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/furi/ - Yaff

You messed with me~

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File: 1717366740881.jpg (170.22 KB, 790x810, Ec4RyAYXoAAo5tp.jpg)

d91bd086 No.3741555

I haven't seen him around in quite some time.

fd580f87 No.3741567

File: 1717368387270.png (32.65 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)

mfff… dunno babe. :3

29834543 No.3741570

File: 1717369082189.jpeg (278.01 KB, 1000x673, Steam's new home.jpeg)

Involuntary change of address.

d66e4a35 No.3741575

File: 1717373608608.jpg (30.34 KB, 850x537, 72204095b11185080f9778746d….jpg)

I don't usually post on lulz unless I'm drunk, and this is housework season. I can't be using power tools, climbing ladders, doing wiring, and other dangerous things, let alone drawing out proper schematics and driving all over the place if I'm drinking.

Sober Steam is incredibly boring.

d91bd086 No.3741576

File: 1717374783020.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1490, 121994854_1010198945194617….png)


Sober Steam is still better than Dead Steam.

ccacb076 No.3741583

He's visiting Aufy in the Mental Hospital.

3727321d No.3741586

yeah he got arrested and declared mental. ngl I was following him on tg when shit went down in stream. he get swatted? sorry, imma nark on ya for the lulz

d91bd086 No.3741592

File: 1717380558090.png (214.59 KB, 777x867, 1322203487.scurrow_rpcomic….png)


You can't just say that and not post screenshots.

d66e4a35 No.3741616

File: 1717416449185.jpg (146.4 KB, 959x1015, 1548910171.totesfleisch8_З….jpg)

I don't have a telegram, or any social media profile.

d8a56d1a No.3742319

Steam robbed me of my money like a scumfuck nazi. He will fall with the Temple of Set like the lying rat fraud he is.
His house will burn down first.

d8a56d1a No.3742320

File: 1718047091096.jpg (424.33 KB, 1080x1588, amdy.jpg)

Goodbye Steam, your soul is rotting in my hands.

703eb179 No.3742321

File: 1718049702072.png (2.46 MB, 1920x1080, AGqurAFuej66vC2heOQ7JrSdCt….png)

gib me da monies. We have a jew war going on, we need every sheckle we can get.

703eb179 No.3742323

File: 1718050591845.jpg (59.43 KB, 720x720, 1-23-8-19-23-13-16m.jpg)

My soul just kinda flops in and out of existence. Trying to hold onto my soul is like trying to have a good time at a party, while listening to night wish on a volume booster and reading the bible to a depressed ex girlfriend.

Spoiler: my soul should not be touched.

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