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c4084b48 No.3739733


52a091f9 No.3739737

I just lost the game.

2f986b74 No.3739739

File: 1715388524075.jpeg (120.22 KB, 711x878, download.jpeg)

>console faggotry

Kill yourself

2023014e No.3739759

The ones in my head that I'm unskilled enought to make them a reality

eabf610e No.3739767

The game of life.

365bcd99 No.3739777

lol being a coder does not pay

5b7fbf88 No.3739790

speak for yourself buddy.

18d0506c No.3749136

Spec Ops: The Line

6a0cdfe6 No.3749161

File: 1722869105725.webm (5.45 MB, 228x128, whocreatedai.webm)

Do you still feel the need to shove 3 sets of cue balls up you ass for refreshing fun?

I know a cure for that ailment, and it doesn't involve a bullet to the head or inviting more demons into your life.
Ask me to know more.

10deec66 No.3749181


Steam is literally under demonic oppression; a host for unclean spirits that keep him in mental torment and suck up his suffering (just like he does to other people).

He's reluctant to give up his damnation for something better because that requires him to give up the maladaptive sins.

Just like you don't know what health is when you've always been fat, you don't know what a clean spirit is until you give up the porn and sadism.

0baf28ab No.3749182


>give up the porn

>Says on a porn website

Can't make dis shit up

10deec66 No.3749183

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While you're beating your dick, they beating your ass in the astral plane.

0baf28ab No.3749184

File: 1722892269348.jpg (851.39 KB, 1200x1300, Hail_Satan.jpg)


I am "They"

And your dick sure looks abused.

6a0cdfe6 No.3749222

File: 1722954133736.jpg (595.5 KB, 1472x1172, internetbusns.jpg)

>Just like you don't know what health is when you've always been fat, you don't know what a clean spirit is until you give up the porn and sadism.
I agree with everything you've said except for that part, which I can only agree with partially:

Firstly, I know that unlike DorK (who's insane enough to have made torment and utter death his friend), Steam is suffering from being eaten alive from the inside out by demons. That means that on some level he knows that there's better out there - he might not know exactly what this better looks and sounds like, but he knows it's out there, and that he longs for it. We all long to have a spiritual connection, and (generally) we know instinctively when what we're getting isn't genuine - even when we've never learnt of anything else. However, the deceived and injured mind and heart will cloud one's judgement and become misguiding, and it'll simply end up easier and more "reachable" to believe in and choose lies/destruction over truth/life.
Therefore, fat people will oftentimes know that what they're doing is unhealthy, they just don't want to know (about) or confront such a fact.
Self-abusers/sadists/porn (etc.) addicted will oftentimes know there's better out there, and they'll even recognise it, but they'll turn away from it for some reason.
People (and animals) will turn away from something better, if they don't feel that it is reachable for them - if they feel that going towards that better thing will end up hurting them even more than remaining with their current destructive situation.

The fear of opening oneself up (to someone who appears to be trustworthy) and then being let down (which would cause immense disappointment and hurt), or an overbearing sense of shame and worthlessness will keep people from choosing the better alternative. Preferring the known/reliable dulling of the pain of previous and lingering traumas by applying self-destructive coping mechanisms (escapism, addictions, sadism, self-abuse, etc.) over the uncertainty involved in moving away from the abuse/destruction, is enough to cause people (and animals) to continue the (self)-abuse.
A severely abused dog will almost always return to its abusive "master" - not because it's "stupid" (it's not) but because it fears the alternative, and sometimes can't even fathom it.

6a0cdfe6 No.3749223

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We're all being reduced to abused animals/dogs, because satan and his children rule this world, but I've specifically used my God-given freedom of choice to choose a new and true Master! I hope that Steam will do the same.

STEAM! I don't want to have to keep posting on this satanic viper's nest run/monitored by the worst kinds of (dead-)"men". Let us gab about God some more in private. My list of people (and animals) that I'm praying for each day is very long, and I'd like to know with confidence that I can stop including you, because you have finally chosen the best and truest Intercessor of all, and no longer require me. I'm not even a dog, compared to Him - probably just a mere flea.

12f50675 No.3749279


Yes, there is a small part of Steam that wants a normal respectable life, but that's not what's in charge right now. Dude's getting gang banged by entities nightly yet settles on an atheistic worldview because it removes his responsibility to take it seriously.

If you called him a demon, he'd take it as a compliment. But a demon isn't terrifying because they're big and scary. They're wretched, sad and grotesque. They're cut off from the light and their fate is sealed, so there's nothing left to them but to claw out at others in impotent jealousy.

Unlike a demon, he can change, but you're correct that our maladaptive sins are all we've known and it's hard to give that up. He doesn't even HAVE to give it up, but just start talking to God. God's the one who purifies through sanctification. It can't be done by our own efforts, and once you surrender your life you start healing fast.

1af35991 No.3749286

File: 1722996123255.png (365.09 KB, 1361x896, Sweet_suffering.png)


My spiritual connection is darkness, honey.

Its so good and warm. You should try it.


1af35991 No.3749295

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And on the op's topic.

I like minecraft. I sadly don't like it like I used to like it. Where I just played for the enjoyment of it and the vanilla experience. Where I would keep one world for update after update. No modern minecraft is far too easy to automate everything and easily get overpower due to its busted enchant system and villager trading.

Now I play it going from modpack to modpack beating them or quitting in the endgame after the grind is too boring.

6a0cdfe6 No.3749362

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I agree with you, but quietly hope that he wouldn't take it as a compliment to be called a demon.

People who have made your life decisions are not free, and have many earthly/spiritual masters (all of them depraved/insane) ruling over them. It's a wretched existence.
You should realise that no counterfeit or inversion will ever be as "good and warm" as the real thing.

6b5aaa44 No.3749367

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Ha, Ha, the one with a book of rules they have to follow is more free than the one without any such restrictions.

whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night.

6a0cdfe6 No.3749378

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You sound like someone who's never known a "normal" family life, not even for a moment. That's very sad.

The only rules that we "have to" follow are those that we'd be subjected to when not taking the loving advice from the Heavenly Father, that will keep His children from harm (if they choose to follow that advice). What kind of parent would allow a child to grow up without any guidance or rules?
This world temporarily belongs to satan and his children, and they are stronger than any one of us - it's their rules you'll be living by without the Father's protection. After a cursory look into occult writings, thanks in part to your ramblings that were so quickly reigned in by your bosses, it became even clearer just how insane, huge and complicated their rules are. Their complexity and amount far outweigh anything in God's Bible.

The "do as thou wilt" thing is just BS to suck in braindead dweebs - any actual "self-respecting" occultist/satanist will look upon such dweebs with nothing but contempt.
Steam said you're a psychopath - even psychopaths know when they're being controlled. You're just outright lying. I saw you bend over and take it like the bitch you've decided to become, when you stepped out of line.

You may have had a difficult start to life, but this is the choice that you had the God-given freedom to make - to become a slave to psychopaths and their very, very many and deranged rules.
Taking it up the asshole destroys a man's pride, self-worth and resoluteness, especially when he starts to enjoy it. Very few homos make it out of that death-spiral.

Anyway… doggie bed.

6b5aaa44 No.3749382

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If you believe steam over me, you've already failed at knowing truth from fiction.

So its no wonder you cling to your fairy tales so tightly, as if they were true.

f8d9ed39 No.3749384

The meaning of his message to you went right over your head, didn't it.
"Hearing all the words but then the meaning going past

6b5aaa44 No.3749388

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Assumes he knows me and my life choices, besides religion.

Assumes he knows who my masters are.

Assumes they tell me what to do

Assumes I'm not happy

Assumes my religion is fake and not as good

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