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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1719670051077.png (142 KB, 400x264, Funky Pickup.png)

46972583 No.3744610

I used to be in a discord chat with people who have since given up photomorphs. This is the only image I was able to save from it.

c1d1bed6 No.3744628

Sucks to be you

bc82443b No.3744732

File: 1719736210587.png (344.09 KB, 400x400, Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 0….png)

- 10 points for not referencing Prozzäk

1754498d No.3744867

I think only Canadians know about them

50631871 No.3744920

I grew up in Texas and I'm familiar with Prozzak. Love the first album, Hot Show.

f2898394 No.3744932

its just a drug here

00b91ca9 No.3744972

File: 1719900298057.jpg (51.43 KB, 460x528, tumblr_litmj6o4Ei1qfae4co1….jpg)


You want a cookie?

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