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You messed with me~

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File: 1716759573891.png (632.52 KB, 695x1020, 1384672995.katsmilodon_138….png)

ec7ab281 No.3740828

Just realized I'm starting to find female pedophiles really hot. The ones into boys, not girls. What known female peds are there in the fandom? Especially any who may actually have done it?

00dd462d No.3740830

There are no known female pedos in furry.

Now if you actually wanted to know which female furries enjoy cub art then create a proper thread to ask in.

fe091d1f No.3740833

Liking cub = prdophile

31703565 No.3740836

Keep telling yourself that.

c01bd39f No.3740840

File: 1716765567091.jpg (430.78 KB, 616x808, 112236834_p0.jpg)

You spell as badly as Aufy does.

4a24dfbc No.3740847

File: 1716773006104.jpg (3.41 MB, 3840x2160, sample-c6fb9a8a1d344bb6475….jpg)

Conservatives are all thick as bricks in the head. They spend all their time telling people how bad they should feel for wanting to have sex and then are somehow shocked that no one wants to have sex with them.

9e79b80e No.3740848

File: 1716774026722.png (44.93 KB, 550x500, PP_820.png)

You gleened all that from looking at the post you replied to? Remarkable. Or maybe you're just fucked in the head.

4d8ada81 No.3740852

And 3B spends all his time on here bitching about Conservatives.
Now how stupid is that.

4a24dfbc No.3740855

File: 1716784376541.jpg (3.59 MB, 3840x2160, 758be54745f4d44dbb3776b603….jpg)

I was agreeing with the comment I replied to who was talking about how stupid the person who made this post >>3740833 looks because of the poor spelling.

I was insulting the same person he said spelled like Aufy.

I know reading comprehension is hard for you, buy try and keep up.

b430d3ab No.3740869

File: 1716810251925.jpg (261.79 KB, 920x736, 2628725_Sloss_sketch28.jpg)

So fucked in the head, then. Thanks for clarifying.

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