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You messed with me~

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File: 1718734587094.jpeg (36.95 KB, 696x720, photo_2024-06-18 07.09.32.jpeg)

bddb4853 No.3743464

fuck dogs

93497b39 No.3743489

File: 1718747937135.jpg (50.23 KB, 717x713, 7a755db937c4b88fc41cb8ec94….jpg)

Doggos are your friends, don't hate on the boyos.

They keep the police from pulling you over when you are kinda drunk, but their head is out your side window.

93497b39 No.3743490

File: 1718748213966.jpg (95.37 KB, 700x700, 5f27ffd3d3d38_mccsr96h1my2….jpg)

They're like anti-breathalyzers.

7e591718 No.3743491

That only works until your pupper gets decapitated by a guy-wire when your drunk ass crashes into a utility pole.

93497b39 No.3743492

File: 1718749026672.jpg (141.1 KB, 1080x1080, 8_bark-5ba515084cedfd0050d….jpg)

also tragic case of misspelling.

93497b39 No.3743493

it works more often than you'd think, just trust in my powerz. They work.

I'm not in a jail for a reason.

b367c233 No.3743543

Please don't. Also keep your penis out of your dog

9f5603bb No.3743568

Dogs can consent.

625d0be8 No.3743573

File: 1718818718631.png (832.2 KB, 1274x1547, 16b1fc9539d4d2876da1146273….png)

> fuck dogs
I could fuck this dog.

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