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File: 1717266366371.jpg (90.46 KB, 794x621, b9d707e8657ace5b7e281e9404….jpg)

ab9bf164 No.3741424

It is pride month. Show how proud you are of youre gay.

a2aed0aa No.3741427

File: 1717267132949.jpg (12.43 KB, 243x243, zC_FvstB_400x400.jpg)

That's pretty cringe bro

8550860f No.3741430

File: 1717268567660-0.jpg (286.16 KB, 1978x2048, 9d0385d2fb258d80bf16b31be2….jpg)

Pride is corporate tranny bullshit for straight white chicks

57ef4368 No.3741433

File: 1717270295169.jpg (7.35 KB, 275x183, images.jpg)

Gibs me your gay monies (-0-) <-closed eyes with big nose.

2850ea07 No.3741434

File: 1717271752387.jpg (34.92 KB, 720x720, 1717218170069298.jpg)

>big nose

57ef4368 No.3741437

File: 1717274363309.jpg (134.9 KB, 1000x1000, Villager-12-Inch-Plush.jpg)


57ef4368 No.3741438

File: 1717274558711.jpg (122.96 KB, 1080x1080, 19TITANIC-ANNIVERSARY-top-….jpg)

First time 1970; 54 years ago

1df9748d No.3741478

File: 1717295968773.jpg (119.52 KB, 1100x1000, woody-and-buzz-faggots.jpg)

661f4dec No.3741964

File: 1717689408502.webm (5.46 MB, 720x1280, Ms_Rachel.webm)

My nephews like watching Ms. Rachel. I guess she's the new Mr. Rogers?

6e0eb677 No.3741967

File: 1717694952583.jpg (90.43 KB, 680x680, 713.jpg)

Kids shouldn't be watching screens all day and pride (especially tranny shit) isn't something for young kids.

Not homophobic, I'm a turbofaggot myself, but the sorts of people into the whole pride thing are either sex pests, crazy ideologues, or shameless corporate shilling

be7fbdbe No.3741968

File: 1717695076412.png (1.52 MB, 1218x683, Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 1….png)

bcd82b24 No.3741971

File: 1717695781038.jpg (105.84 KB, 580x861, but_im_a_cheerleader.jpg)

But I'm not gay, I'm straight.

Super straight.

661f4dec No.3741984

File: 1717709948734.webm (7.46 MB, 720x1280, Ms_Rachel_explanation.webm)

Did you notice she completely sidestepped the intimate details of gay sex? Not even a mention of hugging, kissing, or hand holding. But I'm to believe kind folks like Ms. Rachel are corrupting the youth? I see no harm in acknowledging gays as members of our community. Mister Rogers taught that feelings are mentionable and manageable. No one should feel ashamed of loving another.

be7fbdbe No.3741985

File: 1717710635686.png (639.62 KB, 1218x685, Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 1….png)

ef2c437d No.3741987

Mr. Rodgers Neighborhood was meant for preschoolers. Why mention pride at all to kids that young? There's no reason at all for kids that age to be associated with or concerned about sexual orientation, even if the kid has same sex parents. Why the fuck would kids need to feel accepted for who they live at that age in relation to pride? LGB stuff is solely related to sexual and romantic relationships which kids should definitely not be in.

Tranny stuff is an abomination and should be kept away from everyone and confined to a padded cell.

Watching tiktok or YouTube shorts all day is just harmful for children regardless of the nature of the content itself. iPad kids are brain damaged to the point of no return.so many parents need to to really limit and monitor their children's Internet use better and not use a tablet as a substitute for parenting. That's just in general, not a criticism of your relatives.

661f4dec No.3741997

I mean, you answered your own question. Families can look different, and maybe it's a good idea to explain to kids that different doesn't necessarily mean wrong.

As far as screen time, my sister and her husband both work full-time jobs, so they can't always be around to entertain their kids. That said, she makes sure to read to them every night before bed. Besides, Ms. Rachel is educational. Not the same thing as watching Jersey Shore or similar.

cbe5e1e3 No.3742012

File: 1717723529705.jpg (33.6 KB, 336x397, fagdetected.jpg)

1c75fb73 No.3742026

Why? I say no thank you. I just want to chill.

1c75fb73 No.3742027

File: 1717734620289.jpg (25.72 KB, 425x320, gay-nazi-flag.jpg)

53e07bf8 No.3742030

File: 1717737723921.png (246.47 KB, 500x350, gbjkkk.png)

be7fbdbe No.3742031

File: 1717739152642.png (429.14 KB, 447x588, Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 0….png)

66a7760b No.3742068

File: 1717779482968.png (2.94 MB, 2004x1637, b5fdcac350cdfa07d6b3050750….png)

By your logic children shouldn't be allowed to know about valentines day, weddings, or anything about men and women loving each other.

It's funny how you're okay with "sexulizing children" as long as it is sexualizing them towards being what you like.

0425a5f9 No.3742069

File: 1717780818503-0.png (9.42 KB, 179x24, Screen Shot 2024-06-07 at ….png)

File: 1717780818503-1.png (6.85 KB, 16x31, Screen Shot 2024-06-07 at ….png)

e0930df2 No.3742089

File: 1717798582559.jpg (122.08 KB, 1170x1205, oprcycaguoq61.jpg)

Its also PTSD awareness month.

Coincidence? I think not.

be7fbdbe No.3742184

File: 1717886145981.png (598.43 KB, 1092x482, Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 1….png)

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