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File: 1719794996528.jpg (227.31 KB, 1024x1024, dho1zuw.jpg)

10c6710e No.3744825

Been seeing a few people bitching about AI pictures, granted, they have improved.
A lot.

And if someone uses AI to steal art, that's wrong.

So why are some art snobs still bitching?

f7df7d94 No.3744838

File: 1719798822591.jpg (245.03 KB, 1024x1280, ai adoptables.jpg)

What I think is a travesty is that people are squirting out hundreds of AI generated images and selling them as 'adoptables' on DeviantArt.

I always thought 'adoptables' were already a dumb idea but now sellers are too lazy to even draw them?

68dfce07 No.3744840

Soulless trash.

2ff7d65e No.3744848

>And if someone uses AI to steal art, that's wrong.
What do you think they are feeding the AI? It doesn't just "know" how to make furry art by default.
So the question is, how do you feel knowing that the AI model is built upon the backs of human artists, many of whom object to this practice? In the early days, the AI would even hallucinate an artist's signature (in garbled nonsense).

You can't think art theft is wrong whilst siding with AI garbage.

c7651020 No.3744850

File: 1719810354608.png (16.05 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


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