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File: 1715515508223.jpg (97.32 KB, 1261x756, moriarty-the-patriot-p2.jpg)

879a2176 No.3739809

Apparently I treat everyone like shit but don't realize how I do it. I'm going to mention that during my treatment sessions.

I highly suspect its because my only human interaction is on the internet. I probably subconiously troll irl.

879a2176 No.3739811

File: 1715515773214.png (4.62 MB, 1614x2254, BD&DVD_Volume_1.png)

Then again my version of being "nice and polite" to people is probably what other people view as being moderately insulting.

Growing up in a situation where my dad always called me shit for brains and beat me, and my mom was either asleep or screeming at me, and the rape thing, and them yelling at my teachers constantly accusing them of possibly raping me or my friends or their family molesting me, probably skewed my view.

879a2176 No.3739812

irl I usually only interact with dogs, and I can't just pet humans and tell them how much of a good person they are. And I can't just capture and castrate people like I do with cats and toss them in the woods, that would be bad.

879a2176 No.3739813

File: 1715516143412.png (118.85 KB, 360x360, d9rjqui-683d995e-766c-463a….png)

>castrate cats
btw, banding and slicing cats and tossing them in the woods is the lesser evil of putting out bowels of of coolant, which you people were sooooo against.

I'm not killing them at least.

879a2176 No.3739814

hell I even get the expired flea-tick meds from the local veterinarians and use them on the cats at the local horse stables. I'm not heartless.

6ce6bc0f No.3739825

Please take your mental illness somewhere else.

541ddebf No.3739882

its called being thick skinned

c00bff56 No.3739888

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049fc0d5 No.3751708

File: 1724786171198.jpg (72.04 KB, 1280x720, south-park-the-damned-revi….jpg)

Funny. I'm more nice IRL than on the Internet.

09a147c6 No.3751722

Just write in a diary like all the other 12 year old girls, you giant pussy. No one cares.

ad111bc1 No.3751746

maybe I do

09a147c6 No.3751749

No you don't. You just want to egg him on so Steam will come unhinged even faster. Leave the tug job alone. He has enough mental problems without you trying to make him more paranoid.

ad111bc1 No.3751757

fuck you asshole some people here are genuinely concerned about him

541ddebf No.3751796

lol no

cca8ae21 No.3751801


lol, lmao even

782b4b27 No.3752292

File: 1725279675564.jpg (1.17 MB, 3532x4096, FFO97_oVIAAn9s0.jpg)

Somebody came to my apartment, offered to buy me a hamburger and left without saying why.
Look, I'm tired of this.

3745e2c1 No.3752309

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That's disturbing. Did you take him up on his offer, and did he actually produce a burger?

0bf39989 No.3752332


Have you lynched any new artists "in the name of white power?"

66feb9e5 No.3752380

If your haven' lynched at least at one furfag in the name of White Power, you aren't part of the Movement

782b4b27 No.3752385

File: 1725314968236.jpg (30.34 KB, 150x144, 1648072042.helelos_tales2.jpg)

Yeah, he came here today and took me on a date to Chester's.
I eat my burger and fell asleep.
Some say I'm still sleeping back at the restaurant.

a277f0f7 No.3752414

If a stranger offers you food, don't accept it.

025ceffe No.3752417

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If a stranger offers you candy, don't accept it.

9345b9fc No.3752420

Nice helluva boss OC

782b4b27 No.3752421

File: 1725338577968.jpg (1.98 MB, 1399x964, The Sleepy Summoner 2.jpg)

I can't reverse history on that burger…did you not read "A Sound of Thunder"?
As I was falling asleep into my burger I warned that future friend/ally/sacrifice/burgerman;;;
"Ars Goetia demons are gonna kill you and eat your money".
He wouldn't even believe me when I pointed at the empty wall where Amdusias was twerking.
Look we haven't even got to my terrible taxidermy family lore and I need more burgers.

025ceffe No.3752687

> Look we haven't even got to my terrible taxidermy family lore and I need more burgers.
Sheesh, somebody send Helelos a Burger King gift card.

782b4b27 No.3752691

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Have Steam roll out a red carpet in a suit and deliver it to me in person.

879a2176 No.3752692

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only if I can wear a BK King mask and cape.

782b4b27 No.3752694

File: 1725544419577.webm (2.45 MB, 1920x1080, adramm4 (2).webm)

Bro I've got you covered.
Just literally walk here, my door is open.

541ddebf No.3752742

ars goetia? lol scrub, you barely trying. Nah nah nah, that aint shit dawg. im for real dank in some rainforest shit, you playing with b-rated barely borderline shit. k but nah you telling me let me read this shit. what u saying about hooker books and and weird ass snookie shit, nah nah nah, u just a poser. go on back to mexico and playtime with the wannabes. If you aint find out the real shit like me, u aint shit.

782b4b27 No.3752743

File: 1725576604030.gif (1.78 MB, 498x414, horse-dragon.gif)

Bro you got some of that real demon shit? Hook me up with Ars Goetia bro *coughs up lungs*

879a2176 No.3752746

File: 1725577380437.jpg (334.77 KB, 512x800, 111565704_p0_master1200.jpg)

give me at least a quarter of your soul, and I'll hood you up with some real shit.

What do you want, like some money or a boyfriend?

782b4b27 No.3752775

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No, my soul is off-limits.
However you may commission me for animations to help.

bcecebe8 No.3752778

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u got discord still?

541ddebf No.3752822


duende goblin hookers and blow with walarona chupacabre shrunken head shit. but fr you guys are plebs. dont take it personal but real dark ass shit exists shit is just business, the real scaryskrty that exists aint even on any of the icebergs. Currently tho you IT WILL be getting up in humanity once the computers catch on. I am a coder and I know all the dank ass deep shit that makes orwen wells cum his dead ass pants off. I aint even ask for this cursed knowledge yo. I just can point that shit out cuz its obvious. Rite now It's about some real ass vampire shit happening in the aztects fr but I aint buying yo ass a ticket there.

782b4b27 No.3752837

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>Rite now It's about some real ass vampire shit happening

dd1bfcf0 No.3752904

Bro thought he could get away with stealing from me. Have fun with your new leftist gangstalkers, loser nani.

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