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You messed with me~

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File: 1718093439072.png (689.86 KB, 1903x940, Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 0….png)

734e7098 No.3742387

I know many of you furtards miss Aufy and secretly wish him to come back. He's still not open to returning but I can provide you with an update on his artwork and comic book status. Aufy still wants an apology from Dan and Steam before he'll even consider coming back to Lulz.

abbff0fd No.3742390

File: 1718095467239.jpg (72.78 KB, 1134x1120, s-l1200.jpg)

961c7420 No.3742417

File: 1718118557468.jpg (7.15 KB, 225x225, images (1).jpg)

Not apologizing, I treated him the same as I treat everyone else, a complete lack of humanity sprinkled with a scathing frost of general disrespect. Still this is lulz, and thats just normal. If you can't take the heat, got off the uh… electric sidewalk…

I am a little curious on whether he ever developed the fine nuanced skill of not immediately juggling old lady tits during a roommate interview. It might be hard to believe, but it is possible to meet someone and not immediately rape them.

961c7420 No.3742418

Also whats this about coming back? Did he forget the definition of b&? You don't just get a life ban and casually decide that it expired and stroll back in.

0683234c No.3742891

File: 1718424470938.jpg (188.68 KB, 1825x1164, 0ea981cf3c10cabb8a028698c2….jpg)

Steam, would it kill you to swallow your pride even just once and says sorry for the sake of having him back on the board?

But he's probably not coming back cause Dan is a complete psychopath and you'd have better luck extracting teeth instead of an apology.

Also answer my DM. I see you're on idle 👈 👀

Since when did people start caring about being banned on lulz?

961c7420 No.3742913

File: 1718449563492.jpg (68.18 KB, 850x634, d5387b62a4fdeea002a4eae6b7….jpg)

Ok, sorry.

Not sure how it will effect anything.

961c7420 No.3742914

File: 1718449766804.jpg (18.98 KB, 470x264, very-happy-puppy-smiling-a….jpg)

also here's a happy puppy. I don't know why it would help, but it might.

961c7420 No.3742916

File: 1718450491719.jpg (60.59 KB, 500x506, aa2-3.jpg)

Its just so cute, I'm going to put it in a composter, so it will help make my garden full of puppy smiles.

1c8f2da5 No.3742917

File: 1718450657205.png (69.08 KB, 267x189, das_flamgenwarfer.png)

9eaa48cd No.3742929

File: 1718464778214.jpg (78.27 KB, 1200x735, FvsHe_-WIAIu-LO.jpg)

Ayyyy, thanks for the convo and the cute pic.

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