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You messed with me~

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File: 1716554257668.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 98.38 KB, 1080x608, FaOOmBkXwAInoOR.jpeg)

47865c0a No.3740664


47865c0a No.3740665

File: 1716554351440.jpg (Spoiler Image, 94.42 KB, 500x636, 11x14__0003_SwashbucklingC….jpg)

Oh cool it actually worked.

e21933b8 No.3740666

File: 1716554601024.jpg (255.68 KB, 2000x2000, 931fb82351a2883569ca3a15b1….jpg)

Alligator testicles

77f17d80 No.3740667

File: 1716555496583.png (715.11 KB, 818x1243, Oekaki.png)


8f564620 No.3740670

File: 1716555994165-0.png (2.43 MB, 2000x2500, 1569611831.lewdbones_kroxa….png)

File: 1716555994165-1.png (2.85 MB, 2000x2000, 0acb453e8a14556f9385fe13b6….png)

>Hair on a scaly

09e54a08 No.3740726

I wonder if this will work…

09e54a08 No.3740728

File: 1716614149298.jpg (111.87 KB, 590x1280, IMG_20210625_171604_071.jpg)


Holy shit. Okay. I did not know what that button did until now. Good to know.

0d442401 No.3740729

Now try to post the exact same image again. You can't. Although it seems like you deleted it, it remains hidden at lulz for moderators and cho0b to review at their leisure.

09e54a08 No.3740730

File: 1716615085432.png (2.12 MB, 1280x812, sJTPY_oxwZs.png)


False. Once a file is deleted, it is gone forever.

0d442401 No.3740731

Liar. I know from personal experience that you are full of shit.

09e54a08 No.3740732

File: 1716615520966.png (119.26 KB, 512x512, 955faff9b3793ad56423303841….png)


Well, nothing is stopping anyone from digging through archive.is or whatever that place is that people use to archive old political thread stickies. And if we catch the eye of some alphabet agency, they will absolutely be able to find it if the servers were processed by forensic specialists.

But why would they care in the first place? Maybe one day some mass shooter will post their manifesto and this entire site will die. Hopefully not. You never know.

09e54a08 No.3740733


About what, specifically? I didn't even test for repost ability. What do you know that I don't? Its not in the mod panel, is vichan auto saving that shit?

0d442401 No.3740736

> Its not in the mod panel
Ok, so moderators can't get to deleted images but vichan is doing something creepy.
> About what, specifically?
Here's one, for example. >>3716174

To tease Mix, I posted an image and deleted it less than an hour later but now I get "that image already exists" if I try to repost it.

09e54a08 No.3740738

File: 1716617466273.jpg (95.73 KB, 670x917, IMG_20211212_144225_336.jpg)


I had spoken with cho0b about site backups, he doesn't want to do them as a CYA. I can't imagine he would want to save that.

vichan is old now and was coded rather strangely. I want to believe that it is some kind of bug in the SQL database where a deleted image doesn't purge the filename despite deleting the data. I am not a code monkey, so take this with a big block of salt.

So yeah, I want to believe it's as simple as a glitch.

09e54a08 No.3740739


Oh and fun fact, the old board ran on Wakaba, which was wrote in Perl. vichan runs on PHP and I don't remember who said this, but iirc vichan was created with NO functions whatsoever. Spaghetti

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