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You messed with me~

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fd125f8b No.3741086

f7e876bf No.3741100

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hey guys… can I join? I bet you can smell me with just a look.

889ec15c No.3741513

Why are some of them circumcised, and some of them are not?

f7e876bf No.3741518

889ec15c No.3741547

But wouldn't the ones that are uncircumcised be jealous of the good looking handsome cocks belonging to the ones that are?

204ca9aa No.3741550

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Foreskins have sensitive nerve endings. Circumcision makes sex less pleasurable, something cutfags will never experience.

ca85da22 No.3741573

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889ec15c No.3741578

Why do some of the guys in that picture have hemorrhoids and others don't? I'm pretty sure when I enlarge the pic I see hemorrhoids! What causes them??

Aren't the guys with hemorrhoids envious and jealous of the guys that don't have them?

ca85da22 No.3741582

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f7e876bf No.3741584

File: 1717378284098.png (216.76 KB, 625x528, Screen Shot 2024-06-02 at ….png)

ive had hemoroid surgery, I need it again. I nearly died when I sat down too long on a car ride. got septic blood poisoning. felt like being drunk with tetnis. honestly if sex ed talked about hemmroids, im sure all the kids would be straight if pics were shown.


there's always this shit (pic related) that my ex used. I like my foreskin. I can fill it with water in the shower and squirt you with my watergun.

Squirrel used Harden!
Squirrel, squirt!!!

ca85da22 No.3741593

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Foxb has confirmed that he was hospitalized with a perforated bowel, which required him to have a stoma for a year. He hasn’t said publicly how his bowel became perforated, but mentions that around 2017 he had an “accident” in which his “sexuality died” and which left a 10-inch scar on his stomach.

ca85da22 No.3741594

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File: 1717385541734-1.jpg (376.91 KB, 1024x768, GOyl455a8AA9JpW.jpg)

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