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29935378 No.3743884

How's your health?
How's your pets?
Do you have any fitness or diet tips?

88ec69e4 No.3743914

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not great but sustainable


He's the best boyo and is a happy dogger with everything he could want.


Fuck you.

>diet tips

Vodka, and a handful of supplements per day. NOTHING ELSE. Wash it down with shower water.

88ec69e4 No.3743915

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But really, I'm eat mostly vegetables, fruits and nuts, usually with some things like greek yogurt with a bit of added fruit. I'm not quite a vegetarian, but close to it. I like my chicken salads, and some fish.

Which leads me to get aciokedosis pretty often. My doctor tells me I need to eat a lot more candy, sugary drinks, candy, and the such. I'm also told I should eat more fast foods, because its high in fat and my stomach hates itself.

88ec69e4 No.3743916

unfortunately, things like candy, sodas, and fast food makes me nauseous.

88ec69e4 No.3743917

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Also for pets, hes a dog but eats like a cat. I have to buy him the best food, which is irritatingly expensive. And he has pet insurance… really good pet insurance. Really the only options are "shit" and "platinum" when it comes to that. He has platinum

I want to be on top in case there is a dogpocolypse.

fa4f6075 No.3748359

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Sure, why not. Here's from this morning. My apatite's been absent lately, so I've been inadvertently fasting. Gotta remember to eat. Usually reads 47% muscle mass, so unfortunately some muscle atrophy…

But I can run around and dance my crazy ass off without getting winded, so I guess I'm healthy enough? I know things can change in an instant, so I count my blessings.

Earlier this year, I pissed out a 2 mm kidney stone. Kinda unsettling when you're struck with crippling pain out of nowhere. They say the pain is the same as giving birth. It was pretty bad. I was panting and extra pale, and my lips were numb. It feels like you have to pee, but nothing or very little comes out. At least I didn't vomit and piss myself like in my fiend's kidney stone ordeal. I didn't sweat like he described either. Said he was drenched.

Had dogs and other pets growing up. No pets as an adult. My father’s dead, and all my grandparents are dead. I cherish what family I have left.

fa4f6075 No.3748362


bb060412 No.3748418

inadvertedly anything bodily is bad

fa4f6075 No.3748426

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>Earlier this year
Brainfart, it was actually last October.

Yeah, too bad I don't have a helper to regularly guide me to food.

88ec69e4 No.3748434

there is an app for that.

88ec69e4 No.3748435

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even in my remote area, between churches, independent groups, Knights of Columbus, and weirdly the free Masons, you can get a free lunch any day, not the best, maybe a hotdog or sandwich and some sides, but its there.

I was poor for a long time when I was younger, I know my free lunches. I don't take advantage of them anymore, but they are a thing.

I didn't just randomly pick a raccoon as my fursona.

fa4f6075 No.3748438

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Honestly, being poor isn't really the issue.

88ec69e4 No.3748443

youre competing against a guy who literally had the nerves severed that makes people hungry.

I don't even get hungry anymore, I just get, weirdly naucious.

I have alarms to tell me when to eat, or just drink a meal replacement shake.

88ec69e4 No.3748444

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I'm super subjectable to uh, whats it called?… aceoketosis

0c336ddd No.3748487

>Do you have any fitness or diet tips?

Do the think you've been avoiding. Humans are good at this kind of stuff. Deep down you already know.

d5fcd79d No.3751664

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>How's your health?
Good enough to pass a police test.
>How's your pets?
Doing great. She loves off leash walkies.
Good. Miss them.
See pic

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