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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1718464115273.jpg (74.23 KB, 850x1081, 303014c.jpg)

c7a95689 No.3742927

They haven't updated in over a week.

e7e45218 No.3742930

File: 1718465050471.jpg (451.43 KB, 1258x952, Cynderizedtrixiewishesseth….jpg)

>posting Cynder on lulz
bold move

e7e45218 No.3742931

File: 1718465175042.png (1.27 MB, 1100x800, heroofyiff_cynder-is-stung….png)


e7e45218 No.3742932

File: 1718465407374.jpg (229.67 KB, 800x800, Cynderparrotdelux.jpg)

9d24e496 No.3742998

If the admins/coders would quit being wankers that deliberately block certain traffic automatically for reasons unknown, then maybe they would have more active posters.

They do not like you and would rather cripple the site for anyone but their chosen circlejerk.

b3233d11 No.3743001

> wankers that deliberately block certain traffic automatically for reasons unknown
I have seen that happen. I used to post there regularly. Never did I post anything against their rules. Suddenly, the site started giving this error message "you have been blocked by your browser signature." So fuck them.

e7e45218 No.3743008

File: 1718493208136.jpg (41.89 KB, 400x300, not_you_again.jpg)

I have had a 3 year absence largely for it being too hard to find a working proxy.

We used to have a tripcode whitelist. Say what you want about tripfagging and namefagging but it's a good security option.

I haven't used my trip since 201X but it's a good idea for allowing Tor and DNSBL-blocked traffic. If the person using the tripcode is trustworthy enough to stay on a list, the traffic is probably fine.

I know who most of the mods are, and whether me and them privately get along or not, I think they are trustworthy so I'm not gonna get doxed or anything, but Ch0ob also brought on people who were… a bit of a wrong decision in hindsight. So ya know… use a proxy.

c5f1d7b6 No.3743013

Go back to bed, cccd9.

e7e45218 No.3743028

File: 1718495714777.jpg (350.51 KB, 1200x958, e47cccd9 ynderz.jpg)

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