>>3767928A big reason for using physical restraints being "wrong" is that it's a tool used for inflicting mental and physical torture today, and throughout history. I don't mean fake movie-type torture, but actual war crimes torture.
It's a tool used for breaking people, and subduing the worst kinds of criminals such as sadistic mass murderers and rapists in the world's harshest prisons.
There may be people in this world that "require" such actions inflicted upon them, but if that's the case, they're of the worst kind of people.
Another reason for it being wrong, is because it bypasses the many more subtle, caring and insightful methods of correcting bad behaviour. We're not living inside the harshest of prisons reserved for mass murderers and rapists, and we're not in an active war zone. We're still living inside an "everyday", "normie" environment.
Nothing tells a family member that you don't love them, or are incapable of loving them, like reaching straight for 1 of the most extreme forms of "behaviour correction" possible, instead of responding with a more measured action. It also tells the family member that one doesn't actually know what they're doing, because it doesn't actually make sense to make a big deal over little things.
A true and capable leader won't respond excessively over minor infractions, and will also be learned enough to respond effectively and responsibly in all situations.
Dogs aren't capable of associating such a long and drawn out punishment with anything their trainer/leader doesn't want them to do.
When a dog, after receiving such a punishment, doesn't for a while do the unwanted behaviour, it's likely due to them being too fearful or depressed to perform almost any behaviour except for the most simple and basic ones.
In other words, dogs like that will only appear to have learned some kind of lesson, because they're "walking on eggshells" without actually having learned anything, instead of expressing themselves and living lives fully.
A simple stern voice command can work wonders, when given by a fair leader who is respected for his proven wisdom rather than fear over his excessive punishment.
At least keep your mind open to the fact, that when war criminals (or in extreme cases also jail wardens) do things, they're not healthy or appropriate for applying to everyday situations.
>>3767931I never said any of that, and you're clearly not a mind reader either so quit trying.