa_00UWoAAkn0y.jpeg)

The New York Post has reported the identity of the shooter as Thomas Matthew Crooks, a registered Republican who last voted in 2022 for Republicans in the mid-terms. The voting records are public in that state.

The police haven't released the ID yet so it's still speculation at this point, but MAGA is losing their shit over the idea it was one of their own. They are even making fake social media accounts claiming to be the dead guy saying he did it for Obama/Antifa/Biden/The FBI.

I guess they are counting on the stupidity of the average Trump voter to never question the fact that the accounts were created after he was dead.

f4dbf440 No.3746493

File: 1720940336572-0.webm (6.14 MB, 1280x720, MAGA_DOWN_MAGA_DOWN.webm)

File: 1720940336572-1.jpg (62.4 KB, 540x960, 1610674593371.jpg)

Eh, one way or another, they're going to use the incident to their advantage anyway.

f98a1e36 No.3746494

Antifa scum posing as a Republican.
But most likely not even the right person.
Please refer to this:

f98a1e36 No.3746495

File: 1720943569898.png (512.76 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240713-122302.png)

c433b879 No.3746496

Trump did get mortally wounded, so at least we know he is not the Beast.

5de7fb91 No.3746497

Don't leftists register as Republicans in some states so they can fuck with the primaries?

That's a thing down there, right?

797293ca No.3746498

Yes, he totally traveled back in time and voted for Republicans just to make you personally look bad. That is totally a real thing that happened!

797293ca No.3746499

When they do they don't usually vote for the republicans in the real elections. He voted Republican in the mid-terms. It's on the public record.

He's one of yours. Again though, we don't know for sure if this is the shooter. It's just a news story so far. Wait for the cops or the FBI to confirm his identity before you start any crazy conspiracy nonsense.

797293ca No.3746500

File: 1720948900590.png (288.52 KB, 612x380, mortally-wounded.png)

>Mortally wounded…

95110611 No.3746505

imagine being that one guy that was always like asking it to happen and then it does :-) uh oh bro.

70f6eaed No.3746506

If the little Antifa plant is only 20 now then he was just BARELY old enough to vote in 2022.
That's very telling.
Of course he's not anything now, except worm food.
Har Har Har


95110611 No.3746507

or immediately going to discord to vent about how it got botched in front of all your 'friends' also

95110611 No.3746508

he must have been obvious cuz that does not normally sound obvious

f98a1e36 No.3746509

File: 1720952808740.png (753.84 KB, 985x555, 9d37ff9f-a0b4-406d-b244-69….png)

Do you feel LUCKY?

049a7b02 No.3746511

File: 1720956075001-0.webm (6.14 MB, 1280x720, 1720940336572-0.webm)

File: 1720956075001-1.jpg (779.92 KB, 3000x2001, SWNS_DC_CAPITOL_11.jpg)

File: 1720956075001-2.jpg (62.4 KB, 540x960, 1720940336572-1.jpg)

File: 1720956075001-3.jpg (858.02 KB, 1079x2103, Screenshot_20240714-191420….jpg)

File: 1720956075001-4.jpeg (98.38 KB, 1080x1459, 1720935796210-1.jpeg)

Do you think think these two feels VERY LUCKY at that time???

192a7291 No.3746512

File: 1720956141625.png (1.88 MB, 1000x1666, e975435a8d4cb3dc9420a36c04….png)

There seem to have been multiple reports to the police and secret service of the guy on the roof prior to him shooting Trump. A retired cop offered to shoot the guy for them and the Secret Service told him to do nothing.

Either they wanted Trump dead, or this is gross incompetence on an unbelievable level. Either way, people deserve to be hanged for it.

c20d5563 No.3746516

Hey don't worry about that sniper thing, it was likely all set up by the Republicans to rile up the right & make Trump's base more violent. POS will rig anything to get himself attention, conservatives are dishonest & must put out a narrative any way they can to get sympathy. He only got slightly nicked which means the shot was probably intended to miss.

c20d5563 No.3746517

They're flipping the fuck out because they weren't smart enough to set up their man as a liberal online first. Maybe they were hoping to sacrifice him & keep his identity secret instead? People who hear schizo vices of fake sky people aren't all that smart to begin with though.

c20d5563 No.3746518

>no no it's a leftist despite the evidence

Shut the fuck up.

The fact his ear got slightly grazed suggests it was supposed to miss but the shooter fucked up. Republicans are mentally ill & can't reliably fake anything or succeed in whatever shit they do. But it won't matter, Faux News will spin it, they'll insist this exposed right-winger is "really a liberal" & will push their narrative. They've been pushing bullshit & lies that are always debunked since they called themselves Gamergate but facts don't stop them from ranting their insane-o conspiracies or blatant falsehoods. They hate America & they know their loyalists will believe them 100% no matter what.

192a7291 No.3746519

As unhinged as ever, I see.

f98a1e36 No.3746522

File: 1720963291383-0.png (1005.76 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240714-091334.png)

File: 1720963291383-1.png (317.33 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240714-091406.png)

Registered as a Republican,
But voted Democrat in local elections,
And contributed money to Democrat organizations.
How very interesting that someone would do that.
It's almost like….. Hmmmmmm
The left's bastion of leftist news.

f98a1e36 No.3746526

File: 1720963987065.png (572.77 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240714-093117.png)

It doesn't matter if it was $1 it shows he LEANED LEFT.

Why are Democrats and the left in general such VIOLENT MURDEROUS TERRORISTS?

797293ca No.3746530

File: 1720964384899.jpeg (184.69 KB, 768x1024, Dock Girl 03.jpeg)

>He was a republican who donated to a project to help people vote!

So, your standard, normal Republican then? Trump is the only Republican who has ever been AFRAID of people voting.

Reagan, both Bushes, all the famous Republicans in history have been pro-democracy.

Reagan gave a famous speech (Transcribed here) where he famously asked, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" and won reelection in a landslide.

Normal Republicans want people to vote because the Republican party used to stand for helping the common man. It's only since Mitch McConnel and Trump took the party off the rails it has changed.

1872f541 No.3746531

File: 1720964559228.jpg (88.57 KB, 726x935, fornificators.jpg)

To the last remaining real person or animal viewing this bot/hired-troll thread: Beware any source or calls to corrupt yourself with lasting anger, hatred, gossip, blasphemies and other sins - it can happen very easily and this thread is choking with it. This is a global spiritual war.
Ephesians 6:10-18
10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;
cont. https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Ephesians-Chapter-6/

(Pic unrelated.)

797293ca No.3746532

See, this kind of "You must be 120% for Trump or you are an enemy!" mentality is why the Republican party is falling apart.

You're not a party of Americans with different opinions, you're a party who has abandoned America, everything it stands for, and everything you ever stood for, in exchange for a cult that gives you permission to be an asshole.

dc3b91fe No.3746535

My grandfather did that. Was registered to the other party to vote in their primary’s and voted for his guy in November.

dc3b91fe No.3746536

File: 1720965292802.jpeg (216.98 KB, 672x936, IMG_5466.jpeg)

A hook nose pecked the keyboard to make that post

6264664c No.3746538

File: 1720965978860-0.png (462.36 KB, 639x639, unnamed (1).png)

File: 1720965978860-1.png (250.43 KB, 640x640, unnamed.png)

File: 1720965978860-2.jpeg (46.1 KB, 1070x314, GSckGSUXEAAkQrQ.jpeg)

Imagine if Trump kick the bucket after all that (heart attack, etc etc). All of the conspiracy theorists is going to have a ball for sure.

049a7b02 No.3746543

File: 1720968055091-0.png (925.08 KB, 2400x1416, d54e90e1-7df6-4f38-b9ad-87….png)

File: 1720968055091-1.jpg (116.98 KB, 1320x858, 933ed7db-a1b8-41e8-a6b0-f0….jpg)

Sux that one of the guy I watch got end up dragged into the middle of this. The level of nutjob in the US who prefer "SHOOT FIRST, ASK LATER IS INSANE."

This whole event is nothing more than an unstable person who can't stop blaming someone else over the shit in their life. Kinda like the Japan's Abe shooting.

adca4e30 No.3746549

Wait just a fucking second. Do you really mean to tell me America doesn't have a secret ballot?

No way that can possibly be the case. Exactly how backwards is that shithole of yours anyway??

Wasn't the entire shitstorm in 2020 because of secret ballots?

f4dbf440 No.3746550

File: 1720972843922-0.jpg (39.34 KB, 540x405, 20240714-trump---_190af1d7….jpg)

File: 1720972843922-1.jpg (187.77 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (45).jpg)

I just realized. Did the Rep guy who shot Trump is upset with the Project 2025 after that recent leak?

f98a1e36 No.3746551

Being registered to vote one way or another doesn't mean a damn thing, it does not stop you in any way from voting however you choose… I've been a registered Democrat for 20 years but have always voted Republican…. ALWAYS.
I'd say the little leftist Antifa shit had been planning something like this for the last 2 years and registered as a Republican for that reason only and that reason alone.

be1427b0 No.3746552

Its called registering to primary a candidate. In other words, you register a democrat even though you are politically a republican so you can primary a candidate. You have to be careful that if you're in a democrat area you vote for the least personally offensive candidate instead of the radical nut job. I reverse voted in a democrat primary to get ride of a psycho nut job bitch running for county sheriff. Enough of use did so she lost and a far more moderate candidate won.

40a9856d No.3746554

File: 1720976984864.jpg (235.5 KB, 1975x1113, 38.jpg)

The ballots are secret. Political party affiliation/registration is not.

It is common for people to register as the opposing party, so they can vote in the opposing party's primary elections and intentionally pick bad candidates.

The attacker was registered republican, but donated money to democrats.

a3750a3b No.3746555

File: 1720977590641.webm (1.65 MB, 606x340, blackcock_ad.webm)

The attacker was in a blackrock AD video.


f4dbf440 No.3746556

File: 1720980101559-0.jpeg (391.46 KB, 2999x1694, ghows-PA-51f8cfb9-4dad-47….jpeg)

File: 1720980101559-1.png (460.1 KB, 639x639, unnamed-_3_.png)

afabc76f No.3746557

File: 1720980389194.jpg (36.29 KB, 306x342, meme_top-jammer.jpg)

You seem incoherent.
Are you having a stroke?

f98a1e36 No.3746558

File: 1720981583535.png (291.95 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240713-143904.png)

f4dbf440 No.3746562

Considering how Trump looks in that pic, he probably is.

95110611 No.3746563

he kind of looks like that 8chan guy

192a7291 No.3746564

File: 1720983677038.png (1.79 MB, 1400x890, 6cdd2d203af2bd2fdb1efbf878….png)

What the fuck is Project 2025 supposed to be? Everything I see of it looks made up as fuck and something only a cum guzzling retard would believe. Shit like 'giving nuclear codes to Putin'.

192a7291 No.3746565

File: 1720984011416-0.png (226.79 KB, 635x655, Screenshot_20240714_150543.png)

File: 1720984011416-1.png (1.44 MB, 2426x2255, 49df4a5c88915fbd5592b5b9ba….png)

Oh. Everything not in red is based as fuck, and everything in red is unconstitutional so good luck lol.

f98a1e36 No.3746566

The FBI still claims the motive of the shooter remains unknown.
Really? Somethings telling me the loon didn't like Trump, but that's just me.
They keep using the innocent 13 y/o boy photo of him instead of the most recent nasty video images where he states he hates all republicands and Trump…..and they dont show or mention the video.
Once again, we are shown a mousey effeminate diminutive shooter, conveniently already dead.

797293ca No.3746567

It depends on the state. Some (usually the republican run ones) states make your voting record public.

192a7291 No.3746568

File: 1720987757628-0.jpg (134.27 KB, 1179x626, b293f3af24dea8646b577437eb….jpg)

File: 1720987757628-1.jpg (147.04 KB, 1280x991, a08081042d55c619b5d74abec2….jpg)

You may think you hate the media enough. You do not.

f03d7656 No.3746569

Nobody cares about Nazi gateway pundit

6e783742 No.3746570

File: 1720989402166-0.png (317.87 KB, 738x515, The_bullet.png)

File: 1720989402166-1.png (666.29 KB, 786x448, Trump_attack.png)

I'm waiting for people to call for more online censorship, so people can't be radicalized.

And the left to call for gun control.

"Never let a good tragedy go to waste"

Always use it to the government's benefit.

797293ca No.3746571

>the most recent nasty video images where he states he hates all republicans and Trump…

You mean the video posted on tiktok hours after the shooter was dead by the guy who posted videos today about how he trolled all you dumb ass mother fuckers and thanking you for the ad revenue?

797293ca No.3746572

I know this is hard for you to understand because you live in a fact-free reality, but real news outlets, not the far-right gossip rags you read, have to wait for actual confirmation of details before they run headlines about it.

They can't just make up shit. So yes, when the news first broke they ran the story that noises were heard and the president was rushed off stage.

Later, when actual facts were released by actual authorities, they put out new coverage with those details.

That's how the media is supposed to work. They are supposed to report factual, real, verifiable events.

f98a1e36 No.3746575

And you didn't post a link to this guys TikTok page that you claim exists, so we can read that for ourselves, why is that?
We can all guess.

3f216223 No.3746577


First of all : That photo will be an Icon. There will be statues of this in bronze like "raising the flag on Iwo Jima"

Secondly , the election is hereby over. Trump will win. There can be no-one who questions this. Biden might as well acknowledge his loss and withdraw with his honor intact.

This election will have only one candidate, one choice. Americas journey into the New Soviet has been completed.

I am pretty sure Trump is already shopping wallpaper and new furniture for the white house.

It will be all gold-washed and tacky.

192a7291 No.3746583

File: 1720991989497.jpg (444.37 KB, 1500x1259, 183f0f3ad93a813e7d6015db9a….jpg)

How long does it take to confirm? Maybe you shouldn't write an article yet if you have no idea what the fuck has happened, retard.

238d1480 No.3746586

File: 1720992128649.jpg (327.3 KB, 1440x1080, memri_cooking_b.jpg)

>have to wait for actual confirmation of details before they run headlines about it

They didn't wait for:
"Russian collusion"
"Russian bounties on American soldiers"
"Ukranian phone calls"
"Very fine people"
And a bunch of other lies they ran with…

By Allah, the press are scum.

a3b3792e No.3746594

File: 1720992502820.jpg (60.19 KB, 487x360, journalists.jpg)

“The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”
― Hunter S. Thompson,

e963b0dc No.3746600

Libtard lies, yet again. Libtards are dishonest and lie constantly whenever they imagine it will help their communist schemes.

797293ca No.3746601

Because I don't use china's spyware app?

946392f1 No.3746602

God I wish Americans just started another civil war already.

a8e6a538 No.3746605

> You mean the video posted on tiktok hours after the shooter was dead
> Because I don't use china's spyware app?
So now you admit you don't even use tiktok and you were simply bullshitting about something on tiktok, which you don't use.

There we have it, folks. Libtard caught in a lie, yet again. Libtards lie, always they lie.

a8e6a538 No.3746606

> The attacker was registered republican, but donated money to democrats.
The shooter also donated money to a left-wing PAC called "Actblue."

a8e6a538 No.3746607

> God I wish Americans just started another civil war already.
lol Maybe another civil war would end with nigger slavery legal in all states. One can only hope. :-)

797293ca No.3746615

File: 1721001924384.png (47.34 KB, 349x358, Wompwompwawaaah.png)

Turns out their conspiracy theory that he was secretly a democrat plant had one, tiny flaw in it…

797293ca No.3746616

No, he didn't. That was someone else in another part of the state who had the same first and last name. He was 60 years old and a democrat.

797293ca No.3746618

Trump did collude with Russia. Republicans in congress refused to bring charges against him for it.

The Ukrainian phone call was recorded and we all know he did it, but again, Republicans in congress refused to do anything about it.

Trump did say there are very fine people on the Nazi side, there is video of it, google it for yourself. The Republicans in Congress refused to do anything about it.

Trump is the most criminal president in American history and you are the party of protecting criminals, as long as they are white and rich.

797293ca No.3746619

Reporting is coming out now that Trump wasn't even hit with a bullet. He was just grazed by glass where the teleprompter was hit by the bullet on the way to hit the guy behind him.

238d1480 No.3746620

File: 1721002673191.jpg (50.17 KB, 1280x600, super_happy_fun_drone.jpg)

1. The owning and carrying of weapons of all types, without any restrictions, is the highest human right from which all other rights are derived.

2. There is no action that can not be morally justified when fighting against those who wish to undermine gun rights.

e4b48021 No.3746621

File: 1721002809302.jpg (67.43 KB, 408x446, less_makey_threads_more_ta….jpg)


Nice conspiracy theories.

Take your meds, schizo.

797293ca No.3746622


This thread, >>3746618 is facts. Just because you don't like facts doesn't make them untrue.

f98a1e36 No.3746655

File: 1721007239504.png (485.64 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240714-194333.png)

f98a1e36 No.3746656

File: 1721007266420.png (471.94 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240714-194352.png)

a3ba48ce No.3746659

File: 1721009737906.png (1.35 MB, 1207x1023, Screenshot 2024-07-14 at 2….png)

f98a1e36 No.3746661

File: 1721010345885.png (1.38 MB, 1024x1024, 8bce06805deb122d4496d0fc73….png)

You must be the fox version of Pinnochio

f98a1e36 No.3746662

File: 1721011082924-0.png (343.46 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240714-222958.png)

File: 1721011082924-1.jpg (67.87 KB, 768x467, trump-bullet-flying-768x46….jpg)

A still frame from high speed video being taken of Trump at the time of the shooting actually shows the bullet in flight after passing through his outer ear. Trump was high on a stage and the trajectory of the bullet, as seen here, was far too high to have struck anyone in the crowd. Other bullets were involved, some witnesses said they heard as many as 7 or 8 shots. Trump was actually struck in the ribs by another bullet, but the kevlar vest he was wearing under his clothes saved him from serious injury.

4bc4ed6e No.3746666


4bc4ed6e No.3746667

File: 1721016530457.jpg (56.87 KB, 1200x515, demented old ignorant slut.jpg)

No one gives a shit about what that washed-up has been says.

6e93a833 No.3746670

File: 1721018079220.jpeg (293.51 KB, 1044x1462, fuck maga.jpeg)

6e93a833 No.3746671

File: 1721018181732.jpeg (89.29 KB, 1070x574, fuk maga.jpeg)

6e93a833 No.3746672

File: 1721018244232.png (34.23 KB, 900x252, fuck repulicans.png)

6e93a833 No.3746673

File: 1721018310737.jpeg (305.37 KB, 2276x1576, fuck you maga.jpeg)

f98a1e36 No.3746676

>> ID:6e93a833
Everything you have posted here is a lie.
The shooter has already been identified as a DEMOCRAT registered as a Republican, this is an established FACT
Lying about it doesn't change anything no matter how much you want it to.

956e3d90 No.3746682

Possible. A lot of the right wing feel trump is ruining the republicans. Especially after the felony conviction.

66b76d8c No.3746683

File: 1721044131505.png (951.93 KB, 1894x1248, 1720975103838569.png)

this makes more sense than it should

797293ca No.3746684

File: 1721048163846-0.jpeg (15.3 KB, 153x306, Maga-chudathon3.jpeg)

File: 1721048163846-1.jpeg (122.42 KB, 720x1127, Maga-chudathon2.jpeg)

File: 1721048163846-2.jpeg (101.87 KB, 806x900, Maga-chudathon1.jpeg)

>The shooter has already been identified as a DEMOCRAT registered as a Republican, this is an established FACT

No, there was a person with the same first and last name who was a democrat.

That person donated to ActBlue in 2021 but that person was 60 years old in 2021, not 17.

In fact your own conspiracy nonsense is so stupid that it proves itself untrue if you have even an IQ of 5.

MAGA have been saying, "He voted Democrat in the last 4 elections so he must have switched his registration just before he did this!" because they are looking at the voting records for the wrong person.

It should have been pretty obvious that the 20 year old wasn't voting democrat 8 years ago. I guess math isn't one of MAGA's strong suits.

797293ca No.3746686

File: 1721048503048-0.jpg (229.06 KB, 575x430, Conspiracy1.jpg)

55b83b33 No.3746689

File: 1721049236787.jpg (405.19 KB, 1280x800, GPjR-azWEAEq3xY.jpg)

Keep holding onto that last bit of hope that the guy was a republican and that the conspiracy theories you love to post from fully-discredited left-wing propaganda news sites somehow turn out to be true, LOL

f44c5ae5 No.3746691

Lol my real life is controlled by television and the people in front of its cameras, it said so.

22ab24c9 No.3746692

you cant even reply properly, if anyone here should be feeling suicidal its you

192a7291 No.3746693

File: 1721052343195.png (4.67 MB, 3104x2108, a6daac5e063acec798611d5b72….png)

Hey, do you notice how the bottom of tha banner isn't parallel to the bottom of the image? Do you think the image could be tilted? Faggot.

Registering as a Republican to vote against Trump in the primaries is a known communist tactic. He donated to actblu and is on video screeching at the top of his lungs at republicans that they are facists who should be murdered.

Mentally ill homeless people facilitated by the FBI.

There is zero chance this is true. The secret service doesn't need clearance if they see a threat. Didn't he have to turn around and readjust his tripod before taking out the commie?

That said, they were warned about the commie 4 minutes before he fired. They knew and chose to do nothing. The police, and secret service are culpable for their failure to prevent the assassination attempt.

192a7291 No.3746696

File: 1721053725895.jpg (819.92 KB, 1280x880, c4cc4968551afe6f3450755d41….jpg)

Pretzling? Nignog, it took me 30 seconds to debunk that retarded crap. Get more solid material.

95110611 No.3746697

few things wrong with this pic and definitely does not do the trick 4 me

919158d1 No.3746698

Lol yes the shooter is clearly Republican

434d5a3f No.3746699

File: 1721054407597.png (748.34 KB, 940x470, alternate time line.png)

when you never miss

192a7291 No.3746700

File: 1721054648491.png (523.88 KB, 1116x797, 8bdc1df732f7297e06a8982245….png)


Oh hey, found a timeline compilation. Two minutes between the crowd calling ,"Hey there's a guy on the roof with a gun," out loud and the first shot. The counter sniper has to readjust his bipod and was NOT ready to take the shot. One would think that aiming a gun at the president would be grounds to kill him.

It would seem like an odd rule that anyone can get one free shot at the president before the secret service is allowed to intervene, that you're allowed to train your sights on him for as long as you want and they can't do shit until you pull the trigger.

My apologies. I hope you find this one more to your liking.

192a7291 No.3746701

He shot at Trump. What are you even trying to argue? Why do you think that even matters? You are incapable of any thought not implanted into you by your commie breadtuber overlords. You are the epitome of an NPC.

bd0d85d5 No.3746703

File: 1721056000625-0.jpeg (128 KB, 768x960, BB1q1jUL.jpeg)

File: 1721056000625-1.jpg (467.12 KB, 1427x2048, 09dc-trumpspstein1-superJu….jpg)

File: 1721056000625-2.jpeg (186.18 KB, 945x2048, GSaZ4KmWAAE5pob.jpeg)

Is the shooter a pedo victim? Dude look kinda like a twink. Is that why Trump was targeted, over the recent Epstein leaks?

5bd71e87 No.3746704

And he would know considering he promoulgated the adrenochrome conspiracy and then admitted to making it up in his memior. Hunter S. Thompson was a great writer but like all great writers he knew how pad his work with total and utter bullshit.

5bd71e87 No.3746705

You will never be able to get a job under this manifesto after posting your cuntboys here.

adeb7fdb No.3746706

Lol batshit crazy

f98a1e36 No.3746707

File: 1721060096423.png (495.52 KB, 587x861, main-qimg-9ae5d06f35c20312….png)

Registering as a Republican doesn't mean shit, it's a well known democommie subversion tactic. He voted Democrat in local elections, donated monies to democommie organizations.

f98a1e36 No.3746709

File: 1721060424203.png (809.93 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240715-121744.png)

The classified documents case against Trump just went bye-bye forever, turns out prosecutor Jack Smith wasn't a legitimate prosecutor.
Sorry about that 3B,
Will you kill yourself now?

f98a1e36 No.3746711

File: 1721060744562-0.png (376.29 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240715-122236.png)

File: 1721060744562-1.jpg (87.96 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-….jpg)

Satanic-looking Jack Smith is sweating really profusely now.
Remember Mr. President, "PROMISES KEPT."

42ae1b0a No.3746712

File: 1721060751255.png (2.81 MB, 1030x1500, krystal6643.png)

If only I had a time machine to skip ahead two weeks when everyone stops talking about trump.

Instead of cool news videos its going to be "Trump bullet". And lefty conspiracy about how he wanted it to happen, to win.

b7d0e485 No.3746714

What I don't get is how being shot at is an accomplishment? A bullet grazed his ear, and now his cult thinks he's a martyr.

d8925d38 No.3746715

LOL! THE DJIA is soaring now on the certainty that not only will Trump win, but thanks to the democrat sleeper agent shooting, trump is going to win by a landslide.

Well done you libtards.

797293ca No.3746716

No he didn't. He was a republican, he voted Republican, his class mates all told reporters that he was one of the few radically right-wing people in the school and because of that he isolated himself.

The person you think is him, who did donate to democrats, is a democrat who has the same first and last name that was 60 years old when that donation to ActBlue you are so obsessed with happened in 2021.

Your own party is lying to you and you are gobbling it down like a good little cock slut. Pathetic.

797293ca No.3746717

It's going to be appealed and Judge Cannon's decision will be over turned. It'll go all the way to the SCOTUS.

But seriously, why are you happy about this? Don't you think Trump should get his day in court to clear his name?

Don't you believe his is innocent?
Why is he trying to hard not to go to court unless he's a traitor?

d8925d38 No.3746718

It now turns out that rumor the shooter wasn't the one donating to democrat causes was just baseless disinformation spread by democrat pol agents.

95b68e88 No.3746719

No, you're batshit

d8925d38 No.3746720

More democrat disinformation.

d8925d38 No.3746721

The truth hurts, doesn't it.

95b68e88 No.3746722

K, let's recap

Joe Biden is president

Joe Biden beat Trump

The shooter is a republican probably upset his hero butt fucked a twelve year old with Epstein

d8925d38 No.3746723

No, you're batshit

d8925d38 No.3746724

Lol batshit crazy

f98a1e36 No.3746725

You sure do love leftist conspiracy theories, don't you.
Because that's all you've got.

f98a1e36 No.3746726

Not if the prosecutor was just pretending to be one, dumbass.
No appeals will be considered.

f98a1e36 No.3746727

I wonder what the 20 year old little leftist democrat shooter Antifa wannabe Crooks thought in the instant before a secret service bullet ripped his brains out the same way he had intended for Trump?
Now Crooks is in Hell with his commie buddy John Lennon, singing the sweet notes to INSTANT KARMA.

95b68e88 No.3746728

Lol he's just another crazy republican but you can't brain that so you gotta make him trans and communist lol

With his demolition ranch shirt lolol

192a7291 No.3746729

File: 1721064467949.png (1.06 MB, 2500x1700, 1ebeb2c6c28f4cc9b6b827e4ac….png)

No, you retard. That other person lives in a different zipcode.

Why is this so important to you, as though democrat or republican actual mean anything anymore?

You've got directional brain like there's no tomorrow, only able to distinguish good and bad by left or right on the political spectrum.

0cf3e7f4 No.3746730

[Democrat disinformation attempts continue.]

95b68e88 No.3746731

Neener Neener Trump got shot by one of *you*

95b68e88 No.3746732

A republican

0cf3e7f4 No.3746733


0cf3e7f4 No.3746734

f98a1e36 No.3746735

A Democrat, pretending to be a Republican.
In Congress they're called RINOS.

f4dbf440 No.3746736

File: 1721067221327-0.webm (3.64 MB, 320x240, The-Trump-Epstein-Files-a….webm)

File: 1721067221327-1.jpg (467.12 KB, 1427x2048, 1721056000625-1.jpg)

File: 1721067221327-2.jpeg (24.87 KB, 474x316, th.jpeg)

f4dbf440 No.3746737

File: 1721068524622-0.webm (1.21 MB, 640x360, y2mate.com - Donald Trump….webm)

File: 1721068524622-1.webm (3.42 MB, 640x360, Tape shows Donald Trump a….webm)

File: 1721068524622-2.jpg (24.03 KB, 600x281, b7bc8ebe-598a-4bf6-990e-9b….jpg)

File: 1721068524622-3.jpeg (16.01 KB, 474x273, th (19).jpeg)

File: 1721068524622-4.jpeg (24.38 KB, 474x323, th (18).jpeg)



f4dbf440 No.3746738

File: 1721068792322-0.jpg (1.59 MB, 2000x1333, epstein-comp2-1.jpg)

File: 1721068792322-1.jpg (108.92 KB, 1535x1023, epstein-death-001.jpg)

File: 1721068792322-2.jpeg (23.54 KB, 474x296, th (20).jpeg)

Now we know why Epstein is dead.

f4dbf440 No.3746739

File: 1721068940789.jpg (678.15 KB, 1080x2199, Screenshot_20240716-024147….jpg)

f4dbf440 No.3746740

TBH, I'm not gonna be surprised if most of the REP members under Trump is on the Epstein list of his Island VVIP.

3f90ebcd No.3746741

What was the year Trump become the Prez?
When did Epstein dead?
Do prez has that power to take someone out?

40f70287 No.3746743

J. D. Vance

3f90ebcd No.3746744

Wait… was that the purpose of the Rep project 2025? An absolute totalitarian power where no one is allowed to speak against the Prez crime? PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE?

192a7291 No.3746748

File: 1721073241018-0.png (198.32 KB, 646x668, Screenshot_20240715_154755.png)

File: 1721073241018-1.jpg (143.5 KB, 995x1280, fed8a4e705260de66c5ded31d9….jpg)

Totalitarian? Okay, let me go over it again.

Things in green are a SHRINKING of government power. Things in red are an expansion of government power, and things in blue are based as fuck.

I see a lot more green than red. It seems this is a more libertarian than fascism, the diametric OPPOSITE.

f98a1e36 No.3746749

File: 1721073976411-0.png (492.14 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240715-160150.png)

File: 1721073976411-1.png (261.35 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240715-160220.png)

CNN axed him for having TDS too bad and hating on Trump too much.


And da pendulum swing like da pendulum do…. Hum hum hum hum hum….

f98a1e36 No.3746750

Oh I meant MSNBC, heh heh
They're all about the same leftist shit,
I never watch them anyway, lol

a263a2ae No.3746751

File: 1721074721186.jpg (42.77 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

could we connect the dots and learn from this?

Phone Call with General Eisenhower during Cuban Missile Crisis

a263a2ae No.3746752

File: 1721074910627.png (546.94 KB, 893x588, thicc secret servics.png)

Secret Service Sniper Drops Would-Be Assassin

f98a1e36 No.3746753

File: 1721075903337.jpeg (171.31 KB, 1160x629, download (8).jpeg)

Republican National Convention (RNC) just voted Trump in as the OFFICIAL Republican nominee.

a263a2ae No.3746754

So that was his plan all along just like in the movies but in real life!

95110611 No.3746755

damn, some people are gonna be so mad about this they might just cry about it over the internet

797293ca No.3746757

Once again, everything is a conspiracy theory made out of nothing but desperation and wishful thinking from the right-wing.

They paused Morning Joe's show for one day to make room for the coverage of the assassination attempt. He'll be back tomorrow.

797293ca No.3746758

I bet they'll be Republicans. Trump is Biden's only hope of winning. He's the only one who Biden has even a slim chance against.

If Republicans had picked anyone else Democrats would have had to force Joe Biden out.

f98a1e36 No.3746759

And once again 3B spams his lies.

f0699a7c No.3746760

f0699a7c No.3746764

File: 1721080875037.jpg (94.47 KB, 1280x700, IMG_20240715_145354_782.jpg)

a263a2ae No.3746766

File: 1721081080378-0.jpg (16.59 KB, 480x360, 1721080813098.jpg)

File: 1721081080378-1.jpg (103.05 KB, 820x503, 1721080737381.jpg)

File: 1721081080378-2.jpg (94.47 KB, 1280x700, 1721080875037.jpg)

Did the shooter have modives for financial ruins?

a8de4554 No.3746767

>*faint crying noises*

797293ca No.3746768

All the conspiracy theorizing and political nonsense that the right-wing is doing never once asked, "Maybe he just wanted to be famous for killing a president?"

He was an out-of-touch, isolated, loser who purposefully shunned everyone in his class growing up because he though they were all too liberal. He was obsessed with right-wing politics and 2a rights. Maybe he didn't like Trump and wanted to go down in history as the guy who took him out?

192a7291 No.3746770

Like the gun laws that prevented the crowd from shooting the gunman during the 2 minutes between spotting him and him taking the shot, while the secret service with their guns sat on their fucking thumbs like treasonous faggots?

c0cd04fd No.3746771


For once, lying seems good!

f98a1e36 No.3746774

File: 1721084267428.jpg (13.62 KB, 320x180, 1660213527502.jpg)


I agree, that's the reason they don't want Joe Biden

f98a1e36 No.3746775

He had the gun illegally dipshit.
And I thought you said it was a piece of glass that hit Trump's ear, now you admit it WAS an actual bullet?

a8de4554 No.3746776

That would be certain death. You'd instantly be perceived as the actual assassin and be shot dead as well.

797293ca No.3746779

MAGA chuds are too stupid to understand that the shooter crawled up the back of a slanted roof so that he was invisible to the snipers until the last possible moment.

They aren't smart enough to know how real snipers work. They think Call of Duty is realistic.

192a7291 No.3746780

So the problem isn't regulatory, it's trigger happy government goons? The entire crowd seemed to be able to identify the threat accurately. Somehow the zogbots didn't.

192a7291 No.3746781

Hey, have you ever heard of this newfangled device called a 'radio'? Cops have em! If one cop is told something, he can wirelessly use it to communicate with other cops that can be miles away! It's wild, I know! Anyway, using this wondrous technology, cops near the shooter on the roof can communicate with the snipers, so that even if the snipers can't see the threat yet, they can be ready for him when he comes into view.

People also have these things called 'telephones,' that they can use to talk to the police from anywhere!

17a137ec No.3746782

If you don't want a pedophile as president you better leave America because that's all you're gonna get over here.

At least until the thing happens.

f98a1e36 No.3746783

File: 1721092990117.png (2.21 MB, 896x2048, f31f2645ec724b4a123e9404e8….png)

Hey Nick,
Nice Glans Head.

192a7291 No.3746785

Welp, the more I learn about Vance, the more I'm off the Trump train. All aboard for civil war. Trump would better serve as a martyr than as a zionist in office.

f98a1e36 No.3746790

It's some of the most beautiful art ever created.
I think more will agree with me than with you.
(Watch 3B start posting now denying this, pretending to be other users while cycling through dozens of proxies).

f98a1e36 No.3746791

That's pretty, 3B.
Did you build it?

a263a2ae No.3746793

File: 1721097415352.jpg (52.2 KB, 378x960, 715.jpg)

b10a658e No.3746794

File: 1721098154190.jpeg (314.73 KB, 1696x2456, 00087.jpeg)

I disagree

60218bff No.3746798

> A republican
Nope. The shooter was a democrat sleeper agent who donated to democrat candidates and the left-wing PAC "actblue."

60218bff No.3746801

> they’ve actually seen Trump signs outside of the home over the last few years
The home of the PARENTS of the democrat shooter.

60218bff No.3746804

> The registered Republican shooter?
Democrats register as Republican so they can vote for the weakest Republican candidate in the Primary. Of course, these RINOs vote democrat in the general election.

60218bff No.3746805

> He was obsessed with right-wing politics
[baseless democrat disinformation continues]

In other words, libtard lies.

797293ca No.3746806

Everyone he knew lied, his family lied, his phone records lie, his obsession with guns and fighting the government was all a smoke screen. He spent 20 years on earth fooling everyone, including his family, just so he could take a shot at Trump and miss.

Yeah, your conspiracy seems air tight, bro!

797293ca No.3746807

Those girls are about 40 years too young to be Trump fans.

60218bff No.3746808

> his phone records lie
You don't know anything about that. The contents have not been released yet.
> his family lied
His family never said "he was obsessed with right-wing politics."
It is you lying about that.

60218bff No.3746812

> Republican shooter
Nope. The democrat shooter donated to left-wing candidates and a left-wing PAC.

60218bff No.3746813

> Republicans raping 12 year Olds with Epstein
You're just pissed because you missed the chance to join them. Pedo.

60218bff No.3746815

> Fantasy or just lies for fun who can tell with these nutty nazis

Lying nazi libtards, very true.

60218bff No.3746817

Rational discussion is not allowed here. Leave now.

f98a1e36 No.3746822

He was NOT a Republican, he was a Democrat. Being registered one way or the other doesn't mean shit. I've been a registered Democrat for 20 years and have never voted anything but Republican.
Yet you keep saying that as if it means something. It doesn't. And despite all the evidence that he was another whiney little leftist Antifa wannabe, you keep pushing the false narrative that he wasn't, because you want so bad for him not to have been one of you.
Well let me tell you something if it's not already apparent. Democrat or Republican, you WILL get your brains blown out of you try to harm Trump, just like that guy did. If he WAS a Republican, which he WASN'T, he would still be laying there just as dead. It's just that if he were a Republican, which he wasn't, we would be spitting on his corpse even more than we are.
Let that sink in.

f98a1e36 No.3746824

And you will be dealt with accordingly.
For reference, think of the little antifa-wannabe leftist shooter CRYBABY who registered as a Republican but was NOT who tried to harm Trump and where he is now.
You shouldn't.

c15fd71f No.3746825

File: 1721122732893.jpg (566.01 KB, 4096x1393, trump target.jpg)

Someone should make it more furry.

fc37c220 No.3746829

File: 1721126657424.jpg (127.45 KB, 460x542, 66945f1cc7c2d.jpg)

dfb4c3ff No.3746834

File: 1721137921189.png (1.14 MB, 1334x966, 743.png)


Wonder how big a crowd we'll see.

dfb4c3ff No.3746835

File: 1721138274530.png (299.41 KB, 1427x962, nazi_savers.png)


You kicked germany's ass so we could being the nazi to america


64d76a3a No.3746838

> Especially since it turned out to be a conservative Republican that shot him
Nope. The shooter was a democrat who donated to democrat politicians and democrat causes.

He is what's called a Republican In Name Only, RINO.

64d76a3a No.3746839

> his former classmates said he was a conservative
Lies. You are unable to link to any reputable news outlet that claims that.
> he had Trump signs in his yard
More democrat lies. That was his parents house. Those were his parents signs.

Just looking at the first couple of sentences of your post I found multiple lies. Your entire post is nothing but democrat lies.

64d76a3a No.3746840

> …pro-Trump signs in the family's yard as recently as a few months ago. "There absolutely was MAGA-supporting signs for a while,"
Thats right. His parents yard and his parents signs.

64d76a3a No.3746841

Oh, and the gun the democrat shooter used was owned by his parents.

95110611 No.3746842

testing. this post is a test. things are different now. the ideas have changed. this has been a test.

64d76a3a No.3746843

b52ac149 No.3746845

File: 1721141065151.jpg (95.84 KB, 1102x350, 1520192667866.jpg)

Keep that child-murdering psycho out of my Capitol please.

9b6f05f9 No.3746846

Why can't Democrats deal with reality and need to make up fantasies

192a7291 No.3746847

Muslims aren't people, silly.

b10a658e No.3746848

File: 1721142633889.jpeg (660.52 KB, 1170x1581, IMG_5673.jpeg)

Trump gonna go nuclear on deep state shits as he has every right to do. Finish what JFK started

5bd71e87 No.3746849

Keep saying it and it will come true, right? Let's ignore all the actual evidence and keep pretending that he registered as a republican so he could vote in primaries, and then didn't. The only time he voted was during a midterm election.
Regardless, this wasn't some far-left BLM/antifa guy trying to save the country through assassination like you gus wanted him to be. People on the left aren't stupid enough to try that because assassinations almost always backfire. This kid tried to take Trump out right before the republican national convention so that they would be able to pick a new candidate, probably because he realized Trump is a losing candidate and the far-right think he's going to take all of their guns away. The motive is pretty fucking obvious.

b52ac149 No.3746850

>children too young to even understand religion aren't people

ee9b2f5e No.3746851

I remember when you fuckshits told me it was Antifa chanting, "Hang Mike Pence! Hang Mike Pence!" at the attack on my Capitol. And now you're lying about Trump's failed assassin. I don't know what's more pathetic: your incompetence as assassins or your lame misblaming.

dfb4c3ff No.3746852

File: 1721145020980.jpg (216.01 KB, 1440x1920, sm65.jpg)


You can't go nuclear on the deep state if you don't go after Apaic/Israel.

And Trump is never going to do that.

He's going to get in, reward his 1% donors like any other politician. People from Blackstone, people from apaic, so on.

192a7291 No.3746853

Where do you think Muslims come from?

4f264dd3 No.3746854

They come from frozen embryos that Democrats would have thrown out. Vote Democrat.

f98a1e36 No.3746860

File: 1721146876752-0.png (599.44 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240716-090326.png)

File: 1721146876752-1.png (513.16 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240716-090352.png)

Ive been saying counselors/psychologist/psychiatry shit is/has been a massive money grab/scam for YEARS… its WHY theres millions of new LGBT+ mentals (they ALL use them regular) …. its a fucking RACKET that only coddle and make their clients worse by reinforcing their problem to suck money out of them

They raised their own nut case that was on track to be lifetime counseling dependent -or commit suicide

It starts to make sense tho…. kid registered as. REPUBLICAN at 18 just to piss his parents off or defy them as some teens will…. but in reality heard nothing but Trump - Hitler bashing hate daily from one or BOTH parents.

dfb4c3ff No.3746862

File: 1721147527935.png (109.04 KB, 400x373, Failed_so_hard.png)


Your job was professional counselors and you couldn't even treat your own son.

Ha ha

b10a658e No.3746863

File: 1721147548137.jpeg (218.13 KB, 1170x902, IMG_5675.jpeg)

Motives are starting to come out

60218bff No.3746866

> lol a republican shot trump
Wrong. The Democrat shooter donated to Democrat causes and Democrat pacs. Registering for one party or another means nothing – except to lying Democrats desperate to confuse the fact that the shooter was one of their own, a Democrat.

dfb4c3ff No.3746867

File: 1721149464219.jpg (284.99 KB, 1280x1920, femboy7533.jpg)

"Donald Trump has named US Sen. JD Vance as his running mate, further elevating the Ohio Republican who has adopted the former president’s populist agenda after years of pointed criticism of Trump. "

I don't even know who that is.

So much for people dreaming on vivek ramaswamy as vice

60218bff No.3746868

> And now you're lying about Trump's failed assassin.
Yes, libtards are lying about the Democrat assassin failure.

f98a1e36 No.3746869

That's not what the preponderance of the evidence shows, 3B.
All of the evidence known so far, taken as a whole, shows that the shooter Crooks was left-leaning and had democratic idealogies, despite having registered as a republican to annoy his parents.
If you have any evidence to the contrary that he was actually a republican, other than this one thing you keep parroting, please say so and post links to the sources so that we can verify it.
Otherwise, please stop spamming.

60218bff No.3746870

[3B lying as always]

Reminder that almost everything 3B posts is a lie.

dfb4c3ff No.3746871

File: 1721149805776.jpg (1.28 MB, 1500x2000, femboy83433.jpg)


If you wanna make this spin, why not check if they registered as republican so they could vote for nikki, in the republican primaries.

To see if anyone got the nomination over trump.

I don't care enough to look into it.

192a7291 No.3746872

File: 1721149825736.gif (564.19 KB, 800x623, 8c65a82745b0a9556a560a94e1….gif)

He is an Israel firster was outraged that people were hesitant to send 60 billion dollars to Isreal and he has an indian wife and is best friends with Vivek, having named one of his kids Vivek. He loves both jews and poos.

I told myself my support for Trump would stop if he picked Vivek, and this is close enough. Fuck em. He'd better serve America with a bullet in his brain, serving as the spark for a civil war to fix things properly.

60218bff No.3746874

Actual votes are secret. No one should ever know who the Democrat shooter actually voted for.

dfb4c3ff No.3746878

File: 1721150776810.png (2.44 MB, 1400x1920, Make_Love_Not_Explosions.png)

Every time I see the shooters face I imagine its a potato.

And like a potato, soon its getting buried in the ground.

f98a1e36 No.3746879

That's not what the preponderance of the evidence shows so far, 3B.
All of the evidence known so far, taken as a whole, shows that the shooter Crooks was left-leaning and had democratic idealogies, despite having registered as a republican to annoy his parents.
If you have any evidence to the contrary,that he was actually a republican, other than this one thing you keep parroting, please say so and post links to the sources so that we can verify it.
Otherwise, please stop spamming

b10a658e No.3746884

File: 1721153945232.jpeg (131.64 KB, 941x1061, IMG_4494.jpeg)

So when do we hear about all the sexual violations JD Vance did? Is it going to be the entire cheerleading squad this time?

03bfb186 No.3746885

Unlike your toothless parents, most adults can read.

03bfb186 No.3746886

Republican assassins can't hit the broad side of a barn. We don't need to take their guns after all.

b10a658e No.3746888

Because there is no such thing as eye conditions or elderly people who just want someone to be around

681c4984 No.3746891

That's not what the preponderance of the evidence shows so far, 3B.
All of the evidence known so far, taken as a whole, shows that the shooter Crooks was left-leaning and had democratic idealogies, despite having registered as a republican to annoy his parents.
If you have any evidence to the contrary, that he was actually a republican, other than this one and only thing you keep parroting that is meaningless by itself, please say so and post links to the sources so that we can verify it.
Otherwise, please stop spamming

95110611 No.3746894

this is a terrible idea because femboys are retarded and furries dont have firearms

dfb4c3ff No.3746896

File: 1721156899057.png (3.03 MB, 1440x1920, 765433.png)


When your as physically strong as a woman, you need protection.

dfb4c3ff No.3746897

File: 1721157147065.jpg (472.17 KB, 1440x1920, Deep_diving_Gaydom.jpg)


It'll be great when this transgender movement falls apart. Every post surgery transwoman, is another femboy lost to the world.

A dick wiped out, like it was erased with a cheese grater.

936d7e56 No.3746899

File: 1721157869346.jpeg (177.2 KB, 738x734, IMG_5668.jpeg)

>furries dont have firearms

I have heard many stupid ideas and theories here. But this is so astonishing stupid, I find it hard to believe it was not synthesized in a lab

a8e6a538 No.3746903

LOL The Dow is skyrocketing thanks to the democrat shooter guaranteeing that Donald Trump will be president. Thank you democrats.

a8e6a538 No.3746904

> Republican assassins…
Nope. The democrat shooter donated to democrat candidates and a democrat pac, Actblue. He was a democrat.

7329bcc1 No.3746905

First Republicans try to murder their own vice president. Now they're trying to murder their disgraced ex-president. Why do we allow these nutters to vote?

a8de4554 No.3746906

You mean you and those other voices in your head?

192a7291 No.3746907

File: 1721161268251-0.jpg (50.73 KB, 850x400, b1bc7567e7e5d5f7416ec7d66d….jpg)

File: 1721161268251-1.png (368.56 KB, 848x446, b28141d4e6009766659b10ea38….png)

File: 1721161268251-2.jpg (341.6 KB, 2739x1766, ffb83022901db6c88ad17a99f8….jpg)

Man, the Nazis sure had the numbers of you commie jews.

681c4984 No.3746908

File: 1721161519305.png (460.8 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240716-162215.png)

RNC is where Trump is at.
Secret Service blasts suspect outside all to Hell.


3170eb17 No.3746909

And dead guy was a democrat, I bet.

95110611 No.3746911

3170eb17 No.3746912

Definition of astonishingly from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press

95110611 No.3746913

cambridge in my butthole

dfb4c3ff No.3746917

File: 1721170390918.png (427.48 KB, 981x865, Fucked_up.png)

Tenacious D dun fucked up.

797293ca No.3746919

File: 1721175548816.webm (3.67 MB, 320x240, Yes-Racism.webm)

Nothing exemplifies the Republican party better than when a protestor held up a flag at the RNC convention reading, "No racism. No hate."

The crowd attacked her, security swarmed her, and one of them tried to choke her with an American flag.

Conservatives tell us who they are every day.
They deserve no place in America.
Drive them out.
Put them down.
They are not patriots.
They are enemies.

797293ca No.3746920

Kyle was just saying what we all thought.

797293ca No.3746921

>I'm desperate to prove Crooks was a democrat because I don't want another crazy Republican gun-man to be in the news cycle.

Have you ever thought that maybe he had a family member or friend die of Covid and he blamed Trump because Trump was in charge when it happened?

There are lots of reasons he might want to kill Trump that doesn't have to be a deep state conspiracy. Just chill the fuck out and wait for the investigation to be done.

797293ca No.3746923

New reporting shows that in 2016 Donald Trump's own team profiled the household of the shooter as strong Republicans, hunters and gun enthusiasts.

Yes, the Republicans keep a record of gun owners in order to target you with ads about 2A rights.

Did you really think you could buy a gun and not be tracked? Even your own people are tracking you.


681c4984 No.3746928

You're speculating on things you have no proof of, 3B.
What HAS been proven so far by the evidence obtained is that he WAS a DEMOCRAT.

8ca564f2 No.3746932

> There are lots of reasons he might want to kill Trump
The shooter was a Democrat that records prove donated to Democrat causes and democrat candidates.

Yes, he was a Democrat no matter how much you wish it weren't true.

8ca564f2 No.3746935

> in 2016 Donald Trump's own team profiled the household of the shooter as strong Republicans
In 2016 the Democrat shooter was 12 years old. It was the parents who were characterized as "strong Republicans. "

8ca564f2 No.3746937

> a different man…
Wrong. That rumor was pure propaganda by Democrat activists. There is no truth to it.

797293ca No.3746939

File: 1721180754797.png (233.8 KB, 450x452, Why_Cant_You_Just_Be_Norma….png)

You keep saying that, but it's just not true. You can keep screeching like a deranged man-baby or you can accept reality.

Honestly, what does it matter if he was a Republican? Why are you so obsessed with creating this myth that he's a democrat? Can't he just be a guy who was mad at his MAGA father and wanted to shoot the person his father idolized the most?

What if that's his motivation? You don't know! No one knows!

You are so determined to make this a conspiracy when all the evidence points to the fact it's just a deranged guy acting out his emotional damage. You see a vast, dark plot where there is just people being people.

Take your meds, you schitzo.

8ca564f2 No.3746942

> You keep saying that, but it's just not true
Honestly, what does it matter if he was a Democrat? Why are you so obsessed with creating this myth that he's a Republican?

> You see a vast, dark plot where there is just people being people.

Just Democrats being Democrats, true.

8ca564f2 No.3746945

> First Republicans try to murder their own vice president. Now they're trying to murder their disgraced ex-president
None of that is true. The shooter was a Democrat who only registered for a different party. His reasons for that registration have not yet been made clear.

8ca564f2 No.3746949

> why a republican boy with an ar-15 would attempt to assassinate Trump
Whatever his reasons were, he was not Republican. He donated to democrat candidates and Democrat causes. He was a Democrat. Get used to it.

681c4984 No.3746950

You don't have much above the eyes, do you.

681c4984 No.3746951

Sounds like you have trouble knowing right from wrong.

594aa764 No.3746955

Hey, you can have this one for free. Mention that most people who donate to Act Blue don't know they're donating to Act Blue. Think of it like a payment processor. Funds for all kinds of different lefty shit funnels through it and not all of it is political.

797293ca No.3746956

Yes, and that 12 year old watched his family descend into madness because of Trump. Maybe that was his motivation? Maybe he was mad at Trump for making his parents act like crazy people detached from reality. You know, LIKE YOU.

If his parents acted like you every day that would be a great motivation to kill Trump. We don't know yet, just wait and find out what the professionals uncover.

Stop being angry about things that aren't real. You aren't owning the libs, you are only hurting yourself.

681c4984 No.3746958

File: 1721188141273.gif (379.53 KB, 450x241, giphy (4).gif)

Never Happened.

Post a legitimate link to the article at a legitimate source if it did.

I Dare you.

797293ca No.3746959

File: 1721188183330.png (262.66 KB, 478x373, I-Double-Dare-You.png)

You keep saying he donated to ActBlue, that it's a fact, well, show us.

Show us your "proof". I dare you.

2d15640a No.3746960

>because of Trump
Nobody would hate Trump if mainstream media wasn't a kike owned brainwashing tool that paints him as worse than Hitler and the devil combined.

681c4984 No.3746962

File: 1721188340841.png (653.07 KB, 1000x1200, back.png)

Now go change proxies again and reply to yourself again.
Google it yourself, you've already wasted 45 seconds of my time that I can never get back.

681c4984 No.3746963

File: 1721188447498.png (3.81 MB, 1600x1920, 56ae775024cd3033f7d5f81d09….png)

Try giving someone more than 30 seconds to reply, motherfucker.

797293ca No.3746964

File: 1721188574784.png (411.66 KB, 598x622, Its_a_cult.png)


If his parents were crazy cult nuts he might hate Trump.

Right now there are parents out there making Tictok videos of them forcing their kids to watch as they burn all their Kung-Fu panda and Mario movie DVDs because Jack Black's musical partner said something bad about Trump.

Conservative parents have been destroying their kid's Disney movies because the corporation dared admit that gay and trans people are real human beings.

Hell, how many kids out there are being dragged to vacation bible schools and shooting ranges by their deranged parents?

Conservatism ruins families. It's just like any other cult.

Ya'll are shit parents.

681c4984 No.3746965

File: 1721188780344.png (3.47 MB, 1600x1920, 59186f1a8d8a2f3e80cb1b8c0e….png)

Do you have these delusions often?

797293ca No.3746966

File: 1721188832843.gif (5.74 MB, 640x640, sushichaeng-woman-laughing.gif)

I'm not the one making the claim. YOU are the one saying everyone else is wrong and that he was secretly a democrat, well, PROVE IT CUNT!


e4b48021 No.3746970

File: 1721189839506.jpg (44.17 KB, 520x500, npc_guns_defended.jpg)

Law enforcement should not have any access to weapons that civilians cannot acquire.

e4b48021 No.3746975

File: 1721196184846.jpg (94.17 KB, 1022x743, biden_daughter.jpg)

Creepy Joe having daddy-daughter shower time with his teenage daughter, lol.

Even his own son calls him "pedo peter" in his iphone's address book.

a3b3792e No.3746976

File: 1721196287676.jpg (416.11 KB, 1278x1252, bidenomics2.jpg)

The real "Ukrainian phone call" [Pic Related]

f4dbf440 No.3746979

File: 1721200421535-0.jpg (60.68 KB, 500x500, 8xaskp.jpg)

File: 1721200421535-1.webm (3.64 MB, 320x240, 1721067221327-0.webm)

The Secret Service is taking Trump down.

1c0bfedf No.3746980

File: 1721200771120.jpg (905.79 KB, 959x1094, RDT_20240717_0017187702513….jpg)

681c4984 No.3746982

File: 1721210177208-0.png (409.58 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-055305.png)

File: 1721210177208-1.png (209.03 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-055328.png)

File: 1721210177208-2.png (618.89 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-055400.png)

File: 1721210177208-3.png (452.04 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-055414.png)

File: 1721210177208-4.png (275.99 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-055431.png)

0dbc3699 No.3746983

File: 1721221247106-0.jpeg (29.32 KB, 474x248, th (21).jpeg)

File: 1721221247106-1.jpeg (17.25 KB, 474x237, th (22).jpeg)


If they can edit Trump off from Eipstein pic, they can edit anyone statements.

f5c5b874 No.3746985

File: 1721223004595.jpg (181.28 KB, 900x1200, fem564.jpg)

"The campaign has a lot of Trump/Pence posters left over from 2016 and realized that they'd only have to swap out two letters to make them usable again."

They ain't wrong, just turn Pence to Vance

34e1b8fd No.3746986

Yes the democrat shooter was really a democrat. Tell that to the ignorant anon you screencapped.

ca4c8da7 No.3746987

> Mention that most people who donate to Act Blue don't know they're donating to Act Blue. Think of it like a payment processor. Funds for all kinds of different lefty shit funnels through it and not all of it is political.
That's a good point. FEC records show the democrat shooter was donating to ​the Progressive Turnout Project through ActBlue, a platform supporting far-left democratic candidates.

The Progressive Turnout Project, linked to Crooks, is known for its efforts to elect progressive democrats.

The democrat shooter was not merely a democrat but a far-left democrat, just like 3B.

ca4c8da7 No.3746988

Ah, so that rumor the democrat shooter's parents had a Trump sign was only false disinformation by lying democrats.

Typical libtardism.

ca4c8da7 No.3746989

> Yes, and that 12 year old watched his family descend into madness because of Trump. Maybe that was his motivation?
Taking your idiotic fantasy further, maybe that's why the democrat shooter registered as Republican. Since he was living at home, junk mail from candidates and party fund raising, addressed to him, would show up at his "mad" parents house.

797293ca No.3746990

File: 1721225919892.jpeg (46.87 KB, 680x482, Republican-Facts.jpeg)

This has been disproved. The person with that name who donated to Democrats was 60 years old in 2016.

Everyone knows this is reality but if we are wrong, PROVE IT.

Show us your proof, faggot! You ain't got none because you're just repeating a lie told by fools to other fools so the will give money.

You're being played for a sucker every day by your own party and you're to stupid to see it.

ca4c8da7 No.3746991

> The person with that name who donated to Democrats was 60 years old in 2016.
Wrong. That story was proven to be disinformation by lying democrats.

797293ca No.3746992

The person Fox news interviewed in those clips literally works for the local RNC. She said herself in the interview that she works for them and regularly gives out signs.

You don't think someone working for the Republicans would lie to protect their job?

681c4984 No.3746993

You've lost with this lie, 3B,
Give it up.
Go with the lie that Trump
staged his own shooting or some shit.

797293ca No.3746994

>That story was proven to be disinformation by lying democrats.

Okay, show us that proof. I dare you.

b08725e6 No.3746995

They don't have they only have repetition and lies

ca4c8da7 No.3746996

I have a better idea. YOU prove your notion about the "60 year old man with the same name" is true.

ca4c8da7 No.3746997

> repetition and lies
Nope. It is the libtards who keep repeating the lie that the democrat shooter wasn't really democrat.

The rest of us have to correct those democrat lies. Yes the shooter was a democrat. Live with it or kill yourself. It doesn't matter to me.

681c4984 No.3746998

He can't.
Notice how he SAYS that is true but never links to a source or anything.
Because if he did it would just be some Trump hater on Reddit or somewhere saying that shit.

681c4984 No.3746999

File: 1721227080999-0.png (418.07 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-101242.png)

File: 1721227080999-1.png (257.17 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-101402.png)

Original source: CNN

797293ca No.3747000

File: 1721227477315.jpeg (350.79 KB, 2959x1775, GSmoDrAXQAAkfQQ.jpeg)


Here you go.

Click the "Open Image" button and you can even view the paper receipt for when the person who WAS NOT THE SHOOTER donated the money.

The guy who donated lived at a different address, was the wrong age, and wasn't even in the same part of the state.

The shooter lived in Bethel Park Pennsylvania not Pittsburgh.

You're just wrong, my man. You've been lied to. You can see the evidence with your own eyes right here. Now, the question is, are you CAPABLE of admitting that social media lied to you or are you going to keep trying to ride this dead horse?

681c4984 No.3747001

File: 1721228052064-0.png (509.29 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-060439.png)

File: 1721228052064-1.png (532.06 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-060448.png)

File: 1721228052064-2.png (429.72 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-060458.png)

File: 1721228052064-3.png (516.46 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-060554.png)

File: 1721228052064-4.png (464.57 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-060612.png)

681c4984 No.3747002

You just can't seem to GRASP the fact that what he was registered as is not what he was.
We're not interested in photoshopped documents.
The only thing that matters is that the shooter is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD because he tried to harm Trump, and IN THE SAME WAY he tried to do to Trump, which is tremendously ironic.
Democrat or Republican, you will be just as dead if you try to harm Trump.
Paying attention yet?

797293ca No.3747004

>You just can't seem to GRASP the fact that what he was registered as is not what he was.

You can't seem to grasp the fact that I don't care what he was. I'm just humiliating YOU because YOU are a sucker who fell for a lie you read on facebook and now you can't let go of it even though you KNOW it was a lie.

Why can't you admit someone lied to you?
They lied to YOU. You didn't do anything wrong. Why can't you just admit it? Why do you have to cling so desperately to your conspiracy theory?

797293ca No.3747005

>We're not interested in photoshopped documents.

Those are links to the live webpages. You can go there and see them with your own eyes. Unless you think someone in the government traveled back in time and set up fec.gov just so they could fake the donation records? Is that the conspiracy you are going with? Time traveling web designers?

c421848d No.3747008

File: 1721229429953.png (269.08 KB, 596x419, IMG_5684.png)

Just a reminder, that it was an inside job does not mean it was staged.

681c4984 No.3747011

Not clicking on your Virus

681c4984 No.3747012

File: 1721229873898.jpg (121.2 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-….jpg)

c421848d No.3747013

File: 1721230579967.jpeg (171.59 KB, 1080x1296, IMG_5685.jpeg)

Sounds like all but one of the agents were “temporary agents”

What a coincidence

681c4984 No.3747014

File: 1721230587989.png (778.89 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-113235.png)

WHO was he communicating with?
Corrupt Secret Service Agents who wanted Trump dead?
WHY was there an unsecured clear line of sight along the path from the shooter to Trump?
So many unanswered questions…

797293ca No.3747016

>He had a transmitter!

He had a small car bomb in the trunk of his car that was radio controlled. Probably intended to distract the Secret service while he escaped in the crowd.

933ed2b8 No.3747017

You were so sure of your stupidity. How pathetic that threeb just bloodied your asshole. Are you Aufy?

681c4984 No.3747019

Hi, 3B.

681c4984 No.3747020

Nice Proxy.

681c4984 No.3747021

And what the hell are you babbling about?

3b718f00 No.3747022

God, I love trolling 3B. He is so stupid, it's like taking candy from a baby.

> The shooter lived in Bethel Park Pennsylvania not Pittsburgh.
Hey 3B! Bethel Park is a suburb of the city of PITTSBURGH PENNSYLVANIA. All you did, you idiot, was prove what you were demanding I should do. You proved the democrat shooter is the one donating to actblue. That is his address you posted.



I'm still waiting for that "60 year old man" bullshit, 3B.

I swear, democrats are stupid.

3b718f00 No.3747024

> Those are links to the live webpages. You can go there and see them with your own eyes.
Yes 3B. We all see that you posted the address of the democrat shooter and you proved he donated to actblue. Well done, 3B!

c421848d No.3747025

File: 1721233992880.jpeg (78.91 KB, 494x620, IMG_5686.jpeg)

Stupid isn’t the right word
They are “bad faith”
They knowingly lie and repeat lies and misnformation(see the Obama tweet) while pretending to have a discussion

3b718f00 No.3747026

> How pathetic that threeb just bloodied your asshole
3B bloodied his own asshole, as usual.

1872f541 No.3747028

File: 1721234313631.jpg (492.04 KB, 2400x1790, kidnappingvictim.jpg)

I've been praying for you every night before doggy bed. Let me send you some links to good information, that I've personally vetted and trust. There's no need to shrink even further into some prison/shell, this information gives one new freedom and confidence because one will gain the ultimate body and soul guard. Please just take a look.

Despite this place being a wicked viper's nest, and having an active part in its operation is even worse, I still don't like the idea of you "accepting" a particular destructive outcome, when there are other roads for you to still take. In this particular case, the "certainty" that giving up provides is quite a paltry offering.
Too many people are "choosing" certain death, having given up the struggle to live because of how difficult it was made for people to survive in this corrupted (prison) system we're in. It'll get even more difficult; that was the whole plan from the beginning.
Trying desperately to fix the symptoms of problems, or trying to fix the problems themselves - without addressing their actual root cause - is no way to live a life or improve it for others, and will only lead to exhaustion and failure.
Trying to take advantage of this corrupted prison system by pretending to fight for solutions that'll only raise/empower oneself a little bit, at the expense of others, is evil and will also lead to exhaustion and failure.
This doesn't meant to "give up since it's not worth trying", because it is, but one needs a strong foundation and to not work within the limitations imposed by the world that temporarily belongs to pure evil.

1872f541 No.3747030

File: 1721234462942.jpg (1.17 MB, 3508x2480, laundryqueen.jpg)

When one doesn't know or believe in any other way though, I suppose that actively steering towards the certainty of death does provide a kind of comfort and control over one's own earthly (and spiritual) destiny. Tony Robbins talked a lot about "the power of certainty" - but when that certainty doesn't include the true God, then there's only the false god(s) and their rules remaining.
If only you'd address the reason why almost everything that this world offers is designed to control, murder, destroy and replace God's creations (which includes us), and that we can't actually stop it from happening on a universal scale (although it would be possible to delay the milestones leading up to the world's destruction), then you'd be more aware of God's offer to save anyone who chooses to embrace His offer.

This may mean that we'll still have to accept the responsibility, effects and influences of our earthly lifestyle or the damage that had been inflicted upon our earthly bodies, but our soul will find a new and infinitely better home when our time on Earth has come to an end.
Miracles do still happen, but they're not up to us to demand or bargain for. I can honestly say though that God will look after and protect His children, because I've experienced this myself - even if that protection no longer prevents the premature expiration of one's earthly vessel. We are mere germs when compared to God anyway, and our time as these limited beings is short, but there's a wondrous eternity to look forward to as well.
This is coming from someone who is fiercely independent and stubborn, but ultimately there are only 2 masters to serve and they are total opposites of each other, with no option to remain in some kind of "neutral" middle ground.

I will do for you within my abilities what you want me to - I will pray, discuss religious matters, share healing advice you may not know of, and will do it earnestly and without betrayal. My time of posting anything besides warnings to others on here is coming to an end, and I may just leave entirely if there's no evidence of newfags showing up anymore. Reject the devil and he will flee from you, but only if you want him to - he will poison, lie and seduce you into not wanting him to flee. Avoid playing by his rules - they suck.

(Pics unrelated.)

3b718f00 No.3747031

> YOU are a sucker who fell for a lie you read on facebook
Nope. It has been widely reported by reputable news sources like Time, Reuters, NBC news etc. The FACT that the democrat shooter donated money to the left-wing actblue.

797293ca No.3747038

So your iron clad defense is, "The shooter was from a different city which is near the city that the person who made the donation was from, checkmate!" and you think that's a win for you?

I knew you were stupid, but wow! How do you not choke on the food when you eat? Does someone chew your food for you first?

797293ca No.3747039

Yes, they initially reported it then they stopped reporting it because they found out it probably wasn't true.

Again, you cling to the conspiracy theory that spread over the internet instead of accepting reality that someone lied to you. Why is it so hard for you to admit you were lied to? Is your sense of self-worth so low you have to cling to these conspiracies just to have any sense of self-identity?

797293ca No.3747040

Just admit the truth - The shooter was a Republican with mental health issues. Why does it bother you so much that he was in your party? Is it because you think everyone MUST be loyal to Trump?

I'm sorry to tell you but almost no one left is loyal to Trump. All the people who were are in prison now because they don't have presidential immunity.

7cb06475 No.3747042

It's easier for Trump fans to talk about that lie rather than the other fact about how their furher fucked A twelve year old girl with a jew named Epstein

681c4984 No.3747043

File: 1721240638543.jpeg (46.75 KB, 720x680, hell-has-a-new-member-v0-….jpeg)

For some reason you seem unable to grasp the fact that the little DEMOCRAT Antifa wannabe is in Hell with his Commie buddy John Lennon, singing those sweet sweet notes, and that it wouldn't have mattered if he were a Democrat OR a Republican, or a Buddhist or what the shit, that's where he'd still be.
But it is much more satisfying that he was a lefty.
Hey, catch John Lennon's latest Live Feed, it's pretty hot.

681c4984 No.3747045


See, when you lie, just like this,
That's why nobody believes ANYTHING you say.

c421848d No.3747046

File: 1721240812039.jpeg (130.27 KB, 1024x1011, IMG_5658.jpeg)

You think this extremist(he went as far as shooting the president , any claim he’s not extreme is asinine)
Decided to shoot Trump because he is too extreme?

7cb06475 No.3747047

Tue, July 16, 2024 at 4:49 PM CDT 1 min read

US President Joe Biden is preparing to propose a major Supreme Court overhaul in the coming week that would include term limits for justices and an enforceable ethics code, the Washington Post reported on Tuesday citing two sources familiar with the plans.

Biden is also weighing whether to call for a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad presidential immunity, the Post reported, adding that Biden discussed at the move in a video conference with the Congressional Progressive Caucus on Saturday.

Biden has previously shunned calls to overhaul the top court with term limits or by expanding the number of seats on the bench. Some Democrats have made calls for the changes following former President Donald Trump's appointment of three conservative justices.

In October, a bipartisan group of legal experts expressed their support for 18-year term limits for Supreme Court justices as a way to deter partisanship and improve the judiciary's reputation.

(Reporting by Tyler Clifford; Editing by Caitlin Webber)

797293ca No.3747048

File: 1721241443330.jpeg (55.52 KB, 567x533, GSWpHScWUAA7VrV.jpeg)

We don't know why he did it. We may never know. Why doesn't matter. What matters is you need to accept the reality that he is a Republican and that's okay.

It doesn't need to be a conspiracy.
The simplest answer is most often the correct answer.

Just let the crazy thoughts go and say it, "He was a Republican with mental issues and that's okay."

c421848d No.3747052

File: 1721242864529.png (1.08 MB, 960x1280, IMG_5682.png)

Didn’t he register as a republican like 15 days before the shooting?

c421848d No.3747053

File: 1721242977647.png (525.66 KB, 1079x914, IMG_4821.png)

Trump shooter AR-15 aaaand republican(?)

One of these things is not like the other

681c4984 No.3747061

Hellbumping posts you don't like again 3B?
All that does is make people scroll back to see what it was you didn't like

681c4984 No.3747062

File: 1721245818659.jpg (67.63 KB, 868x1300, 22466368-afro-american-man….jpg)

One thing that they almost never add to these charts is that over 90% of blacks are DEMOCRATS.
THAT ALONE would explain the huge spike in the number of democrat shooters as opposed to Republicans.
Is that RACIST?
SURE it is.
Your LIFE may depend on it.

681c4984 No.3747065

File: 1721246201716.png (370.31 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240716-223255.png)


You still haven't proven anything of the sort.
Link to a reputable news source discussing this.

I Dare you.

681c4984 No.3747066

File: 1721246365607.jpg (39.6 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x6….jpg)

Turns out liberals are hypocritical pieces of shit. I’m certainly shocked considering they picked such a fine fellow as their president, Biden, who just dabbles in rape, felony convictions, racism, xenophobia, treason, and stealing from children’s charities.

Shocked I say.

c421848d No.3747069

File: 1721246817285.png (876.04 KB, 1080x1072, IMG_5232.png)

Don’t give in to the propagandist labels.
They are not liberals, as they care nothing for liberty. Call them leftist or progressives(but only in contrast to conservatives)

681c4984 No.3747072

File: 1721247101674.jpg (605.3 KB, 2560x2560, DTF_-right-to-bear-arms-da….jpg)

>>Coping I see


681c4984 No.3747073

The answer is NEITHER..

Truly 'crazies' are only a few select people.
Like you.

c421848d No.3747074

File: 1721247405607.jpeg (108.52 KB, 1163x1280, IMG_5689.jpeg)

Amazing, every word you said was wrong

681c4984 No.3747076

File: 1721248173698.jpg (441.66 KB, 1184x1690, 2025Mandate_Cover.jpg)

3B refuses to accept that most Americans WANT Project 2025.
People like 3B just want crime, violence, and chaos.

797293ca No.3747080

Vast majority of political terrorism are white, tiny dicked, conservatives.

797293ca No.3747081

The only "reputable" news source you trust are right-wing nut sites.

681c4984 No.3747083

File: 1721257289493.png (242.53 KB, 471x266, d1ch2qu-8da32f88-a8c0-417c….png)

681c4984 No.3747084

File: 1721257458871.png (521.84 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-190327.png)

dee35c19 No.3747085

File: 1721258336451.gif (4.09 MB, 640x360, 98OvjJ.gif)

797293ca No.3747086

Fingers crossed!

192a7291 No.3747087

Are they still trying to pretend that it isn't just a cold?

8927fed9 No.3747088

Yeah. And if the conservatives were in charge the vast majority of political terrorism would be from brown progs.

You really think you said something profound, don't you?

0e94732a No.3747090

N­­­­­­­­­i­­­­­­­­g­­­­g­e­­­­­r­­s­­ are racist and very stupid, true.

681c4984 No.3747093

Add that to the Steele Dossier, The pee-pee papers,
The Russian Collusion, the woman Trump never met that claimed he groped her, and on and on.
Nice fiction somebody wrote though
Oh BTW Biden is dying.
God stepped in
And Trump, God saved.
Imagine that.

877b31b9 No.3747095

Fuck i am racist and not very brights.

That is all.

681c4984 No.3747096

File: 1721265598785.jpg (606.31 KB, 4000x2840, WIEO3HVWQ4I6ZA2YECVBMNK7WQ.jpg)

We will buy the election if we have to,
to keep the left from stealing it.
At least WE will have PAID for it.
And it never hurts to have the world's richest man on your side.

f5c5b874 No.3747099

File: 1721266337786.jpg (339.36 KB, 1440x1920, boy_loaded.jpg)

Now Biden has Covid.

681c4984 No.3747100

Just more PROOF that the fucking vaccine shots DON'T WORK.
Biden had them all.
Hell, whatever's been wrong with him lately and getting worse (physical/mental) might have been CAUSED by the vax shots.

b52ac149 No.3747103


f5c5b874 No.3747105

File: 1721267914317.jpg (390.24 KB, 1440x1920, boy_time.jpg)


When your skill at the Oblivion character creator isn't top notch.

681c4984 No.3747106

File: 1721268015586.jpg (330.1 KB, 1016x1600, stock-photo-angry-hillbill….jpg)

Let's do this right

681c4984 No.3747109

Why do you lie? >>3747074
Are lies all you have?

681c4984 No.3747110

681c4984 No.3747111

File: 1721269680744.png (429.46 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240717-222714.png)

a3750a3b No.3747114

File: 1721269990576.jpg (31.64 KB, 1022x357, arguing_with_leftists_and_….jpg)

He's been doing this here since 2008.

He is literally mentally ill.

681c4984 No.3747116

File: 1721270921768.jpg (99.54 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-….jpg)

681c4984 No.3747117

File: 1721271169533.jpg (183.88 KB, 1088x1088, itt0454372-indict-this-tru….jpg)

1ff28f33 No.3747118

this our vp dawg

we're so fucking cooked it's unreal

681c4984 No.3747122

Lie, 3B.

681c4984 No.3747129

Please refer to:

681c4984 No.3747136

Why are you so vile and disgusting?
Is it part of being a liberal?

681c4984 No.3747158


681c4984 No.3747159


f4dbf440 No.3747162

File: 1721296551993-0.webm (844.03 KB, 360x640, y2mate.com-MAGA-obsession….webm)

File: 1721296551993-1.jpg (458.31 KB, 1080x2199, Screenshot_20240717-173305….jpg)

File: 1721296551993-2.jpg (455.78 KB, 1080x2199, Screenshot_20240717-173329….jpg)

File: 1721296551993-3.jpg (62.64 KB, 526x701, 1623053310327.jpg)

File: 1721296551994-4.jpg (877.48 KB, 1079x2160, Screenshot_20240718-175401….jpg)

Eh, pedo will vote for pedo either way.

The main question is, who else is the loose ends he is going to kill besides Epstein?

c421848d No.3747163

Are you stupid? (Rhetorical question)
The problem with government run is that it sucks
It sucks because it has no reason to be good, competition is unrealistic when the government has as much money as it needs, so offering a cheaper service is impossible.
Privatization has many benefits (and some pitfalls) but the benefits usually outweigh the pitfalls.

The only government programs that run well are the ones designed to operate as a private business (some exceptions for non-privatization reasons)

358d5a90 No.3747165


Apparently you're stupid. Look what privatisation has done to the UK. Railways are shit, sewage in rivers because of privatised water companies, slow dismantling of the NHS/privatisation of services.

It's selling off infrastructure paid for by the people, to make more of a profit off of them, then when it collapses they get bailed out with public money, and they will collapse because the money that should go into maintaining that infrastructure goes to the shareholders
while customer prices go up and nothing is fixed.

dc3b91fe No.3747178

Read what I wrote again, slower this time.
Nobody can compete with government. When there is competition there is innovation.

You can’t feasibly have competing rail lines. No competition=no reason to improve

dc3b91fe No.3747179

File: 1721305864010.jpeg (297.76 KB, 700x1966, IMG_5692.jpeg)

We have persecuted him,we have hated his family and slandered him for 8 years changed the law to charge him(and then immediately changed back) and slammed him with laws that no-one has ever faced before, and we even tried to kill him!!! There is NO WAY he is becoming more popular with the people who are suffering under the weight of government overreach!!!

2e5b1fb2 No.3747180

> the Republican shooter is a Democrat
That is true. The democrat shooter donated to far-left democrat causes through actblue.

2e5b1fb2 No.3747181

> So your iron clad defense is, "The shooter was from a different city which is near the city that the person who made the donation was from, checkmate!" and you think that's a win for you?
Nope. It is the same city, the same house, the same address, the same zip code and the same name. It is the address of the democrat shooter and you, 3B, are the one who proved it for us.

I'm still waiting for that "60 year old man" proof.

2e5b1fb2 No.3747182

> Yes, they initially reported it then they stopped reporting it because they found out it probably wasn't true.
You didn't read the Time article I linked to. Time posted it rwo days ago. In it, they also say the shooter donated to democrat actblue. Yes 3B, the democrat shooter really was a democrat.

681c4984 No.3747183

File: 1721308677069-0.png (414.21 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240718-091242.png)

File: 1721308677069-1.png (502.46 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240718-091329.png)

File: 1721308677069-2.png (325.24 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240718-091403.png)

File: 1721308677069-3.png (476.61 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240718-091422.png)

File: 1721308677069-4.png (260.07 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240718-091442.png)

08991365 No.3747184

> Just admit the truth - The shooter was a Republican
The truth is the democrat shooter donated to democrat causes. It is also true that back when he registered to vote, he registered as Republican. That means nothing except to democrats. No one is forced to vote party line merely because of what they claimed back when they originally registered.

Why does it bother you so much that he was actually a democrat?

08991365 No.3747185

> What matters is you need to accept the reality that he is a Republican
Wrong. The democrat shooter has been proven to donate to far-left democrat causes.

Just let the crazy thoughts go and say it, "He was a democrat with mental issues and that's okay."

08991365 No.3747187

[democrat bullshit again]

08991365 No.3747188


dc3b91fe No.3747189

File: 1721309713383.jpeg (70.42 KB, 600x518, IMG_5695.jpeg)

Did you see how much blood he had on him he probably bleed out slowly. Imagine taking the shoot and getting immediately shredded with return fire, and while you are dying you hear the crowds cheer as your target rises with a fighting spirit , literally chanting “fight, fight, fight!!!”

5c7b778d No.3747190

Republican psychos try to murder their own vice president. Republican psycho tries to murder own failed ex-president. Who's next? Mike Johnson?

25ad7aba No.3747192

> Republican psycho tries to murder own failed ex-president.
Wrong. The democrat shooter donated to far-left democrat causes. He did this because he was a democrat.

Oh, and it was 3B who stupidly proved he did it. See:

25ad7aba No.3747194

> The shooter being a registered republican, who everybody has said was very conservative
Post a link to a well known, reputable news source saying "everybody has said" he "was very conservative." Hint, you can't do it because it is bullshit you just made up.

681c4984 No.3747204

Why do you waste your time like this for so many years?
What has it ever gained you?

6b3bc5ec No.3747206

File: 1721313804543.jpeg (184.6 KB, 792x1024, IMG_5694.jpeg)

I wish I loved anything as much as you love lying

b52ac149 No.3747210

File: 1721315577332.jpg (440.47 KB, 2048x1365, AP24199614398548.jpg)

95110611 No.3747212

bla bla bla you have no idea…you have no clue…but wait theres more…bla bla bla you have no idea…you have no clue.

dc3b91fe No.3747213

File: 1721317980228.jpeg (113.46 KB, 1344x836, IMG_5698.jpeg)

Nothing to see here. Don’t ask questions it’s both racist and misogynistic and islamophobic and transphobic and arachnophobic to ask questions?

08991365 No.3747217

Shut up racist.

cf9a1f0d No.3747220

You can't reason with modern Republicans because they lost their grasp on reality a long time ago, if they ever had one to begin with what with their sky man mythology being burned into their brains. Bob Crane was considered very far right back in his time, but he'd be a "woke leftist" by today's standards just for insulting the Nazis. Hogan's heroes would be "woke" today.

They throw their insanity around, get into power, oppress the masses, silence whatever they don't agree with, then have the backbone to accuse anyone they don't like of being insane. You really see this on shithole 8chan where every board is run by a right-winger with serious delusions. We saw signs of this insanity in the fandom years before Trump what with the rampant pedophilia & the Zaush defense so I am not surprised much of the fandom is now Trump's Deranged Supporters. They HATE differing views, boogeyman everything they see into being done by whoever they have a hatred of & are far FAR beyond reason or hope. They only solution with a nation this divided WILL be a civil war. The 2 sides are beyond reconciliation & leaning left I don't fucking want to reconcile with assholes who want me dead because I won't believe in their sky man or bend the knee for their Russian puppet. You rightards blew it. But he right won't start that as they know they will lose, even with all their fetish guns, because they're too dumb to organize or fight. They'd have done that years ago if they had the ability. Even with their political masters in charge, January 6th was still a hopeless failure.

There's no point trying to interact with them, change their minds, etc. Very few can be broken from the God mind virus. It happens but it's so few it doesn't matter. The only interaction worth a damn is insulting them, pissing hem off & belittling them, just as they do to us. Screw their "but it's okay whe WE do it!" attitude, they have always been able to dish it out but not take it.

And in the process maybe furries can get wiped the fuck out because you're a shitty fandom of no value, full of people who don't contribute. You're probably the biggest, most intolerant assholes I've ever had to deal with. The Rethuglican party can fucking have you.

cb8ffd22 No.3747222

> Bob Crane was considered very far right back in his time
Didn't Crane have a habit of taping homemade porn and proudly showing it to friends? Is that considered "far right" to you?

cf9a1f0d No.3747224

File: 1721322834215.jpg (702.58 KB, 1869x1709, triggering_rightards_is_ea….jpg)

PS I donated $2500 to a BLM charity & bragged about naming that charity as my Fidelity investment account beneficiary. The Trump's Deranged Supporters who run 8ch.moe /fur got seething pissy about it. Good. They're furries anyway, probably a bunch of dumbass Kayla-Na fanboys & Zaush defenders mad I stopped giving them free entertainment, so fuck them regardless. I hope the die. Not all life has value anyway, their lives certainly do not matter. Moderating leftist speech off their pedophile forum is the only power they will ever have before their die obese & alone because they were too mentally unstable to be good people.

be1427b0 No.3747226


Your comment is self-contradicting. Did you honestly give 2500-bucks to BLM and name them as the beneficiary to your investments or are you bullshitting us because later in your comment, you slam a bunch of leftist furries. Please clarify your stance, its ambiguous at this point.

34844ec2 No.3747229

File: 1721327072569.jpeg (223.24 KB, 1170x1360, IMG_5699.jpeg)

You took a picture of paper in front of children’s toys, is this supposed to convince us of the superiority of your throbbing intellect? Thank you for stooping down to the level of us halfwits with even fewer toys to grace us with your profound insights

dee35c19 No.3747230

File: 1721327162632.jpg (154.54 KB, 794x793, Tesco kills birds.jpg)

681c4984 No.3747231

File: 1721327188508.jpg (33.02 KB, 495x209, cfa40108bb5ec904d6d911b7bf….jpg)

None of us here believe you ever had $2,500 to start with.

a263a2ae No.3747232

File: 1721327945237.png (25.35 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

The Idiot People Exposed by George Carlin

e621 censorchip is an example;

In with the ear in with the other…
You can't escape…

9ccfadf4 No.3747234

Why all the fuss? One bored stock clerk with a BB gun can take care of that.

95b68e88 No.3747236

Well, partner, it seems you’ve saddled up and ridden straight into a fiery debate about modern-day Republicans. Now, I ain’t no political pundit, but I reckon I can spin this yarn for ya.

The Saga of the GOP: From Lincoln to Trump

You see, the Grand Old Party (that’s the GOP, for short) has been around since 1854. Back then, they were all about opposing slavery, like a cowboy standing up against a cattle rustler. But over the years, things took a wild turn.

The McCarthy Train Ride

Picture this: Dwight D. Eisenhower, a World War II hero, hitched a ride on a campaign train with none other than Joe McCarthy, the Red-baiter extraordinaire. Now, McCarthy claimed he had a list of 205 Commies in the State Department—talk about stirring up a dust storm! Ike’s fellow Republicans got mighty nervous, 'cause McCarthy had a heap of supporters, many of 'em Catholic. It was like trying to rope a wild bronco, but Ike went along for the ride1.

Trumpism: The Same Old Tune

Fast-forward to today, and we’ve got Trumpism—a rowdy hoedown of white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and conspiracy theorists. But here’s the twist: This ain’t new. Nope, the GOP’s been two-stepping with extremists for decades. Fear, resentment, and grievance? They’ve been dancing that jig since the '50s. Trump just cranked up the volume on the fiddle, y’know? And now, they’re caught in a Texas-sized tornado of their own making

b80c7d23 No.3747237

File: 1721331157372.jpeg (177.19 KB, 941x915, IMG_5700.jpeg)

Yeah, YouTube has been doing that, you can’t say words like ’die’ ‘suicide’ ‘climate change is a lie’ because they are advertiser unfriendly

529bf188 No.3747239

File: 1721332180397.jpg (1.27 MB, 3060x3390, illusion.jpg)

Tammy Adams number (nazi, necrozoo, kid molester)
423 489-2284

Hannah location (daughter of Tammy)
675 New Hope Rd, New Tazewell, TN 37825

She will sell our her mother and cuckold step-father.

Preston W. Adams tortures animals, abuses kids and steals from everyone. He stole most of my finances and controls my life. In this photo is an optical illusion of an old family photo of my dog and mother.
I'm washing my hands of this disgrace. I don't care if you do anything or nothing.

681c4984 No.3747244


Nobody cares about your Newly Revised Fictional History Lesson 101.

681c4984 No.3747245

3B just says what most leftists want.

Coexistence with the leftists is what has nearly destroyed the country and continued coexistence with them only condemns future generations.

Maybe after they rig it yet again people will have the stomach to do what is needed.

b80c7d23 No.3747246

File: 1721334147913.jpeg (680.57 KB, 1170x1095, IMG_5697.jpeg)

Does 3b posting drop when the captcha is enabled?

be1427b0 No.3747247


Did you use the "chimpanzee" filter?

a263a2ae No.3747251

File: 1721337019641.png (9.31 KB, 800x600, companies I hate cmopanies.png)

How Companies Profit off Unfixable Devices (ft. Louis Rossmann)

b80c7d23 No.3747253

All those failures and he’s still a multibillionaire. Your image make no sense

681c4984 No.3747256

3B has sworn for years that Trump is the reason he is poor and broke.

f4614a64 No.3747257


Trump is like the large corps : To big to fail.

797293ca No.3747286

Polymarket isn't a polling company. It's a "Prediction Agency." that specializes in calculating the odds of investments going up or down. Specifically, they focus much of their work on the bitcoin market.

be1427b0 No.3747288


What are you then, mutherfucker?

6da2ce57 No.3747291

File: 1721343923376.png (1 MB, 1440x1520, q97nnfncobdd1.png)

797293ca No.3747295

>he’s still a multibillionaire
Trump is barely a millionare at this point. He couldn't even afford the bond cost to appeal his New York case. He's in debt up to his wig.

681c4984 No.3747309

With people like Elon Musk donating $45 Million A MONTH to Trump, why would it matter, even if it were true? Anything Trump wants or needs, basically, it's FREE, be it bail or a nightclub extravaganza. Everything FREE, why, it's a Communist's Dream. Does that make Trump a Socialist?

797293ca No.3747310

File: 1721349164786.png (158.85 KB, 598x622, Grindr_outage_at_RNC X.png)

I think half the Republican party is in the closet at this point.

b80c7d23 No.3747311

File: 1721349201956.png (365.94 KB, 680x606, IMG_5662.png)

He is ‘only’ a millionaire the same way Jeff bezzos is ‘only’ a millionaire. Most of his assets are in ownership of billion dollar company’s.

797293ca No.3747313

Elon isn't doing that. He's full of shit. Also Trump using donations to pay for his private expenses is illegal. He already got convicted of that once and had to pay out a huge fine for it.

b80c7d23 No.3747314

File: 1721349339701.jpeg (120.5 KB, 684x960, IMG_5545.jpeg)

Staged, fake, and gay

797293ca No.3747316

File: 1721349534912.png (985.72 KB, 1280x849, FakeNewsYouCanTrust.png)

Notice how he cut off the image to hide where it comes from? It's an article from the Babylonbee, a satire site whose motto is, "Fake news you can trust."


b80c7d23 No.3747319

File: 1721350812824.jpeg (176.25 KB, 941x941, IMG_5148.jpeg)

But they don’t do satire anymore, it all predictions now.

681c4984 No.3747324

Anything Trump wants, there is SOMEONE willing to pay for it.
Doesn't have to be Elon Musk, there are thousands who regularly reach into their pockets for ANYTHING he wants or needs.
Everything is FREE for Trump, he doesn't even need money!
That kind of makes Trump the ULTIMATE SOCIALIST.
But in this case, I say it in a good way, because people do it for him VOLUNTARILY, and never by force.

bd9222f2 No.3747326

A real ULTRA MAGA CHUG would hole punch their own ear in solidarity. Do these fakers even support Trump?

a1caf357 No.3747327

File: 1721354923221.jpeg (388.78 KB, 1508x1837, IMG_5705.jpeg)

a1caf357 No.3747329

File: 1721356061453.jpeg (1.58 MB, 2162x1170, IMG_5706.jpeg)

Waaaait a minute…

a263a2ae No.3747330

File: 1721356320436.png (35.59 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

3B just messaged me he told me a stupid ass joke; "You know want ryhmes with masterbation? Mass Starvation" Didn't want him to react to anything so I shut up and said nothing.

681c4984 No.3747334

File: 1721357943665.png (432.31 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240718-225800.png)

Are you going to kill yourself now 3B?

681c4984 No.3747336

File: 1721358339571.png (663 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240718-230238.png)

bd9222f2 No.3747337

Politics is notoriously gay. Both parties. And every other party in every western democracy.

All those think tanks and policy institutes are absolutely riddled with homos. Maybe because they don't have kids so have more free time?

5bd71e87 No.3747343

File: 1721364048076.jpg (91.95 KB, 638x1000, 1657092281046.jpg)

I'm not 3B lol

aa71ab33 No.3747346


typoed. I mean didn't get mortally wounded.

But the way things are going now, with people saying he changed or met Jesus, I wouldn't be surprised that this ear wound qualified him for being the antichrist.
After all the Bible's depiction of end time so far looked very exagerated, white horse = covid ? Just a very bad flu. Red horse = just a war in Ukraine and Gaza ? Black horse = only some bad inflation ?

Trump might be the beast if everything that's prophetised is so toned down compared to the text.

e4b48021 No.3747348

913992ad No.3747366

> He is ‘only’ a millionaire the same way Jeff bezzos is ‘only’ a millionaire. Most of his assets are in ownership of billion dollar company’s.
As opposed to what, having millions of dollars in cash just sitting idle in a hidden safe?

913992ad No.3747368

> MAGA Racists being closeted gay while shooting pedonald ear
Not true. The shooter was a Democrat who, it has been proven, donated to far-left Democrat causes.

681c4984 No.3747374

File: 1721400678130.jpg (145.7 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg)

Bullshit, that is nothing more than a fake AI generated Trump voice, like the AI Biden voice RoboCall that discouraged thousands of people from voting in the primaries.
Because if it were real about Trump IT WOULD BE ALL OVER THE MSM 24/7 and it's NOT. Even THEY know it's fake.
Too bad your little victory dance is so short lived, 3B.
Is there no low down dirty truck the left will not stop to?

681c4984 No.3747379

You keep deflecting from the fact that the MSM would be damning Trump over it 24/7 if it were true. WHY do you keep ignoring that statement?
Your lies won't help you now.

681c4984 No.3747383

Those are being worn as a STATEMENT, not as a way to prevent disease, which the masks did not do anyway.
Are you a toddler that you cannot see the difference?
Wearing the ear pads is similar to wearing a red MAGA hat.
Are you a toddler that you can't see the difference?
Judging by your posting history,
Yes, yes you are.

681c4984 No.3747384

Then answer the question.
Why won't you?
Why is the MSM not all over this if it's true?
Are they protecting Trump now?

90021dc4 No.3747386

Trump's slumping chances are due to his awful VP pick of a man who appeals to absolutely no one except other angry white Republicans, the shooting which reinforced the fact that chaos and violence follow Trump wherever he goes, a blatantly biased SCOTUS decision which helped people recognize how dangerous it would be to allow him to make even more justice nominations, and his increasing psychobabble.

The man is a damn cancer on the body of this nation and in November he will be excised.

681c4984 No.3747387

File: 1721404762293.png (709.18 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240719-115702.png)

That's not what the latest polls are showing, 3B.
Not just the independent polls,
But the polls taken by CNN and MSNBC.
Why do you lie?

be1427b0 No.3747389


There is absolutely nothing Trump can say or do to satisfy you he's a decent person and a good leader of governance. You are so completely consumed by the left-wing propaganda and infected by TDS that no rational or reasonable argument can penetrate your shield wall of TDS. So you can sit there for the next four years and scream Trump is Hitler and no one will care. Trump will have his second term as President and be ineligible for a third term. He will however be a king maker and advise future Republican candidates and policies for the next ten years or so. You on the other hand will amount to nothing, working your pedestrian job, complaining about whatever MSNBC tells you to complain about, being irrelevant and invisible. Better people than you are going to be in charge soon and that alone drives you insane. Watching you scream and thrash about without anyone noticing is what fuels me. Please, continue.

b9b78faa No.3747390

File: 1721408274010.jpeg (683.04 KB, 1170x1844, IMG_5713.jpeg)

Two hour speech
Let’s see Biden do even a 10th of that

b9b78faa No.3747391

File: 1721408550134.png (6.28 MB, 3568x2024, IMG_5709.png)

He’s most likely a paid shill, refuses to even acknowledge evidence posted and at most just responds with an ad-hominem attack. I say paid because it’s the only explanation for such dedication to being wrong.

33ae4dd6 No.3747399

Democrats tried to end the border crisis but Trump blocked them.

b9b78faa No.3747401

File: 1721417496361.jpeg (2.55 MB, 2000x3000, IMG_5651.jpeg)

That’s a funny way to say democrats tried to make illegal crossings legal.

4f264dd3 No.3747403

Way to dunk on a dead man. That make you feel better about yourself?

797293ca No.3747405

You act like the left doesn't want Biden gone. The 3Bs of the world will be doing a little jig when that old fart is out and we can get some new blood.

797293ca No.3747407

File: 1721422281278.jpeg (20.98 KB, 718x324, GSbIcleXgAAK_HM.jpeg)

>There is absolutely nothing Trump can say or do to satisfy you he's a decent person and a good leader of governance.

That's because we're not in his cult and we remember what a shit show it was when he ran America into the ground the first time.

Do you understand how much he fucked you over? He increased the national debt by a QUARTER of all the money America has ever borrowed and most of it was from China.

He basically maxed out America's credit cards and now we can't even make the minimum payments needed to take down the balance.

We are only paying on interest. We will literally NEVER pay off this debt because he put us so far in the hole that if we spent our ENTIRE GDP every single year, it wouldn't be enough to even make it past the interest of the loans he took out.

But hey, America may be bankrupt but at least Trump's rich friends got richer and that has always been the real goal of the republican party!.

25bc66ae No.3747410

> Yes another nazi lie
Nope. The democrat shooter really was a democrat. And not merely a democrat but a far-left democrat who, as 3B proved in this thread, donated to far-left causes through Actblue.

25bc66ae No.3747415

File: 1721425695175.jpg (820.37 KB, 3284x2180, RobbieWallace_lumii_202406….jpg)

So you're calling 3B a liar now. Pretty soon you will change your party to Republican and start wearing MAGA hats. Good for you, nigger.

298fc7c9 No.3747420

File: 1721427548239.jpeg (191.38 KB, 1080x1294, IMG_5715.jpeg)

>Nazi rally
You probably also believe Trump is going to seize control of the military and government, the i am racist and not very bright in the haystack with that idea is that he already gave up his office in 2020. There simply is no shred of evidence to believe he is a facist

298fc7c9 No.3747423

Wordfilters are super gay

298fc7c9 No.3747424

File: 1721428545628.jpeg (91.34 KB, 637x471, IMG_5023.jpeg)

It’s adorable how you take the mocking rhetoric of the left as gospel truth

298fc7c9 No.3747427

File: 1721429159574.jpeg (973.89 KB, 1170x1972, IMG_5716.jpeg)

NPR hasn’t been trustworthy for YEARS

298fc7c9 No.3747428

He never pledged to reject the results
He has simply not committed to blindly eat the bullshit “results” of an election that has been stollen.

298fc7c9 No.3747430

File: 1721429821643.png (6.27 MB, 2894x4093, IMG_5534.png)

Good job refuting the points, don’t deviate from your script, pretending you didn’t see criticisms of yourself is the best way to deal with them.

32bb93c3 No.3747431

Will you kill yourself when Trump wins again in November for the 3rd time?

a263a2ae No.3747432

File: 1721430067047.png (349.21 KB, 457x696, similarities.png)

797293ca No.3747438

File: 1721431568538.jpeg (99.78 KB, 680x658, GSnlAkhXMAEQ49m.jpeg)

You know it kind of gives away the game that you're a simp for fascism when you look at a guy who registered Republican, voted republican in all the elections, and had strong conservative values from a strong, conservative family, but you think he MUST be a democratic sleeper agent because he might have donated 15 dollars to a PAC that helps more people vote, both Democrats and Republicans alike.

He wanted people to be able to vote and that means he couldn't POSSIBLY be a Republican. That's the stance you are taking. Think about that. Think about what that says about the Republican party. You are admitting that conservatives hate Americans getting the chance to vote.

7897456f No.3747439

His dad was libertarian and his mother was a democrat
Please explain your logic for a STRONG republican household

797293ca No.3747440


Let's see if they have any political bias. How about we choose an article about Trump and see how they describe him?

"This became part of his overwhelming charisma—meaning not just his social charm but the sense of unstoppable destiny he seemed to exude. It proved so captivating to normal men that when he escaped from exile and landed alone in France to. . . well, let’s say to make his “reelection” bid, the army sent to stop him surrendered and switched sides at the mere sight of him."

Gee, I think they might be a little bias.

7897456f No.3747441

Everyone who meets trip says he has charisma
Seethe faggot

7897456f No.3747442

Damn that’s a weird autocorrect
meets Trump

7897456f No.3747443

Nobody gets to become a billionaire without charisma

797293ca No.3747444

You know we can look up their voting records, right? They are Republicans. Even his sister voted Republican. I bet she won't this time.

797293ca No.3747445

That's not the point, idiot. The point is that your article is from a right-wing gossip rag, again, because normal, legitimate, sane news sources never say what you want them to say. Your narrative is so full of bullshit you have to go to the ends of the internet to find "reporters" willing to report it.

7897456f No.3747446

Their registration is not inherently their actual leaning. It’s a well known tactic for people to register as the opposition party to vote for the least offensive opposition candidate.

He was living at home with his parent at the age of 20 could not be more of a mommas boy and (situationaly) a democrat

7897456f No.3747447

The “article” is from a senior editor from NPR who blew the whistle. Or do you think any left wing rag would jump at the chance to oust a fellow left wing rag?

7897456f No.3747449

Your ad-hominem attacks are not getting any better
Try attacking the points made instead of the person

I say that because you have been dead wrong about the person

3a575e2d No.3747450

Even TMZ gets a banger interview once in a while

7897456f No.3747452

> LGBTQ+ Republicans may regret it when they lose the rights that they fought for so hard over the past few decades.

Public displays of faggotry was never a right and if it is, then they CAN go back in the closet.
If mutilation of children with hormone blockers and surgery is what I have to accept along with the LGBTQ community, then the CAN go back in the closet

(Many gays feel this way, the young confused gays are getting transd and now they are running out of young cock)

797293ca No.3747454

>are getting transd

Dumb-ass thinks being trans is like getting bitten by a radioactive Pontiac Firebird.

681c4984 No.3747457

Absolutely none of that is true.
In fact, most of it is the opposite of what you say.
Why do you lie?
Do think your lies will somehow keep Trump from being President again?
Hint: they won't.

681c4984 No.3747459

File: 1721439587354.png (655.32 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240719-213736.png)

you're not telling the WHOLE STORY about that,

4fb6874b No.3747462

Because if he told the truth it would make democrats look bad

be1427b0 No.3747464


That's actually funny. Assuming this is real, the reason he doesn't understand what Trump is talking about is that Trump is making cohesive remarks without an ear piece, prepared speech in front of him, or a teleprompter. Joe has to be led to and from the podium and then walked to the limo and someone fastens his seatbelt for him. Oh, and by the way……


8cdfbec2 No.3747466

File: 1721448957371.jpeg (120.03 KB, 941x863, IMG_5468.jpeg)

I feel like you have pyro-vision from TF2
You can’t deal with reality so you make up your own

797293ca No.3747469

She refused to speak to him out of respect for her husband but that still doesn't change the fact that Trump never even TRIED calling her.

Someone died at his rally and he could not care any less about it. He's a self-centered, narcissistic, idiot and you are worshiping him.

797293ca No.3747470

>incited a failed coup in Venezuela,

OMG! I had forgotten about the secret strike team of private mercenaries he sent to topple the government that got captured by FARMERS! What a fucking loser!

48de3def No.3747471

> his last online search was for porn
He was a 20 year old kid. Why do you imagine that was worth posting anywhere? Really, why bother?

48de3def No.3747473

> Is NPR now to the point of lying by omission because they're afraid of accusations of bias?
NPR is an extremist left-wingnut shitpile. Your admission that you give them any attention at all shows you are fucked in the head.
> It has been reported in several outlets that people who knew him said that he had conservative political views
Fake news outlets you mean.
> Ryan Lucas explicitly said that there was no indication of political ideology.
Except for his donating money to an ultra left-wing political group, of course.
> While it's clear from his searches that he may not necessarily have intended to kill Trump because he was opposed to him politically
That is only clear to mental defectives like 3B.
> the false narrative from Republican politicians that he was a Democratic party plant or operative.
Not true. FEC records prove the Democrat shooter donated to left-wing Democrat causes. These records are publicly available. No amount of lies from libtards can diminish this fact.

48de3def No.3747474

> voted republican in all the elections
[3B telling outrageous lies again]
3B is so divorced from reality he doesn't even know votes are secret. There is no legal way to know how anyone voted.

Reminder that almost everything 3B posts is a lie.

48de3def No.3747475

> You know we can look up their voting records, right? They are Republicans. Even his sister voted Republican.
[Proof 3B doesn't know actual votes are secret.]

One statement from him claiming you can look up how someone voted might have been a brain fart, or a very poor attempt at saying something else, but he consistently claims the same false notion.

48de3def No.3747476

> (Many gays feel this way, the young confused gays are getting transd and now they are running out of young cock)
LOL the poor fags. :)

681c4984 No.3747479

File: 1721461463160-0.png (182.71 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-033415.png)

File: 1721461463160-1.png (837.15 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-033438.png)

File: 1721461463160-2.png (594.66 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-033513.png)

Then he goes on to the next lie he thinks of.
These are all left-wing news sources btw, the only thing 3B believes.
Trump actually called her before Biden did, even though he was injured and probably in pain.
But 3-BOT will still continue to insist Trump never called her.

797293ca No.3747480

3B is living in your head rent free forever.

Do you hear his voice at night, whispering in the darkness? I bet it says, "Your penis is tiny and nothing will ever change that."

681c4984 No.3747481

Hi, 3B.
Even your denials that it's you are always composed and worded in the same way,
no matter what name or proxy ID you are using.
You just can't help it.
At least you're consistent.

681c4984 No.3747483

File: 1721463376981-0.png (183.56 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-034815.png)

File: 1721463376981-1.png (558.24 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-034852.png)

File: 1721463376981-2.png (616.83 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-034948.png)

File: 1721463376981-3.png (174.94 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-035010.png)

Well, that worked out great, didn't it. Lol.
Now 3B will reply something like,

95110611 No.3747487

penis gay polio

95110611 No.3747490

penis gay polio strikes again

32bb93c3 No.3747491

No one cares.

681c4984 No.3747492

Do you have any Tattoos?
I need a new decorated lampshade.
My old one has holes in it.
From Target Practice.

(Sorry guys, I couldn't resist).

681c4984 No.3747493

File: 1721481987193.png (2.82 MB, 2000x1320, 5d1e7f2fcbc6510c5766f5af66….png)

You Will Serve WHITE KINGS.

b52ac149 No.3747495

>black and brown
No mention of Muslims. Gee, I wonder why.

298fc7c9 No.3747500

File: 1721488799913.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1976, IMG_5724.jpeg)

Why do democrats lie like it’s their job?

f1a46e95 No.3747502

The befuddled look on his face. His hand on the "shoulder" of an effigy as a meaningless, performative gesture. That picture of Trump is so sad and pathetic, how are you not embarrassed to post it?

681c4984 No.3747503

>>Why do democrats lie like it’s their job?
Because IT IS.
See post that was just made below yours and above this one.

be1427b0 No.3747504


Because it would have been creepy if they dragged his cadaver out of he coffin for Trump to pose with. Jesus, you are incapable of anything but baseless vitriol. You must be one of the angriest and most unhappy person on the planet. When Trump is sworn in January, please make a public protest by dousing yourself with gasoline and setting yourself on fire. We will be happier when you're gone and likely so will you.

b9b78faa No.3747505

File: 1721490384588.jpeg (41.6 KB, 675x499, IMG_5723.jpeg)

To pay tribute to someone who died in your place is the most human thing you can do, how are you not embarrassed to criticize someone for saying thank you?

681c4984 No.3747506

File: 1721490713099.png (374.24 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-115109.png)

Hi, 3B.

681c4984 No.3747508

File: 1721491206871-0.png (574.29 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-115736.png)

File: 1721491206871-1.png (528.95 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-115800.png)

Dems are TOAST.

208b7c6b No.3747509

Wow, your very first sentence is a false dichotomy. This is why it's a waste of time arguing with you. You have zero critical thinking skills. No fuckshit, the alternative is not dragging a corpse on stage. The alternative is speaking about the loss without the need for sock puppet visual aids for retarded children. It's like, you realize someone can love America without humping the US flag on stage, right?

dc30dfa6 No.3747510

Trump pedobump

dc30dfa6 No.3747511

File: 1721491316807.jpeg (104.09 KB, 720x720, kz5z4rgnzddd1.jpeg)

I watched a bit of this tonight, and it's stunning to me how accurate the description "cult" is.

trump stands there blabbering about nothing really, except how great he is, and how crowds of people love him, and everyone there is hanging on every empty word like it's oxygen.

you'd think I couldn't be surprised by it anymore, but it's just jaw droppingly nuts.

33dfec0d No.3747512

File: 1721492004434.jpeg (206.57 KB, 1200x800, IMG_5725.jpeg)

When democrats are holding the severed head of their openly hated opposition, they are just having a bit of fun

When republicans rip off their own shirt(someone who is iconic for doing exactly that) it’s a clear sign that they have all collectively lost their minds and are balls deep in a facist cult

1ca6a16b No.3747516

Kathy Griffin is a nobody who was condemned by liberals because we actually have principles such as nonviolence; whereas, Trump himself made fun of Nancy Pelosi's husband getting his skull bashed in with a hammer.

f98d5062 No.3747517

File: 1721495616305.jpeg (205.57 KB, 941x1135, IMG_5095.jpeg)

What I remember was dems being quiet(because they silently agreed with the sentiment)
And republicans making a fuss

681c4984 No.3747520

He died.

681c4984 No.3747521

Why is this thread being allowed to grow so large, past 1,000 posts now?

85d3e763 No.3747523

It was long enough ago that my memory was kinda fuzzy too, so I looked it up. See for yourself.


"For the record, I am appalled by the photo shoot Kathy Griffin took part in. It is clearly disgusting and completely inappropriate, " Cooper wrote. Anderson Cooper put that out before even Trump responded.

85d3e763 No.3747525

So what's your excuse for Trump joking about the hammer attack on Pelosi's husband?

681c4984 No.3747526

File: 1721497807569.png (601.13 KB, 720x1600, Screenshot_20240720-134747.png)

Thanks BIDEN

85d3e763 No.3747528

NETANYAHU, not Biden. And don't pretend Trump wouldn't be even more of a cocksleeve enabler!

797293ca No.3747532

Harry didn't apologize because the name was misspelled. The fire department he worked for sent Trump one of his old uniforms with the name spelled on it incorrectly. The uniform had been replaced later on but they still had the older uniform in storage so they sent that one to Trump and the current jacket with the correct spelling to his family.


26a73322 No.3747533

>you realize someone can love America without humping the US flag on stage, right?

Nobody cares.

95110611 No.3747534

uh oh penis gay polio

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